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May 24, 1959 - Image 11

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The Senior: lassroomView
comparatively low drop-out rate.; dents are not draft-dodgers, or philosophy and history, attracted "MOST SENIORS are mature
He acknowledged that he was un- social climbers, as the faculty more by courses which offer to and responsible individuals
able th correntathngdrthebyas-,members affirmed their faith that1 them meaningful ways of handlmg capable of taking their places as
thus compensating for the as- aaeituoe adig o
sumption that "natural maturing, "students are interested in ex- the world, i.e., psychology, sociol- leaders in the communities to
even out of college, would enable tracting as much knowledge as ogy . . ." which they will go."
a students of 22 to do better than possible" ". . . concerned about his ap- If one thing shows through the
a studeit of 18." Also, they emphasized, "it's im- parant effort to conform to gain observations and comments offered
HE PASSAGE of the years possible to make generalizations, acceptance and to find security by the faculty member, it seems to
' ~but "x within his group and within the
drew special attention from bsit a ins r of s fi th n they be a general faith in the men and
Eventhe u oc Isi< l cgersphere of society'." .. they
several faculty members. Eren the euposedl' greater m'- e cnot setting their goals high atmen sho hase been snder their
The senior has realized his time turity was attacked by one faculty enough." tutel'ges "d e ready to leave.
is .ettin short, and t-hat now is member. While the sveratee sen- "Many students seem more cocky Of com the replies by their
hit tportu y totked titr appears to havebesie out- than a decade or so Oto." very itu "oe m It base been cx-
his d~~~~~urlv mor e matu...h ;sstill o s- "Il salycms ogi v_
van",,, i 5 of the trem endous possi-usentiallytaim less,lfy,tutb hvi>t ro lel s ctie . s ith a good deal
bilitis for culture that lie has masiored." mike him s i Of Itt d faith in stunts
largely ignored before." f-Otherimmeots on the seniors sober him . .. which turn him into rits. t tako ste stmtto answs
Perhaps because of a ieatiza are that ey tir: "terribly naivei an individual at least somewhat'this ...,1,_ f.the student news-
tion of this. most of the faculty and ttitried w htes sho man- aware that life is at least some-
members did not feel that stu- fulls iete otto roe of age in what grimmer than his own high iut desite ste reservations and
dents are spending too much time a hct- utise atm phirec. One ha s school experience has eve r shown tdoubts issue of theti do express
on non-academic pursuits. "The only to think of deipression eirs hi" aibout the stuents body, none of
senior loes not spend too much and post World War IS to ascer- honest sid sincere young them said they didn't like teaching
time on his academic pursuits, the tin at once that the current crop men who are trying to understand him. As one wrote:
artistic, social and athletic as- of undergrads has no overwhelm- the world in which we live and to "It is not easy to teach today's
pects of University life are, in ing problems of overwhelming im- discover their roles in it. They are Unit ersity senior. It takes the
my opinion, every bit as important portance." interested in finding solutions to f sith, optimism, persistance and
as the class work." wrote one their own problems. but are equally' deturmination of a University pro-
umember of the speech department. "NAWARE that life can be ter- concerned about the welfare oft f'r. It is upon the results of
"I do not feel that a student ribly evil because they have the groups with which they are the.,e two then, the University
spends too much time oninon- i never wanted for anything, they associated,. including the Univer- senior and the University pro-
;academics until ire begins to fail thus tend to be unreceptive to sity." fessor, that Everyman bets."
courses," said one engineering pro-
fessor while a colleague of his add-
ed "most of them could spendAl
more time in non-academic.
A similar viewpoints vas s t -
by tirchitrciure ad design faesisy
meimalers. sitla itna calinag his eftiu-

Exploring ideas

(Cominued ftom e t dents "almost too serious and hard
Yes, the University senior is dif-
ferent, or is it the freshman who
is different because he's green' 1 OWEVER. strong opposing
enddiletseit siowhat he 'expect views were registered by two
and lets it show that he expects other faculty members.
education, class attendance, class One wrote "My general impres-
participation and a sincere, if sion is that the seniors at the Uni-
sometimes awkward pursuit of versity of Michigan are not as
scholarship to be part of university highly motivated for academic
life?" asked one professor, effort as were my students of com-
.not so much the pupil- parable level at a private univer-
not so eager and wide-eyed as the sity. Social life at Michigan seems
freshman . " to intrude on the interest of the
student body . . . such things as
BUT THE senior does see the football games seem to have great
world more clearly, empha- importance here."
sizes one faculty member. "The The other one said "I retain the
freshman usually has a highly feeling that seniors are too social-
over-simplified view of the world fconscious in ways that interfere
and life, seeing things in black Iwith their work . . . I may be old
and white terms. By the time they fashioned but I think one of the
become seniors, they gain a sense greatest obstacles to either men
of the complexity of life, a de- or women keeping their minds on
veloping sense of humility, and their work is the constant presence
more impatience sith verbiage, of the opposite sex in the areas
panaceas." hwhere they retire forcontempla-
The changes he sees in attitude, tion.I think that the average
the faculty member admitted, are senior starts thinking of him- or
perhaps wishful thinking. But one herself as a future groom, hus-
faculty member offered statistical band, bride, wife, mother, etc. long
evidence to show that at least the before he or she should ... there
approach might change, are more ways for the upperclass-
Averaging the grades over a man to be beguiled from his pur-
three semester period in the same poses than we realize, but that
course, he found the following re- only the maturer students can
sult: seniors-B plus, juniors-B, maintain a balance."
sophomores-B minus. The figures
have some significance because rJHE MATURITY, stability, the
this is a large lecture course. attitude of the student and in
"Evidently exposure to a college short the problem of what kind
education does some good," he of individual is the senior was
discounted the possibility that the gingerly approached by faculty
results were due to the "survival members. About the only con-
of the fittest," noting Michigan's sistant reactions were that stu-,

j; o, i i°
a;. ,

'A good educational background for a chosen profession'


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24 x 24.

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SUNDAY, MAY 241 1959

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