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April 19, 1959 - Image 15

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(Continued from P' 81
that space, a more rapid use of
moe rsouices is bound to effect'
cha standaid. Statistics show
how disproportionately well off we 1
e when compared to the rest of
the world. The average daily diet
in India (1,590 calories) is less
than half that in the United
The United States per capita
consumption of energy is double
that of Britain and more than 20
times that of India. We use 80
times more iron than India per
capita and nearly two and one-
half times more newsprint per
capita than Britain. Americans
use nearly two thirds of the world's
production of oil.
Still, the problem of overpopu-
lation in the United States is not
essentially an economic one, not a
matter of the quantity of our food,
Puerto Rico
(Continued from Page 5)
most industries, Moscoso explain-
The Development Company
sometimes makes loans, he said,
but most often this function is
carried out by the Development
By no means all of Fomento's
activity is confined to plant de-
velopment, Moscoso is quick to
point out. Extensive studies of
inter-related industries, such as
the various aspects of food pro-
duction or of chemical production,
are carried out; new industries are
created (use of sugar-cane waste
as paper pulp is an example), and
local industry is stimulated. Ramey
Air Force Base and Roosevelt
Roads Naval Base cooperated, to
illustrate the latter point, in a'
program to give them specially de-
signed new furniture, made in
Puerto Rico to their specifications.
PROBABLY the most spectacular
area of Fomento development,
at least to the visitor, is the tourist,
business. Indeed, "ten years ago,"
as Fomento literature points out,
"Puerto Ricans never thought of
their land as a tourist center, and
certainly almost no one else did
Fomento had no place to accom-
modate businessmen it brought to
the island after the war, and when!
no one was willing to risk a hotel
project Fomento had the Develop-
ment Company build one.
The result was the plush Caribe
Hilton, 95 per cent Fomento-own-
ed, and one of the nation's finest,
hotels. Instead of meeting the de-
mand, however, the Caribe stimu-
lated it; the San Juan Intercon-
tinental and La Concha hotels
have followed (among others),
the latter opening only this past'
winter. In these Fomento owns a
lesser share, Moscoso notes, having
fulfilled its role by stimulating
STILL FURTHBR afield from in-
dustrial growth is a project
administered under a wing of the
Development Company: Festival
Casals, Incorporated.
This Spring's Casals Festival
will feature, in three weeks of
music from Vivaldi to Mendels-
sohn, musicians such as Isaac
Stern, Eileen Farrell, Eugene Is-
tomin, Jesus Maria Sanroma, and
the Budapest String Quartet. And
of course Pablo Casals, the world's
greatest cellist, will play and con-
Concern with the island's cul-!

ture marks more than further
stress on the already booming
tourist trade, according to Gov-
ernor Munoz.
In his opinion, a new concept of
the role of government in Puerto
Rico is emerging, and with it a
further justification of the Com-
monwealth status.
"We want every Puerto Rican
to know that rising prosperity is
not an end in itself. It is the
servant of a spiritual purpose. You
can see the signs already. After
little more than 10 years as a
Commonwealth, a new creative up-
surge is being felt in Puerto Rico.
Our people are no longer despond-
ent. They are proud."
SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 1959

would be an immense block of courage or demand more aestheti-
houses stretching 50 miles from cally pleasing houses and stores
the center in all directions, he and schools. And as for the prob-
may have been a bit pessimistic. lem of population itself-that too
But in his description of the peo- can be controlled, and science
., ple as "uniformly clad, municipally promises increasingly more effc-
-ylodged, governmentally forced in- live methods to achieve this.
to schools and training establish- But the question is not: Can
menuo all of the same pattern," he :we do anythin"? Rather it is: Will
hit upon a moral. America do anything? To this one
s A mass society of countless but must reply: Not soon.
numbered persons will probably Behind this answer lies our ir-
be much as Sir Albert describes rational fear of planning (except
it, much as Aldous Huxley pictured in the preparation for and waging
it in his "Brave New World." of war), our failure to realize tha',
< }In such a society, man's soul, goodness and beauty cannot be
'that is his imaginative, his infiec- separated in the life of man, and,
tive and most human part, cut off ultimately, our inability emotion-
from nature and the possibility of ally to face the question of selec-
solitude, will become, through tive population control.
Factories Dot the Countryside Today lack of use, as vestigial as his little Our hypothetical historian will
toe. It is ,doubtful whether any indeed say that the American
clothing or shelter, but a matter our basic necessities, the problem degree of freedom, bound as it is countryside disappeared in the
of the quality of our lives. of population in America is gen- to the ideal of the importance of 20th century. And we may say with
The great danger here is to our erally thought to be a theoretical the individual, could survive amid some certainty that before any-
very selves, our souls, if you will, one. But this is not true. such a faceless mass. thing is done, Ann Arbor, once
and to the most precious ideals of Can the United States do =y- justly evoking images of unspoiled
our society. And because this WHEN Sir Albert Richardson, thing? Of course, as far as build- groves, will become a name as
threat is not yet dramatic, be- past president of Britain's ing goes-better use of the decay- quaint and meaningless to future
cause Ann Arbor, for example, can Royal Academy, recently predicted ing centers of towns, more and generations of students as that of
grow a great deal without effecting that by the year 2000 London larger -parks, arts councils to en- Greenwich Village is to us.
!LLETT'S to step up to the thrill ef

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State at North*University

Page Fifteen

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