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May 20, 1956 - Image 9

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Sunday, May 20, 1956


Paae Nine

_SLJ dOV ..".. 0. 1956 "Te e Ml<<t lc. t. \ DAvI oLY PniVls. i t

rWith Hands, Not Heart
By ROB' AKERS this book feeling that it is a fur-
LFRD SATEis urrntl on ther pity the author obviously
AI§~1~~E i urrntlyonedidn't attend the doctor's lecture.
of he ostproisig poducts opsini rtri ,fn
of the tUnivers ity's crea tive writ- tpabutiominaswiter ia ine
Inc class es. His first novel "Den- tigbtcmaso samc
hmProper" was a sensitive, well- finer tig"hnbeddwt ruh oko itoehbtn oe
bath compassion and deep human All of which brings us back to
insight. 'Lazaruis in Vienna"hisI the two principal and finest char-
secontdook is skillfully fashion- acters of the bok. Lt. Whitney
ed obtit seems-mtuch moreE and Brigitte were, in their own
than the first one-to have beenj way, in love. Here, too, the auth-
shaped mostly with the hands or overlooked something that every
rather than the heart, schoolboy knows: to love isappily
Thisisin any ays a eryand with abandon under the ap-f
exciting book. It is written in cc etreis a gift of the very naively
crisp, clean words, the words ateIyosin, at heart. Ad even if the!
nicely moulded and the dialotue
i, intc.esing. The theme is the K
sarch for a ghost ; the litt is one
of -uspense andfiViennisas s
c , a colorful old-world city.Aind
the underlying atmosiphere--Evil
-'-is one that has beenisopular
with the public lurce Adm
The most distutrbing thing about
this book is its ciharactersad'
therein lie. the tragedy. Fmr char-
buiersdinfpgsofaa noty, ea Mrth
bcursinfopegtuof ayoe.the
Sintea charters are tnot nice
enough to be likeable, and they
are much too evil to betragic. ALFRED SLOTHE
Still, -.as a tudy in huiman de- Uiversity product
pravity, this is a nook worth read-
ing. It will, at least, give to the Lieutenant and his mistress were,
uninitiated a glimse of the thin- o hardened andto hurt to loveI
ness of the civilized ven eer that happily they still might have triedf
coacs the twentieth-centur mama, loving seriously. Sriously enough,
and it will show the reader that at least, to have fought for their
the biggest 10,s the caveman sof- future. It could have ben a very
fere in evolving toward the pres- wonderful macniage.
ent day was, quit smply, his hair,
Baldnes has replacred the fur MR. SLOTS in this book ha ex-
coat, but chromed-steel has yet to hibited many of the talents
make a shining kight of the bar- that go toward making a crafts-
barian. man in the art of writing. We,
sincerely hope that he will use
1'ISHE STORY iiivolves a furtive, nicer characters in his next em-
illicit love affair betweemn an tion, or else come up with more
* American armay ofticer, Lt. High- fiction and less truth regarding
~- ardWiny,and,.a tloc, al nd'veryhis fellow man.I

Newest flight of fashion. . .,

& &I R 21 D 1

M. r A

Inspfired by our own othweat, thcse
totic lile ppln shells. perche on
-hite satin rubbesles, will "just fy' a
you over pchedsummer earthIai
Cus.iany insides Burnish dwith gl
1 ~ Indian raid "collar"', burnit
- SIZES 4 to 10


P an c/alt

306 South State Street

Open Monday Nights

beautiful Vienese gi, Brigitte
von Kunstler. The time is in the
iminediaepatwr eid of the
occupation atrmy.
The plot is compounded by Dr.
Schlecher, an unscrupulous pmo-
fessor of psychiatry, togethser with
the ghost of his late, but most bril-
liant student, Peter Menaeleuis.
Suspense, and it is masterful sus-
pense, runs thr oughout the nuovel
beause ot the fact that Brigitte-
is Dr. Sceicher's daiightet, and is
otnly further heightendci heran.
she -ii alsothe widosw of Peteur
Local colort ir sedfrom suchl
characteis as Max itost, Erik vont>
Kunrstler and ian annIolen trbyth
ame of Kunto NHas is the ownser
o)I atrest.sut at withs a privateII
gatmblinug mum i S he rtar.Lic ha d
once hrtod rw ufnspassport~s
toDcia i ik, an invalid war
.IFse _r a nte tires;°ent 'husband of
Esitteis the eternal INaszi inter-
stedtasy; r- .-hi-lars'SI!
THE IIN, is'eline up in. a
that fo sher enrsion,
1 or v' loodunit mystery.
hte nyScyiutst who caused
the x,,ermrin4 lion(Alof PetrMenae-
leus- durnn' thet.Nazi tegime. tLt.
W i"itaiey-anO C'ap1t.5&arofi, a Rus-
i, :natrmy doctor, utir v.1the.nys-
t(y to their mtaItisfaction.
Tintiite ciulprit hinmself who
reveals hi'sestilt to the one person
it could huit the nst.
'Lazaru-siViesn-a"opeto ithl
a ectsucc by Di. Sehleich z..o
the subject 01 love:
"Can 1 tell yoo how to listetas?
iT s-i)AtS;,lstn'CanI 1nmike
you itadrtiirits tlitning is
born ,iii t lie sit AldSi t 1its iithe
heart a i t is S_, li )t un f1s2lotr tati
su ccessful t cstaliitaau rtl i -ast'-
the doctorfaks N orto tintF
eahftatrdtS wlh'sc any
words, Vura 5 itllistn bsttbhi
yo vIl r)-y sa ";ccl to s en i~lh
.t oc isesri Natl(?;t i l a:caaaisi a d

4 ' - -- - -




I IL, LING -ANGII- CF COURSE. . comtplete course of
elty lcssnin jet'rttan ltalian, French. or Spiani. Formerly
rced at fith' dolliars, tltseest s are enow a--ilabhie of)Ifoir LP lai~h
clily i-cord ini.s for nine dollars and cin t -I dxccentS
ealieirte i.J ttne - /Xcfer recer r) tori-esafrona -i.x-to ciqgtty
'tchf irtd 0s i brnr iao ti' - !thous t(ftdcorr t N j~n i.for rec orde r -olo
lire' 'ploisnIacte tt rs n std do t - lit ndt iot d o ee t-
tit iC IrCraiIt I lac d. i ti; 'T[2cd toil es of I reitlkopi I&lear ci Schoat
td,, Nag(,Is \-l ikF-Archiv, Dur~ adtceli
t ioletrly t- If. ' ot NMW. NV. Ntrtn, Ox ford c c Chi!Ia rvasrde!
oniie - it)tPress, A [redA. -Knoplf,
a-co(lita a: ofcaa.sical sat .Acj-zzx, mood music, nd or lly k and Ws hi utr.IersniqR itr oimi, ilitr
aic-, Vox t.an d - cm ipletl Iitt ofhital- fidelitly ttn'etIong
a ' il- recordina'a;.



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