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August 18, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1921-08-18

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o ±vi KJ1

.....Managing Editor
P. Dawson, Jr.
...Hugh W. Hitchcock
.James B. Young
...Harry B. Grundy
...Virginia V. Tryon
......Clement Smith

remedies. It has also been suggested that, if class
presidents and secretaries were to have desks reg-
ulalry assigned them in the student activities rooms
of the building, and were to establish definite hours
at certain times each week when they might be found
at their posts, the other students under their judis-
diction might, in time, be encouraged to come to
them to talk things over. In short, they might be
brought to think more than heretofore along cam-
pus topics, to take the interest of their classes to
heart, and finally to act.
The Union can also exert a great influence through
the taproom. Such class "sings" as were held from
time to time last year make for a greatly increased
unification among the students, and for closer ac-
quaintanceships, all of which ultimately leads toward
the final goal of total oneness, of which we have felt
the need so greatly in the past, and the lack of
which we are apt to feel even more strongly in the
The Union can, and should be, a campus power.
All this it would be well for the new administra-
tion to remember, as it takes its place actively in the
fall. The right kind of influence, exerted by the
institution after nothing but the sanest, soundest,
and most sincere kind of real thinking along the line
of campus problems, can do much just now, as the
Union is beginning to get on its feet, to put it in a
place of the utmost local importance. In short, it
can make of the Union a greater influence for a bet-
ter ,Michigan than has ever before been dreamed
1896 TO 1921
- In 1896, Otto Lilienthal, inventor and pioneer of
aviation, was killed while trying to perfect an "in-
dividual" airship. People then tapped their fore-
heads suggestively.
Tourists now return from Europe with their bag-
gage tagged "Instone Air Line." The Instone air
line has regular routes between various European'
cities, the planes sailing with passengers and bag-
gage 'on regular schedules. When the weather is so
bad that the masters of channel boats are afraid to
venture out, the traveler may turn for aid to the
airplane company, whose machines make the trip of
two hundred and fifty miles in two hours.
From 1896 to 1921!


w A H A r


Eleanor Miller

Daily Program
August 18
5 p. m.-The Platoon School, Mr.
C. L. Spain, deputy superintendent of
schools, Detroit.
8 p. m.-Kennedy's "The Servant in
the House", the class in play produc-
tion, under the direction of Prof. R.
D. T. Hollister. Admission will be
charged (Sarah Caswell Angell hall).
August 19
5 p. m.-Ten Years of Heredity (il-
lustrated), Prof. A. F. Shull.
8 p. m.-Kennedy's "The Servant in
the House", the class in play produc-
tion, under the direction of Prof. R.
D. T. Hollister. Admission will be
charged (Sarah Caswell Angell hail).
August 23
8 p. m.-Recital, the ,cass in
Shakespearean reading (Sarah Cas-
well Ange.ll hall).
Question-Where Does It GoI
Washington, Aug. 18. - Attorney
General Daugherty announced recent-
ly that he had started an investiga-
tion to find out what becomes of liquor
seized by government officials.
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All the various and sundry squabbles, which have
been littering up our columns lately, have brought
forth quite a stream of communications, some of
which have been printed in their entirety because
it was felt that they fitted in so appropriately. All
the writers, moreover, insisted that it was impos-
sible to. "cut" their articles.
Nevertheless,for theiremaining issues it will be
necessary for us to insist that those who feel in-
spired to break forth into printed controversy shall
keep their outbursts down to five hundred words.
We heartily welcome all communications, but it is
imppssible to continue handling as many, each of
one column or more, as we have in the past.
Others' Opinions
(Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)


Tried Our




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Camp Randall-historic arena of gridiron and
track battles-is at last to have a stadium sufficient-
ly large to seat 25,000 rooters.
Construction will be begun this week. The pro-
ject at present contemplated calls for i i,ooo perman-
ent seats in addition to 14,o0 divided among the
wooden grandstand and temporary bleachers.
The expense of this building is being taken care
of by the athletic department. Gate receipts for the
past three years have netted $40,006 and the de-
partment will use this fund as far as it will go in
the construction of concrete seats where the old
condemned bleachers stand.
The state has appropriated no money toward a
stadium since the original outlay of $20,ooo for the

of leading makes bought, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned and
17 Nickels Arcade



the Un-

At the Homecoming game last fall, thousands
were turned away. Visitors and alumni who had
cerne from all parts of Wisconsin and neighboring
states were unable to get in to see the game. Thous-
ands who did suceed in getting through the gates
found that they would have to stand throughout
the game. Crowds were so massed in front of
President Birge's box and the band stand that they
were unable to see any of the plays.
It is .to avoid a recurrence of this travesty that
the athletic department is expendihg the $40,000
fund. But the fund does not go far enough. It will
provide for only 4,00o additional seats-a mere be-
ginning of the stadium that Wisconsin should have.
It takes an ardent lover of football to sit through-
out the game in high and wind swept seats with the
thermometer hovering around zero. Only a lover
of the game, the Wisconsin spirit of the student and
state loyalty made it possible last Homecoming. We
hope that that spirit will not be punished by a repeti-
tion at the 1921 Homecoming.,
The move is in the right direction and the ath-
letic department should be congratulated. We can
now conservatively hope for a future stadium that
will seat 50,000 people. It is to be hoped that funds
for the completion of the tentative plans will be
"Keep off the grass !" placards in Arabic, Egypt-
ian, or Sanskrit, would be far .more decorative and
probably just as much observed as were our old
"please" signs.

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Excursion fares, (returning same day
Put-In-Bay, week day, 90c" Sundays, Holidays. $1.25 Round trip.
Sandusky. evey day, $2.00 Round trip.
Four hours at Put-In-Bay; Bathing, visit the Caves, Perry's Monument,
Pavilion. Groves, Dancing and many-other attractions, several Hotels.
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Thousands bathe hera daily.HoeBodWa,
Returning: Leave Cedar Point by Ferry for Sand usky. Leave Sandusky
from Big Four Dock 2:30 p. m. Put-in-Bay 4:30 p, m. Arr, in Detroit 8:00 p. m.
Dancing Moonlights. Leave Ashley & Dustn Steamr Line
Detroit u.8.45 p n aeWd
Thur hoc.4 Sat, .&F Sun. 75c. Foot of First St. Dotrit, Mich.
Write for map foldei



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