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August 06, 1921 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1921-08-06

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In The Line Of Sports

; '.

your tools

A. Varnis
d, Linseed



310 5.


New Pilot for Cubs
Johnny Evers, star second baseman
on the old Evers to Tinker to Chance
Cub machine, and manager of Chi-
cago's 'north side club this year, has
been disposed of by President Veeck.f
Catcher William Killefer has been!
s chosen as his successor.
Evers succeeded Fred Mitchell this
season as pilot of the Cubs, but has
failed to develop a winning team. At
the opening of the season the Cubs
had brilliant hopes of being among
the contenders, but have had to ex-
shes ted themselves to keep out of sev-
enth .place. The loss of Vaughn ancd
Tyler, together with Alexander's
strained arm, has thrown the burden
of work upon the recruit pitchers,
with the /esult that the Cubs have
experienced hard going.
Davis Cup Series Opens
Preliminaries in the Davis Cup
matches have been opened between
II the British and the Australiap teams.
In a four match contest Thursday aft-
ernoon Anderson of Australia dispos-
ed of 'Woosnam, the British star, 4-6,
6-2, 6-4, 6-4. Woosnam started well
1111111111iIINV111 in all of the sets but with the excep-
tion of. the initial set, was unable to
keep up the pace of his Australian:
= rival.
Ii the second match Lowe of Eng-
land defeated Hawkes in straight sets,
6-4, 6-4, 6-1. Hawkes is the Austral-
ians' left handed player, but his in-
= ability to backhand volleys to his
O=right, cost him his match with the
Englishman. Both matches were play-
ed in ideal tennis weather.
Vin Richards Defeated
R. Norris Williams II. of Boston
chestra =defeated Vincent Richards, the boy
wonder from Yonkers, New York, in
straight sets, in the fourth round of
the tennis tournament at Newport,
Rhode Island. The score was 6-1, 6-4,,
E Y _ Williams was at his best and Rich-
ards was frequently at a loss to make
returns. The former Harvard star
and Davis Cup player is one of the
most brilliant performers America has
T Oats" on the courts when in form, but he is
inclined to be erratic at times. In his
HH 1 match with Richards, Williams dis-
played all of the speed and skill
which has made him famous on the
courts. His service was working
1.r well, although he only aced Richards
four times, while his smashing ,re-
yturns gave him a well earned vic-

worth beach, Chicago. Lifvendahl was
one of Illinois' most promising fresh-
man gridiron men last year, and had a
record of having saved 20 personsl
this summer from drowning.
Senators Win Ten Straight
Clark Griffith's Washington team
has won 10 straight games. Just to
prove that their winning streak was
not luck, Washington downed thet
world champion, Cleveland Indians, in
a double header which tumbled the
Indians out of first place. Washing-
ton's great pace has been in a large
measure due to Walter Johnson's re-
turn to his old time form. At the
beginning of the year it looked as if
Walter was about ready for the min-
ors but the fireball king has again
baffled old man Time and is pitching
in his old stride. Against Cleveland,
Johnsondclearly outpitched Coveles



the sad facts, and on the whole he
makes no happy prophesies. He may
feel a little cheerful in view of the
recent immigration legislation, butI
that is all. He shows the spectacle
in America which' took place in Greecej
and Rome; the infiltration of inferior
races, the thing responsible for more
than one Dark Age.
Corroborated by History
It is not in my province to weep
over this drama. I offer no preven-
tive and I believe in no panacea. In
this day of democracy the more lub-
bers, lowbrows, and henhussies there
are to vote, the better the people and
their fourth rate leaders will like it.
This work, of Madison Grant is to me
an absorbingly interesting study, a'
study with conclusions which most
histories unwittingly corroborate, but
which their writers overlook.
Without directly meaning to do so
Mr. Grant has dealt the socialistic
theories a terrific thump. He has
shown from cephalic indices, from
history, from his own clear observa-'
tion, that men and races are not

-equal; that, ratner, they are
ingly unequal; that free exten:
franchise, of citizen rights and
leges is the most terrible mis
first rate nation can make.
Points Out Achievement
Of course it must not be .in
that Mr. Grant has said that th
viduals of the Nordic race are
perior men, nor that all the 1
have been first class men. I
shows us Gladstones playing m,
the grandstand as well as Bisi
playing a deep, brainy, and I
some game. Mr. Grant has
pointed out the sum totals o
I cannot recommend this bo
highly. It has so intrigued me
have read it four times I regr
it is not yet in my library. Th
and 1918 editions are out of
but if I understand correctly, a
edition is to come out in th
At present the book may be s
at either the Main or the Na
Science library. The latter pla
the 1918 edition, which is pref

Ncws- o




v's Wild

VTe Carr

By G.D. E.
"The Passing of the reat Race"
By Madison Grant
Apologies and tears may be my por-
tion for thrusting upon the readers of
this- column a volume printed as long
ago as 1917, but "The Passing' of the
Great Race", by Madison Grant, seems
such a worthy work that I am disin-
clined to let it go by without a word
of praise. In fact, I am rather snif-
fish and conceited at having discov-
ered the book unaided. It has been a
five year's hope with me that I should
eventually find such a treatise.
It is An i ethnological work dealing
with the rise and the present decline
of the powerful Nordic peoples. One
may encounter the same theme in the
late Jack London's "Mutiny of the
Elsinore". Ethnologists generally have
conceded the ability to rule of the
tall, fair haired, blue eyed peoples.
Moreover, they are pretty well
agreed that this race is gradually
passing out; that its characteristics
are recessive in the face of infiltra-
tion of inferior peoples; that south-
ern lands, due to the actinic rays of
the sun, work havoc on the North-
Soundly Based on Science
Madison Grant, however, has pre-
sented much more than this, and not
the least interesting of his proofs are
his race charts of Europe. The work
is soundly based on science, on the ac-
cepted belief in the influence of he-
redity and the chromosomes. Nor,
when the author takes us into the
background of anthropology, is he
neglectful of Baron De Geer's method
of glacial reckoning. Pleasanter still
is his clear cut style and his forceful,
keen philosophy. It is rare that one
discovers a book of as deep import so
charmingly written.
Mr. Grant has given us a rather
gloomy picture of America's future,
a picture which I nevertheless believe
is not half gloomy enough. Were the
portrayal in the mind of every Ameri-
can I should still doubt its efficacy
before the soulful bosh of "the melting
pot" and "the brotherhood of man,"
so universally preached from platform
and pulpit.
Patriotism Lessens Pessimism
In the last analysis Madison, Grant
is a patriot and this fact has doubt-
less kept him from being more pessi-
mistic, and has caused his judgment
to be less unrelenting.
But Mr. Grant does not step around



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Wilson and Downey to Meet
Johnny Wilson and Bryan Downey
are to settle their claims to the mid-
dleweight title in a Labor day battle
at Jersey City. In a recentmatch at
Cleveland, Wilson was counted out
twice by the timekeeper, but the de-
cision was not given to Downey by
the referee because he claimed that
the Coluimbus battler fouled Wilson
while he was rising. Critics at the
ringside agree that the title rightfully
belongs to Downey, but by the ref-
eree's decision Wilson still holds his
crown. The tilt on Sept. 5 will give
both men chances to make 'good their
respective claims to the title.
Illinois Star Dies
Harold Lifvendahl, freshman ath-
lete at the University of Illinois, died
Wednesday night from injuries sus-
tained in a diving accident at Kenil-
Play in the campus tournament is
being held up by some of the en-
trants who have failed to play off, or
report the results of their prelimin-
ary round at Moe's sport shop. The
following players have failed to play
off their matches, and are requested
to have the results in not later than
Monday afternoon: Cohn vs. Mildner,
Michand vs. Zook, Watts vs. Naran-
ty, Schwartz vs. Foster. Unless these
matches are played by Monday, somc
action will have to be taken in order
to keep the tournament in progress.
Dr. George A. May has announced that
all play in the third round will start
at the beginning of next week.
In the doubles play Ohlmacher and
Zook meet Stevens and Workman,
while Cohn and Goldberg meet
Schwartz and Block. The winners of
these two matches will meet in the
final round to determine the doubles
championship of the Summer school.

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W. M. Hochrein
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"Jim, The Pen






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AT3 P. M.

ire Miss Smoots, at
tween 1 and 3 any aft-




2, 3:30, 7, 9:00

Last Time Today
"The Juvenile Follies"

An Amethyst ring, Thursday
ng. Finder please call 1070-J.
rd. 17
-On Wednesday, a ,small Water-
fountain pen, without cap.
finder please return to Wolver-
ffice. Reward. 17

ti , .

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