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August 02, 1921 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1921-08-02

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signed, the signatures
t as an evidence of
°d in The Wolverine
ed to the office.
consideration. No
eniloses postage.
e the sentiments ex-

.Managing Editor

John P. Dawson, Jr.
......... arry B. Grundy
.. . . ... Gwyneth W rentmorc
. . . . . . ..Clement Smith
an James B. Young
EL~anor Miller
160 or 3T4'
........Business -Manager

Don A en


and try-outs
rnoon in the
yet at 3:45.

the way of
y of us folks
iilure, sonic-
t part of-the
n any other
ents, and of
the value of
umming into
hings we do

The comic strip cartoon has come, to occupy a
big place in modern journalism. It fills columns,
even pages, of the present-day newspaper; it amuses
the public; it helps sell the sheet. But does it do
anything else? Perhaps.
If there is one trait which we of these hectic tinies
times 'have developed more than most others it is
the faculty of laughing at other people. The troubles
and antics of our neighbors seem to be a source of
constant amusement to us; but, while we are en-
joying them, we are at the same time going at our
own business with all the gravity of a New Eng-
land clergyman.. We laugh at others, but we have
not learned ayet to laugh at ourselves.
The better modern comic strip artists can do, and
are doing, much toward bringing us to a full realiza-
tion of the humor of our own little idiosyncrasies.
Doc and Walt of Gasoline Alley, and Min and
Andy Gump, with little Chester, are real folks. They
live and act, day by day, just as the rest of us live
and act in the main, and through their solemn-
faced capers and sayings their creators take their
own opportunity to snicker occasionally at them-
.selves and their fellow men.
In the little inconsequential things in life we take
ourselves too seriously. Let us have more of the
clean type of comics that will teach us the lesson
of how to laugh at ourselves. We need it.
Even on their back-to-nature vacationing, Ford,
Edison, Firestone' and President Ejarding are made
conspicuous through newspaper publicity. This
business of being great must be a terrible strain.
Why does a girl characterize any eighteen-year-
old she happens to be interested in as a "man"?
Others' Opinions
(The Saturday evening Post)
Explain and analyze it away as you will, the per-
sistenceof luxury spending in what are supposed to
be hard times is a provocative, interesting and cur-
ious feature of present-day American civilization.
The copper and rubber industries may be flat on
their respective backs along with other fellow inva-
lids, but the demand for seats at world-champion-
ship prize fights aid major-league baseball games
indicates a strong, rising market for amusement and
recreation. It has been estimated that more than
twenty-two billion dollars was spent for luxuries in
this country in 1920, or more than has been devoted
to education in tie entire three hundred years since
the continent was settled by Europeans.
It is safe to say that this estimate is grossly exag-
gerated. Indeed various trade authorities have al-,
ready pointed out serious flaws in the figures. Only
the amateurish statistician or economist will under-
take to draw a hard and fast line between necessit-
ies and luxuries. Products which are known in
their earlier days as luxuries often find an essential
place for themselves and add hugely to the public
-store of utilities and wealth. Making every allow-
ancefor exaggeration in the estimates it is evident
that the nation enjoys a backlog of wealth which no
deflation or depression can dispel.
Then, too, it is a great comfort to the taxgatherer
and the lawmakers who must devise taxes. Let the
home-run sluggers, the heavyweight champions and
the movie queens draw down their awe-inspiring
stakes, contracts and salaries. If the Bureau of In-
ternal Revenue is on the job the public treasury will
nt suffer..
It is all very irritating of course to the producer
or distributor of essential commodities. The drug-
gist who sells a seven-dollar bottle of perfume with-
out hearing a murmur of pr6test from his custom-
er, and finds ugly looks only on the faces of those
whom he charges five cents for a liberal portion of
powdered pumice stone or absorbent cotton, may
find it difficult to retain his faith in human nature.
But it is a deeply ingrained and natural if seemingly
inconsistent and certainly very nasty trait of human
nature to growl at the price of necessities and pay
cheerfully through the nose for any extortion in re-

spect to luxuries.
We take our necessities and even our comforts
for granted. Modern invention and machine pro-
duction have habituated us to them, have made them
comnmonplace. There is no excitement in being
healthy, well fed, comfortably housed, comfortably
clothed, and warm n the wintertime. But there is
much pleasurable excitement in being amused, in
having our palates tickled, in seeing a championship
game, in decorating .ourselves for display a little
more than the other fellow. These tastes are more
or less foolish, illogical and disagreeable, but people
are made that way, and to change them to any great
extent by merely preaching against extravagance
and in favor 'of thrift accomplishes little.
There is only one sure correction against this
trait, and it is not a pleasant medicine. If too large
a proportion of the capital and income of the na-
tion becomes absorbed in the production of mere
amusements, appetizers, thrillers, decorations, the
supply of essentials will gradually fall off until we
actually suffer, and these essentials in turn become
luxuries and command a premium. The basic equip-
ment of civilization-coal, houses, railroads, electric-
ity, to name but a part-if allowed to run down too
far will be revived when scarcity really strikes home
to the people. The corrective process is -sure to set
in. The pity of it all is that the tendencies of human
tastes, appetites and fashions must go uncontrolled
until suffering results. .But apparently the forces
must work themselves out to bring equilibrium.


0 K AI A. ffM mt
Dega a

Daily rogra
August 2
5 p. m.-Greek Magic (illustrated),
Prof. Campbell Bonner.
S p. m.-The Development of Medi-
cine in Relation to the Community,
Dean Hugh Cabot.
August 3
5 p. m.-Dante, Assistant Prof. W.
A. McLaughlin.
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the
University School of Music (Hill
August 4
5 p. m.-The Search for Skill Among
'Two Million Men (illustrated),. Prof.
L. L. Thurstone, of the Carnegie In-
stitute of Technology.
7 p. m.-Educational Motion Pic-
8 p. m. - Recital. The Class in
Shakespearean Reading (Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall).
August b
5 p. m.-Large Library Buildings:
An American Contribution to Archi-
tecture (illustrated), Librarian W. W.
8 p. m.-Acoustics of Auditoriums
(with experimental demonstrations),
Assistant Prof. D. L. Rich.
For Home-Cooked Meals

1 x

W E BELIEVE you will finI here your ideal o
bank. And a bank that every year yot
like better.
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Our methods and machinery are up-to-date in every detail. The r
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H. G. Prettyman ;PHONE 165


of leading makes bought, sold,
rented, exchanged, clea ed and
17 Nickels Arcade

The Ideal Hot Weather

l11 such

Have, You



Tried Our



.ent this first assembly
But it is to be hoped
.ade during registration
w student the necessity
n we not even make at-

805 East Huron Street

Preferred IBy Students




1 --------- r

en able to pride
ness of her ath-
iin, two sports
dover, are prac-
past year we had
Outside of that,
ail. Rowing has
by a few inter-
ig has been done
is. The biggest
ng here was tak-
usiastic students,
ortly because of"

er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann A rbor savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $62,000.00
Resources.. .$5,000,004.0
707 North University Ave.
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron
$700 per Week-3 -Meals
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Electric Fans
Cool, Ventilated Rooms
East of Cutting's Flats
Summer School 1



s at

? W Daily Service
Big Steamer
P utIn-Bay
Capacity 3270 Passengers oo
Finest exclusive Excursion Steamer, Largest Ball
Room, Finzel's Orchestra. No extra charge for danc- 0
lug. Steamers leave on Eastern Time.
Every day from Detroit at 9:00 a. m. for
Put-In-Bar -Connecting with Cleveland and
Buffalo Transit Co., and Steamer Arrow for
Middle Bass. Kelley's Island & Lakeside.
SaBdusky-onnectig with Railroads and Suburban Lines, Fare, $1.50
Cedar Point-15min.byferryfrom Santusky, Fareincludingferry, 1.75
. Excursion fares, (returning same day
Put-In-Bay, week day, 90c; Sundays, Holidays, $1.25 Round trip.
Sandusky.e vey day, 2.00 Round trip.
Four hours at Put-In-Bay; Bathing, visit the Caves, Perry's Monument.
PavilionGroves, Dancing and many other attractions, several Hotels.
Cedar Point-Fresh water rival to Atlantic City; Large Hotels, Board Walk,
Thousands bathe here daily.
Returning: Leave Cedar Point by Ferry for Sandusky. Leave Sandusky
frmm Big Four Dock 2:30 p. m. Put-in-Bay 4:30 p. nm. Arr. in Detroit 8:00 p, m.
Dancing MoonliFhts. Leave Ashley & FlDustin Steamer Line
Detroit 8.45 m. Fare Wed.
4'Thur. hoc Sat, 8' Sun. 75a Foot of First St. Detroit.Ii.
Writ, for map folder
p - H .1. 7



S sur-
ce of


Fountain Refreshments
and Tite Candies
Thef etsyRoss Shop
The Fountain Room Beautiful


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