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June 30, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-30

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C University Students Waste Too Place Engineers
much Time In Idleness---uer At High Salary
10 }"It is my opinion that students in yet," said Mr. P'uffer, "you cannot REC0CNI1ES N[I! Every graduate of the department of IN MAlO
the universities should be given more blame them directly, because there are electrical engineering in the class of R
to do. They waste altogether too much many influences at work against theL 1921 has been placed, with the excep-L
I U li, time," said J. A. Puffer, of New York youth." As anexample he said that U1lIii OUH[ o u l tion of three, at a salary higher thanJU
City, in an interview Thursday. He a sollge boy with an atmbltota vrpi einr eoe h
said that no student should be allow- much spending money, and the right Athree men not placed selected a cer-
SCHOOL ed to come to college unless he works to do just about what he pleased, will CAPTAIN FORREST E. COLLETT ta part of the country for location PRESENT STAFF OF WOVERI
his way through. In this way the stu- inevitably be drawn away from the TO BE IN CHARGE OF which had no openings for electrical MENTORS TO AID IN
dent is kept busy and has no time for good things in life. Everything is INFANTRY men at the present time INSTRUCTIN
idling. He said in one of his lectures against him and there is no restrain- The stability of the electrical in-
that."idle time is the cause of most of ing hand to hold him back. FIRST HONORS GO TO dustry is the explanation given for GIVE FOUR-YEAR COURS
OPHY t e evil in the world." Speaking of fraternities, Mr. Puf- I MICHIGAN GUN TEAM the continued increase in salaries and IN P
Stadiums Are Waste .fer said, "I think that they are a good demand for men. Other departmentsA
ieae "I am very much opposed to the big thing, provided that, every university 1MFjor Arthur Anticipates Increase of in engineering are suffering a decline ReorgI
Le g team mania which has a hold on this student is a member of one. As it is, 7 to 10 Per Cent For in salaries and in the number of good
country at the present time. Ten years they should not be allowed in our in- This Fall positions open, but the steady rise in ~Nw Departments for
from now we will be ashamed of these stitutions of learning, because of their - the electrical field continues. Next Year
stadiums we have been building of snobbishness. They are Aot in accord The high standards set by Michigan
aknitong l te." declared Mr. Puffer. He thinks 'with'ours Official recognition has been given are doubtless responsible for. the Next year will mark
ally o tis money is a waste, and that it the ordnance unit soon to be organ- ease in placing her graduate engi- the athletic h tory of Michigan wh
sf teach- sol eexeddo thletc.ized by the University R. 0. T. C., and nes: er p choolshgrav e eng -ble ahFilin hg H t or 21hygan
or many grounds of all kinds, on which everyt Capt. ForrestE Collett bee eOther schools have een able Coach Fieo a mentor, ta esu
th~a are student should be required to spend I V LLLU 1 .I111 Or detailed by the war department toe. nwdte sdrco falit
oper in- one hour each day in exercise. His1 takeicharge of the new infantry unit - cegate athletics, and the iel
as and objections to the big team were two- ' I being 'organized, according to a state- create atet of p heal
y Miss fold. The members of the team get ment by Major Robert Arthur, profes- ad epatment operation.
lege of enlarged hearts which are a constant sor of military science and tactics.UI ftllY O and hygiene is pl into operation.
rmna of Captain Collett has been in Ann Ar-
"Social-source danger; and thestudents; nhrFreespSaysProcessnNrw in Use Is bor for several days looking after his -ing of the old intramural departme
spend too'much time cheering for theasroes.w nUeIyg eri Ili i flT
itern,'' big team when they should be spending Derived fronfOld Greek new interests. as a part of the athleticsystemndof
ternoon their time improving their own phys- Analogists Major Arthur is highly pleased over sui of the diretr of al
.ral So- the showing made by the Michigan men -letics, and the creation of two d
r -Children Spoiled MANY PURIST EXPRESSIONS attending the R. 0. T. C. camp at Fort- England Warns France in Note En- tinctly separate departments; one, t
t by a When asked to what he attributed P NOT GRAMMATICALLY SOUND ress Monroe, Virginia. Helim H. Hul- dred by Imperial . tercollegiate ecos, t under o
NOT GRtMAaICinetSOhealothandthgenethichwilof
ands of the moral attitude of people of the ,t\ bert, '21, received a commission at the Cabinet Yeat, andth second,tto l
stressedy-- close of the camp. The three otherhygiene, which will co
youngr geeraton, r. Pffersaidtan the intramural department rund
the im- An historical account of the de- students who were recommended for the ino a cElerten
un to hait was due largely to the ire velopment of our formal English commissions are: John A. Stewart,'21, EXPRESS SURPRISE AT TONE the direction of Coach Elmer Mitche
an ever have been grammar, the circumstances of Lester K. Ferris, '21E, and George R.Egy
haebespoiled, during their early tsaoin'as tadrdfr'h rection of Dr. G. A. May, h el
the de- l'ves and as a consequence grow to adoption as a standard for the Clemens, '21E. Commissions for theset, the heal
e for want everything in theiryouth. "Aid nglish language were gien by men are expected in the near future. London, July 30.-The controversy service under the direction of D
stem of Prof. C. C. Fries, of the English der Students Made Instructors between the British and French gov- W. E. Forsythe, and Barbour gymn
insist- partmenit, in his lecture at 5' o'clock At the close of the camp, Lester K. ernment over Silesia has reached an sium. This new department 'will 1
yesterday afternoon in the Natural Ferris, '21E, John H. Pilkington, '21E, acute stage, the latest British note, placed under a head separate fro
is the Science auditorium. and Helim H. Hulbert '21, were in. drafted by Earl Curzon, the foreign that Of intercollegiate athletics, but
reading Professor Fries began by reading vited by the war department to act as minister, endorsed b} the imperial the present time the Board of Regen
>NsVCH;E various editorials which have appear- instructors at the Camp Meade civil- cabinet and handed the French gov- has not selected a head for this ne'
g coast;- I Ed in newspapers all over the coun- ian camp to be held later in the su- ernment in Paris 'Friday being ofdici- department of public health and h
ur old try in relation to the recent state- mer. ally described as a "vigorously word- iene.
ig their The fifth open air union service will ment of a Chicago educator thsat such Company A, commanded by Major ed".document. Coach Yost, as director of interco
d ideas be held Sunday evening at 7:30 in forms as "he don't", and "it is me, Willic Shippa won the cup for all The note ascribes the present sit- legiate athletics, will be head of t
ndergo- front of the University library. Rev, are proper in their usage, 'because round excellence on the range, in drill uation to the presentation of the staff of football coaches, have char
he said.I the forms which are correct according and in general work. French note to Germany of July 16, of Ferry field,. all athletic contest
due in Sidney S, Robins,of " the Unitarian to formal rules of grammar have Go to National Meet calling the attention of the German and will handle all of the busnes
of the church, will give the address, on the proven stiff and unpleasant to use. Teams representing M. I. T., Georgia government to the still menacing atti- now done through the channels of tb
r, and subject "Puritans and Pilgrims" Derived from Greeks Tech., Michigan, WashIngton univer- de of the German defense troops in Athletic association, with the sing
p now Morning service will be held as us- He th'en -related the historical de- sity, Mississippi A. and M., and other Upper Silesia, without previous con- exceptiont
ich are ual at St. Andrew's Episcopal church. velopiment of formal English gram- institutions; competed in a rifle match sultatin with France's Allies, the first t, which will be under tecont o
asistelit Rev. Charles T. Webb will give the mar, and showed that our pesent before the close of the' camp. The departure from the policy of co-oper- ofthe University as a unit inmn
sermon on "The Test of Education".- process came . originally from the Michigan team, by virtue -of winning ation hitherto followed.oenealEdatn
Greek "School of Analogists", in the first honors, earned the right to com- The French government is reminded y on
Rev:DugldMacadyn~d f Lu- f te frmnss wth hic Grat rit In connection with his duties aw
rder to Rev. Dugald MacFadyen,. of Lo- second century B. C. This school in- pete at the national meet to be held at of the firuness with which Great Brit-
a c don, England, who is to preach at the sisted that there were fundamental Camp Perry next month. All expenses an has always adhered to the prin- athletic head, Coach Yst will onaug
W con- srules governing any language, and are to be paid by the war department. ciple of close co-operation and mutual cat a f yar ouse s hysicd
taut, a Summer session, will speak on the that usage did not mah e those' rules. Ithehe tennis tournament, Michigan consultations between the Allied gov- cationin afour year course in physica
a nw topic, "Who Is My Neighbor?" Sun- It was not ntil the latter part of was runner-up for first honors. James ernments and the note expresses sur- training for athletes. In the summe
ration; dy morng. At 6:30 Sunday eve- the eighteenth century that a stand- D." Glunt, '23, was high. scorer in the prise at the sudden change in attitude of 1922 Coach Yost will open Michi
xisting ning there will be a young peoples ad by which to measure the English individual matches on the part of the French government, gan's first school for coaches. In thi
metnled by Miss Mar:r ywiht esr heEgihi in acs connection courses will be offered i
S n devotional meeting, language was adopted. There had Will Form Regiment especially as eary this week, the prin- allnbranchesoofs major sports.rThes
ricula; garet Scales. been, since the beginning of the sev- Five commissioned officers and six ciple of co-operation yras emphasizedle aarote
lY new During the remainder of the sum- enteenth century, pleas for the correc- enlisted men compose the R. O. T. C. and agreed to between Lord Curzon, sity's rgl ar t school pr
iner, while Rev. Wells is away, Dr'. tion and fixing of the English Ian- staff which will undertaka to build up the foreign secretary, and the French
ed the Klyver will :occupy the Baptist pul- guage and demands for a standardi- a regiment of some 500 men next year ambassador, while following the inci- gram. Their main purpose will be t
rnss pit. He will give the regular morn- zation, by such writers as Bolton, A bugle corps will'be organized earl dent of the occupation of Frankfort by offer training to coaches of the va
e re- Tge " Dryden, Addison, and Swift. in the term, and when numbers war- the French in April, 1920, M. Miller- thountry.
ughr "The Highest Criticism" will be.tead hnte the cuty
ng her The answer to these demands came rant it, a band as well. "Next rear I and, the premier, had given, de-
cessity subject of the morning sermon at the finally in the introduction of Louth's anticipate an Increase of some 75 to finite, assurances that France would Coach Yost as director of the nbw
he end Unitarian church, to be given by the In not in the future take isolated action school of coaching will be assisted b
i n iseRv.Sde'S bn frin concrete form the esse nce of for- 100 per cent over our present person- a a co the present staff of Wolverine, men-
"The str ev iny .Rbis fertorsonachncoah will-Pageeintuuctio
aThe ttisSud, evice w. 'biscoAt- Grammar, the first book to contain nel of 280," states Major Arthur. Such (Continued on Page Four)
at art. this Sunday, services will be discon-mlEgiha esr fteln- a rgmt l nsrgormetadtor. Each coach will give istructio
Robin is way o eina English as a measure of the lan- a regiment will insure government aidintehoradpacceohspr
whom tinued while D, Robins is away on guage of our writers. in forming a military band and will *rM Jd tiu brant of i der
with his vacation. (Continued on Page Four) be an incentive for further enrollment. ot rrath f sports the in!
i6e The Congregational church is cloy- -T nstrate the Hie points of the gam
de- ed for the summer, and will not re- Jobs Lwhich are necessary for successfu
nilunbNntlf- Septn11.rtraining of athletes.
Rev. Leonard A. Barrett, of the. i1V I L Strong Staff of Coaches
Presbyterian church, isalso away on lTwenty-eight .men earning approxi With Yost at the hehifi offering in
his vacation, and various speakers are FINAL SKIT BY hAWAIIAN MUSIC- '21E, gave some Scotch songs which mateby $40 is but one day's result of. struction in football, Michigan, it i
FN part taking his place during his absence. IANS LEAVES A FAVORABLE were amusing well bag- the University employment bureau re- thought, will have on of the mos
always his weei Ref. John chi e y p eveo the
wasThis week Rev. John C in will IMPRESSIONpipe of strange construction aided him cently taken under the direction of capable bodies of athletic heads in th<

!y,' anayofrngcussinc hn
preach. At 11:30 Dr. Thomas Iden in his impersonation. Dean J. A. Bursley, and in immediate country offering courses incoaching
gred to will address the Bible class. . There Ray Fisher will have charge of base
n, cen will adeeti of.h Concluding with three acts that were Hypnotism Startles charge of Mrs. Mary L. Stewart, as- bay Fiaher will offr ourse
he young peo- fully equal to any that have been pre- Robert Deebach, '23P, who gave the sistant to the dean -L students. in baskebaall and Steve 'Farrell wil
I to pe's society at 6' " In the parl rs of sented at recent campus entertain- fourth a t, was easily the hit of the Under the direction of Mrs. Stewart tell how track teams are built up
~ to the church. ments, the Michigan Union Summer vaudeville His proof of the extra- anerte syren of -lgs beinrt ilo posik tatsruion ii
re'so- t,. Tus} ngti Hl u rdnr owr fhpnts a an elaborate systemi of filing is being It is also possible that instruction in
{pTess N LS Spotlight Thursday night in Hill au- ordinary powers of Hypnotism was initiated, and the men's names are other sports in addition to the majo
denied. ENGLISH FACULTY ditorium was well received by a fair- startling and the new stunts that he le on ard together i thes rahe s wialson eored.
hit be SECURES NEW MAN sized audience. Robert Deebach, with made his subjects perform were the of work for which they are especial- One df the chief motives for th
ster t -his hypnotizing powers, and the two most amusing parts of the show. One ly fitted. Then all the men under the change in' the athletic system is t1
wholeL Hawaiian students in a musical duet, scene in particular, in which he placed same classification are filed under -a take better care of. the students
rge of ''Dr.Louis I.Bredvold, an associate were the feature acts on the program a row of students on a railroad train particular filing key. health, and to stimulate a greater in
professor in English at the University and received hearty applause, and put them' through a wreck was The bureau serves the main pur- terest in activities,' which will cal
verage of Illinois, has accepted an appoint- Magie Act Entertains most pleasing to the audienee. pose of getting people who have work out more students for athletics. It i
at the ment in the department of English, ac- K. Clardy, '23, who started the per- Dieterle Encored to do in touch with the men who are thought that the'reorganizatIon of th
taught cording to the statement of Shirley W. formance, gave a most acceptable ex- Robert Dieterle, '24M, was of al- seeking work. At present odd jobs athletics into two separate depart
if the hibition of sleight of hand. His run- most equal interest with his tenor are most plentiful, and there are a ments, will effect a closer contact Wit]
S sryening comment on the stunts was amus- solos, singing a number of olf popu- greater number of applications from (Continued 'on Page Four)
nowl- Dr. Bredvold has been a member of ing and many of the feats were al- lar and well known college songs. men wishing board jobs than the
ip to the Illinois 'department of English together mystifying. Repeated encores were demanded of bureau is able to satisfy. There are Prof. Judson B. Colt Dead
teach- since 1916. During the war he served The dramatic skit, "The Two Vaga- him. very few full time positions, but a Dispatches from Boston' report th
make overseas as a lieutenant of infantry. bonds," which was the second act The last act in which K. Tang. and number of men have been placed in death of Prof. Judson B. Coit, wh
He. received his A.B. from the Univer- on the program, was made notable by C. Travares, two .Hawaiian students, canvassing work of various kinds, was for a time an assistant at th
sity of Minnesota in 1909, attended the the dramatic efforts of the two gentle- joined in a musical skit, was of fine With men placed in every kind of observatory here. At the time of hi
is not University of Chicago as a fellow in' men who act on the stage drinking quality and left the audience with an position from picking huckleberries death, Professor Coit was a senio
tt J A 1913-14, and taught at the Iowa State iced tea. The talents of Max Jaslow,1 excellent memory' of the whole per- to reading Shakespeare to infirm pe - member Of the faculty of the Colleg
of so- college before going to Illinois. Dr. the'lead in the skit, were almost ob- formance. The two musicians posses- sons, the agency is prepared to assist of Liberal Arts of'Boston 1nivrit

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