I t- ' Tw
w 7 W '- - V-
and Saturday Afternoons.
uilding, Maynard Street.
; Editorial, 2414.
:oo Daily, except Saturday.
words, if signed, the signatures
print, but as an evidence of
published in The Wolverine
ft or mailed to the office.
eceive no consideration, No
the writer encloses postage.
ily endorse the sentiments ex-
a -plan were to be worked out, ,it would not be too
much to hope that a truly sizeable contribution
night be sent up to fort riuron, to help give the
benefits 'of camp life to still more groups of De-
troit s youngsters.
An average of from twenty-five to fifty cents
each from summer students would do much to keep
the camp going, if, indeed, it would not establish it
on a permanent basis, and all this merely for tle
sacrifice of an hour's pleasure on the part of each of
us. Few indeed among us cannot afford to help in
giving a kid ten days of what is to him a new kind of
life; and even disregarding all sentiment, certainly
we should all feel unwilling to have Michigan's
first Fresh Air camp fizzle dut for lack of support.
u s
So#th Eslods of
fDiagor ^1 Walk
Lecture Pr-og ram
July 25
5 p. m.-Community-
for Child Welfare, Mr.
New York City.
J. A. Puffer,
...........Managing Editor
John P. ,Dawson, Jr.
.Harry B. Grundy
.......nnyth Wrentmore
. . . . . . . .Clement Smith
James B. Young
'1ne tate uaru ot iigricuitire nas Ueen tacing
,br bomLe tiie a atrIer iincuir pro0em in tryimg to
locate a suitauie iUan Lo succeeu riresident r rant .
1euzie, LIe pIresent nead of tne uicfigan Agricul-
turai college, at L£anslng. trot. avid i riuay, of
the econoics department, was loomed upon until
recently as tne iost logical candidate; out, since'
his dnnte retusal o tne prodfered orce, expiessed
in a telegram Lo uovernor uroesDecK sOmetning over
a wceK ago, it nas Decome quite ciear tnat, ne can no
longer be consiuereu ior tie place.
1 ie oiter, in itselt, is a ustinct compliment to
Piroessor -L riaay, tnough one o whicht e is in
every way wortny. \'e are glad, however, of his
finai decision to reject it. Ui ccurse, M. A. C.
loses tnus te opportunity to secure, as a succes-
sor to ±"resident iedzie, a man whose force aud
ability to tnt< and act always nas been and al-
ways will be a domnant power in everythng with
which he is coniected. But, at the same time, the
University gains imnieney by having him re-
main here. We feel, moreover, 'that, both for his
good and ours, Professor ii'riday's decision is a wise
on, .
or 374
..........Busine s Manager
..Assistant Business Manager
Don Alien
Water Fiske
Joseph VMack
23, 1921.
-b. A. KERN.
d in The Wolverine with
ces charged for sundaes,
some of the State street
ne significant suggestion
y has, been overlooked,
customers themselves are
d increase in State street
wn town stores.
nage of the campus shops
is higher grade and more
shed by most confection-
arily requires the charg-
lay howl about the extra-
ge local dealers with all
nounce boldly that we are
ich the prices are so out-
ve go, and we pay what is
Others' Opinions
e, moreover, that local shops use
high quality goods merely as a
their stand for high prices. Cerr
-chant can cut prices twenty-five
gs being equal; the others should
e same step, or should suffer for
demands through loss of student
(The Wisconsin Daily Cardinal)
Sports have never played an!important part in the
summer session activities at the leading universi-
ties. In the past it is probable that small enrollments
have been largely responsible for this lack of inter-
est in athletics.
Few of the regular students have been in the
habit of attending and this has meant a small num-'
ber of stars of known caliber in the various sports.
Then, too, many of the summer session students
have not been in attendance at any college long
enough to acquire that intense unity of college spirit
which is the backbone of any intercollege sport.
Enrollments during the past two years have un-
dergone a notable change both in numbers and per-
sonnel. The total attendance has barely doubled,;
while in the increased numbers are many regular
Letter wearers of the varsity squads are among
the summer school registrants. These men would,
not be permitted to play unless the contests were
conducted under the supervision of the Big Ten,
but they would be invaluable in assisting to or-
ganize the teams....
Coach Guy S. Lowman, baseball pilot' of Wiscon-
sin "W" wearers, believes that the proposition might
be feasible if only a limited schedule of games were
planned. He explains that one difficulty would be
the impossibility of allowing regular varsity men to
play on the summer teams unless all games were
scheduled and played. under Big Ten rules. This
would not be far from feasible, however, for the
schedule could be so arranged as to provide for only
a few games to be played by each team.
Results cannot reasonably be expected before next
summer, but the outlook is promising. It would be
interestinn to know the attitude that other Big Ten
schools would take on this question.
To quote a headline, "My life an open book, is
Sterling's replay to tru bill." For policy's sake, the
lives of most politicians are left as "open books,"
but generally we 'can find something sewed up in
the covers.
Are ,the grass trodders, who make their exits
daily from the north door of Alumni Memorial
hall. really throughtlessdor are they merely trying
to kid us?
July 26
5 p. m.-The Growth of Child Wel-
fare and the Value of Pictorial Mate-
rial in Arousing Public Interest, Mr.
8 p. m.-Practical Points on the
Prevention and Cure of Cancer, ,Dr.
C, V. Weller.
5 p. m.-The Boy Problem and the
Prevention of Delinquency, Mr. Puf-
8 p. n.-Concert. Faculty of the
Univx ty School of Music (Hill aud-
July 28
5 p. m.-Socializing the High School
Curriculum, Miss Ruth M. Weeks, of
the Junior college, Kansas City, Mo
7 p. m.-Educationpl Motion Pic-
8 p. m.-Michigan Union "Spot-
light" Entertainment. Admission will
be charged (Hill auditorium).
Have You I
Tried Our
805 East Haron Street
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
1 er, whether the account be large
or small.y
The An arbor Sayings,Sank
Incorpor'ated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $625,000.00
707 orth University Ave.
Northwest Cor.' Main &" Huron
For Home-Cooked Meal$
On Maynard Street, 1-2 Block South
of Majesic Theatre
buys a brand
50new Corona
wrier. other mhkee
at attractive prices.
See usbeforeyoubuy.
pof leading makes, bought, sold,
rented, exchanged, cleaned and
17 Nickels Arcade
$7.00 per Week-3 Meals
$6.00 per Week-2 Meals
Electric Fans
Cool, Ventilated Rooms
East of Cutting's Flats
__sr______1!$AB k I9O.--
1v C'&
a- 4
Ft iI
Daily Service
Big Steamer
Capacity 3270 Passengers
Finest exclusive Excursion Steamer, Largest Ball
Room, Finzel's orchestra. Noextra charge for danc. 0
lng. Steamers leave on Eastern Time.
Every day from Detroit at 9:00 a. m. for
Put-In-Bay -Connecting with Cleveland and
Buffalo Transit Co., and Steamer Arrow for
Middle Bass, Kelley's Island faj Lakeside.
Sandusky-Connecting with Railroads and Suburban Lines, Fare, $1.50
CedarPoint-15min. by ferryfrom SanduskyFareincludingferry, 1.75
Excursion fares, (returning same day
Put-4n-Bay, weekday, 90c; Sunday's, Holidays, $1.25 Round trip.
Sandusky. evey day, $2.00 Round trip.
Four hours at Put-n-Bay; Bathing, visit the Caves, Perry's Monument,
Pavilion. Groves, Dancing and many other attractions. several Hotels.
Cedar Point-Fresh water rival to Atlantic City; Large Hotels, Board Walk,
Thousands bathe here daily
Returning: Leave Cedar Point by Ferry for Sandusky. Leave Sandusky
from Big Four Dock 2:30 p. m. Put-in-Bay 4:3Q zp. m. Arr. in Detroit 8:00 p.,im.
Dancing Moonlights. Leave Ashley & Dustin Stea-.w Line
Detrt 8Thur. ocSat,& Sun. 75ca Foot of First.St. DetroitMich.
Write for map folder
The Ideal Hot Weather Food
Preferred By Students and
Towns -people
Tlake a
,with You
Photography the Kodak way is less expensive
than you think and any Kodak _is simple tc
work-we can readily show you how easy it is
Autographic Kodaks from $8.oo up
Brolvnies $2.00 up
that many students can
im and never miss the
e who cannot staid the
ue to order only' the
emand the most work
vners, are making it
ant only plain sundaes
ice and overhead that
:ent of the cost of
ding to statistics given
ncy concoctions served
rvice expense so large.
merchants are justified
ainly true, nevertheless,
are largely responsible
if we will tinite in our
aand less fancy dishes,
2 the War, we can get
I The New Way of Perfumi
t this year of Michigan's
r boys, located some eight
uron, the University en-
lanthropy, worthy of sup-
>ossibilities for good. To
agsters out of the binding
:hem into the open on the
romp and play and breath
ring them just that much
To at least most of these
of that sort of life may
s are able to realize.
with a flourish, but is rap-
ids. To care for and feed
boys as is gathered on the
an expensive proposition.
bs, whose exchequers are
>y countless calls no doubt,
the camp's need 'for money
it was hoped they would.
have not been freely forth-
all but most welcome dona-
much in tiding the camp
Nips and Flaconnettes
If Wahr is hell, try Slater's or Graham's.
Anent the campaign in Chicago to permit police
officers to leave off their coats during the warm'
weather, has anyone noticed whether the Ann Ar-
bor force is wearing his or not?
Minister-"And do you promise to share with this
woman all your worldly goods, as well as your joys
and sorrows?"
Somewhat impecunious groom-"I do."
Friend, in the cheering section-"There goes his
bicycle !"
A sign in Napoleon, Mich., advertises the "Ban-
ana 'Polish Company." This is gonna fill a long
felt want.,
Always ready with just the required
amount for immediate use.
Fountain Refreshments
and Fine Candies
The getsy Ross Shop
The Fountain Room Beautiful
13-15 ANickle'sArcade
The Qu a r ry
Drug and Prescription Store
Cor. N. University Ave. and So. State St.
And only in the Summer session shall the high
school graduate and the superintendent of schools