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June 23, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-23

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.,.. -

Connick 's Works
Now On Display
Prof. Emil Lorch announces that
the College of Architecture has just
received and will presently exhibit
preliminary sketches in water color
by Charles J. Connick of Boston, of
three aisle windows fQr Saint Mark's
church, Minneapolis.
There is also a lumier plate made
from one of these windbws . being
shown in a diascope, a novel device
for showing in detail and color, pho-
tographs of such works in stained
Mr. Connick, who is a well-known"
worker in stained glass in this coun-
try, executed these water colors for
consideration by - church officiAls;
after acceptance, a life-sized cartooln
in charcoal was prepared. Both of
these -are to be placed upon exhibi-
tion in the corridor of the Architec-
tural college.





Boys in First Group Leave For Home
in, Charge of Two
Port Huron, July 23.-The boys
from the University of Michigan
Fresh Air camp left for home this
morning under the charge of crew-
ster P. Campbell, '22, and John Gus-
tus, '22. Last night Mr. Wilde, editor
of the Port Huron Times-Herald, and
president of the Rotary club of that
city, gave the farewell talk to these
boys who composed the first section of
the camp.
A physician and a dentist were sent
out from Port Huron by the Rotary
club to look after the boys' health.
Future sections are to have this med-
ical,attention shortly after arriving at
the camp. .,
The influence of the university men
has had a decided effect on the' boys.
Practically allhave signified their in-
tention of going through high school,
and a few have gen decided on a
college education!
Counsellors for the second seon
have been chosen as follows: ohn
Gustus, '22, Roscoe Dillon, '21E,
Leonard Barre'tt, '24, Duane Lurkins,
T. H. Boardman, and James Clark.

Experience Has Meant Much to Thirty.
three Youngsters From
(Special to The Wolverine)
Port Huron, July 23.-Thirty-three
kids swimming in Lake Huron in-
stead either of not swimming at all,
or else going in. where Detroit.
Sempties its sewage into the river.
Thirty-three kids playing indoor, vol-
leyball, and horseshoes out where}
there is no donger from automobiles
and where no' "cops" are need ed to
keep them out of the street. Thirty-
three kids sleeping in tents where
there's air enbugh and to spare for
all and where it's just natural to be
healthy. Thirty-three kids, regard-
less of race and religion, learning to
live and think right. That's what the
first section of the University of
Michigan Fresh Air camp has meant.
-y.,Would Like to Stay
Every day the boys have asked each
other, "Would you stay for another
10 days if you could?" and in just
about nine cases out of every ten the
answer is, "Just let them give me a
chance and see how quick I'll take it."
And those who are working with the
(Continued on Page Four)

Dancers Served
At Taproom lar
Another experiment in serving the
students who attend Friday night
dances was inaugurated by the Union
last night, when the management per-
mitted men and their partners to
enter the taproom for service at the
soda fountain after 11 o'clock. The
new plan was tried after the experi-
ment of' serving the dancers in the
assembly hall last week had proven
a failure.
The regular hour for closing , the
tap room during the summer has been
11 o'clock and the management de-
cided (that service could be given to
dancers after that time without dis-
commoding the regular uses of the
Couples can enter the tap room by
the stairway that leads from the wom-
en's department. The plan will only
be continued during the summer,
months in case it is successful, and
will have no bearing on the policy of
the Union in this :respect next fall.



in Dr, Weller to Give Fourth
]Leeture; Cure of Cancer


-l- ISubject
r to . .e


They Develop


of the


Several changes ih the lecture pro-
grom for next week were announced
yesterday ? y Dean F. H. Kraus, of
the Summer session. Two addresses
have been changed with lectures that
g were scheduled for next month and
the speaker for the medical lecture
e Tuesday night has been changed..
e Prof. L D. Scott, of the department
e of geology and geography, who was
to have spoken August 5 on "Michi-
d gan's Inland Lakes: Their Value to
s the State," will give his, lecture next
Friday night instead of Librarian V.
e W. Bishop, whose subject was to have
1 been "Large Library Buildings;" and
who will speak on August 5 in Pro-
fessor Scott's place.
Scott an Investigator
"Inland Lakes," the subject on
which Professors Scott will -speak,
I have been investigated exhaustively
j by him for a period of more than 10
years. At the preesnt time he has a'
e book on the 'press that has been pre-'
n pared for the State Geological survey
- upon this subject. The lecture, which
will be illustrated by a number of
e private lantern slides, should be.
among the most interesting that have
e been presented this year, according
d to Dean Kraus.
S "The Outlook in 'Education," the
e subject upon which Mr. T. E. John-
d son, of Lansing, was to have spoken.
g Friday afternoon, has been changed'
t to August 12, and Prof. C. C. Fries,
who was to have lectured on the date
1 on "Formal English Grammar: Its
- History and Abuse," will appear Vn
t Friday's program.
n I Three Talks on Child Welfare
J. A. Puffer, a vocational expert of,
s New York city, will give three lec-
- tures at 5 o'clock on each of the first
three days of next week. His subject'
t for Monday afternoon is "Community
e Co-operation for Child "Welfare"; for
d Tuesday, "The Growth of Child Wel-
e fare and the Value of Pictorial Mate-
e rial in, Arousing Interest": and for
y Wednesday afternoon, "The Boy Prob-
1 lem and the Prevention of Delin-
o quency." Mr. Puffer has written sev-
- eral books upon the problems of child
welfare and is appearing here under
l the auspices of the National Child
- Welfare associatioh.
- There will be no lecture on Monday
d night, and at 8 o'clock Tuesday even-
ing Dr. C. V. Weller, of the Medical
n -school, will give the fourth medical
3, lecture, his subject, being "Practical
e Points in the Prevention and Cure of
(Continued on Page Four)

Upholding the students' claim that
the prices charged by State street
soda dealers are much higher than
they should be, at least one Main!
street confectioner gives it as his
opinion that the cost of preparing
sodas is no higher near the campus,
than it is down town, and that the
Michigan .Union tap room is largely
responsible for the setting of rates.
In connection with the latter point,
it was pointed out that the State
street. men .follow the Union's lead,,
reasoning that if a University adjunct
can keep. prices up, they can do so
too. A cut in tap room prices, then,
it is believed, would no doubt affect
a cut in rates elsewhere.
Main Street Average Low
The average Main street prices at
present are from 11 to 15 cents for'
plain sundaes; 17 cents for fruit flav-
ors, and 20 and 22 for fresh fruit sun-
daes. One downtown store charges 22
cents for egg malted milks, the pricel
varying with the price of eggs. An-
other charges 25 cents for the same
thing, maintaining the same price re-
gardless of the changes of egg prices.
"When eggs went up in price," says
this store owner, "we did not change
our prices; we took our medicine."
State street men are charging 20 cents
for plain sodas, and as high as 28
cents for the fresh fruit article.
One of the leading ice cream dis-
pensefs on Main street claims that he
cannot make his prices any lower.
Wages have not come down. There is
a great increase in the price of the
carbonated gas drums, in water rent.
Fruit prices are everywhere exorbit-
-ant; candy-makers' prices are sky-
high, and light and heat show no signs
of coming down. He believes State
street prices are somewhat justified by
the fact that the State street season
is but eight months long, and that
summer students do no mean much
Another man has little sympathy for!
the men near the campus. Rent, he
claims, is one-third lower on State'
street than on Main street. Overhead
is no greater on State street than'
Main, and service is in many cases not
as good. He particularly emphasized.

the statement that the Michigan Union
is a determining factor in setting
prices, and that the State street men
followed the Union's lead in this mat-
ter. f
That 15 cents is a fair price for a
sundae, is his claim and that it has
always been his endeavor to give the
best quality cream and the best of
service. "I 'try to treat others as I
would be treated myself," he said.
Many of the stores pay Connor the
same price for the same kind of cream,
and then charge different prices, he
(Continued on Page Four)
Poems Reflect
Life of Time's
z -
. (ByS.A)
"We should rightly expect that recent
poetry, like all poetry, would reflect
the life of, the time in which it is writ-
ten,"' stated Prof. R. D. T. Hollister, of
the department of public speaking, as
a preliminary remark to his reading of
some recent poetry last evening in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
"Another great factor in modern
poetry," he continued, "is the influence
of the press-a force which today is
moulding our ideals of men, women,
and even of social problems." Profes-
sor Hollister showed also that anoth-
er characteristic of our poetry of to-
day is its"great variety, andthe mingl-
ing of a great many influences, which
find expression in verse. "This is due
to the present-day cosmopolitan life,"
he said.f
Professor Hollister read from' two
collections of modern poetry: One, a
collection of war poems, and the other,
a modern poetry anthology compiled
by Munroe and Henderson. Whether
he was interpreting the exquisite
touches of Alan Seeger's "Rendez-
vous," or the rugged phrases of Carl
Sandburg's caricature of Chicago, his
expression made real the fact that any
poem is a personality. ti
Professor Hollister interspersed his
readings with illuminating comments
on the works of the poets.


"In just what does real forward
leadership consist? Whence comes
progressive leadership?" These were
the important questions answered by
Dean A. H. Lloyd, of the Graduate
school, in his lecture on "Leadership
and Progress" Thursday afternoon in
the auditorium of the Natural Science
building. The particular subject
treated with in the discqurse was on
"General Gestation and Birth."
Traces CourseĀ§
Dean Lloyd dwelt on the early con-
ception of great men of the past and
traced the causes leading to the pres-
ent radical change in that conception.
In the past people thought great lead-
ets wer.e born "not of the fact and
conditions in actual life, but of the
spirit." They attributed the birth of
great men to the miracle., and super-
natural powers of the gods. Accord-
ing to Dean Lloyd, "leaders come, not
mechanically, but still naturally, in
the fullness of time."
"This fullness of time," Dean Lloyd
explained, "is the climax of the period.
of gestation." After a great turmoil,
when the existing conditions are un-
dergoing great changes, great men
are produced.
Many great leaders of the past,
Noses, Christ, the Caesars, Lincoln,
and Napoleon, were cited as examples
where the machinery of life took an
important part.
Born, Not Made
"Each was born, not made; yet for
each one, in his own way and rmeas-
ure, an epoch-maker, producing a new
life not commensurable in the old
life, there was an important and by
no means easy period of gestation
during which the formal organized
life, the machinery of life, took an
important part."
Dean Lloyd gave the 'important
.conditions of the birth of great lives
as follows:
1. "The peculiar intimacy.of tradi-
tional ways with life itself, with life's
original instinct or urge, as shown by
general confusion, fluency, inconsist-
ency and often startling transpar-
2. "The critical or climatic pres-
,sure of the accumulated meaning of
the lines of life, with a consequent
demand, as the time is full, that the
meaning be read out."F
(Continued on Page Four)

Government Continues to Stand I
Against Admission of
Washington,' July 43. -- Un
checked by uneipected developm
at Tokio, the United, States gov4
iient, it was believed Friday, will
without further loss of time in 1
fecting its plan for a coference of
principal powers on limitation of a
ament and Far Eastern subjects.
The extent to which .Japan is
ing to participate in the discussi
is understood to be under consid
tion at a meeting of theadvisory cc
cil, and there appeared to, be reas
to believe that the Japanese sta
men woild reach a decision favors
to a discussion of questions aris
out of the orient,' although, perh;
yith certain reservations.
No Formal Invitations
Until the positign of Japan has b
more clearly defined, it appeared
probable, however, that the formal
vitations would be sent to the vari
governments. It is known that
proposed conference ,was mentione4
the cabinet meeting, but it is un
stood not to have been discussed
any great extent.
The informal conferences bet'w
Secretary Hughes and Ambassa
Shidai are known to have gone far
.wards convincing the administra
\that the Japanese government:
agree to entering the conference w
out material reservations, and that
general questions at issue will be
proached frankly and freely by all I
ticipants. ,t
Insistent suggestions that Belg
should be given a seat at the con'
ence have not served to alter the o
ion of the United States govern
that the discussion should be lim:
to the principal allied and assoei
powers as generally accepted.
Would Have to Admit Others
It was explained that to open
doors .to Belgium would make it
cessargto permit the entrance of
other government application. It
declared that in maintaining such
attitude there was no intention of
crediting Belgium or any of the (
er small powers, and that the con
ence always would be willing to h
the representatives of any nation, e
though not a member of the con:
Reiteration of the suggestion thE
preliminary conference be held at L
don also failed to cause a favbr
reaction here.
It was indicated clearly that the '
ited States believes that such prel
inary discussion as may be necess
should take place here.
The exact date which the U
States will suggest has not been
termined, but it is understood I
Nov. 11, the anniversary of the si
ing of the armistice, is still reg
ed as peculiarly appropriate.
Yesterd s Scor


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'American League
No games scheduled.
National League
Chicago 6, Philadelphia 1.
Brooklyn.6, St. Louis 5.
Cincinnati 11, New York 2.
Boston 2, Pittsburgh 1.
Pittsburgh 4, Boston 3.





8:00 P. M.


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