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June 19, 1921 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1921-06-19

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or more play-
play will not
ie cue will be
he winner.
is eligible to

compete,, and with the large number
of Summer school students it is ex-
pected by the Union officials that this
tournament will create as wide an in-
terest as those put on by the Union
during the regular term. With many
players here from other schools, live-
ly competition is looked for. Table'
charge will be free. Entries may be
made now at the desk in the Union
billiard room.,



In The Line Of Sports


ery club of Indianapolis,
defeating Walter T. Haye
go, 1920 holder, In straig:
6-4, 6-2.
1Fritz Bastian, W~stern

-F -




(By Harry B. Grundy)
"Slicker" Parks, Michigan's former
pitching star, met with a little mis-
fortune in his first attempt to stop the
onrush of the New York Yankees.
"slicker" started the game for Cobb's
men and held the Yanks to one run
for the first four- innings, while his
teammates piled up a lead of four
runs, In the fifth Parks was forced
to give way to another pitcher, after
he had apparently lost control. It was
not the Yankees' hitting which forced
Parks to retire but rather his inability
to locate the plate. This was an un-
usual situation for "Slicker" to be in,
for in his days on the college diamond
it was his ability to put the ball over
for three straight strikes which

ception. It would seem that fashion
changes to fit the names.
liU00 Guarantee to Oxford-Cambridge
The joint track team of Oxford and!
Cambridge universities has been guar-
anteed $15,000 for its American ap-
pearance. The English team will meet
the Harvard and Yale team in the
stadium on July 23 for a guarante-
of $8,000 and will receive the remain
der for a meet with Cornell and
Princeton the followirg week. Thel
popularity of the English-American
meets is increasing, while the tendency
to combine the teams brings together
a greater array of stars and has met
with much favor, in each country.
Track Athletes
The Pacific coast is coming to be

simple to
easy it is.


That classes in physical training ai
the University will receive more at-
tention by the students, according to
Coach Yost's plans, is already indicat-
ed by the large enrollment of men in
the Summer session classes.
Classes for men are being-organized
and will meet three days each week
from 10 to 12 o'clock and from 3 to 5
o'clock. Two days will be spent do-
ing setting up exercises and apparatus!
work. On the other day boxing class-
es will be organized.


made him famous. However, pitching recognized as the home of great track
against sluggers like Babe Ruth, athletes. The athletes from the coast
Frank Baker and the rest of the Yan- have clearly demonstrated their abil-1
kees is enough to worr an nv now ' *, .it+ +

tennis champion, and Lucien
liams, of Chicago, captain 01
Yale Varsity, are sectional do
champions as a result of thei
tory over Hayes and Herd of Ci
9-7, 6-4, 6-3. It is regretted by :
gan men that Walter K. Wesb
captain of the 1921 Varsity net
and for two years Conference s
title holder, could not comxpete.
brook was in great form this s
when he was taken ill with appe
tis at Ithaca, N.'Y., just befox
Cornell-Michigan matches. Wes
had not met defeat on the court
year and was just completing a
cessful tour of the East, when
won from the ranking players of
vard, Yale, Union and Amherst.
rook has met Fritz Bastian, the
ent Conference title holder, an
emerged victorious in these ;or
It is reported that Walter is
able to be out on the courts and
son be able to play as well as ev
Babe Ruth knocked out his
ty-sixth and longest home run y
day at Detroit, driving the ball
the corner of the center field fen
a game which resulted in a 10
victory for New York:
The ball is said to have hit
ground 560 feet from the plate
feet farther than his former r
made at the New York Polo gro
Subscribe to the Wolverine.
for the summer.-Adv.


iow running
)ur windows
regular bar-

y Vy



in Ann Arbor


-ts is what we,

ByG.D. E.
Dr. Frank Crante
The elect, the heaven-sent, the plen-
ipotentiary from the pearly gates,
has turned critiic of literature, not
only morally but aesthetically. Thus
we have Dr. Frank Crane, jazz Mes-
sigh and public sop, criticising the
books of Knut Hamsun - adversely.
"A dreadful, dreary expanse of dul-
ness, unlit by plot, humor or flash of
nobility," says Dr. Crane, newspaper
pulpit pounder, about "Hunger". and
" Growth of the Soil". He thus revers-
es the opinon of ;H. L. Mencken and
other critics of the first rank on "Hun-
ger". As for:"Growth of the Soil", it
is, in all probability, the book which'
won Hamsun the Nobel Peace prize
in literature for 1920. This volume
was greatly praised by H. G. Wells
All Fooled
Think how foolish the judges who
awarded the Nobel prize will feel
now! How abashed Wells will be!
How crestfallen Mencken will ap-
pear! How beautifully all these men
were fooled! For Dr. Frank Crane is
Horatio Alger Jr. reincarnated and
turned editor; no less! He is a well
paid newspaper evangelist. He is fam-
ous, revered and trusted from shore
to shore; that is, from Manhattan to
Brooklyn. He is, in brief, a typical
saver of souls. If you really wish to
'm to heaven ask him to show you
N'ow and follow his advice to the let-
Really, the best way to dispose of
Dr. Crane before the intelligent read-
er would be to quote some1 of his
syndicated editorials, but I, for one,
baven't the stomach to read them, let
alone hammering them out on the
typewriter. They are worse than
Bruce Barton's. Read the latter's
stuff, which is to be found in the
"American" magazine, keeping, of
course, a strong emetic handy, and
you will have some idea of the awe-
inspiring trumpery which Dr. Crane
turns out.
Is Popular
In view of the doctor's pronuncia-
mento, it is interesting to note that
over 60 sets of "Growth of the Soil"
have been sold in Ann Arbor. The
set in the Library is on the waiting
list, and my own has been borrowed
a number of times. What an ignor-
ant lot we are!
At first I took the reverend doctor
for a rather.clever commercial hypo-
ciite, who did not believe at all the
fiddle-faddle which he spouts out. I
pictured him dashing off his celestial
twaddle, then marching to the cash-
ier's office and drawing a good sized'
check, and finally returning compla-
cently home to a bottle of Scotch
and a game of poker. I felt that no
one was more aware that what he
wrote was flapdoodle than he him-
The Doctor Is Serious
But I was wrong. He takes his
fiummery seriously. In his criticism
of Hamsun's books one recognies the
inner man. He rejected-them as dull

yS1J y t1 all~w ;
pitcher. Parks had some consolation
in striking out Meusel twice. Parks'
performance was creditable in view
of the fact that none of the Detroit
pitchers seem to be able to stop the,
Yanks. It is also - remembered that
George Sisler, considered by- many to
be the greatest pitcher ever on the
mound for a Wolverine team, allowed
11 hits in his first game for the St.
Louis Browns. Sisler was also gener-
ous with passes when first under Big
league fire.
Princeton, N. J., will be the scene
of one of the biggest intersectional
matches of the fall when the Univer-
sity of Chicago clashes with the Tiger
eleven on Oct. 22. Stagg has a two,
year contract with Princeton and in
1922 the Eastern gridders will meet
the Maroons' in ! Chicago., Chicago
seems to be leading the other confer-
ence schools in intersectional con-
tests this season. Already the Ma-
roons have booked two of these'
games. The other intersectional bat-
tle is with the University of Colorado.
Stagg is not generally supposed tc
have an abundance of material with!
which to uphold the reputation of the
Big Ten.. However, the Chicago mer
ter is a crafty coach and may sprir,
a surprise upon the critics who do not
concede him a chance with Princeton
What's in a Nane?
The Chicago Tribune remarks that
there is a change of fashion in the
change of athletes names. It calls at-
tention to the names of the onc-e-
'amous Cub infield of Evers to Tin-
'ter to Chance and then alludes to t,,(,
:ames of' the men on the present ag-
gregation. All of the old tans insist
that the new, names sound poor when
"ompared with the names of the old
ayers. They insist thatnafter a1
'there is some thing in a name. This
seems to be the case throughout all
-'ports and applies in college sports.
"Jntil a man has done something ex-
ceptional\ he is never noticed by the
public but after he has succeded in
gaining public recognition his name
.s on the lips of all of the follower-
'f athletics. Take, for example, the
names of Stinchcomb, Harley, Mau'-
betsch, or Sisler. Their names, after
once being made, grow with each ad-
ditional year and the poor fellow with
a ,common name like Jones or Smiti
who tries to fill their shoes is con-
stantly criticized unless he is an ex-

Douglas r Ina "ONE A
roardng 9
M a L e a farce MINUTE"


ity but it was not until the Univer-
sity of California startled the East by
its win in the Eastern Intercollegiate
that the Coast boys were given sur
recognition. It is a curious coinci-
dence that Dan Kelly, Howard Drew,
and Charles Paddock, the officially
recognized sprint champions of the
world, have set their' record of 9 3-5
for the hundred yard dash in Califor-
nia events. Whether or not the cli-
mate of the coast has anything to do
with the development of great track
stars, it is evident that a good share
of them come from that region. -Mich-
igan's greatest track man in a dec-
ade, Carl Johnson, was a native of
Spokane, Washington.'
Vincent Richards, of Yonkers, N.
Y., won the Western ) tennis singles


your gar-




Clean Longer"

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"That Girl M o ntana"

L A S T T I M E T 0 D A Y
Louis Mayer's
"The Moxnrte,,n.Worn


AT 3 P. M.


W ,

ersharp pencil, marked D.
ialued as gift. Return to.
i Union for liberal reward.
day afternoon, on Washte~
,n's grey suit coat. Finder

and dreary, but that, of course, only
justified his everyday reputation. Very
foolishly he went a step farther. Ie
declared the average detective or
mystery story to be very much bet-
There was no need for the second
step; the man really went out of his
way to say what he did. It proves
that he is sincere - and ignorant -
and silly?
He reminds one of the man who had
just finished reading Dreiser's "The
Titan", declaring that he felt as if
he had been wallowing in a pig sty.
That was because the poor fellow was'
a hog!
Subscribe to the Wolverine. $1.00

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