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June 05, 1921 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1921-06-05

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Sr oncertSeriesT STUDNTS HUMPHREYS MAE ',ormfraternty OF E
,. '~rLLOpens T omorow For uiea .B
The first Faculty concert of the e Alpha Epsilon N is the name of the
ies of programs which will be given new honoraryGDmusical fraternity, the
under~RI IT the auspices Of the U niver i y S n o s s i r s m n H a i t w t o s i u i n a d b -a s o h c
UN L JRSI n=dt= u-Ls RegentsSee Need for EstablisIgnent b-laws
ecolo ui nlaterimn, ir n rshinla eetsNwOfc nwere drawn 'up and adopted at a meet-R EN DLL
in connectioxi with the entertainment 13 and 10, Res of New Office In LitleraryngORatNU . f
~EN AGAINST STATE provided by .the University, will take tively College-as information is obtainable, this is U BE INCgEASE OP
NSTTTUTIONALI Y place at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening, f the first organization of its kind in
QUESTION when members of the School faculty APPORTIO]TMENT *ABOUT WILL RELIEVE EFFINGER the country. Selection to membership 5e0 OVERLAST
will join in a miscellaneous program. THE SAME AS FORMERLY OF PERSONAL MATTERS will be based primarily upon scholar-
Mr. William Wheeler will sing two ship, musical ability, and service. p -
BLOW IF groups of songs Dr. M. C. Wier will Names of 35 students in the Liter- The charter members are as fo. CLASSES PUT UNDE
'RIT IS GRANTED contribute two 'cello numbers, while ary college who received all A'sProf. Wilbur R. Humphreys, of the lows: Capt. W. W. Wilson, director FULL SWING THIS
'Nell B. ~ Stockwell will appear twice r olg h eevdlAste English department, was appointed o h ast ad oetA ap
NTtLawaaWhoe te nt e capa f tpio past semester were announced yester- assistant deao the Liera c of the Varsity band; Robert A. Camp-
r That as it whole thprogram day by Registrar Arthur G. Hall. The by the Regents at their last meeting bell, faculty manager of the band; and High standards, Coupled sit
band; May Mean Big soloist. Accompanimenta wi11 be play- number is about the same as in past of the year. For some time it hasEcalDeression,Respon
Returns ed by Mrs. George B. Rhea. years and the analysis of schslarship been the plan to establish the office rchestra, for Increase
The general public as well as Sum- between classes shows a condition The initial banquet was held June ._ _
action to be brought mer school students are cordially in much the same as generally prevails. rangement was authorized some time An enrollment greatly in e
vited, but are requeated to be se ley, of the School of Music, was the
fate of ;lliichigan to con-ated Freshmen have 10 of the 35, only ago, no action was taken in the mat-an1_prmtytth ouof'ebgi-rncalsak.Pashvelo-ayrcrdofaterssp
nstitutionality of the re- promptly at the hour of the begin- 5 sophomores and 7 juniors are on ter of appointment until last Tues- been m a er ptand e o the Sumr sesi o;
;ed corporation tax" law, ing of the concert since the doors the list, and the senior class again day been made for a reception and enter- for the Summer session of 1
xcted to yieldbe enwill be closed during the perform-eads with 13. The reasons for this tainment of musically active alumni Dean E. H. Kraus, who ha
anxpeoftu to yield Paretseare leaswts3oh raosfrti Da upry owhlspat-who are returning-,for Commence- plans for a?: increase beyond
d $7,000,000 a year to ance of numbers. Parents are also variation in class scholarship are said cally the same position in the Liter-y
a big deficiency in the requested to refrain from bringing to bethe similarity of work in the ary college as that of Dean William ment. of 2,600 students. The fnal
.ry and to provide' the snall hildren, the reason for this re- freshman year to the type previously H. Butts in the college of engineering last year were less than 7,yO
uilding fund, was filed in qust eing obvious. taken in high schools, the difficulty and architecture. Hereafter, he will dications point to a total this
court at Lansing on experienced by sophomores and jun- be in complete charge of all matters even more than that arrang
sig.-ions inaccustoming themselves to the pertaining to the students Individual- -1 -R ,C U "No definite fi gres oan be a
Suit for Writ Iubjects given in those years, and the ly and it Is thus hoped that the es- -Ttoday," added Dean Kraus
i is a suit for a writ'of facility in study that seniors secure tablishment of the new office, by re- the office expects enroll ents
brought against Charles through their four years of work and lieving Dean John R. Effinger many tie until the end of thew
ecretary of state, by the, specialization in their desired sub- esnlsuetrqet n l,- Registration started ridy
y, of Bte IIU L ect onintheir ewill make it possible for him to de- Van Tyne Opens Series with Talk office of Registrar Ha.l
compel the secretary to -.. Following Is a list of the all-A stu- vote more time to looking after th'- on "Britain and Saturday and-this morniig a
orporation's annual re- Initial Steps Toward Erecting Cam- dents: Fred W. Bartlett, '21, Karl administrative and educational side of America" well ahead of the total at tl3
the certified check for paulle and Chimes Taken by M. Beerlein, '23, Velda J. Bogert, '21, the Literary college.ast year. Many special depa
is required by the new . Alumni Velma L. Carter, '24, Frieda S. Diek- "We have long been in need of Just LIST OF TALKS OFFERS such as the courses In library
mpany contends that the hoff: '24, Frederick G. Donner, '23, such an arrangement and no man is MANY SPECIAL FEATURES and pblic h'ealth nursing .i
istitutional in that it is PLAN TO MAKE ALUMNUS A William Fleischaker, '24, Violet H. better suited to fill the place than Pro- quired early enrollment by
y. It is claimed that the WEEKLY MAGAZiNE IN FALL Foster, '22, Carola F. Fritz, '21, Her- fessor Humphreys," said Registrar Special features will be offered on nerl d n ar an" ier
a $50 minimflm tax and man T. Griffith, '24, Mildred P. Har- Arthur G. Hall recently, in comment- the Summer session lecture program ear work wr tken
m e s athelaw in Initial steps toward erecting a cam- is, '2 Albe C. Jacobs, 1, Emma ing on the'appointment for the first week, according to Dean classes this morning nd te
rovide for taiof " 2panile on the campus as a memorial John B. eighley, '22, Nellie Loss, E. H. Kraus, the first ecture of the program of the session went I
capital and slus of -to the Michigan men who foughtand '22, John C. iMcGeinis, l2, Dean B. year to be delivered at 5 o'clock this swing today. The series of
caialaCdHOOuLf.o'2, McinioIfII i i i jateno i atrlScecewuingletures , b egi sies ao,z
ion. Under a $50 'in!- died in the World war were taken at McLaughlin, '23, Perry Mason, '21, a n-lectures begins this ftern
rrrn~~~~~ torium by Prof. C. H. Van Tyne, of the lrepooto fsuet
ompany contends that a meeting of the Alumni association Dessa K. Palmerlee, '21, L. Beaumont sydpH nT r largeproportionstudet
'poration would pay, a 5- during 'Commenceent week. The Parks, '24, Una Purdie, '23, Chalmers l history department, on "Great Brita (Continued on Page Fou
d that under the $10,000 plan' for the bell tower was proposed H. Quaintance, '24, Lisle A. Ross, '24, tracting much attention at this time,
a $4,U(1,000, corporation by President Marion L. Burton, and is Sydney Sarasohn, '22, Mary Josephine Due to the fact that for the first after the addresses of Sir Aucklahd
a f s n tgDonald, Scott, '22,d P e S e , time courses are being offered in ReddesaatCommencem anT tE
us 'Finncil Blow campus. fee .nGde a omneetad/teDnl ct,'2,Wnfe~etn Rev. Dugald MacFadyeh last Sunday.Bginngwt thsi
$upreme court grant the In asking that the alumni take this '24, Frances Swain, '2, Russell B. public school music, as well as in Medical LectureBeginingWith this
d the law unconstitution- plan as an objective, PrAsident Bur- Townsend, '23, George Troost, '24, theory and applied music, the Sum- The first of the medical lectures The Wolverine 'will devol
o serious financial blow ton said: "I want you t builda ca Lewis Wehmeyer, '21, Mildred mer session of thee University School that will be given every Tuesday night schrtispace on pagevon
The entire building pro- panile with a marvelous set of Wright,, '21, and Katherine 4. Yerex, of Music promises to be much larger for five weeks will be delivered at 8 such rotice of local event
University, totaling more chimes that will ring- into the very '24. during the coming session than ever o'clock tonight by Prof. C. W. Ed- tm e
00 for the next two souls of the students, and' with a before. :unds, whose subject will be "Fey- tief
>e .paid from Jhu corpora- structure that will be 'a landmark in W eek 'se rr rt hi t head the public er". Next week Prof. A. M. Barrett sNoticesbe trned nth befo
number of, other appro- Ann Arbor."MreBowenhea ou will speak on "Causes of Mental Dis- olo nthrning
the legislature are based At Head of Mall school music department, will have order"., ,The following Tuesday, July dayitk on w hthey reg to
oration tax return The proposed tower will be on the Lecture program for this week as his assistant Miss Hazel Kinsella, 19, Prof. A. S. Warthin will talk on day on whic ,they are To
treasury will be empty enlarged campus, at the head of the Jpiy 5 who has been accorded wide recog- "The Nature of Cancer" and will be , s t h of.ca L. U
Mxt 90 days, and state of- mall, north of Hill auditorium. The 5 p. m.-Great Britian and America, nition as a teacher of the piano in followed by Prof. Reuben Peterson, assista Prsident
en relying on the corpo- alumni decided to submit the propsoal Prof. C. H. Van Tyne. W. who will speak qn "Important Facts
ued on Page Four) (Continued on 'age Four) 8 p. m.-Fever, Prof. C. W. Edmunds, the, public schools, and Mr. .; who w ise on pa n F acts
July ti Fay, of Rochester, N. Y, who has (otne nPg or
5 p. m.--Publio: Utilities. Dean M won for himself a similar reputation
Comes To Ann Arbor A Free s.'co,"ey" as an authority on orchestra 1istru- Lngineers Open Activities A t Cam
e Plan Unique With J ichigan 8 t m--Concert.Faculty of the Un- ment4. Aw h Ball aats And Fly wai
Ci n n 'u t c n iversity School of Music. ( (Hill aud i- Miss Alberta E. Waterbury, of New-T T1__A
._torium). ark, N. J., will assist in the depart-
July 7 ment of theory. Special attention will
ort Frost, best loved of have chosen a poet. Perhaps next 5 p. m.-Selection and Administra- be given to the needs of supervisors (By L. W. Millard) everyone was feeling ready to
glad poets, comes to year we will select a painter, a sculp- tion of Classes of Gifted Children, Mr. and professionals who desire to do (Special Correspondent) ' to the harness.
t fall for t year's res- tor, a scholar." 'W. G. Coburn, superintendent of special work during the summer Camp Davis, July 3.-Camp Davis,. Enter Mr. Mosquito
fan which is entirely Not a Lyrie Poet schools, Batje Creek. months, the surveying camp of the University There was only one drawba
te history of state uni- Frost is not a lyric poet. He is a 8 p. m.-Educational motion pic The faculty for the Summer session that was the fact that the ba
be inaugurated here. thoughtful man, given to meditation tures will be larger than ever before, the n Douglas lake, was officially opened and mosquitoes had already
iting upon the plan to on the ways and the manifestations July 8 . total number being 14. at 6:30 o'clock on the morning of range and were beginning to en
et come to Ann Arbor, of nature. His words are homely, 5 p. m.-The Ballot (llustrated), June 5. * company immensely. Dr. Ro
rton said -that he would his heroes wear homespun, and his Prof. J. S. Reeves. .k 'Prof. Clarence T. Johnston- quietly the cheering announcemen
mber of the faculty, or lines are beautiful in their terse sim- 8 p. m.-The Art of Portraiture (11 REPORTERS AND BUSINESS' looked the mob over. He then assign- morning that he had a good
devote his time to plicity. lWstrated), Prof. H. R. Cross. AR O TRANTED ed out roll call numbers and offered of anti-mosquito and anti-fy d
'suits, but tha he would "He isas economical with his words All lectures will be held 'In the a few suggestions as to the proper he was kept busy handing t
te students as an inspire- as his characters are with cash," said Natural Science auditorium unless Try-outs r means of conducting ourselves while for a day or so. Now, howe
inspira-rcash,"s are needed for both

ve ability. He said that William Lyon' Phelps, of Yale. otherwise specified. - th editorial and business in camp. has to busy himself playing
Sid be a patron of art Frost's is the speaking' and not the Hestaffs of The Wolverine. advised us that all indications shoes, for everyone is thorou
e, but that up to the singing voice. His poems, for the Stamp Sales Heavy at Local Office ittd I work- pointed to a warming up of the at- climated and has ceased to
ntneans has been found most part, are conversations rather Stamp sales at the local post office ing on the business staff should mosphrere in a few days. The remark him.
arr this 'out, than arias4, while the fundamental for the fiscal year, ending June 30, ingon th busin s. sould sounded good, for at that time the Athletic Manager' "Red" M
1bts Wil Beneft element in h'is work, and that on showed an increase of $13,000 over son, business manager, from 1 breeze from the lake was extremely got two indoor baseball teag
pinion ,that 'the student which the prediction of permanence is last year. Few other offees in Michi- to 3 o'clock any afternoon this chilly, and only the most forward had ganized soon afterthe camp
refit immeasurably from based, is his truth and sincerity. gan show an increase over 120. week on the second floor of the dared to take their first swim. and now the big evening a
with a. greatpersonality Those who have known and loved The total stamp sale for this year Press building The assignments for the first few watching the games. Those i
P Robert Frost. "We the countrysidebout Ann Arbor pre- was $170,000 as against $157,00hd for Those who wish to try-out as' days were i; olean*nrg up details the faculty play seem tD-d
hat ,the artlet shall live dict that here Frost may find a new 1920. Te, years ago, however, the around camp. The boats were got out largest crowds. So far they h
iAnn Arbor, and during field, and may strike upon other yearly sale of stamps amounted to rpte or a t eitrs and painted, and the launch put in en but one gam.e, btt it is. r
call L. A. Kern ateter21
merely a human being," themes than those which he has so about $58,000, slightly more than a or 783. trIm. At the end of the third day the that they have been having
rton said. "This time we far touched.' third of the present rate. camp looked like a regular place, and (Continued o Page Fou
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