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June 26, 1920 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1920-06-26

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Camp Davis Has
Wig A ttendaknce
Larger attendance at the Davis engi-
neering camp is anticipated this year
than has been the case at any time
since the outbreak of the war. Nearly
100 men will take the work. Last sum-
mer only about two-thirds that num-
ber were enrolled.
Prof. C. T. Johnston, director of the
camp, left Ann Arbor Wednesday
evening. All students are expected to
reach camp not later than this even-
ing, as work begins Monday morning
and ends Friday, August 20.
Six new steel buildings erected last'
summer will help take care of the In-
creased attendance. No important 'con-
struction program is planned for this
summer. A new refrigerator is to be
installed, and additional cement side-
walks will be put down.'1 Owing to the
late date at which the appropriation
for a new boathouse was received and
the dificulty in securing material,
little work can be done on it before
the end of the summer camp. ,

the 1920
argest in
y. While
and conr-
es at the

aus, of
qme in-
ade to
its., If Voluntary Subscriptions During Com-.
to be mencement Week Bring in
0 men Larg Sum'
e sum-
nic ses
before , Approximately $1,800 in voluntary
rse subscriptions was received by the
Union from alumni during Commence-
ts here ment week. No attempt was made to
rob ablesolicit money, the policy of the Union
nce 25 being to ask for no money while the
ool. alumni are guests in the building.
nts for All the visiting alumni seemed to be
biologi- most favorably impressed with the
by the building and the great work,, which it
of ; stu- has been doing, Lvery effort was made
e. Al- by officials to provide everything es-
ho may sential to the comfort of the visitors.
;o Ken- New Force Hired .
ire men
Almost an entirely new force of
waiters, bell boys, and other extr& help
tly ap-had to be engaged fob the week, and
Health according to the steward, Dennis Don-
ed for ovan, even more could have been used.
school He stated that close to 10,000 meals
attend- were served the first four days of this
to the week.
Work every one of the 68 beds on the
fourth floor had been reserved three
t Mon- months before Commencement and re-
divided union time, and some reservations for
. ex-next year were made by a few of the
Qts ex- aun..
20,nthe Almost every class which was con-'
20, the ducting a reunion, made the Union its
July 5, headquarters and at. all times of the
day, the corridor and lobby were
thronged with old graduates., For the
" Dean four- days .of reunion and Commence-
people ment week, house rules, regarding the
course. entrance of women, were not in effect,
greaterand visitors were allowed to roam at
d will over the building.
Univer- Comment Heard
cialized Signs were placed up at different
points of interest in the building, ex-
plaining the particular function of that
severe room, and its name. Considerable com-
ment was heard from alumni, who ex-

Dstinguished Americans Receive High
Honors From University
Eight distinguished Americans, three
of whom were graduates of the Univer-
sity, were awarded honorary degrees
at the Commencement exercises Thurs-
day. Dr. Ida Kahn, Major-General
Merritt Ireland, Henry Leland, Dr.
Francis Gay, Worthington Ford, Jo-
seph Steere, Major-General Crowder,
and Dr. Marion Burton were the re-
cipients of the degrees which were
awarded by President Hutchins.
For exceptional and noteworthy
work in medicine, engineering, jour-
nalism, library, judiciary, the army,
and education, the eight individuals re-
ceived their honors, which were voted
by the. Board of Regents.
Characterizes Men
The characterizations of the men as
pronounced by President Hutchins,
Master of Arts-Dr. Ida Kahn, of Kiu
Kiang, China. A graduate of the Med-
ical school of the University of Michi-
gan in the class of 1896. Carrying to
her native country the benefits and
ble'ssings of modern medicine, both in
its preventive and curative fields, Dr.
Kahn has accomplished results that
have brought to her distinct recogni-
tion from the people and from public
officials. Through her continued and
efficient application of her knowledge
of, and skill in, hygiene she has greatly
reduced morbidity and mortality in
those parts of China that have come
within the circle of her influence.
Moreover, as a skillful practitioner of
medicine and surgery she has relieved,
so far as human skill equld relieve,
large numbers of herpeop who have
sought her professional services and
guidance. For her great work she is
entitled to be honored by , her alma
Ireland Honored
Master of Arts-Major-General Mer-
ritt W. Ireland. Initiated as captain
and surgeon into the horrors of war in
the Cuban campaign, later serving
with distinction in the Philippines and
upon the Mexican border, General Ire-
land developed qualities of professional
and administrative leadership that
fitted him for. grave responsibilities.
In recognition of his preparation and
ability for extraordinary service, he
was made director of the medical
corps connected with the American
Expeditionary forces, and later siir-
geon general of the United States army
with the rank of major-general. Con-
(Continued on Page 2)
ESTIMATED AT 105,000,000
Washington, June 26.-The popula-
tion of the continental United States is
estimated at 105,000,000 by A. J. Hiltf
chief statistician of the census bureau.
His calculation is based on the com-
bined population of 1,406 cities and
towns for -which statistics have been
announced. The increase over 1910 is
placed at about 13,000,000, showing the
growth of the country has not kept
pace with the previous decade.
Almost complete cessation of immi-
gration during the war is the chief
reason assigned for the falling off in
growth. Other suggestions were the
two influenza epidemics, return of

aliens to their native lands and deaths
of soldiers abroad and at home during
the war.
The aggregate . population of the
cities and towns on which the estimate
was made is 41,029,354. This is an
average gain of 26 per cent compared
with 35 per cent in the previous de-

The Society for the Promotion of
Educational Engineering, of which
Prof. J. R. Nelson, of the engineering
department, is the general chairman,
will hold its annual meeting in Ann
Ar/bor from Tuesday to Friday of next
An elaborate p'rogram, with bisiness
meetings and entertainments holding
prominent parts, is planned. A recep-
tion in honor of the visitors will be
given Tuesday night at the Union by
President Hutchins and Dr. Burton.
The annual dinner of the society will
be held Wednesday evening, a feature
of which will be a speech by President
Burton. There will be a mixer at the
Union Thursday night.
An excursion to Detroit, where the
Connor Creek plant of the Detroit Edi-
son company, the Hudson Automobile
company, and the Parke-Davis Co., will
be visited, is on the program for Fri-
day, and the sessions of the society will
close with a luncheon at the Detroit
Athletic club Friday.
Alumni week, which just passed,
'was pronounced by Wilfred B. Shaw,
alumni secretary, to be the most suc-
cessful ever conducted. More than
1,70Q alumni registered at the Alumni
Mem rial hall,, which is the largest
number to date except in 1916 when
as many attended reunions, one of
which, however, was some weeks 'be--
fore the Commencement week pro-
Arrive Early
From early Monday morning Secre-
tary Shaw's office in Alumni hall
began to receive the returning gradu-
ates, and from then on until Thursday
there was a constant flow. This year,
due to the many persons who drove
here in automobiles, the arrival of the
alumni was more even, which made
work of registration much easier.
The proximity of the Union and the
Memorial building, both of which are
centers oI alumni activity, made the
reunions possible without so much
trouble and confusion, and greatly
added to the comfort of the visitors.
Returns to Old Basis
This year's entertainment went back
to the basis that it was on before the
war. With the Union entertainment,
which was the best of any Commence-
ment week, the Union dances, and the
California games, the alumni had many
ways in which to pass the time away
in addition to mixing with old acquaint-
ances, and the program was practically
the same as in former years.
Enlargement of the University
School of Music has been necessitated
because of the phenomenal increase in
attendance at the institution. Work
on adding to the present structure
started some time ago, and it is being
hurried on to completion.
By adding on the back of the pres-
ent building; it will be possible to put
in 25 more studios, and even with this
room, the School of Music will be
cramped for facilities, stated Charles
A. Sink, secretary of the institution.

During the past year there was an
increase in attendance of 32 percent,
this year's high mark being 651 against
the former high record of 501.
Warsaw, June 26.-The new cabinet
formed by Ladislas Grabski, former
I minister of finance, to succeed that of
Premier Skulski, which resigned June
10, was announced today. "The minis-
try follows: Premier and minister of
finance, M. Grabski; war, 'General
Leszniewski; foreign affairs, Prince
Eugene Sapieha; food, Stanislas Sli
winski; railroads, M. Bartel; posts and
telegraphs, M. Tolloczko; education, M.
Lopuszanski; commerce and industry,
Antony -Olszewski; public health, M..
Chodzko; public works, Gabriel Naru-
zowicz; agriculture, Professor Bujak;
interior, M. Kuczynski; Justice, John

At the last Regents' meeting,
which was devoted almost entirely
to appreciation of President
Hutchins' great work for Michi-
gan, it was brought out that the
retiring executive had not missed
attending a Regents' meeting in the
10 years he had been in office.
The Regents unanimously de-
cided that that was the record for I
being present.1
Summet Wort Of
Union Planned
Special emphasis on Summer Ses-
sion activities will .be laid by the
Union this year. While no definitef
plans for work have been formulated
yet, the Union officials have thema
under consideration, and active work
will start shortly.
Students, who are just entering the1
University, will have to take out a
special summer membership, which
may be obtained fortwo dollars at the
Union. Unless this is done, it will be
impossible for any individual to enjoya
the privileges of the building. How-
ever, anyone who came to the Univer-
sity last fall, is still a member, his fee
entitling him to a card from fall to
fall. Any male student or teacher in
the Summer Session is eligible for the
special membership,.
The summer work of the Union will
probably be more in the nature of
recreational activities. It is planned
to hold dances either Friday or Satur-
day of each week.
Paul Eaton, next year's president,
and George Hui'ey, general secretary,
are at work planning &the program for
the next two months. Most probably
a Summer Spotlight will be put on
some time in July, if enough vaudevillef
material is available around the
London, June 26.-Persons who re-
sist ,the disarmament order of the
British military authorities at London-
derry will be executed, according to a
Londonderry dispatch to the Evening
News today. The dispatch said 4,000
British troops were being concentrated
at Londonderry and that machine guns
will be planted to sweep the principal
streets in the event of future disorders.
More armored cars are on their way to
the 4ity. All pedestrians carrying arms
will be searched and the arms seized.
Ships Arrive
Belfast, June 26.-A flotillaof Brit-
ish destroyers has arrived at London-
derry and is lying in the harbor today
with the city under its guns. The
heavy fighting which has been raging
intermittently since Saturday has died
down to isolated skirmishing and snip-
ing. A severeyainstorm which began
early yesterday assisted the British
troops in restoring peace in the battle-
ridden city.
One person .was killed while a de-
tachment of soldiers was dispersing a
band of looters., There was consider-
able sniping during the night. Shortly
after midnight the troops patroling the
city fired several heavy volleys into
buildings where snipers were con-
cealed and then began an intensive
search for the riflemen.
"All Fighting Ceased"
According to a telephone message

from a Londonderry suburb firing
again broke out between 5 and 6
o'clock. A British officer was quoted
as saying that "things were pretty
A second telephone message fron
Londonderry said that "all fighting had
ceased." British troops took posses-
sion of the grounds and building of
St. Columba's college,-where there had
been considerable sniping. Business in
Londonderry still is virtually at a
standstill. Most of the shopkeepers
feared to open up their stores.


. IDO"
Many Specialties Included-Ant
ties in Different Lines Will
Give Talks
Dr. Marion Burton, president-
of the University, will give his
official talk as president of Mic
Monday evening, July 1, on the
cial lecture program, which has
arranged by Summer session o1i
The afternoon following that the :
ident and Mrs. Burton will give
ception in' Alumni Memorial hal
students of the Summer school.
Great interest is attached to
first official talk of Dr. Burton
it is thought that he may o1th
few of his plans for his work
His subject will be, "What the Sc:
Must Do."
Headliners Reserved
There are many other lecture
the Summer program, which ar
pected to prove of great inteer
the special student teachers. .ox
the headliners are scheduled foi
first week, although many are
served for the later weeks of the
In the first week the course w:
started with a lecture by Prof.
Sadler on "Shipbuilding in War T
d'rank Cody, superintendent of D
schools; Prof. A..H. Blaichard,
Sexton, superintendent of La:
schools ,and Dr. Burton are se
of the principal spekers who s
the first week.
Talks by specialists in their re
tive lines fill the program, whic
been carefully prepared by De
Kraus. Other specialties in the
of trips to Niagara and Put-in
concerts by the School of Music
ulty, and the Cosmopolitan clul
tertainment will be offered.
Entertainments Free
Unless otherwise specified it
program, all entertainments,
are free, with one or two excep
will be held in the Natural Sc
auditorium at either 5 or 8 o'cki
What few corrections and revi
are to be made in the Summer' se
lecture course will be printed it
Wolverine. A special, "What's
On," will be carried throughou
summer, telling the time, place
subject of the lectures.,
The complete program is:
i June 28
5, p. ).-Shipbuilding in War
(illustrated). Prof. H. C. Sad
June 29 '
5 p. m.-Some Problems of\ a
School Administrator. Mr. 4I
Cody, Superintendent of Sc
* Detroit.
8 p. m.-Heredity and Environ
Dean V. C. Vaughan.
June 90
5 p. m.-The Trinity of Transpori
(illustrated). Prof. A. H. Blanc
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the
versity School of Music. (Hill.
July 1
5 p. m.-A Modern Educational
dency. Mr. J. W. Sexton, Sul
tendent of Schools, Lansing.
8 p. m.-What the Schools Mus
President M. L. Burton. (Hill-
July 2
4:30 p. m.-Reception by Presidei
Mrs. Burton for the Students 4
' Summer Session. (Alumni .

rial Hall.)
8 p. i.-Tunisia (illustrated).
H. R. Cross.
July 5
5 p. m.-The Treaty of Peace.
J. S. Reeves.
July 6
5 p. m.-What America Has Don
the Jew. Dr. Henry Berk
8 Philadelphia.
8 p. 1.--Medical Lecture. Dr.

to secure them, teach-
mer work in a univer-
ias there been an in ,
for teachers, Dean
aore engineers, physi-
s are needed, and this
me'n to take summer
get through and take
present scarcity.
ed on Page 6)
the editorial side of
are wanted. Any,
dd any work of this
nsult with the man-
rom 1 to 2. o'clock
e week, at thebpub-
in the Press build-
s manager desires
e business staff of
and he will be able
ts all Monday after-

pressed surprise that the Union could.
furnish so much good food at such rea-
zonable prices.
Of the graduating senior class,
Homer Heath stated that more than
800 were members, which he consid-
ered an unusual record. "If every one
of the future classes has such a good
percentage, the Union's- financial wor-
ries will not be long .lived."
All committees'that function during
the regular academic year will operate
during the summer session, Dean. E.
H. Kraus announced this morning.
This is true of the eligibility commit-
tee, which will have to pass on any
persons engaging in any activity this'

Alice Hinkso
'and Frances Ai
ciary council
classes at the

Miss Florence Pride, general secre-
lary of the city Y. W. C. A. during the
CT JUDICIARY iiast nine years, has resigned her posi-
REPRESENTATIVES 'tion,-to take effect July 1. Miss Pride
expects to become head of the indus-
n, 21, Elinor Neil, '22, trial department of the Y. W. C. A. in
mes, '23, were elected Milwaukee. During her term of office in
to the Women's Judi- this city she has raised the member-
for their respective rship in the local organization from 83
election held at the to 600 members, and helped establish
ring term. a Girls Reserve with 350 members."

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