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July 17, 1919 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1919-07-17

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No. 10




Inciples of Social Self-Government
Mark Limits of Control In
Public Schools
One of the greatest compelling in-
ences for improvement and pro-
ss lies in allowing initiative to the
at body of devoted teachers," said
T. J. Knapp, superintendent of
Highland Park school, Wednesday,
ernoon in the Natural Science audi-
Lum, in his appeal for the estab-
hment of co-operation rather than
nocracy in the schools.
ointing- out that both autocracy
I democracy were prevalent in
ool administration, Mr. Knapp
nmarized the advantages and dis-
antages of both, substituting as a
in to the two extremes practical
operation between the administra-
and the teacher.
'ollowing are exeerpts from Mr.1
,pp's address:
he two extremes with which we
e to deal are autocracy in school1
iinistration and democracy in the
ae. Let us inquire as to some of
faults of autocracy and the cor-
ponding advantages of democracy.,
'he administrator is interested prin-
ally in adjustment with the worldl
side; the teacher with the insideI

impersonal, that

general atti-
of the teacher

nder the autocratic system critic-
by the teachers is unofficial and
he secret type. Back-fence meth-
of gossip supplant constructive
cism, and teachers tend to mag-
their grievances. This gives
ds of education and the public
idea that the teachers are fault-
hie autocrat is guilty of frequent,
igh perhaps unconscious, interfer-
e for petty errands with the busi-
3 of teaching; while the teacher
liar with the wastefulness of such
practice would postpone merely
ial routine business to the hours
belonging to teaching.\t
Initiative Essential
utocracy produces slavish moral-
on the part of the te ching force.
3 means that teacheis will learn
t principles of conduct are ap-
red by the powers that be and
pt themselves accordingly.
nd these are some of the- faults of
so-called democratic system and
advantages of the autocratic.
he democratic system is slow and
n inefficient. A president of the
ed States who takes no action on
important matter until he hears
a the people, is not efficient and
ot admired. Teachers are impa-,
t under an officer who is not a
er and who always waits for ad-
and direction. We frequently
r them say, "If he would just tell
explicitly and clearly what he
ts done, we should be better suit-
An officer is accused of being
cratic when he goes promptly
)d with his plans if these plans
lease us, but he is looked upon
ia wonderful executive and leader
n we are pleased with his actions.
ertainly there is no hope of suc-
in suddenly thrusting power in-
ands that are unprepared and un-
istomed to its exercise.
Control in Executive
eachers are selected for teaching
Ity and not for leadership nor
agerial qualities, while execu-
s are usually selected from these
essful teachers for just these
lities. The chances of efficient
rol are in favor of the executive.
o democracy of which we have
experimental knowledge is ab-
te. There are a few members of
ety who share no part of the
ernment and practically all the
nbers of society participate in

Prof. R. C. Trueblood, who will read
Halms "Ingomar, the Barbarian" at
8 o'clock Friday evening in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium, is consid-
ered one of the most prominent pub-
lic speakers In this part of the coun-
In the fall of 1918 he returned from
an extended trip of a year to Hawaii,
New Zealand, and Australia, where he
spoke in the leading universities. Pro-
fessor Trueblood has not read pub-
lily in Ann Aror for several years.
He is the organizer of the Northern
Oratorical league, the Central and
Mid-west Debating leagues, in which
are the largest universities of this sec-
tion. Professor Trueblood is also the
author of many boks on the subject
/of public speaking, and was one of
the leading figures in bringing about
the method of direct speaking.
Advocating a better understanding
of the hospital's activities and prob-
lems, Dr. C. G. Parnall in his lecture,
"The Hospital and the Community,"
given Tuesday evening in the Natural
Science auditorium showed that this
undrstanding would eventually lead
to better servie and an increased ef-
ficiency for the people.
"The word hospital implies a com-
munity interest," said Dr. Parnall.
"Nevertheless it has usually been on
a comparatively small group of peo-
ple who concerned themselves in the
possibilities for service of such an7
institution and have contributed to its
Here Dr. Parnall told of the his-
tory of the hospital, relating stories4
of its earliest work. "Social service
hospitals have come Into vogue dur-
ing the last few years, and it is thist
branch of the work in which there
will be much future growth. It is
to the benefit of the community that
the people receive the best medical at-
tention, for one not only may spread
the disease, but may reduce his work-
ing capacity if the proper treatment is
not given. .
"'The best way to take care of the£
sick in the future will be the state
hospital, which will give treatment to
all at the least cost," concluded Dr.1
Tennis Tourney
Attracts 36 lMen
Thirty-six men have entered the
Summer school tennis tournament
which is to start next week. The en-
try list will be closed Saturday night
and by that time all names must be
in the hands of Dr. May at Watermana
Drawings will be announced in'
next Tuesday's issue of The Wol-
verine and the preliminary matches
must be played before 6 o'clock nextl
Thursday night. A schedule for pre-
liminary matches will be published
when the drawings are announced, but
the matches may be played before the
time scheduled if the contestants pre-t
fer.- The names and addresses of pair-
ed contestants will be published next
Tuesday so that opponents may ar-
range to play their matches before the
time announced if they desire.

Entries in the singles tournamentx
who have not played their prelimin-
ary matches by next Thursday night
will be automatically eliminated. Pre-
liminary matches in the doubles tour-
nafirent must be played by next Sat-
urday night.
Contestants will referee their own
preliminary ,matches and will re-
port the result of all matches to Dr.
May at Waterman gymnasium on the'
day the matches are played. Prelim-
inary matches will be decided by three
Prof. B. M. Davis to Lecture Monday
Prof. .Bradley M. Davis will lecture
on "The Origin of Variation, a Fun-
damental Problem of Orgaric Evo-
lution" at 5 o'clock Monday after-
noon in the Natural Science audito-
rium. Professor Davis is teaching a
botany course in the Summer session l

"The war has taught us the value
and necessity of a broader education,"
Dean John R. Effinger said yesterday
afternoon in his talk on "Education
and Patriotism."
Dean Effinger pointed out that the
United States has assumed new re-
sponsibilities in the world because of
the war, and that every student
should realize that a broad educa-
tion is the means of awakening th
people to these responsibilities.'
He then contrasted the practical or
utilitarian education and the broader,
liberal education, giving for example
the, conflict between Germany on the
one side and England and France on
the other.
A broader education for the masses
would help to solve the present so-
cial unrest in the United States, ac-
cording to Dean Effinger. He urged
that a technical training should be
preceded by a general one.
"A broader education will require
better teachers; teachers with broader
minds, possessing more sympathy than
they have had hitherto, and.a larger
knowledge of the world's affairs," he
In referring to the University's con-
tribution to the war, the Dean stated
that ,the University's service flag was
entitled to 10,423 stars.
The fact that the Devereux players
have been invited to appear at Co-
lumbia, Harvard, Dartmouth, and
many other universities, is perhaps
the best endorsement that this com-
pany, which will give two performan-
ces in Ann Arbor, July 26, has re-
ceived. '
Another tribute to the quality of
the organization was paid by Norman
Hapgood, the editor of Harper's Week-,
ly, who, after witnessing its perfor-
mance of "Twelfth Night" given at
Columbia university, wrote:
"Life in the United States lacks no
desirable element more than it lacks
art, and yet even in the arts we oc-
casionally find, almost by accident,
someting of very high quality. The
Devereux company will serve as an
illustration. They are giving Shakes-
peare with a refinement and compe-
tence that is extremely rare in our
The Devereux players will offer
only one play of Shakespeare's for,
their Ann Arbor engagement. The
other will be Sheridan's "The School
for Scandal."
Dr. E. S. Corwin, who Will lecture
at 5 o'clock Friday afternoon in the1
Natural Science auditorium on "Edwin
Stanton, Secretary of War," holds the
chair of politics at Princeton univer-
sity which was formerly occupied by
President Wilson.
Professor Corwin was graduated
from the University of Michigan in
1900 and since then has specialized
in the study of American constitu-
tional law.' It was with some diffi-
culty that Professor Corwin was in-
duced to teach a course in this sub-
ject at the Summer session.

Former Consul-General at N. Y. Diesj
London, July 16:-Sir Percy Sander-
son, British consul-general at New
York from 1894 to 1907, is dead at
his home in Reading. Sir Percy
Sanderson was born In London July
7, 1842, and entered the Indian army
in 1859, retiring on half pay in 1870..
He was made knight commander oft'f
St. Michael and St. George in 1899.
Sir Percy never married.

Special to the Fly
Liepah, who was in a boat

with two

The experiences of some of Ann
Arbor ex-gobs on a boat trip from
Detroit to Cheboygan is the principal
article in the second issue of the
"Black Fly," Camp Davis' weekly.
paper, which has been received in
Ann Arbor. Other items of special
interest are the Camp briefs, which
The Wolverine prints herewith:
From a Diary
A few of the former members of the
Ann Arbor Navy enjoyed the boat trip
from Detroit to Cheboygan immensely.
Among the brave heroes, one, R. B.
Taylor, paid some of his perfectly
good money for a fish dinner. He did
not retain it long, however, because he
decided that the poor fish belonged in
the briny deep. He placed them there.
"Kid" Livermore brought along his
sea bag. He looked hard boiled as
ever but he crawled into the hold and
battered down the hatches rather
Every was sailing along at a good
clip but the wind was taken out of
his sails, when he discovered his car-
go shifting 'midships. He felt some-
what relieved after heaving the dead
weight overboard.
Daigle weathered the storm by
keeping away from the dining room
and its contents.
In the future these old salts are re-
quested to confine their summer
cruises to the rain barrel where they
got their training.r
Sports have been somewhat neglect-
ed thus far, due to getting the camp
started. Sport director "Bill" Cruse
is now arranging a varied program
which will be out soon and promises
sport for all.

others, when the storm came up on
the 4th, decided that he couldn't weath-
er the gale and asked to be put on
shore, so that he could walk back to
camp. They let him out of the boat
in Fishtail Bay at about 4:30 in the
afternoon. 9:30 rolled around and still
no sign of Liepah, so his friends went
out to search. They found him where
they left him.
The whole camp is still in doubt as
to the "Why' 'of his method in get-
ting to camp.
Camp Briefs
"Pat" Hogan has been appointed to
take charge of entertainments and,
"Sandy" Sanborn to have charge of
all sanitary work.
At sing number one all members of
camp listened to a short talk by Prof.
Holub is our song leader for dura-
tion of camp.
"Nits" Miller will write the 1919
History of Camp Davis.
The Glorious Fourth was celebrated
by dragging our launch over from Burt
"Sam" Lewandorf came to the res-
cue as a tonsorial artist.
Our instructors haven't forgotten
that Camp Davis was founded for the
purpose of teaching surveying.
Metz takes all' prizes thus far in
fishing. We expect great things, how-
ever, from Max, in this line of sport.
Some of the boys went to Cheboy-
gan the week-end of the 4th.
Last Saturday twenty-two of the
boys took a launch ride over to Mul-
let lake. They came back to the
-Buckeye House, on Burt lake, for din-
ner. As Curt puts it, -"You tell 'em,"
about the good time they all had.
Methodists to Give Summer Social
A summer social will be given by
the Wesleyan guild at 8 o'clock Fri-
day evening, July 18, at the Metho-
dist church, corner State and Wash-
ington streets, for the young folks of
the University and community.

Paris, July 16.-Japan's readiness to
restore to China full territorial rights
in Kiau-Chau within six months was
expressed in an announcement made
this afternoon by a member of the
Japanese peace delegation.
"We are prepared to restore full
territorial rights in Kiau-Chau to
China inside of six months," he an-
nounced. "We are anxious to settle
the whole question. We ask nothing
better than a return of territory in
accordance with the treaty of 1915.
It is necessary, however,athat China
enter into negotiations with us which
hitherto she has declined to do."
The delegates denied flatly French
assertions that a secret written un-
dertaking had been handed the "Big
Four" by Baron Makino, head of the
Japanese delegation, pledging Klau-
Chau would be restored to China.
"Such a written promise already is
written into the 1915 pact," he said,
"and also into the notes of Septem-
ber, 1918. The Japanese delegation
will allow no plenipotentiary to doubt
the sincerity of that pledge by ask-
ing additional written assurances.
"It is true that verbal reassurances
were given the 'Big Four' in this re-
spect, but there was no formal writ-
ten instrument, which is entirely sup-
erfluous anyhow, in view of our exist-
ing formal undertakings."
Sixty principals and superintendents
of high schools are taking courses this!
summer in the educational department,"
and have organized the EducationalI
club for the purpose of uniting them-
selves, the Acacia house at 603 South
State street being used as a general
It is planned to have several ou'-'
Ings, at which the members will hold
field days in the country. One such
was held last Saturday at the Country
Popular Courses
The courses which have attracted1
the principals and superintendents
here are many and varied. Some of
them are: The High School Curricu-
lum and Problems and Technique of:
High School Teaching which are
taught by Prof. C. O. Davis; Methods
of Statistical Measurement and Princi-
ples of Teaching by J. B. Edmonson,s
inspector of high schools; Psychology
of Education, which class is conducted
by Prof. C. M. Elliott of Ypsilanti
Normal; Methods of Teaching Indus-
trial Subjects by Prof. E. Lewis Hayes;
Methods of Teaching Mechanical Draw-
ing which is taught by E. R. Kepler,
assistant director of manual training+
in the Detroit public schools; Methods
of Teaching Women's Trades by Prof.
Cleo Murtland; Methods of Teaching
Industrial Subjects and Administra-]
tion of Vocational Education which+
are taught by Prof. G. E. Myers;
Psychology, Methods and Tests of+
Reading and Educational Tests and
Measurements by P. C. Baker, acting!
director of research in the Detroit
public schools; Psychology of Learn-
ing and Research in Educational
Psychology which are taught by Prof.
W. H. Pyle of the University of Mis-
souri, and Principles of Education
and The Junior High School by P. C.

Stetson, superintendent of Muskegon
Membership Roll
These courses offer chances for spe-
cialization in almost any branch of
education, and are proving extremely
popular. The following are the prin-
'cipals and superintendents attending
the Summer session:
H. B. Allen, Mason; E. H. Bab-
cock, Fremont; O. E. Balyeat, Sparta;
C. J. Barnum, Gaylord; E. Beeman,
Marine City; H. F. Bigelow; L. F.
.Brunk, Crafton, Pa.; K. .P. Brooks.
Central Normal School, Mt. Pleas-
ant; G. T. Cantrick, Monroe; J. T.
Caswell, Highland Park (Junior Col-
lege) °N. V. Chaffee, Saginaw; E. H.
Chappel, Richland; George Combs,
Romeo; F. W. Crawford, Three Riv-
ers; S. T. Cross, Shelby; J. B. Car-
penter, Louisville, Ky.; I. M. DeVoe,
Highland Park (Junior College); E. S.
Drehmer, Galesburg; S. M. Dudley,
Pontiac; R. W. Fairchild, Stevens
Point Normal, Wis.; L. W. Fast, Mt.
(Continued on Page Four)

Harrison Discusses Phlippine Qi
tion with President; To Return
to Manila Soon
Washington, July 16.-In an eff
to overcome Republican opposition
the peace treaty, President Wil
late today sent individual invitat
to a number of G. 0. P. senators
confer with him tomorrow regard
the peace treaty. The names of th
invited to the White House coni
ence were not made public.
Senator Chamberlain, of Oreg
former chairman of the senate m
tary committee, whose criticism
the war department early in the w
led to a sharp statement from Pre
dent Wifson, was among those v
called at the White House today L
those close to the president ho
the conference has resulted in the
establishment of harmonious relati<
between the executive and the 0
gon senator.
Sepator Chamberlain said, af
leaving the White House, that wi
there he had discussed the preside
itinerary for the "swing around t
New Plan Inaigurated
The president today inaugurated
plan of devoting a number of ho
each day to receiving senators a
representatives. His first caller w
Senator Swanson ,of Virginia, me
ber of the foreign relations commit
and, a strong supporter of the pe
treaty and the League of Nati
Other visitors included Sena
Owen, of Oklahoma, Pwho askedt
president's support of a bill auth
izing the establishment under gove
ment supervision of a bank or ba
to finance American export trade.
Philippine Question Discussed
Francis Burton Harrison, gover
general of the Philippines, spent 11
an hour with the president, discu
ing Philippine questions. Mr. Hari
scj said later that he expected
return to Manila on the first availa
Senator Lodge, chairman of the f
eign relations committee, was und
stood to be one of the 15 Repblh<
senators with whom the president
sired especially to confer.
The president was represented
being anxious to talk to all memb
of the senat, Republicans as well
Democrats, Ad to answer any qu
tions they might desire to ask.
It also was indicated that as
president had placed himself at
disposal of the foreign relations cc
mittee ,he would not begin his t
of the country until the committee
had a reasonable time in which to
cide whether it wished to confer w


July 17
5 p. m.-Niagara Falls and Vicin
(Illustrated), Prof. I. D. Scott.
8 p. m.-Educational motion pictu
July 18
2:30 p. m.-Excursion to Niagara F
under the direction of Mr. F.
Frostic, via the Michigan Cen
railroad to Detroit, and steamer
5 p. m.-Edwin M. Stanton, secret
of war, Prof. E. S. Corwin
Princeton university.
8 p. m.-Reading, Halm's Ingomar,
Barbarian, Prof. T. C. Truebl
(University hall).
July 21 .
5 p. m.-The Origin of Variation
Fundamental Problem of Organic
olution, Prof. Bradey M Hall
the University of Pennsylvania.
5 p. m.-Why the Public should be
terested in the Education of Nun
Prof. Dora M. Barnes.
8 p. m.-The Racial Heritage of

*Notice to Subscibers
The $1.25 rate will be charged
on all subscriptions that are not
paid before July 20.
usiness Manager

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