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July 15, 1919 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1919-07-15

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'SitH musir , Wous?
Arjo. A. at. laut

Make Lducations Broad And Not
Too Specialized, Urges Dean Cooley

aU attb Ifayttar?


etor Records
$2.00 to $1.50
Id Folks at Home
Le Bonheur est chose legere
Wenn die Schwalben heimwartz
The Rosary
SNur wer die Sehsucht kennt
Chan son llebralue
God Be With You
Romance Orientale
In the Hour. of Trial
Wspering Hope
Oh tht We Two Were Maying
Hansel and Gretel
Abide With Me
Rock of Ages
Passage Bird's Farewell
Jesus Lover of My Soid
Life's Dream is O'er
Tales of Hoffmann--Bararolle
I Need Thee Every Hour
,One Sweetly Solemn Thought
Long, Long Ago
Du, du liegst Mir im Herzen
Hans und Liesel
Au Clair de la Lune
Drunten iMUnterland
Treuc Liebe
Das Steierland
Es steht en' Lind'
Der Tannenbaum
Silent Nighat, Holy Night
Serenade (Schubert)
Ave Maria (Maseagni)
Serenade -(Dole-Moszkowskl)
Calm as the Night
Tales of Hoffmann-Barearolle
Serenade (Raff)
Pearl Fishers-Del templo al
The Wedding
My Homeland
Tes Yeux!
El Punao de Rosas-Romanza
Tosca-Trionfa di nuova speme
Following Records
$4.00 to $2.00
"Le Nil
Ave Maria (Gounod)
Angel's Serenade
Fiddle and I
Sing Me to Sleep
Der Spielmann
Lost Chord
Hymn of Praise
Stabat Mater-Qus est homo
Hansel und Gretel-Suse, liebe
Hansel und Gretel-Der Kleine
Norma-Mira o Norma
The Crucifix
Angel's Serenade
Ave Marla (Gounod)
Le Nil
Lullaby from Jocelyn
Ave Maria (Schubert)
Mighty Lak a Rose
Mignon-Connais-tu-le pays
Carmen-Je taime encore
Carmen-C'est to!
Carmen-HIalte la! qui va Ia!
Romeo and Juliet- Ange Ador-
'Le Donne Curiose-Il cor
Pique Dame-Es dammert
Pique Dame-r iens mon
Tro vatore-"Iserere

Aida-Nume custode e vindice
Tosea-Amaro sol per te m'era
Thais--D'Acqua aspergini
Magic Flute-Beli Mannern
Still wie die Nacht
Traviata-Parigi o cara
La Revoltosa
C'hanrson d'amour
Ave Maria (Gounod)
Angel's Serenade
Madama Butterfly-Tutti i fior
La Boheme-0 soave fanciulla
La Traviata-Dite alma giovine1
Ernani-O sommo Carlo
Pagliacci-IUn grandex
Carmen-Mia tu selt
Carmen-Fnale-Act 4
Carmen-MIra madre
Rigoletto-E I sol

(Continued from Page Three)
No longer is government simply the
administration of a system of statutes,
the collection of taxes and duties and
the maintenance of a military system.
It is a complicated machine by which
the citizens themselves drive forward
the great industrial, social, commer-
cial, aesthetic and idealistic entity of
the State,-in which all their varied
interests are inextricably bound. Com-
mercial or industrial problems affect
those of education and artistic devel-
opment; the working classes, from the
humblest wage-earner to the executive
of the largest*corporation, are depend-
.ent for their lives, comfort and hap-
piness upon the efficiency of the Gov-
ernment's many branches of direction
and agency.
And so it is that the designers of
our railroads, our electrical systems,]
our manufacturing plants and machin-
ery, our steamships, our sanitary sys-
tems, our defensive weapons-the
army, .navy, signal, supply and air
services-should be prepared for their
broadening task with a broadening
cultural education. Our future engi-
neers should stand head and should-
ers above the present professional
man of today to fulfill their full duties
to the nation and to themselves as
" The supreme weakness of the Ger-
man system of militarism was carry-
ing specialization to such a point that
vision beyond "the rut" of the task in
hand was impossible. German diplom-
acy could not grasp the psychology
and spirit of other peoples. German
war preparation became so inten-
sive that when certain sources of
supplies, certain forces of morale be-
came unobtainable, the great machine
fell of its own weight. German naval
and army sytems failed' because the
allies and the United States did not act
according to a German-made sched-
ule of things as they should be.
The specialist, were he military, in-
dustrial or executive, without his
schediule, prepared and learned by
rote, was nonplussed and conquered
when his carefully built plan went
wrong and found unexpected ob-

Our educational system should be
humanized; boys and girls in schools,
young men and 'maidens in the col-
leges and universities should be given
a wider knowledge of life, a greater
understanding of general interests,
that in the years of workaday toil they
may not only be the instruments and
arts of their own craft but understand
the wants and environment of the
prospective patrons of their produe-
tive labor.
(Continued from Page One)
Simultaneously with these exhibi-
tions, Philippine independence was bei
ing agitated. Intentionally or unin-
tentionally, maliciously or otherwise,
those exhibitions did'more harm to the
Philippine cause than all the other
campaigns against it launched in open
Unfavorable Editorials
Since then the American press have
written editorial after editorial alle-
ing in- unpleasant-terms that indepen-
dence cannot be the birthright of a
people primitive in all respects and
still in the age of savagery. Thus, even
in the hey-day of the 20th century,
when distance is said to have been an-
nihilated by the wonderful creations
of men's minds, when peoples are sup-
posed to be fairly well acquainted with
the wondrous transformation of na-
tionalities faring elsewhere than in
one's immediate environment, when
happenings from one part of this
planet are communicable to all other
parts with lightning-like rapidity -
even in this wonderfully enlightened
age, there are such things as an en-
tire nation being flagrantly misrepre-
sented, and the misrepresentations
taken for granted.
What, then, is the truth about the
so-called wild tribes of the Philip-
pines? Are they savages irretrieva-
bly? Are they susceptible of being civ-
ilized? Must their presence prevent
the recognition of the righteous claims
of Philippine nationalism?
The following facts are submitted to
candid America:
Number Is Small
There tare about 500,000 pagan peo-
ples in the Philippines. This number
includes every non-Christian tribe
from Luzon to Mindanao. It is one-
twentieth of the entire population,
which is 10,500,000. When, therefore,
writers speak of a people just being
redeemed from the abyss of savagery,
the statement applies only to the in-
significant portion of the entire popu.
lation of the archipelago. It does
not apply to the other portion, the
10,000,000 civilized and up-to-the-min-
ute Christian Filipinos, transformed
into Mediaeval Europeans long before
the Americans came, today fast being
Americanized, and actually conducting
a republican form of government un-
baffled by its intricacies. Yet, the
;general impression of America is that
all the inhabitants of the Philippines
are as fresh from the plaleolithic stage
as a newly-hatched chick is from its
The most numerous of the so-called
pagan tribes are the Igorots of Luzon
and the Moros of Mindanao. The latter,
however, are Mohammedans, and have
a civilization of their own.
Experts in Soil Cultivation
In intensive cultivation of the soil,
in the way -the Igorots cultivate the
steepest mountain side, this world and
age have yet to look for their supe-
riors. One has to see the rice ter-
races of the sub-province of Ifugao
rising like giant steps up the sides of

steep mountain canyons to a height
of 3,000 feet or more, if he must real-
ize the' colossal industrial undertak-
ing, the marvelous engineering ac-
complishments of these simple peo-


on Thursday

The "eftysticNine "Sale

holds great interest for summer school women who are wanting cool
crisp tub blouses, skirts, and dresses for the warm days.

This sale, a co-operative one by practically all of Ann Arbor's
merchants, has been taken by us as an opportunity of clearing our
summer merchandise.

The following items will give you an idea of the character of
the merchandise offered in the fashion salons and the extent of the

price reductions:

$10 to $12 voile dresses ........ . ..$8.89
$12 to $15 gingham dresses ..... .$7.89
$5.00 gingham dresses ..... . .,... .$2.89
$1.50 voile waists ..............99c

$2.50 tub waists . . . . . . .... .
$3.50 colored organdie waists
$4.95 colored organdie blouses
$5.95 tub skirts ...... .... .

... $1.89
. .. * $2.19
.... $3.99

df o


Just as it was the great force of
civilian-trained officers and men,
stepping from the ranks of unmilitary
life into the trenches after a few
months of intensive preparation who
drove the German war specialists be-
fore' them, so it is that for the vic-
tories of peace time we must have
forces, leaders and even ranks pre-
pared in more lines than their mere
specialties. The breadth, versatility
and resillient spirit of our officers and
men in crashing through the Hinden-
burg line and in clearing France and
Belgium, the high seas and even the
distant colonies of enemy hold was
due to the varied training of civilian
officers and civilian men.
Just as Prussianism in method fail-
ed in the great war, so will it fail in
the great peace, unless we extend an
educational system which will develop
individuals rather than unplastic
models, each a duplicate of every'
other in his own profession or trade.
The solution of the threat of unrest
is better education, from primary
classes into the advanced work of
technical professions.
Washington, July 14. - President
Wilson today sent this message to
President Poincare on the occasion
of the celebration of Bastile day:
"May I not on this day, which com-
memorates the breaking of the chain
which once bound France to an in-
tolerable servitude, convey to the
people of France the cordial fraternal
greetings of the people of the United
States and their sense of privilege,
and joy in having been associated with
France in breaking the bonds of the
"(Signed) Woodrow Wilson."
Women's League Entertains Thuirsday
Women students of the Summer ses-
sion are invited to attend an enter-
tainment to be given at 4 o'clock
Thursday afternoon in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall by the Women's league.
Members of the league will be admit-
ted free, while non-members will be
taxed 25 cents. The committee in
charge is arranging a program for the


pine Islands (Baguio) is located in
the heart of the mountains of North-
ern Luzon where Igorots abound.
Daily, multitudes of them can be seen
coming down from their homes
among the pine trees, bringing the
products of their plantations to the
market, buying of the Christian Fili-
pinos whatever objects attract their
taste, and otherwise mingling peace-
fully with the visitors from the low-
lands. Daily, they can be seen serving
as waiters in hotels, employed as mes-
sengers and salesmen in stores, or
acting as guides through the fastness1
of the mountains. In recognition of
their civic virtue, the charter of the
city provides that there shall be an
advisory council to be composed of
Igorots. Igorots play baseball and ten-
nis; they send their children to school.
Many of them are intermediate grad-f
uates, and many more are in the high
schools. One Igorot is about to re-
ceive his degree of Doctor of Medi-
cine in the University of the Philip-
pines. Those who are Christians bear
American names (such as Clapp, Irv-
ing, etc.) and are proud of it.
The same process goes on simul-
taneously in the fertile island of Min-
danao and elsewhere where non-Chris-
tian peoples can be found. Thousands
of pesos are appropriated every year
from the pockets of the 10,000,000
Christian Filipinos and spent for the,
non-Christian tribes in the form of
schools, hospitals and agricultural im-
plements. Teachers, doctors and nurs-
es from all over the islands are car-
rying a message of good-will wherever
they go. The non-Christian peoples
are actually represented in the na-
tional legislature of the Philippine Is-
lands, there being one Igorot and two
Moro congressmen in that body. "We
are one in spirit and one in blood,"
said the foremost citizen of the Moro
people, Senator Hadji Butu.
Subscribed to Liberty Loans
In the Second Liberty Loan, the Igo-
rotes alone subscribed $4,700. They
gave it for the "Great White Apo be-
yond the seas (Woodrow Wilson), a
free man fighting for free men." They
gave it on the plea that the Great Apo
was asking them all "to help. him win
freedom for all, the world." Considerz
the extreme poverty of these brave c
and promising people; considei their
distance from the arena of the con-2
lict; think of their mountain huts and1
of their scanty knowledge of world af- I






More than 300 courses conducted by a staff
of the regular facuiltes of the University.
facilities available

of 250 members
A1 University

Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and
Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library
Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani-
tary Science, Public Health Nursing, June 30-
August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August
8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30.
The work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that
of the academic session, and may be counted toward degrees. All
classes of students, and especially those who desire to shorten their
period of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted
or interfered with by the war, or associated activities, will find many
courses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend-
ance issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions.
Cosmopolitan student body. Delightful location.

For further information, address

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Box 20


In the words of an AmericanI

writer, those terraces"present an in-
spiring sight; and viewed in connec-
tion with the primitive conditon of
the people, there is nothing compara-
ble to them in the world. The pyramid
of Cheops, or the tallest skyscraper in
New York would appear insignificant
beside these clear-cut, Herculean
achievements of the ancestor-worship-
ping Igorote."
Fast Being Civilized -
The-pacific conquest of the moun-
tain people as well as of the Moros of
Mindanao is fast being achieved. Head-
hunting is now a dim vision of the
past. The Moro bandits of the South
have settled down. The land where
Pershing first made his name is be-
ing completely transfigured. The creed
of Jesus Christ is enlisting proselyte
after proselyte. While trade and in-
tercourse are hurrying with their
stimulating touch.
The summer capital of the Philip-


at Lake House
Every Wednesday and Saturday Nights
Bl 75"TED" RHODES, Saxaphone
"DON" HODES, Drums
fairs; and then measure the splendid- manners of civilized races. Being im-
ness of the gift by the spirit back muned from Medliaeval influences, and
f it! being reared exclusively-under the am-
It will surely be a question of only bient air of Americanism, they are
a decade or so when the non-Christian destined to be a most vigorous element
people of the Philippines will be com- in the ensuing processes of Philippine


Raynham Flight Postponed Again
St. Johns, N. F., July 14.-Discovery
of further defects in the radiator of
his Martinsyde plane during an hour's
trial this morning caused Capt. Fred-
erick P. Raynham, the pilot, to post-
pone the start of his proposed trans-

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