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July 15, 1919 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1919-07-15

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Joyshow First Amateur Vaudeville to
Have Professional
E. Mortimer Shuer, director of the
last Union opera, "Come On, Dad," has
been secured as the director of the
Joyshow to be given August 7 in Hill
auditorium. Mr. Shuter arrived in
Ann Arbor this morning and will be
present at the try-outs for acts at 5
o'clock this afternoon in the Union.
Immediately after Homer Heath, sec-
retary of the Union, had ascertained
frm Prof. L. A. Strauss, chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs, that
th'e committee would sanction the giv-
ing of a summer vaudeville, he wired
Mr. Shuter asking him if he could take
the position.
This will be the first time in the his-
tory of Michigan amateur theatricals
that a vaudeville production will have
a professional director. Promoters of
the Joyshow expect to make this en-
terprise surpass any regular vaude-
ville because of this fact.
. Four acts have already been secur-
ed and it is expected that four or five
more will be obtained this afternoon.
While in the city to direct the Joy-
show, Mr. Shuter will be making pre-
liminary arrangements for next year's
Clifford Devereux himself will not
be in his company this year, when it1
appears in Ann Arbor July 26 for two
performances. This marks the first
time that this popular actor will be t
absent from his productions, but tle1
details of management have grown so
much that his entire attention is giv-
en to them. A capable leading man is
promised in his place.1
The leading lady in the two playst
to be given, "The School for Scandal";
a I "Romeo and Juliet," is ZinitaI
Graf, a well known actress, *ho hasj
become famous in the roles in whichi
she is appearing. Two other membersI
of the.company, Agnes Scott and Wil-f
liam Podmore, are known to Ann Ar-
bor through having appeared with thet
Ben Greet players.
The Devereux players are said to
be in a class by themselves in respect
to varied repertory, finished perform-
ances, and the scope and activity of
their work. The company's promised
visit is notable in view of the fact that
it is being made in the course of itst
seventh annual tour of the UnitedI
July 15
6 p. m.-Practicing Democracy int
School Administration, Mr. T. J.
Knapp, superintendent of schools,'

Highland Park, Mich.
8 p. m.-The Hospital and the Com-
munity, Dr. C. G. Parnall.
July 16
5 p. m.-Education and Patriotism,
Dean J. R. Eflinger.t
8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the
University School of Music (Hill{
July 17
5 p. m.-Niagara Falls and Vicinity]
(Illustrated), Prof. I. D. Scott.
8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures.
July 18-
2:30 p. m.-Excursion to Niagara Fallst
under the direction of Mr. F. W.-
Frostic, via the Michigan Central
railroad to Detroit, and steamer to!
5 p. m.-Edwin M. Stanton, secretary '
of war, Prof. E. S. Corwin, of

Work on the 1919 Summer school
directory, which is being compiled and
edited by The Wolverine, is. progress-
ing rapidly and it is expected that the
book will be ready by the latter part
of the week.
To non-subscribers of The Wolverine
the directory will be sold for 35 cents,
while it will be given free of charge
to all subscribers, who present the cer-
tificate attached to their subscription
The Wolverine has already received
numerous calls for the directory and
it is expected that the edition will be
disposed of rapidly. Notice will be
given through these columns when the
book is ready for distribution.
Reservations for the excursion to
Niagara Falls under the auspices of
the Summer session are being made so
rapidly that 4,he party this year will
surpass any in previous years. A par-
ty of 25 is usual, but it i expected
that 35 and possibly more will make
the trip with Mr. F. W. Frostic this
The tourists will leave Ann Arbor
at 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon on the
Michigan Central for Detroit, where
they will take the City of Detroit at
.5 o'clock for Buffalo. The boat will
arrive in Buffalo Saturday morning,
allowing the members of the excursion
party to remain until Sunday evenilg
at the Falls, starting back to Detroit
at 6 o'clock Sunday evening. The boat
will dock in Detroit at 8 o'clock Mon-
day and the party will probbly arrive
dn AnArbo-out olo .
During the two days at Niagara all
the points of interest will be visited.
among the trips which will be taken
are the Gorge route, the Maid of the
Mist boat ride, the Cave of the Winds,
and the descent on the Canadian side
will be made. Goat Island will be vis-
ited, as will Brock's monument. Mr.
1rostic, who will conduct the party,
will explain the geological significance
of the Niagara region. Prof. I: D.
Scott will lecture Thursday evening
before the trip at 5 o'clock in the
Natural Science auditorium on "Niag-
ara Falls and Vicinity." Reservations
may be made for the excursion in
Room 440 of the Natural Science build-
ing between 7 and 8 o'clock in the
morning and between 4 and 6 o'clock
each afternoon.
Twenty-five dollars is given as the
highest estimate of the cost of the'
trip. .
Two lectures constitute the program
for today's entertainment of the Sum-
mer session. The first talk, "Prac-
tising Democracy in School Adminis-
tration," will be by T. J. Knapp, su-
perintendent of schools of Highland
Park, and will be given at 5 o'clock
in Natural Science auditorium.
The second will be an address on
"The Hospital and the Community,"
by Dr. C. G. Parnall at 8 o'clock in
the Natural Science auditorium..
The lecture by Mr. Knapp follows
the custom of the Summer session to

have talks each summer by the lead-
ing educators of Michigan. Others will
speak later in the season.
Dr., Parnall will speak of the co-
operation which is necessary between
the hospital and the community and
will tell of some of the plans for the
operation of the new University hos-
"Education and Patriotism" will be
the subject of a talk by Dr. John
R. Effinger, dean of the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, to be
given at 5 o'clock Wednesday after-
noon in the Natural Science audi-
Dean Effinger is considered a splen-
did talker, and during the operation
of the S. A. T. C. unit at Michigan had
unusual opportunities for observation

Seven Wolverines On All-American
Grid Teams; 15Westerners Honored

Of the 15 western football players
who have been placed on Walter
Camp's elevens, seven have been Mich-
igan men. Chicago and Minnesota
have contributed three each, while
Wisconsin and Ohio State have each
been represented by one choice.
Michigan's seven All-American ath-
letes are Heston, Schulz, Benbrook,
Wells, Craig, Maulbetsch, and Steke-
tee. Of these , seven -Heston and
Schulz have been placed on Camp's
All-time All-American eleven, the on-
ly western football men to be so
Heston was the most spectacular
player on the first great teams of
Yost. He scored more points for
Michigan than any other football play-
er has ever scored for the Maize and
Blue. He played from 1901 to 1904
on the point-a-minute machines that
ran through those four seasons in
succession without a defeat and with
but one tie game.
Totalof 2,326 Points
In Heston's four years Michigan
ran up a total of 2,326 points against
40 for her opponents. In 1901, the
first Michigan eleven coached by Yost
scored 550 points to 0 for is oppon-
ents, winning all 11 games on its
schedule by overwhelming scores.
Heston was responsible for a large
portion of the touchdowns scored
during the four years he played. He
played halfback and his smashing
runs down Ferry field will never be
forgotten by the alumni of those
earlier days.
Schulz Greatest Center
Schulz was a member of the Varsity
In 1904, 1905 and 1907. He played his
first year in 1904, when Heston was
captain, and developed into the great-
est center the gridiron game has seen.
Schulz outlived the big years that
followed the coming of Yost. He play-
ed on the 1907 eleven after Michigan;
had left the Conference, when the
Wolverines played but five games. One
of his greatest feats was in the Penn-
sylvania game of 1907, the only con-
test lost that season.
The giant center was not in con-
dition that fall as theresult of his
absence from all athletics the pre-
Measuring the musical talent of the
audience constituted the main part of
Miss Hazel M. Stanton's lecture,
"Measures of Musical Talent," at 5
o'clock yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science auditorium.
Miss Stanton, who has been an as-
sistant'to. Professor Seashore of the
University of Iowa in conducting these
experiments, told how the tests were
made. "The five principal measures
with which we test people, are pitch,
intervals, time, consonance, and tonal
memories. We grade the people on
what they do by comparing their ac-
tions with what a thousand people
will do.
"This measuring of musical talent is
a great help in learning a child's
musical ability. It enables us to find
out what branch of music he is weak
in, and train him to do- better in this
Miss Stanton then tested people on
pitch and read off in what class they
stood, according to the percentage
they got right. On the other four
measures she showed how they were
worked and illustrated them with discs
on the gramaphone.
These experiments have been reduc-
ed to discs by Professor Seashore and
his assistants and the discs were
played for the benefit of the audi-

Washington, July 14.-Investigation
of the cost of living by a special house
committee of six, apopinted by Speak-
er Gillett, was proposed in a resolu-
tion introduced today by Representa-
tive Johnson, Democrat, Mississippi.
The committee would be required to
recommend to congress "the proper
course to pursue in order that the
high cost of food may be reduced and
those who are guilty of profiteering
may be punished."
Lansing Leaves for America
Brest, Juy 14.-The Rotterdam, with'
Secretary Lansing on board, left here
for New York this afternoon. It was
delayed a day in coaling.


ceding year. Pennsylvania centered
her attack on Schulz, knowing him to
be in poor condition.
Pennsylvania vs. Schulz
It was Pennsylvania against Schulz
that afternoon on Ferry field. Time
after ,time the Michigan center hurled
back the Quaker offense, but back
they came at him giving him no re-
spite. For the first time in his life
Yost's giant pivot man had time taken
out for him. At last human endurance
could do no more and Pennsylvania
pushed over the only touchdown of
the game, scoring the only six points
scored against Michigan in 1907.
Schulz had played better football
in his earlier years but he gave one
of the greatest exhibitions of nerve
and perseverance' against odds that
day that Ferry field has ever wit-
Benbrook's Record
Benbrook, Yost's giant guard in
1908, 1909 and 1910, played during
the lean years of Michigan's gridiron
history. In his final season, when
Benbrook captained the eleven, Mich-
igan played three tie games, winning
the other three games on the sched-
ule, and scoring 29 points to 9 for her
This is the smallht total ever run
up by a Michigan team, although the
Wolverines did not lose a single'
game. Benbrook, called "Babe" be-,
cause of his huge stature, was a nat-
ural lineman, and a fast man for his

Wells Plays Three Years
Wells was a member of the Varsity
during Benbrook's last two years. He
also played the following year, 1911.
'It was as an end that he made the
All-American team, although in his
final year he was used in the back-
fmeld as well.
Craig played in 1911, 1912 and 1913,
the last named eleven proving one of
the strongest machines since 1905.
Syracuse, Cornell, and Pennsylvania
were defeated in order, although M.
A. C. had won a game earlier in the
Craig All-Round Player
Craig was a fine all-round player,
fast, shifty and a wonderful defensive
player in the modern game. "Watch
Craig" was the cry of every team in
his final year on the gridiron, and
despite their watching it was Craig
who engineered the trick plays that
fooled Cornell and Pennsylvania on
successive Saturdays.
Craig was one of the lightest of
Michigan's All-American players, a
star typical of the modern game. He
made up in speed and headwork what
he lacked in weight and his presence
on the field was always a source of
worry to the opposition.
Maulbetsch Wins Reogniton
Maulbetsch played in 1914, 1915 and
1916 and will still be remembered by
the older students on the campus.;
His great work against Harvard in
his first. season on the Varsity won
him nation-wide recognition as one
of the greatest ground-gaining halves
in the game. Maulbetsch, single hand-
ed, gained more ground on straight
football than did the whole Harvard
team, but despite his great work the
Crimson won, 7 to 0..
Maulbetsch was another small man,
weighing but a scant 160 pounds. He
ran close to the ground, could change
his direction with lightning speed
and was the best man at picking holes
in the line ever seen on Ferry field.
Maulbetsch captained the eleven his
last year, Michigan losing to Cornell
and Pennsylvania in the big games of
the season by a three-point margin in
each case.
Steketee won his place on the All-
American last fall in his freshman
year, being allowed to play on the
Varsity by virtue of wartime regula-
tions. His all-round work was a big
factor in the victories over Chicago
and Ohio State. Steketee's punting
ability makes him an especialy valu-
able man at fullback, from which po-
sition he can kick, pass, or run with
the ball.
Of the other western schools repre-
sented on Camp's All-American teams,
Chicago and Minnesota lead with three
each. The Maroon athletes so honor-
ed were Eckersall, Des Jardien and
Steffen. Minnesota produced Walker,
McGovern and Bastian, while Wis-
consin claims Butler. Ohio State's on-
ly representative has been Harley
who proved the sensation of the Con-
ference a few years ago when he won
the title for the Buckeyes almost

Entries for the Summer school ten-
nis tournament will close Saturday
night and drawings for the preliminary
matches will be announced in next
Tuesday's issue of The, Wolverine.
The first matches will be played Thurs-
day afternoon of next week.
More than 30 entries have already
been received and indications point to
a record lit of racquet wielders. Both
singles and doubles championships are
to be decided, with dozen and half
dozen boxes of tennis balls as prizes.
Entries should leave their names
with Dr. May, at Waterman gymna-
sium. The entry fee is 25 cents.
(By Jose P. Melencio, of the Philippine
Press Bureau)
Washington, Juy 14.-Some 20 Fili-
pino mountaineers, picked up from the
wilds of Luzon, and exhibited in their,
sylvan attire in the Saint Louis expo-
sition, have drawn more crowds than
all the other exhibits featuring Filipino
civilization and have given America
the impression that the Philippines are
a jungle teeming with naked, long-
haired, head-hunting people whoseI
creed and culture find their summum
manifestation in the primitive bow and
A number of money-making adven-
turers have shortly after toured the
country, taking with them the self-
same alleged samples of Philippine hu-
manity, and have exhibited them here
and there within the confines of this"
republic, charging 25 cents or there
abouts for a "look-see." Naturally,
here was something super-novel to the
eyes of curio-loving Americans, espe-
cially in these days when naked Sioux
or Hottentots have become a rare sight
indeed. And in proportion as the cof-
fers of the exhibitors were being fill-
ed to overflo*ing, American opinion"
on the Filipinos and things Philippine
was being enlightened negatively.
Misleading Literature
A little later, a couple of cute little
volumes appeared in the hook-world
and were systematically advertised, re-
plete from the first leaf to the last with
pictures of naked, long-haired Negritos{
in the actual pose of releasing an ar-
row from the string of their bow or
terpsichoring to the tune of the ven-
erable gong!
(Continued on page four)
Valparaiso, July 14.-Five small ves-
sels were destroyed or blown ashore
and heavy damage caused by a hurri-
cane which blew over this port Satur-
day and Sunday. All but one of the
crew of the German steamer Sais
were drowned. The Sais was washed
ashore and destroyed.g
The German ship Pelikan, 1,933 net;
tons, sank at its moorings. Two -re-,
pair ships, the Maipu and Chiloe, and
the government steamer Collico were
pounded to pieces against the break-
water. The German steamer West-
phalen was damaged and three other
German steamers are in a dangerous

condition. The weather still is stormy.
Three other German 'vessels, the
steamer Tannis of 6,000 tons and the
sailing vessels Petschili, of 3,087 'tons,
and the John, of 1,974 tons, were re-
ported swept ashore and broken up, in
a Valparaiso dispatch reecived Satur-
Vienna, July 11 (Delayed). - Three
thousand -aliciau Jews have been
arrested in the streets of Budapest,
according to advices today. f
Bela Kun, head of the Hungarian
soviet government, replying to a Po-
lish protest, declared:
"Pogroms are bound to come. here,
but we do not want Hungarian Jews
to suffer for the acts of the Galician
Jewish spectators who infest this coun-
try. Also, we refuse to return money
found -on their persons."

Debate on..

Active Ratification
by Virginia

Washington, July 14.The senate for
eign relations committee, beginning
consideration today of the peace treaty
reported three minor resolutions bear
ing on the Versailles negotiations bu
took no action on the question of ask
ing President Wilson to take part i
committee discussion of the treaty.
The resolutions reported would cal
upon the president and the state de.
partment for information regarding a
alleged secret treaty between Japa
and Germany; regarding a protest saic
to have been made by General Bliss
Secretary Lansing and Henry White
against the Shantung settlement; why
Costa Rica "was not permitted" tc
sign the peace treaty.
President Not Invited
Members of the foreign relations
committee said practically' all of the
two hours meeting was taken up with
consideration of these resolutions, and
that there was no discussion as to in-
viting the president to meet with til
committee or of the proposal to sepa-
rately consider the peace terms and
the League of Nations covenant. The
ommittee meets again tomorrow.
Immediately after the committee ad-
journed, debate on actual ratification
of the treaty began in the senate, Sen-.
ator Swanson, Virginia, a Democratic
member of the committee, opening witl
a speech praising the league coven-
ant as the only possible plan for pre-
serving world tranquility.
All of the resolutions reported b
the committee were amended in mi oz
particulars. That regarding the al-
leged Japanese-German treaty, intro-
duced by Chairman Lodge, and that re-
lating to Costo Rica, introduced b
Senator LaFollette, Republican, Wis-
consin, were reported without record
SWilson Discusses Pact
While the committee was in ses-
sion, President Wilson discussed var
ous phases of the treaty, particularly
the Shantung settlement, with sena-
tors who called at the White House
On this point it was said the president
pointed out that necessarily the Amer-
ican peace commissioners could no
mpose their complete will on th
peace conference and were compelle!
to accept some things in the treat
which they personally disapproved.
The president also was said tc
have explained that consideration ha
to, be given the treaty between the
Allies and Japan, made before the
United States entered the war, b3
which the material German interests
in Shantung were pledged to Japan.
The president was said to have tol
his visitors that the treaty did . nol
give Japan any political rights i
Shantung and in Kiao Chau, but onl3
economic rights which woud termin
ate in 60 or 70 years.
Japan's delegates at Versailles, the
president was said to have told hh
callers, were instructed not to sig
the treaty unless the Japan-Allie
treaty provisions were adhered to.
The president also was represent
ed as having expressed the view thai
it was expedient to yield on Shantung
in order to have Japan as a membem
of the League of Nations.
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins to ro to N. Y
President Harry B. Hutchins wil
leave the latter part of the week foi
New Yorkd, where he will attend i
meeting of the board of trustees of the
American University union in Paris.


i i-


Men and women wishing
work on the Wolverine should
the city editor any afternoon
tween 2 and 4 o'clock. There
a few good 'positions open,
pecially for those who hope
gain experience for york on '
Daily in the fall


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