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July 11, 1919 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1919-07-11

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On the Other Hand-

Published Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, afternoons
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class matter
Subscription by carrier or mail, $.oo
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street
Phones: Business-96o; Editorial-2414
)ffice Hours Managing Editor-:oo to 2:oo o'clock daily except Saturday; Business
Manager-:oo to z:00 o'clock daily except Saturday
Communications not to exceed 300 words, if signed, the signature not necessarily to ap.
t in print, but as an evidence of faith, and notices of events will be published in The
verine at the discretion of the Editor, if left at or mailed to the office.
Unsigned communications will receive no consideration. No manuscript wIl be returned
s",the writer incloses postage. -"-
Thed Wolverine does not necessarily endorse the sentiments expressed in the communications.
Mark K. Ehlbert......................Managing Editor
Phone 24r4
J. Ellsworth Robinson.................Business Manager
Phone 960 or xsog
sser M. Campbell............Ci tyEditor Howard Weeks..............Column Editor
on Marx.........Associate Editor Chas. R. Osius jr........Directory Editor
embroke Hart..........-..Sports Editor Martha Guernsey.... ..Women's ditor
Mark B. Covell..............Assistant Business Manager
Thornton W. Sargent Jr.....................Issue Editor
F. G. Merz J. E. Beretta Robert W. Taylor
N Schneider George 1. Heideman Richard Lambrech
Jaies C. Coston . William Wachs
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1919.
The government is appealing to all men who have taken out War Risk
irance not to let their payments lapse. It is asking this not for itself,
for the sake of the men concerned, as the rules regarding reinstate-
at in case of lapses are very liberal, and from three to nine months are
awed for the men to resume their payments should they have fallen be-
d. It is estimated that about 50 per cent of the men discharged from
vice do not keep up their premiums. Unlike other insurance com-
ties, which have strict rules in such cases, the 'government is willing
give the men every chance to catch up.
Government insurance was instituted to protect the soldier from what-
r accident of war should befall him. The rate was ridiculously low,
Ithere was hardly a soldier who did not have insurance, the average
&unt being somewhere around $1,000. But since being discharged, the
a hae seemed to believe that it was not necessary for them to keep up
Ir insurance, and have disregarded it.
This is wrong. Since the government has decided to keep up the in-
ance, it should also be retained by the men. A mutual benefit will re-
t, for while the men are receiving insurance cheaper than they could
i any regular company, the government has the advantage of the large
nber of subscribers. The larger this number, the more will the indi-
ual having insurance be protected, the rate being then able to be kept
r. But should the number decrease, the rate will have to be raised cor-
pondingly. The government is willing to go into the insurance busi-
s, but it cannot be expected to enter it on any other than a business
There is another aspect to the question. The government instituted
r insurance and protection to repay the soldier in some measure for his
vice to his country. The soldier can now show the same gratitude by
:lng the government carry his insurance rather than some other con'i-
y. He will be helping both the government and himself.
Keep up your insurance.'
Nowhere has the millennial circus more enthusiastic barkers than among
advertising purveyors of educational opportunity for the millions.
uld you get what you want, - wealth, beauty, renown, health, friends? For
a dollars I will send you an exact replica of Fortunatus's cap, easy to ad-
t; may be worn during sleep, thus necessitating no detention from your
lular business. Would you become a convincing talker and talk your way
o the presidency of your concern within the week? A postal brings one of
mosthenes' pebbles; placed beneath the tongue it will raise your salary to
600 a year; cheaper and quicker than the now out-of-date Blarney Stone.
e you efficient? Self-reliance is the basis of efficiency. Mail this coupon
I receive Emerson's course in self-reliance; the life-long application of the
uciples here laid down brought him an income of $50,000 to $70,000; you
y do even better. Does your memory fail you? Follow the simple direc-
is worked out by "Memory" Thompson (price five dollars) and remember
contents of every shop window you pass, the telephone number of every
,n you meet; you never can tell when this information may be useful.
us the chorus; and a public, avid of self-improvement, pays its money and
ses into the side-shows in sufficient numbers, apparently, to keep the cry
rry and full. Our modern sophists will teach anything for a price. The
ral road even is no longer sought; Socrates sits idly by, and gains the

r of not a single one of those who throng the democratic speedway.
cient universities anxiously consider how they may transform themselves
o sightseeing vehicles a little more sumptuously. appointed and doing the
cular tour of the new heaven and the new earth with even greater de-
itch than can be promised by the purveyors of correspondence courses.
ch active bidding for an opportunity to afford light must arise from some
nine desire for it among large masses of men; but if the leaders them-
ves are dazzled into something like blindness, the awakening in the
vitable ditch will be rude indeed. - The Review.
The Death House at Sing Sing is filled up for the first time in its his-,
y. Housing conditions are bad, but no one realized they were as bad
all that.
Thirty barrels of wine belonging to Caruso were commandeered the
ier day. We hope there were no sour grapes.
A conductor was left $15,000 because he smiled all the time. Wonder
he thinks he has enough to look gloomy now?
Willard looked like an amateur actor, says Ethel Barrymore. He
ln't know his part very well, either.




With Cinders, Too
Mr. Brown sighed the comfortable
sigh of a locomotive.-Detroit News.
The Winding Path
We see that Charlie Chaplin has a
son. As soon as he learns to creep
they'll probably start him in his fa-
ther's footsteps.
The Skirts Don'' Say It
"'Peek-a-boo' Say New
White Skirts at $5."
-from the ads.
The Perfect Pet
This paragraph ius being written in
hopes that all America will be
brought to her knees and fall in with
our movement. In short there must be
no home in these United States of ours
without at least one goldfish. No bet-
ter pet swims. Or walks, crawls, or
flies for that matter.
Take their good points in order. (The
author speaks from experience as he
has recently acquired two of 'em.)
They are practically noiseless. Now
and then Gertrude, as I have named
the larger of my dumb friends, will
rise to the surface and emit a faint
whistle but by merely dropping a
bit of fish food in the water, or a
piece of blotter will do as well, she
is immediately pacified. They require
no taking out on a leash, no baths, no
combing of hair or any other time con-
suming bother. It cheers them up
now and then to read to them but they
are soon fatigued and retire to the
depths of their %astle or lurk behind
their burdock. They dirty no dishes
and never bother one by climbing in-
to the lap or shedding fur on the
clothing. They keep regular hours
and one is practically never troubled
by having to get up late at night to
let them in. Their diet is simple and
never varies though they have shown
temporary animation when a cigar-
ette butt was dropped in their globe.
If one has a cat they afford a pleas-
ant diversion for the feline. I have
seen a cat sit for hours trying to dip
them out with her paw. but not being
web-footed she had little success.
Egbert, as I call the smaller of the
two, seems to be fascinated by banjo
music and will remain for hours with
his nose pressed against the glass
while someone strums to him. He us-
ually beats time with his dorsal fin if
the music continues for any great dur-
Summing up all their virtues they
outclass by far any other of our
dumb animals used foK pets and it is
my sincere wish to see a gleaming
aquarium sitting nextto the victrola
in every American home.

Italian Beggars
Return to Posts
Rome, June 1 (Correspondence). -
The picturesque galaxy of beggars
who had by a sort of hereditary suc-
cession ofcupied the flights of steps
leading from the Piazza di Spagna to
the church of Trinita de', Monti-on-
the-Pincio, who have been from time
to time the topic of authors like Dick-
ens and Howthorne and who, for lack
of patronage during the war vacated
the steps, are one by one taking up
positions along the broad stone stair-
way again.
While the beggars are full-fledged
descendants of their mendicant an-
cestors they are not nearly as pic-
turesque. They come no more with
their pretty, brown velvets in breech-
es and short waisted coats. They are
not accoutred in the dress of the
Italian operatic peasant. They lack
the striking qualities which color gives
and they have abandoned the romance
of the historic and ancient attires.
The new arrivals wear the apparel
of a western charity seeker. Their
linen is not clean, though their
clothes are of modern, comparatively
modern, models. They are not unlike
American beggars but not nearly as
finished in securing their alms and
putting forth their case. It is said
'iey regard their career on the steps
as a profession and expect alms be-
cause they are beggars providing
soothing balm for the troubled souls
whom they seek to make believe, "It
is more blessed to give than to re-
Among them the artists can find
many examples for their paintings of
"Holy Families." Some begging moth-
rs bring all their offspring with them
as an additional evidence of their
right of possession of the steps. The
children play with each other, uncon-
scious that their mission there is to
attract the pity of the passing pedes-
trian. It would appear that the chil-
Iren were posing for a picture of
"Domestic Happiness."

We offer quantities of New and Second Hand



for all departments. Our stock of LOOSE LEAF NOTE
BOOKS, FOUNTAIN PENS, Etc., Etc., is complete.
A Cordial Welcome and Unusual Service at
Wahr's University Bookstores

For Traveling Anywhere Anytime
You will eajoy using the
A. B. A. Travelers' Checks as issued by this bank. They
come in denominations of $10, $20. $50 and $100, are cashed
by Banks, Hotels, Railroads, etc., without identification.
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Eastman Kodaks Eastman F


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We have led in anateur finishing for twelv'e years and are still lead-
ing :--\Why? Because we give you QUALI Y. We guarantee our devel
oping or no charge. We have the latest and best equipped store in the
State aid our help is experienced in every line of Photography.
Two Doors from LYNDON & COMPANY UiAN ivrth
Hill Auditorium ~ ~ ~ V'L~ nvriyAeu

We're glad to see the President back
in his own native land again. Osten-
sibly to make the U. S. safe for demo-
As the Detroit News Sees John D.'s
Tarrytown, N. Y., July 9. - Yester-
day was John D. Rockefeller's 80th
birthday and the celebration passed
off smoothly. All was as smooth, al-
,most, as John D.
The city was in gala dress. Sus-
pended from poles, trees, public build-
inks and from every available point
tinted wire cards, bearing the price of
John D. led in the cheering when it
was announced that the R-34, in com-
ing over, used up all but a 90-minute
supply of petrol and would have to.
buy some more to get back on.
The Growing Forehead
" es," said the gent as he bought
a battle of Herpicide (adv.), "a fool
and his hair are soon parted."
Practical Arithmetic
A teacher received the following
note from the mother of one of her
Dear Madam: Please ixcus my Tom-
my today. He won't come to skule
because he is acting as timekeeper
for his father, and it is your fault.
U gave him a ixample if a field is 6
miles around how long will it take a
man walking 3 1-2 miles an hour to
walk 2 1-4 times around it? Tommy
ain't a man, so we had to send his
father. They went early this morn-
ing and father will walk around the
field and Tommy will time him, but
pleas don't give my boy such ixamples
agin, because my husban' must go to
work every day to support his family.

London, July 10.-Six building berths
and a frontage of 900 feet on the
Channel are the features of the new
Harland and Wolff shipyard which has
just opened. The yard, which is to
be devoted to the building of stand-
ard fabricated ships, marks an im-
portant development of the shipping
industry in the Belfast district.
Measured in tonnage, although per-
haps not in number of vessels, the
capacity of these yards for building
fabricated ships is considered to be
larger than any similar plant in
America. The latter are designed for
the continuous production of medium
sized cargo vessels, whereas the Bel-
fast firm is now in a position to build
the largest vessels in the world.
Philadelphia, July 10. - The latest
'infant phenomenon" hails from Phil-
adelphia. Her name is Edith Gruen-
berg. At the age of eight months
Edith. from the confines of her cra-
dle, mimicked the call of the quail
with such conviction that the bird
would answer back. At the age of two
she could distinguish all the colors of
the spectrum. One month later she was
discovered in the act of humming
Schubert's "Serenade," and at three
and a half years she could recog-
nize 100 popular airs. Three months
later Edith's favorite composers were
Tschaikowsky, Wagner, Leoncavello,
Handel, Rubinstein, Liszt, Sullivan,
Puccini and Beethoven. Edith could
pronounce all these names without a

-- - -- - -- -


110 SO. MAIN ST.
Complete line of High Grade Pianos, Player
Pianos, Victrolas, Victor Records
All String and Wind


Owosso May Obtain Tractor Plant
Owosso, July, 10. - A new farm
tractor plant may be located in Owosso
if inducements of a sufficiently attrac-
tive character are offered. Peoria, IlL.,
capitalists are said to be backing the
inventor of the new vehicle which is
said to possess some exclusive fea-

Patronize our advertisers.

Michig'an Ranks Fourth in Building
Detroit, July 10. - Michigan was
fourth state in the Union in the value
of building contracts let ;for con-
struction during March, figures just
compiled by the Department of La-
bor show. Building construction in
the state reported to the bureau and
which by no means represents the ab-
solute total, has an aggregate value
of '$131,285,000. It embraces 230 in-
dividual projects.
The Coolest Place in Town
Air Changed Once a Minute
The Sugar Bowl
Phone 967 109 SO. STATE
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann'Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron
707 North University Ave.

mid =Summer
All Light
Three-piece Suits
The house of Kuppenhelimer in Ann Arbor

Girls, Don't Read This
Shirts 20% Off at Hudson's.


free motion pictures, and other entertain-
ssion is more a session than anything else.

Theres' always one solace in the
hot weather. Think of the magazine
editors who are writing their Christ-
mas copy. H. W.

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