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Today and Tomorrow
By the late Charles Klein
"It is difficult to fit courses of study
to children 'and likewise difficult to fit
children to courses of study. As yet
no accurate reliable tests have been
devised by which to classify children
on the basis of nature endowment.
The movement for the measurement of
general intelligence is utilized as a
part of a program for classifying pu-
pils according to their probable fu-
tures. No progressive school man
would defind a practise so un-demo-
cratic and un-American as this philos-
phy would seem to impose.
"Courses of study must be shaped for
the large numbers who never go be-
yond the eighth grade, or who never
complete high school work, as well as
for those who graduate from the high
"Clubs are a popular agency for con-
tinuing the education of adults in a
socialized form. They are beneficial
according to their aims. If they exist
solely for the members' enjoyment
they are not justified, but when they
are working to keep educational stand-
ards high in the community they de-
serve praise and generous support,"
stated Miss Anna P. MacVay, Wad-
leigh high school, New York City, in
her speech on "The Functions of a
Classical Club."
"If disaffection is anywhere felt
toward the classical languages, it is
largely due to the selfish narrowness
of those who teach them and the ig-
norance and superficiality of the gen-
eral public. Among the important
functions of a Classical club are: (1)
to improve.instruction by quickening
the understanding of teachers; (2) to
further liberal studies, and especially
Latin and Greek in popular esteem, (3)
to secure compulsory teaching (not
compulsory studying) of those lan-
guages in every academic course; (4)
to direct pupils aright in their choice
of electives; (5) to establish scholar-
ships for excellence in classical attain-
ments and to assist impecunious
youths to further study."
For, as everybody knows, coolness is largely
a matter of clothes!
Slip into a fresh white blouse, and a crisp
white skirt-you're cool!
Or a dainty silk skirt (hundreds of them to
choose from here)-and a lovely Cossack blouse
of rose, or blue or green Georgette, beautifully
embroidered in yarns.
l5ie Hutzel Shop's a Place
for Summer Coolness!
The girl brings to his
knees the world's richest
man who plots to ruin her
Thursday and Friday
Or one of the
summer frocks!
scores of
lovely printed voile
There are so many ways here to freshen your
summer wardrobe, that we couldn't possibly tell
you about all of them.
Come and see!
All "Virtuous" men and
all "Other" men will want
to see this picture.
MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunday
Wed-Thurs-9-10-Pauline Frederick in
"Paid in Full." "The Foolish Age,"
Sennett Comedy.
Fri-Sat-11-12-Billie Burke in "Good
,Gracious Annabelle." "Flirts," Select-
ed Comedy.
COMING-The Six Original Sennett Bath-
ing Girls-IN PERSON.
Shows at 3:oo; 7oo; 8:30
Theatre, 296-M Mgr'u Res., ax6-M
Tue-Wed-8-9-Alice Joyce in "The
Lion and the Mouse" (Ret.) ; Start
Comedy, "Wise Wives" and News
2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 8:30, 10:00
Tues- Wed - -9 -William Farnum in
"The Jungle Trail" with a Lloyd Com-
edy, "Jazzed Honeymoon" and a "Kin-
ogram" News Weekly.
Sat-12-Sessue Hayakawa in "His Debt"
with a News and Comedy.
Sun-Mon--13- 14-ANITAySTEWART in
"TWO WOMEN" with a Tom Mix
Comedy, "The Soft Tenderfoot."
Tues-W--d-15-16---Tom Mix in "The
Wilderness Trail" with a Lloyd Com-
edy and Kinogram Weekly.
Thurs-Fri - 17-18- Mitchell Lewis in
"Nine-tenths of the Law" and a two-
reel L-Ko Comedy.
Sat--19-Billie Rhodes in "In Search of
Arcadia" with a News and Comedy-
(Continued from Page Two)
field more fertile than the elementary
schools, where we have "all the chil-
dren of all the people" at their most
impressionable age," declared Miss
Mabelle Glenn, supervisor of music,
Bloomington, Ill., in her address,
"Music as an Influence in Elementary
"In the public schools, music is the
one unifying power. A class of forty,
in most subjects, presents problems of
discipline. Because of the possibilities
of co-operation and music's power in
developing a common group feeling, a
music class of a thousand may be
swayed as a unit.
The universal desire for self-expres-
sion may be satisfied through music."
"We will experience democracy in
musical education only when technical
training, according to the capacity of
tho individual, is given through the
public schools. Much talent is lost be-
cause of lack of opportunity for study.
Talent and lack of talent may be as-
certained through psychological tests.
Thus may the future performers and
the future audiences be chosen and
H. L. Miller, principal of Wisconsin's
high school, University of Wisconsin,
speaking on "Curriculum Problems,"
"It is not too much to say that the
world is being forced willy nilly to a
new activity for the protection of all
children-not a few, hot favored chil-
dren, but all children," declared Miss
Julia C . Lathrop, chief children's bur-
eau, Washington, D. C., speaking on
the subject, "Every Child and Every
Teacher." "War losses of population
and of wealth force'Europe. A descent
self-respect would force the United
States even if it were 'not plain that
the nations which are to maintain
leadership will be those which most
wisely and generously equip the chil-
dren of today and tomorrow."
"Considering the exemption this
country enjoys from the poverty and
hunger and devastation of Europe, it
is not less than our reasonable serv-
ice to make the United States stand
first in every phase,of child welfare in
any list of countries. We cannot help
the world toward democracy if we de-
spise democracy at home; and it is
despised when mother or child die
needlessly. It is despised in the per-
son of every child who is left to grow
up ignorant, weak, unskilled, unhappy,
no matter what his race or color. The
war has left us no sectional questions.
We have only the issue of a nation's
"It has remained for England to
point a way. The new English educa-
tional act cuts the root of rural child
labor by providing that every child in
the land without exception shall at-
tend school at least until 14 for the full
term of the school year.
"Undoubtedly the same result can be
obtained here by federal aid to el-
ementary education. The schools can
be standarized, the teachers reason-
ably paid, as a condition of the fed-
eral aid. Such aid cannot come too
soon as a measure of sheer economy.
"Each year more than one million
children between 14 and 16,years old
leave the schools to go to work. The
great majority have not reached the
seventh grade. Take the most advanc-
ed of the one million. What work do
they find? Who helps them find it?
(Continued on Page Four)
Main and Liberty Streets
1,200 HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Michigan's second training canton- ular army officers and 12 reserve
ENTER MUSKEtION ARMY CAMP ment for reserve army officer candi- ficers who, who for the last two wee
dates. Most of the youths are from have been getting things ready for
Muskegon, Mich., July 7. - Twelve Chicago. coming of the rookies. 'The stude
hundred high school students arrived The camp, which is located at Lake from Chicago brought along the
here Sunday to enter Camp Roosevelt, Harbor, will be in charge of two reg- piece Tech Lane high school band.
pppp- 't: E
Last Times Today
"The Marriage Price"
Leae Copy
glar': and
The Bobt
Leava Copy
Quarry's and
The Delta
Pauline Frederick -- "Paid In Full"
2:00, 3:30, 7:00, 5:30, 10:00
Tues-Wed - 8-9 - Peggy Hyland- in
"Cowardice Court" and "THE SILENT.
Thurs-10-Jahn Barrymore in "The
Test of Honor" with a News and Com-
edy (Ret.).
Fri- 1-Marguerite Clark in "Mrs.
Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" with a
News and' Comedy (Ret.).
Sat-12-Enrico Caruso in "My Cousin"
with a News and Comedy (Ret.).-
Sun-Mon-13-14-Carlyle Blackwell in
"Hit or Miss" witha Mutt & Jeff Car-
toon and Ford Weekly.
LOST--Near the river, silver necklace;
large links with white opal set in
pendant. Finder notify Wolverine
LOST-Black bill fold containing six
dollars, Union card, etc. Liberal re-
ward for return to Wolverine office.
LOST-Let the Wolverine help find,
WANTED--Girls for domestic work in
pantries, nurses dining rooms, and
as maids. Reside in New Employees'
Home with matron in charge. Ad-
dress the Grace Hospital, John R.
St. & Wills Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
WANTED-The Wolverine can gratify
your wants. Subscribe for it.
WANTED--Your subscription to the
"Yankee Doodle, In Berlin"
With Six Sennet Bathing Girls in Perso