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July 01, 1919 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1919-07-01

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. C. Fetter, for five years stu-
stor of the First Baptist church
iug secretary of the University
C. A. for the past two years,
3nday afternoon for Boston,
he will take up his duties in
work with the First Baptist
of that city. His position there
ng him into connection with all
versity students in and about

A. C. Crockett, '19, will be in charge
of the University "Y" during the sum-
mer, and will conduct the employ-
ment bureau throughout the summer
session. No action has yet been taken
to fill the position left vacant by Mr.
Fetter, the matter being in the hands
of the advisory board. .
Military Training Popular in Mexico
Mexico City, June 30.-More than
1,500,000 children have received mil-
itary instruction in the public schools
of Mexico within the past three years.


'I ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _







ore than 300 courses conducted by a staff of 250 members
the regular faculties of the University. All University
facilities available
Literature, Science, and the Arts, Engineering and
Architecture, Pharmacy, Graduate Study, Library
Methods, Biological Station, Embalming and Sani-
tary Science, Public Health Nursing, June 30-
August 22; Medicine and Surgery, June 30-August
8; Law, June 23-July 26 and July 28-August 30.
e work is equivalent in method, character and credit value to that
the academic session, and may be counted toward degrees. All
sses of students, and especially those who desire to shorten their
rinod of residence at the University, or whose work was interrupted
interfered with by the war, or associated activities, will find many
urses well adapted to their needs. Certificates of credit and attend-
ce issued. Many special lectures, recitals, concerts and excursions.
smopolitan student body. Delightful location.

For further information, address

x 20

Ann Arbor, Michigan



all a/A)cearQound soft drink
or businos mn,profossional
mon, mon of sports j-olf,
bowlini,tonnis,shootini id ng.
for ovorybody, ovorywhero,
tho yoar 'round. Bovo is halo
rof 4shmont for wholosonio
thirst- -an invigorating soft
drink. Idoal for the atiloto
or the man in physical or
monfal trainin#gw jood to
train and gain on. oalth.
ful and appot zin.
Sold *,1t y*hroi AmiOS suppliod by
frocor, druJicst and dealer.
VIsitors arocordially Invited touinspectour plant

(Editor's Note: Primarily for the
benefit of the teachers attending the
Summer session, The Wolverine will
publish excerpts from speeches deliv-
ered before the National Education
association, now in convention at Mil-
waukee. Following are parts of ad-
dresses given yesterday and today.)
"We have long been committed in
the United States to the principle of
universal free pubne ecucation. That
we have not yet realized the ideal em-
bodied in this principal is a matter of
common knowledge."But few Amer-
icaps realize how far short we have
fallen," declared George D. Strayer,
professor of educational administra-
tion Teachers college Columbia uni-
versity, New York, in his speech on
"Readjusting Education to the Chang-
ing Needs of Democracy." "The army
tests indicated 20 per cent of illiter-
acy among our adult population. One
man out of every three were found to
be physically unfit for general military
service. Hundreds of thousands of
foreigners who live among us have
no opportunity for that kind of educa-
tion which would enable them to un-
derstand our government nor have
they had provided for them the in-
struction which might lead to an un-
derstanding of our ideals. Only those
children who live in the more favored
communities have an adequate educa
tional opportunity.
"Millions of Americans, boys and
girls, are being taught during a six
months school term by boy and girl
teachers who have less than a high
school education. The great mojority
of our children receive no education
beyond 14 years of age. It is a mat-
ter of common knowledge that ideals
and purpose which govern in life are
commonly developed after 14 and we
know that the intellectual maturity re-
quired to understanid the principles
underlying our republican form of gov-
ernment is not developed before that
"The future of our American democ-
racy depends upon a recognition of
the necessity of developing the United
States a system of public education:
(1) which will remove illiteracy, (2)
which will provide for the Americani-
zation of every foreigner who would
continue to live among us, (3) which
will include a program of physical ed-
ucation and health service, providing
for every boy and girl an opportunity
for normal physical growth and de-
velopment, (4) which will guarantee
sufficient support for public education
to make possible a well equipped
school in which a properly trained and
adequately paid teacher will teach for
a minimum of 180 days in the year,
(5) which will make compulsory edu-
cation to 18 years of age on full time, -
for boys, and girls until 16 years of
age, and on part time, in daylight
hours, on the employer's time, for
those who work between 16 and 18
years of age.
"The responsibility for educating our
fellow citizens with respect to the
short-comings of our school system
and of enlisting their support in the
development of a program of education
which will make good the promises of
our democracy, rests upon our profes-
"We may not hope to meet our re-
sponsibility except as we organize our
profession in such a way as to make
effective in our states and in the na-
tion our demand for the development
of our public school system.
"There is immediate need for the re-
organization of the National Educa-
tional association to the end that
every local group of teachers may feel
their responsibility for the schools of
the state and of the.nation and in or-
der that the national association may

be able to accept responsibility and to
offer expert service in the solution of
state and local educational problems.
"It is possible to bring to pass an or-
ganization of the 7,000,000 teachers, su-
pervisors, and administrators of our
schools which will serve as a,power-
ful force in bringing to the attention
of every true American, the needs of
our public school system, and which
will stimulate every member of our
profession to renewed endeavor in the
public service. This reorganized N.
E. A. will be a working organization.
"At the annual meetings, the repre-
sentatives from every state and lo-
cality will meet for the consideration
of current discussion. As a result of
the deliberations of this representative
professional group- of men and women,
there will be adopted a program for
the development of our school which
will challenge the attention and com-
mand the respect of every intelligent
"Practically all of the twenty million
pupils attending the schools of the
United States, in their endeavor to aid




"'The best part of
summer school"


A 35c

summer school directory free
with each subscription




News of the






Leave Copy
Quarry's and.
The Delta


Subscribe at Wolverine office or on the Campus

ALE-20 shares of Internation-
elephone Company stock at $500
hare. Address Jos. Hardy, care'
Elk Coal Company, Columbus

WANTED-Girls for domestic work in
pantries, nutses dining rooms, and
as maids. Reside in New Employees'
Home with matron 'in charge. Ad-
dress the Grace Hospital, John R.
St. & Wills Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
LOST-Let the Wolverine help find

$1.00 Local

Foreign $1.00

By Carrier to Your Door




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