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August 19, 1919 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1919-08-19

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X. No. 2. 4




apan's Successes to Encourage Tres-
passing on Hay Open
Door Policy

London, Aug. 18.-The bolsheviki
have been driven from Odessa by the
the populace of the city, according to
reports received by the British war
It is reported also that the soviet
forces are evacuating Kief and the
entire Ukraine.

Bring Back Those Wonderful Days,"'
Says Reader of 1849 Catalogue

"The price of board, without lodg-
ing, in the town ranges from $1.75 to
$2.25 per week; with room and lodg-
ing from $2.50 to $3.00 per week.
Some studepts board themselves for
$1 per week.
"The only charges of the institution
(from whatever part of the country
the student may come) are an admis-
sion fee of $10, and from those who

A decree declaring Admiral Kolchak
and the all-Russian cabinet at Omsk
to be outlaws has been issued by the
soviet government, according to a
wireless message from Moscow.
The admiral and the officers com-
manding the forces of his government
in Siberia are declared to be subject
to immediate arrest.


Washington, Aug. 18.-It was the
unanimous opinion of American ex-
perts on far eastern affairs at Ver-
sailles that war must result from the
peace treaty provision giving Japan
control in the Chinese province of
Shantung, the senate foreign rela-
tions committee was told today by
Thomas F. Millard, an American writ-
er who is attached to the Chinese
peace delegation.
Asked how the Shantung agreement
might lead to war between Japan and
the United States, the witness said
there were many dangerous elements
involved. As an example, he said, tle
cumulative act of Japan's successes
in China might easily encourage her
to assume commercial rights which
would trespass on the Hay open door
policy or on the special commercial
treaties the United States has with
"This Japanesb situation," he said,
"has been creeping upon us just as
the German situation crept up on Eu-
rope and you're going to have to beat
it, and you can't beat with ,words.
You'll have to fight.
U. S. In Sooner or Later
"It may start with a fight between
Japan and China. But American mis-
sionaries will be killed and American
rights violated and sooner or later
we will be swept in."
-Mr. Millard gave it as his personal
view based on 20 years' experience
with far eastern politics, that Japan
never would leave Shantung until she
was confronted with "a superior

Vienna, Aug. 16.-(Delayed.)- It is
reported that the non-bolshevik Uk-
rainians have invited the Poles to
help them capture Kiev, promising to
pay them with crops which the bol-
shevik would get otherwise.
Washington, Aug. 18.-The Amer-
ican embassy at Mexico City was in-
structed today by the state depart-
ment immediately to call upon the
Mexican government for 'cuick action
to effect the release of Lieutenants.
Paul H. Davis and Harold G. Peterson,
American army aviators who were
captured by Mexican bandits near
Candelaria, Tex., while patrolling the
border, and who are threatened with,

room in the buildings, a sum ranging
rom $5 to $7.50 a year for room rent
and the services of a janitor. The fee
of $10 entitles the student to the priv-
ileges of permanent membership in
any department of the University."
The preceeding are two excerpts
from an old catalogue of the Universi-
ty of Michigan, which has just been
acquired by Prof. .J J. A. -Rousseau of
the architectural college. The docu-
ment, besides showing the diverse
conditions of he two periods, is it-
self in market contrast with the pres-
ent-day University catalogue. The ex-
act year in which the catalogue was
published is not known, but, after
comparison with other documents, its
date of publication is set between 1849
and 1855. It consists of one folder
with one extra page on which is print-
ed a wood-cut of the observatory,
just completed at that time.
Original Possessor
The catalog originally belongsd to
Mr. C. L. Her riot who was a student
at the University at the time it was
published. Upon his death it passed
on to his daughter, Mrs. C. P. Staf-
ford of San Antonio, Tex. Mrs. Staf-
ford gave it to a present student of
.the University, who in turn passed it
on to Professor Rousseau.
At the head of the first page is a
very clear wood-cut showing a gener-
al view of the campus.Statestreet is
shown as a road running along the
edgeofmthe rail fencenwhich enclosed
the campus, this fence serving the
purpose of keeping the cow herds of'
the neighboring fields from encroach-
ing upon the campus. At the bottom
of the hill on South State street is
shown a small pond of water.
Cows Graze Near Present Union
The buildings are spread out over a

The announcement of the LibraryI
states, "The Library is undergoing a
f gradual and systematic enlargement
by the regular addition of about 1,000
volumes annually. It now consists of
about 6,000 volumes of well selected
standard works in the various depart-
ments of literature and science.
The Detroit Observatory at that time
was just completed and a large space
is given to describing its equipment,
which was the finest that money could
buy. The building then consisted of
one central portion with the revolving
tower and two wings on either side
containing instruments and sleeping
quarters for the observer. The or-
iginal building is now incorporated as
a part of the present obesrvatory
The last part of the catalog is tak-
en up with a description of the de-
partment of medicine. It closes with
a paragraph which states that clergy-
men, lawyers and doctors will be ad-
mitted as honorary students at the1
classes without tuition charges.

New York, Aug. 18.-The strike
which for two days has paralyzed the
subway and elevated system of the
Interborough Rapid Transit rompany
of Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn
and Queens, was called off formally
tonight by a vote of the strikers to
accept a compromige offered them at
a conference of city and state officials
this afternoon.

New York, Aug. 18.-Following a
conference between Public Service
Commissioner Nixon and Patrick J.
Connolly, acting president of the In-
terborough Brotherhood, this after-
noon, Mr. Nixon stated that as a re-
sult of concessions by the company
and men it was hoped that elevated
and subway service will be assumed
at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.
The character of the concessions
made by both sides has not yet been
made public.
The meeting between Connolly and
Nixon was preceded by conferences
between Governor Smith, Frank Hed-
ley, general manager of the Interbor-
ough company; State-Industrial Com-
missioner John Mitchell and attorneys
representing the company and the!
Camp Anticipates
Visitors' Day

Heston Examines Restaurant Opera-
tors; Grand Jury Proceed-
ings Start




Zurich,. Aug. 18. - The Dagblad
learns that the ex-kaser has bought
a countiry house called Doorn, situ-
ated at the village of Doorn and which
belonged to the Baroness Van Heem-
stra de Beaufort.
The question of a public grant of
10.000 florins to the Hague Burgh-
erwacht was settled at last night's
meeting of the town council after
etwo meetings had been adjourned
owing to obstruction from the social-
istic side.
#The subsidiary was granted against
the votes of the socialists after a
.furousi discussion during which the
socialist Vanlangen declared the so-
cialist party would raise their own
burgherwacht against the existing or-

Washington, Aug. 18.- Immediate
sale, direct to the consumer, of all
government foodstuffs in storage, fed-
eral ownership or control 'of storage
houses and refrigerator cars, and the
appointment of a federal commission
on exports, were among the sugges-
tions for reduction of living costs
made before the house agriculture
committee today by Charles P. Gillen,
of Newark, spokesman for a delega-
tion of 50 mayors of New Jersey mun-
No fixed conditions of labor. or
wages, Mr. Gillen stated, could be ex-
pected until food prices have been
lowered. Dealers in New Jersey, he
said, "prohesy further increases, all
due to unsettled prices and profiteer-
Regulation of Exports
Regulation of exports by federal
commission was advocated by Mayor
Dorsey, of Perth Amboy, who said
commodities were being sold in Eu-
rope at lower prices than here.
Congress must forget partisan pol-
itics and solve the high cost of living
problem at once, Senator Walsh, Dem-
ocrat, Massachusetts, declared in an
address today.
"It is the cause of all the unrest,
discontent, strikes and business un-
certainty in this country today," Sen-
ator Walsh said.
"It is doing more than that-it is
causing distrust of the government it-

death unless $15,000 ransom is paid
The. state department's announce-
ment said, "the instructions pointed
out the seriousness with which the
United States government views this
situation, and called for immediate,
adequate action."
The American consul at Juarez also
was instructed to take all proper steps
with the Mexican authorities there to
obtain release and protection of the
officers. .


Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill., Aug. 18
(Special). - War department orders
received direct that officers must go
in hor three hours' physical exercise

Asked whether he meant a supe-
rior moral force imposed by the
League' of Nations:
Material Force Needed
"I mean material force. Japan does
not care a snap of her finger for mor-
al force."
Mr. Millard said he believed the
senate could overcome the Shan-
tung feature without touching a word
or comma in the treaty. He sug-
gested that there be a covenant in
connection with the special defen-
sive treaty with France which would
bind France and Great Britain to
stand with the United States if the
Hay policy-in the far east ever was
Concluding a detailed story of the
Shantung negotiations, which he said
came directly from delegates to the
conference, Mr. Millard said:
"In my opinion if a marplot had
set out deliberately to put China in
an embarrassing position, the outcome
could not have been more unfortu-
nate. China has lost out entirely on'
her Shantung claim. By reason of
advice given her by the United
States she did not raise ft all other
questi6ns in which she was interested.
And by reason of her refusal to sign
the treaty under those circumstances
she is completely isolated.
Prof. Williamis' Statement
"When Prof. E. T. Williams, for
years head of the state department
division of far eastern affairs, heard
of the Shantung agreement he said,
'This means war,' and every Ameri-
can expert there felt the same way.
I have heard, but do nbt know wheth-
er it is true, that General Bliss' ir-
ter to the president on the subject
contained a statement to the same ef-
In their negotiations, Millard said,
the Chinese maintained "the greatest{
intimacy" with the American dele-
gates, informing them of "every

large area of the campus which is
well wooded with large trees. In



Physician Kidnapping
Another case of kidnapping of an
American citizen by Mexican bandits
who demanded ransom was announced
today by the state department. The-
citizen was a Porto Rican doctor, and
was taken prisoner July 22. The ran-
som was to have been paid August 15,
but the department has not been ad-
vised whether he has been released.
The doctor succeeded in getting a
letter through to an American friend
in Mexico City, near which the kip-
napping occurred, and the American
embassy immediately reported the
case to the Mexican government. The
department's statement said the Mex-
ican government replied that troops
would be dispatched to the scene, and
if necessary the government would
pay the ransom.
Prisoner Identified
The department's statement iden-
tified the Porto Rican as Dr. A. Goen-
gam, and said that he was held pris-
oner at last reports on Ajusco moun-
tain, which is far from Mexico City.
His captors, the statement said, had
been identified as a band under the
leadership of Valentie Reyes.
State department officials said the
ransom demanded should be paid as
soon os information could be had as
to where and to whom the money was
to be delivered. It has not been de-
cided whether the United States would
furnish the sum and charge it against
the Carranza government, or call upon
the Mexican government to pay it di-
Secretary Baker told a senate com-
mittee today that there was
some uncetainty as to whether the.
aviators had landed by mistake in
Mexico, or as they claimed, had landed
on the American side and were cap-

the foreground a herd of cows is
shown grazing on just about the same
piece of ground on which the Michi-
gan Union now stands.
The most prominent of the group
of six buildings which comprised the
University at that time are the two
buildings which now are the North
and South wings of University hall.
They were originally dormitories for
the students, with clashsrooms on the
ground floor. The rooms in the
building were small stall-like affairs
with one window to each room.
List of Faculty and Regents
On the first page of the old catalog
is given a list of the board of Regents,
followed by a list of the faculty. This
is headed by the name of the Rev.
Henry, P. Tappan, the first president
of the University. Following his
name are those of George P. Wil-
liams, Abram Sager, Silas H. Doug-
lass, and Louis Fasquelle, who were
among the seven men who comprised
the original faculty of the University.
The full list of the faculty for that
time totals 21 men.
There follows on the second page a
description of the oganization of the
University which goes on to say,
"The University of Michigan is located
in Ann Arbor, on the Michigan Central
Rail Road, 38 west of Detroit. It con-
sists of three departments.
"1. Literature, Science, and the
Arts. 2. Medicine and Surgery. 3.
Law. The first two are in operation.
The appointment of professors in the
last department are contemplated at
no distant delay."
Outline of Courses
After this there follows in succes-
sion the outline of courses for the
department of Science, Literature, and
the Arts with the terms of admkssion
into the University. The study of
Latin and Greek was necessary for
all departments of the University. In
the school of engineering students
were required to study philosophy,
and one of their popular studies was
stone cutting.
The announcement of the degrees
to be obtained states that work is
given toward the degrees of Bachelor
of Arts, acBhelor of Science, Bachelor
of Civil Engineering, and Master of

daily, and officers are going in for
sports. General Bell will go in for
horsemanship while other camp lead-
ers will turn their attentions to golf,
tennis, and other sports. A football
team to represent Camp Grant is in
the making but the stars of 1917 and
1918 will all be missing. Arrange-
ments for a Labor day boxing bill are
being pushed. Young Kick, prdie of
Rockford, goes 10 rounds with Kid
Sullivan of the Sixth division. Kick
recently defeated Frankie Jummatti
of Chicago.
Rome, Aug. 18. - Gen. John J.
Pershing, commander in chief of the
A. E. F., and his party arrived here
at 9 a. m. The three day program
arranged for him includes many func-
tions and a visit to Italian battle,
King Victor Emmanuel conferred on
General Pershing the grand cross of
the Military Order of Savoy, the high-
est Italian military honor.
The only other men toreceive this
decoration have been Marshal Foch,
Field Marshal Haig, General Diaz and
General Cardona.
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 18. - With
1,100 wounded Czecho-Slovaks aboard,
the United States shipping board
steamer Heffron is ashore off Roku-
ren, Korea strait, said a cable today
to the Pacific Steamship company
from its Kobe agent.
The Heffron was said to have been
bound from Vladivostok to Trieste.
Two holds were reported full of wa-
ter., A warship and salvage vessel
were standing by. The Heffron .sail-
ed from here June 22 for Vladivostok.
Washingotn, D. C., Aug. 18.-The
senate judiiary committee today or-
dered favorably reported to the senate
the nomination of A. Mitchell Palmer
as attorney general.

Visitors' day and sport news occupy
the major part of the latest Black Fly,
just received at this office. Excerpts
from the sheet follow:
Next Saturday is visitors' day. The
seven weeks we have spent here to-
gether have passed both pleasantly
and rapidly. Visitors' day is the one
day in our camp life which is set aside
for visitors and we have an opportuni-
ty of inviting our friends to come to
Camp Davis. It is an occasion looked
forward to by both the camp and our
visitors. It gives them a chance to see
a college camp, to meet the faculty
and the students. We both benefit by
this and should take pride in making
it a success. A committee has been
appointed to arrange for a program.
Let's get together andjelp this com-
mittee make the day one to be re-
We are all planning visitors' day, but
don't plan on wearing neckties, semi-
formals or the like. You thought you
were rough when you wore a wool
shirt in Ann Arbor. You weren't. Don't
be out of place, and wear a silk one
here. Douglas Lake water will take
the starch out of anything. Remember
camp traditions.
Sunday, Aug. 3, looms up to us like
the Fourth of July to a ten year old
kid:-We had a dinner that even sat-
isfied Max.
Two surprises occurred in this
weeks indoor baseball results. The
Grasshoppers sprung the surprise of
gll surprises by beating the strong Ant
aggregation to the tune of 6-2. To
try to describe the technique or inside
baseball used by the Grasshoppers isj
impossible. They won because the
goddess of fortune was with them tot
the last.
The second surprise was the elimin-
ation of the athletic director's outfit,
the Black Flies by the strong hittingt
Mosquitoes. Steg's wicked deliveryt
completely baffled the Black Flies.-
In the Bird League the Hunkies areE
away in the lead. A victory over theI
Shidpokes will make them pennantE
Bill Cruse has arranged to stage
two ball games on visitors' day. The
first game will be for the champion-
ship of the camp and the second is to
be between two teams picked from the
camp at large.
The Bay View Assemblies challenge
has been accepted and the camp will
entrain en masse to-day for the popu-
lar resort. The pitching burden seemst
to have fallen upon the shoulders of
"Kid" Livermore, one of Clark Grif-
fith's proteges. Bob Towner has prom-
ised to put on the merchandise. It is
certain that the Wolverines will be
ably represented.t
The horse shoe doubles tournament
seems to be a walk away for Johnston
and Housel. The have claened up ev-
erything they have met. However, the
faculty's team composed of Wisler and
Cissel are going good after experienc-
ing defeat in their first encounter.-
They romise the only real competition
for Johnston and Housel.

Endorses Governor's Suggestion
Attorney General Palmer today in-
dorsed a suggestion by Governor Gard-
ner, of Missouri, that the confctence
of governors appoint a rommittee to
confer with him and hel) co-ordinate
federal and state efforts reduce the
cost of living. In a telcgra to Gov-
ernor Gardner at Salt Lake ity, Mr.
Palmer said the hearty co-operation
and assistance of state agencies
would be helpful in the government's
Mr. Palmer left today for New York
to confer with the fair price board for
that city.
Detroit, Aug. 18.-Prosecutor Mat-
they H. Bishop's probe into the high
cost of living and the attendant sub-
ject of profiteering, under the im-
mediate direction of Assistant Prose-
cutor Cox, began shortlybefore 3
o'clock Monday afternoon with the
inauguration of grand jury proceed=
ings before Justice Heston.
Although, apparently, nothing spec-
tacular transpired behind the closed
doors in the ensuing two hours, two
extremely important witnesses were
quizzed by Justice Heston and Mr.
Cor. F. W. Sinks of Brennan, Fitz-
gerald & Sinks, and Charles C. Gil-
bert of the Baltimore restaurants and
a start made with what is intended to
be a deep and thorough delve into
every phase of the retail and whole-
sale marketing of foodstuffs and other
necessities in the county of Wayne.
Early Hearing Abandoned
It has been planned to begin the
hearing Monday morning, but with
Justice Stein still away on his vaca-
tion and Justice Cotter up to his ears
in works, the regular business of the
magistrate court before Justice Hes-
ton assumed such proportions that
the early hearing idea was abadoned.
Instead, the proceedings were set for
2 o'clock.
Shortly after that f'pur; Justice
Heston returned from lunch and im-
mediately went to his private room
to the left of the court. There Mr.
Cox and a stenographer joined him.
A few special chairs and a long table
were moved in and the stage set for
the secret inquiry.
Prosecutor Uncommunicative
The assistant prosecutor was tan-
talizing uncommunicative before the
hearing opened.
"We cannot say just what lines the
(Continued on Page Four)

Japanese Threat
President Wilson, he added, after an
ttempt to get Japan to recede fromn
er Shantung claims, informed the
hinese the Japanese had taken an
ncompromising attitude, "amounting
o a threat to bolt the conference and
Le League of Nations."
(Continued on Page Four)


Paris, Aug. 18.-The new wireless
station to be erected at Croix d'Hins,
near Bordeaux, wil have a sending
radius of 12,500 miles, a capacity of
72,000 words daily, and will reach all
the French colonies, according to the


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