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August 08, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-08-08

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IX. No. 19
ad After War Will Concern Her-
Principally with Legislation
for Groups
al questions concerning person-
stions instead' of political prob-
lealing with nationalistic affairs,
e the subjects for legislation
he war, said Prof. R. M. Wenley
lecture on "The Situation in
h Domestic Politics," yesterday
con in the Natural Science an-
im. English political factions
robably be settled into two
, he said; a great labor party,
coalition of all the remaining
>ns into a strong opposition.
fessor Wenley outlined briefly
rowing social character of the
sment, which has come as the
sce of the masses of the people
creased. The working class
d by the establishment of the
y system, pushed through its
ise in the reform bill of 1832.
7 the right to vote was extend-
include the artisans, and in 1884
>rk was completed when the lab-
were admitted. The middle class
it that the equality which they
t meant the right to vote, which
aster throughout the Gladstone
. Later on when the conserva-
ame in the popular idea became
lation of the individual to his
in spite of all this it was not
1905 that the English masses
spoke for the first time, with
suit that the government began
re legislation in favo of certain
s of citizens. Examples of this
ient are the old age pensions,
'ade union laws.
Irish question will be unsettled
the different .factions can agree
hat they want, he said. The
has three-fourths of the wealth
nly one-fourth of the votes,
the south has the opposite.
such a state exists no unified
isful attempt at home rule can be
according to Professor Wenley.
andon Annual
Women 's Party
correct a misunderstanding
might have arisen from reading
count in last Tuesday's issue,
e lawn fete held annually for
er school students, it might be
r said that the entertainment
sued is that usually given by
omen's.league and Y. W. C. A.
s thought this year that there
o necessity for two such events,
was decided that the one given
umnmer by Miss Agnes E. Wells
esidents of Newberry would be
ate in view of war time condi-
definite date for the affair has
set as yet, but it will probably

place within the course of the
Several weeks.
ng people of the Methodist
h will meet in a big social eve-
onight at 8 o'clock in the Meth-
church. A special invitation is
led to women and men on the
er session. An interesting pro-
has been arranged with Mr.
and Miss Juleff contributing
ers, and the remainder made up
mes and music by the crowd.
reather refreshments will be





Doughty Soldiers
Drink Their Tea
Seven hundred and fifty tea hounds
are loose on the campus, masquerad-
ing under the disguise of detachment
men. Perhaps the trend of the times
does demand that they be on more
familiar tefms with gasoline and Pol-
arine than any of the more delicate
beverages, but nevertheless they are
showing something of the spirit that
their Baston forefathers exhibited at
their Boston forefathers exhibited at
gallons of Ceylon's best, iced and
everything, at one setting.
This was the actual displacement
recorded at yesterday's lunch at the
Union. Of course there were a few
little entrees to occupy their attention
between sips, such as 175 chickens, 10
bushels of potatoes, 350 loaves of
bread, and 15 gallons of ice cream.
The men are not accostumed to
quite such an aristocraticmend as an
every day occurrence, and finally con-
cluded that the occasion must have
been Denny's, the chef, birthday. Yes,
boys, probably mother sent him a box
from home with the suggestion that]
he share his dainties with the boys.1
Mechanics Raid
Talk about raiding No-Man's Land!
The nightly raids by the Allies in
the different sectors on the western
battle front may be a trifle more dan-
gerous and a trifle larger, but it would
take some night raid to compare to the
minature raid members of the detach-
ment made on the three lone trees in
Dr. R..E. Drake's apple orchard yes-
terday afternoon.
Dr. Drake, before leaving on his va-
cation, called up the training detach-
ment and willed them his apple trees.
A squad or more men left the gymnas-
ium in one of the large army trucks
for the scene. Within half an hour the
three trees were stripped clean.
Several members of the detachment
who were so unfortunate to stand un-
der the trees while they were being
shaken, stated last night that they
were in dire need of good steel helmets.
There were about 17 bushels collected
and distributed among the three com-
Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 8.- Captain
Frank a Picard, general staff at head-
quarters, of the 85th Division, now
overseas, has sent home a stirring
message which 'will remind many of
his friends of the days when he was
quarter-backing the University of
Michigan football eleven on the west-
ern gridirons. "Pic's" message con-
tains a punch which has an appegi to
every red-blooded American citizen.
The messge is to Postmaster Henry
E. Naegely, of Saginaw, and follows:
"Arrived safely overseas, no bands
playing nor crowds cheering, but a
spirit that cannot be downed sends
patriotic cry after cry from the
humble privates on board this ship
as we lift anchornandstart toward
the harbor."
To Play Game Sunday
Members of the training detachment
will play the town team for the see-
ond time Sunday afternoon at West
Park. This game will also be for
the benefit of the fund for the moth-

ers of Company E boys. The training
detachment team was defeated in the
first game last Sunday, but the sold-
jers have good reason to believe that
they will bring home the bacon this

SMASHES LOALGECORDS * Credit for summer work will be *
* recorded and credit coupons mail-*
Only Two Other Readings Above 100 ed by the Registrar in strict ac- *
In History of University * cordance ivith the blanks as filed *
Observatory a in the office. All literary students *
* should make sure that their elec- *
Tuesday afternoon saw the highest * tion cards and the addresses on
temperature ever entered on the rec- * their coupons agree with the
ords of the University observatory, * facts. The office will be open for
which have been kept since 1880. The * this purpose after Aug. 13.
maximum reading for Tuesday was * ARTHUR G. HALL,
104 degrees which was recorded by * Registrar.
the thermograph at about 3:15 o'clock. *
Highest Reported in State * * * *a s a a a * *
Acording to reports to date, this
record was not equalled anywhere inO
Michigan. Detroit reported 116 de-
grees but this reading was taken from
street thermometers, the official read- 1
ing of the weather bureau being 103
The two next highest readings to "The Swan and the Skylark" Atrac-
the 104 degree mark recorded at the tion at Auditorium Next Wed-
Observatory, are 102 degrees on July nesday Night
9, 1897 and 101 degrees on July 5,
1911. These three readings are the The singing of Thomas' "The Swan'
only ones over 100 degrees ever rec- and the Skylark," next Wednesday
orded at the Observatory, night at Hill auditorium by the sum-
Students Seek Outdoors mer choral union of approximately
The mercury began going up at 12 ,100 voices will close the series of
o'clock Monday night and continued complimentary concerts which has
until it reached the maximum in the been given under auspices of the Uni-
middle of Tuesday afternoon. It then versity School of Music. The choral
geceded somewhat, the highest reading union has been rehearsing since the
for'yesterday being 99.6 degrees. Al- start of the summer session under di-
though no prostrations have been re- rection of Prof. Earl V. Moore.
ported in Ann Arbor, the early pede- Solo parts willbe taken by Ada
strain along State or Washtenaw ave- Grace Johnson, soprano; Mrs. Earl
nue might have observed some unique F. Chase, contralto, of Detroit; James
porch and roof garden effects where Hamilton, tenor, and Robert Dieterle,
students were compelled to drag their baritone. Miss Johnson and Mr. Ham-
downy cots out into the open air in ilton being members of the School of
order to keep alive. Music faculty and the other two ad-
vanced students of Theodore Harrison.
.$OLLAND DANCE HALL The organ accompaniments will be
IS DESTROYED BY FIRE played by Burton Garlinghouse, while
the piano accompaniments will be
Holland, Mich., Aug. 8.- Fire has played by Miss Susan Snow, the form-
restroyed "Pete" McCarthy's famous er a student of Mr. Moore, and the
dance hall, which was well known to latter a student of Albert Lockwood.
thousands of Michigan people. Mc- The first half of the program will
Carthy is a veteran of the Chicago be miscellaneous in character with solo
police department. His loss was parc- numbers by the artists already men-
ly covered by insurance. tioned, assisted by Mr. M. C. Weir,
Former Student to Sing to Soldiers The general public is cordially in-
vited to the concert.
Miss Clara Cronin, formerly of the
School of Music, has left Ann Arbor LUDINGTON VOTERS ASK
for the East. She wil/continue her SCHOOL HEAD'S RECALL
study of voice and pipe organ and will
sing at several of the eastern can- Ludington, Mich., Aug. 8.- Voters
tonment camps. of school district No. 1, Hamlin town-
ship, have filed a petition in probate
Western Normalites Banquet Court seeking the recall of Arthur J.
A banquet was held by the Western fakes, school director of the district.
State Normal club at Newberry hall, The petition, charges Yakes with re-
Monday evening. President D. B. Wal- fusing to permit the use of the school
do, of Western State Normal at Kal- building.
amazoo, was the guest of honor. Mr.
C. F. Reeves was toastmaster and ONE DEAD, TWO INJURED
responses were made by Miss Zenia B. IN CRYSTAL FALLS FIRE
Howell, Harry F. Day, Prof. Carleton
E. Ehle, L. W. Fast, Charles L. Poor, Crystal Falls, Mich., Aug. 8.-Miss
E. H Babcock, and President Waldo Theresa Deland was burned to death,
and Donald B. Gillies, general manag-
Dr. Harry E. Fosdick to Lecture er, and Emerson D. McNeil, superin-
. tendent of the McKinley Steel Co., were
Dr. Harry E. Fosdick who 4as just injured Wednesday when -the Lock-
returned from six months abroad has wood hotel here was destroyed by fire.
been secured to lecture in Ann Arbor The injured men jumped from the
in the Wesleyan Guild series which is third story. Defective wiring is
part of the union service program, on thought to have started the blaze.
Dec. 1. 'On and Behind the Lines in
France," is the subject that Mr. Ham- School for Camp Directors
ilton Holt has chosen for his lecture Springfield, Mass., college is in-
on Nov. 10. structing athletic directors for work
in overseas camps. Courses are be-
Company A Meeting Tonight ing worked out to harden men who
Company A of the training detach- come from offices and business life so
meat will hold a meeting at 7 o'clock that they will be fit for the strenuous

tonight in Waterman gymnasiunj to work in camp. More than thirty mass
discuss ways and means of disposing games are taught the instructors which
with their company fund, which equals are suitable for playing in camp and
the amount collected by the other two large groups. Mass boxing, cage ball,
companies. Nothing definite has been grenade ball, multiple succer football,
decided. Additional information will be and various sorts of games are in-
given out after the meeting tonight. troduced.

University Will Ask Government to
Send Extra Motor Mechanics
Month Earlier
The 500 aditionaltmotor mechanics
'ncluded in the contract which it is
expected the government will sig
with the University the latter part
of this week or the first of next, will
come about Sept. 1, if the govern-,
ment agrees with the present wishes
of the University.The original tenta-
tive plan provided for the arrival
about Oct. 15.
It is expected that 100 of the signal
corps men will arrive about Sept. 1,
another 100 Oct. 1, and the last 100
Nov. 1, so that the full quota would
not be here until the latter date. The
schedule has been thus revised be-
cause it will fit in better with the
instruction resources of the Unive-
Must Wait For Officers
Nothing definite can be done until
the arrival of government officers, who
will go over the arrangements that
have been made for taking care of the
men. In case they are satisfactory the
contract will be signed, it is under-
The new Union building is now suf-
ficiently completed so that the mess-
ing of the men can be accomplished
there. The dining room has been es-
tablished in one of the rooms on the
second floor. Yesterday, members of
the training detachment were engag-
ed in carrying over and placing 96
benches which will be used to seat the
men. They were made in the car-
pentery shops by men training in this
branch of work.
New Equipment Purchased
New kitchen equipment costing $10,-
000 is being installed in the new Union
kitchen, and will be ready Aug. 15,
when the members of the next detach-
ment arrive. It consists of steamers,
ranges, dishwashing machines and the
like. There will be six of the latter,
costing $3,300, replacing the labor of
12 persons. A large boiler has also
been purchased to furnish steam for
the kitchen.
The board of directors of the Union
met yesterday at noon and discussed
the participation of the institution in
the project. It will be necessary to
figure very closely the expenses, as
the aggregate sum of money concern-
ed will run up into the thousands of
dollars, and a slight mistake would
mean that he Union would have a
considerable deficit to bear. It is the
intention to feed the men on as near-
ly a cost basis as is possible. Noth-
ing definite was done, but the Board
will meet again next Wednesday noon
to continue their work.
Clean Up Grounds
All the temporary bldings, piles
of materials, fences, and the like, ae
being cleared away from the grounds
surrounding the building. There will
be no attempt to grade it, however as
it would be impossible to keep it in
any kind of shape because of the
trampling by the men. This will have
to wait untilafter the war. A de-
tail of 10 men from the detachment
is assisting in getting the building
in shape by Aug. 15.
City Water Now Considered Safe
City water has been analyzed by Dr.

Frederick G. Novy of the bacteriology
department, and a favorable report is
expected today. The water is now
considered safe for drinking purposes
and the fountains in the University
buildings and on the campus will be
turned on today or tomorrow.

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