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July 11, 1918 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1918-07-11

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assist in Design of Other Types of
Vehicles; Major Fishleigh on
Transport Board
(This is the third and last in a ser-
es of 'three articles on the part Mich-
gan men are playing in ambulance
roducton.-Editors Note.)
(By Sergt. C. Phillip Emery)
Major Fishleigh and his engineers
ave frequently been called into con-
erence by other departments to assist
o the design and production of other
ypes of vehicles, such as the quarter-
naster type "AA" chassis. Major Fish-
eigh is also a member of several
ransport boards, which control all
notor transportation of the United
States army. Much 'time has also
een spent in preparing pamphlet
.nd books for the instruction of an-
iulance operators. 'Modern drill reg-
lations have been prepared for the
ewer type of ambulance which is now
eing used-for the first time. Courses
if instruction have been laid out and
>ut into operation for the purpose of
nstructing and drilling ambulance
yrivers and drilling ambulance drivers
.nd mechanics.
The camps in this country are also
nspected by Major Fishleigh's organ-
zation, and the equipment required to
e kept up to date and in good work-
ng order.
There are 18 Michigan men in- this
'rganization, as follows:
Major Walter T. Fishleigh, '02-'06E,
ormerly associate professor of me-
hanical engineering in charge of au-
omobile engineering courses and lab-
ratory. Major Fishleigh was connect-
d with the University for eight years,
)sides having had six years of prac-
ical experience with several manu-
acturing concerns.
Captain W. G. Stoner, '04-'06L, form-
rly professor of law, having been
onneced with the Law school for
ver 1i years. He accepted his com-
nission last December, and has fill-
d an important place in the organiza-
ion since that time. During his last
even years at Michigan he was sup-
-rvising manager of the Student Pub-
ications, and it was mainly because of
is untiring efforts that the publica-
ions were placed on a firm business-
ikg foundation.
First Lieut. W. P. Staebler, '13, who
s now assistant to the officer in charge
ithe Pontiac station, and is in charge
f important executive work at that
First Lieut. Edward P. Turner, Jr.,
16E, who was an assistant instructor
uring his last year of residence at
he University, and is now Major
?ishleigh's technical assistant, sta-
ioned in Washington.
Second Lieut. John V. Kuivinen,
17E, who was a member of the track
nd cross country teams while in the
chool, being captain in his senior
'ear. He is a member of Monks, as
cell as several campus societies.
Second Lieut. Dick B. Gardner, '17E,
vho was prominent in Union activ-
ties and ona the baseball reserves.
is also was a member of the Mando-
in club. Lieutenant Gardner is a
asmber of Delta Upsilon and Tau
Seta Pi.
Second Lieut. John N. Nickelsen,

.n Illinois graduate, who was instruc-
or in mechanical engineering the year
'revious to his entering service.
Second Lieut. Harold G. Raesley,
15E, who with Lieutenants Gardner,
Culyinen and Nickelsen is stationed
A the motor ambulance experimental
tation in Washington.
Sergt. C. Philip Emery, ex-'1i, who
as business manager of The Mich-
gan Daily last year, before entering
ervice, a member of Sigma Phi Ep-
ilon, Phi Beta Kappa, and a number
f campus societies and organiza-
ions. Sergeant Emery is now sta-
ioned at the office in Washington.
Sergt. E. K. Purchase, ex-'18E, a
nember of the football reserves while
a school.
Other Michigan men at the different
tations are:



(Continued from Page One)
essary 'and wasteful depletion of the
colleges through indiscriminate volun-
teering, by offering to the students a
definite and immediate military status.
"Later, announcement will be made
of the details of the new system. In
the meantime, presidents of collegiate
institutions are requested to call thisi
matter to the attention of all their
students. Those who do not graduate
this spring, should be urged to contin-
ue their education and take advant-
age of this opportunity to serve the
"I trust that the policy above stated
will have your support and co-opera-
"Sincerelr yours,
"Secretary of War."
New Annonncement
"Supplementing the announcement
of the secretary of war, dated, May 8,
provihing for a compreeensive system
of military instruction in institutions
of collegiate grade, beginning with the
next fall term, a plan for carrying out
this policy has been approved and will
be mailed you shortly. Plan includes
provision for 60 days training camps,
July 18 to September 16, for selected
students and faculty members who
will be assigned to institutions. No
commissions issued but certificates
of qualification as instructors.nSelect-
ed students from institutions now hav-
ing reserve officers' training corps
units will be chosen by commanding
officers of R. O. T. C. camps now in
progress. These selected students to
remain for further instruction in new
camps. Presidents of institutions now
having R. O. T. C. units are requested
to select one student for every 50 in
attendance last academic year and
one faculty member for each 250 stu-
dents or less in attendance. Notify
them to report to commanding officer
at Plattsburg Barracks, New York,
(Presido, San Francisco, California)
(Fort Sheridan, Illinois) on July 18.
Five days lee-way in reporting permit-
ted if necessary. Select men of high-
est type physically and mentally and
most capacity for leadership. Must be
citizens and men who expect to re-
turn to college next fall. Minknum
age limit students 18 with no maxi-
mum age limit. Maximum age limit
faculty 45. Emphasize great value of
opportunity offered. Advise those sel-
ected have physical examination by
reputable physician to determine phys-
ical fitness for severe training. Both
students and teachers will be under
temporary enlistment for sixty days
when they will be discharged. They
will receive housing, uniforms, sub-
sistence, equipment and military in-
struction at government expense. Also
pay of a private ($30 per month) and
reimbursement of transportation to
and from camp at 3 1-2 cents per
mile. Wire Commanding -General,
Eastern department Governor's Is-
land, New York (Commanding Gener-
al, Western department, San Francis-
co, California) (Commanding General,
Central department, Chicago, Illinois)
number to attend from your instution.
"The Adjutant General."
The observatory will open to vis-
itors at 8 o'clock on Monday, Tuesday,
and Wednesday evenings of next week.
Admision will be by ticket which may
be secured on Friday at the summer
session office by presenting the stu-1
dent's receipt from the registration

cards. There will be an opportunity
to see the apparatus of the observa-
tory, and to view the moon through
the powerful telescope under direction
of Prof. William J. Hussey.
Lloyd Birckelbaw, ex-'18E.
Benjamin James Cleaver, ex-18E.
Harry Chapman Engel, ex-'16.
John Henry Engel, Jr., '17E.
Jean Ernest Snyder, '12E.
Frederick Christian Spring, ex-
Paul B. Taylor, ex-'18E.
Robert t. E. White, ex-'18E.

At the Theaters
They say that Mae Marsh possesses
the "gladdest and the saddest face on
the screen." This is probably so, for
especially in the photoplay, "All Wom-
an," featuring this popular star at the
Arcade today and tomorrow, does she
have opportunity to show her versatil-
T1he story deals with one Susan
Sweeney who was' only a little work-
er in a New York toy factory, and na-
turally, when she heard that she isad
inherited a summer hotel, she pro-
ceeded to make tracks for the place
to take possession. She finds the place
to be nothing but a ramshackle old
house with a bad reputation, but,
nothing daunted, starts right in to
clean up. Did she succeed? Why
(Continued from Page One)
play is Miss Kearn's "As You Like
"Romeo and Juliet" at Night
"The Goodly History of the True
and Constant Love Between Romeus
and Julietta," which the genius o1
Shakespeare transformed into the
saddest, yet the most inspiring love
story of all time, "Romeo and Juliet,"
will be the offering of the company at
8:30 o'clock tomorrow evening. In
this most romantic of plays, Miss
Kearns has full opportunity to exer-
cise and display that talent for inci-
sive and beautiful portrayal of char-
acter which distinguishes all of her
work upon the stage.
Tickets are now on sale at Wahr's
book store on State street at 75c and
$1.00 each, or $2.50 for the series of
four performances. Members of the
training detachment will be given a
special rate of 35c each for them-
selves and their lady friends. Mati-
nees will begin at 4 and evening per-
formances at 8:30 o'clock.
The Y. M. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A.
will hold a combined vesper service
Sunday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock in
the oper air theatre on the campus.
This service will be in connection
with a union service which is to be
held in the same place at 7:30 o'clock.
An extensive programme has been
planned. A large chors will furnish
music. Miss Louise Gould, '18, Mr.
Robert Dieterle, '18, and Mr. James
Hamilton will contribute vocal selec-
tions. Mr. Harry Douglas, of the
Michigan Union, will read war verse
by Oxenham, and Rupert Brooke. The
meeting will be under the direction
of the Congregational church. The
public is invited to attend.
A second party for the members of
the 'detachment will be held this eve-
ning by the young people of the Meth-
odist church in the church parlors,
corner of State and Washington
The men ofthe detachment who
were present last week at the social
are invited to come and bring their
friends, especially men who attend
the Methodist church when home.
A good program of games, singing
and refreshments has been arranged
by the social chairman, Miss Lois
Housel. Those who play musical in-
struments are requested to bring
them. Students, men and women, of
the summer session are also invited.

W. 0. Raymond Enters War Work
Training for Y. M. C. A. work at
Lake Geneva has called Mr. W. O.
Raymond, of the English literature
department away from the University.
Mr. Raymond expects to spend one
month in training and will then be
sent to France. His classes will be
taken by Dr. Mallory and Mr. Cowd-
Dance at the Packard Academy
next Saturday evening, July 13. Ike
Fischer's orchestra. Dancing 9 to 12.

Get This New Drink Today
It Will Surprise and Delight You
The reason so many people like Excelo is that it has a snappy, palate-
tickling tang possessed by no other beverage.
And because it is rich in food elements, which are bracing, cheering, in-
vigorating and energizing.
It is possible-as we have now proved-to brew a beverage which exactly
suits the critical palate of the beer drinker as well as people who have never
used beer.
is non-intoxicating. It is not a substitute or a makeshift of any kind. It is the
result of long, exhaustive, scientific experiments, made with a view to produce a
new and different drink.
Excelo has a mild, delicious flavor that is a delight and a revelation to
everybody who drinks it. It is a splendid tonic-full of vitality and rich food
for the blood and the body.
It is put up in sterilized, air-tight bottles, never loses its sparkle and its
character, and always satisfies.
Get a case of Excelo. Drink it with your meals-before you go to bed-
whenever you are thirsty.
Excelo Beverage Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Trade supplied by NATE HORNING, Phone 1778-M, 208 S. 4th Ave.

Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films
I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results
or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have
a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lh.) and
we venture to say that no other lirm is using Metol for finishing.
If you want the best results you will bring your films here
TwDosfmf "' L Y N O N' S ai7North
Bill Asuditsonrim L1 lI'.L t Univesiy Avenue


Regular steamer service between
Detroit and Buffalo. The two Giant ASSORTMENT OF
Steamers of the Great Lakes-City of
Detroit III and City of Cleveland III General
-make daily trips between Buffalo
and Detroit, leaving Detroitat 5 p. in.,
leaving Buffalo 6 p. m. Daily service
is also given between Detroit and
Cleveland. The steamers Eastern FOR ALL CLASSES
States and Western States leave both
points at 10:45 p. in., arriving at des-
tination early the following morning.
Four trips weekly are made between
Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac Sheehan , o.
Island and St. Ignace over the Coast
Line to Mackinac. Railroad tickets C. W. Graham,-Prop.
are honorsd on all D. & C. steamers.
StudentToilet: Articles " Sundries
200-204 E. LIBERTY ST.
The D & C steemship Line, with daiy service from DetrotfLant e C'eeta.z ad
La0s poisA.Te as "Gloo steameisrs Olo t lle ya i:'i. . ,r ii
eeouied saithwssos ervossicsesciEs. 'Ehon.D&O'dice~-~"s. isyocs
iLea rr0i1 0dtm leve oda6:0 a tt P. M., Ce ntral Ti a me imeos i ''as i ls
fasmumoedoantositvto ackinc a hs ad ad siae yroacoine. s
nsffsmsasesae uses Mnetdile 0n0d10 et.eotsaiisrea st~ie 01 oServa,
RAc.et sanotred fortrans ortatioeb nD st &.s Co .ci oiteal osi neit .,direci
0 SotEDt.cSTAMP For Illustrated pamphlet and Creat Lakes Map. Address, L .
Lewis , G. P. A., Detroit, Michigan.
Philip H. M scMillan, Pres.
A. A. schantz, Vice-Pres. & Gen'Mgr.

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