Vol V ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, ryOfNDAY, JULY 13, 1914. No. 8.
Daly, H. A. 216 North State. tDetroit, Galbraith, E2. G., 300 N. Ingalls.
Mich.tBrooksvilie, Ky. 394.
DIRECTORY OF SUMMER Darling, D. B., 722 Forest. Aon Ar- (allsway, Lydia. 514 L,. Liberty,
SCHOOL STUDENTS hoy'. 1195. Dayton, Ohio.
Darnall, W. M., 140 S. Washltenaw. Galton, Marion. 1132 Catherine. Al-
Th ietr ilb u ydpr- Waehington, B. C. 343.,gonae~. 481-H.
metsineteyfollwing ryde altDavenport, E., 306 Thompson. lar- lGardner, Mary, d416 Perrin. Ypsilanti.
riehurg,111. 289 -J, Ypsi.
medic, engimering, pharmic. The nam- Gyr uil.Cno,0
Davids, Wilfred, 522 Monroe, Detroit,CecLil.Caon .
es and addrssesc are taken from the Hich. 9905. Gills, Bessie, 216 N. State. Bucehansan,
records in the office of the secretary Dvs etue 365 iae.Ls- Va. 1134-H.
and contain the came errors. If there sing, Mich. Glucehauf, 92. 3., 906 h-ilt. Rochester,
is an address but no phone number, Dayton, Irma, 516 Cheever Court. N. V. 374.
call chicf operator, for there may be Chicago, Ill. 839-J.. Gluchsauf, R. 9E., 806 Dill. Rochester,
a phone in tie house. Dean, H. A. Parkvelle, Md. 264-J. N. Y. 374.
* s a*e* * * * * Bean,. R. E., 1408 Washstenasw. Nohu- Goeldi, Mina. Detroit.
NOTICE. * cokes, Wis. 343. Colt', Ethel, 713 E2. Kingsley. 1353-MI.
o This issue concludes the nuns- *De Merse, Mary. Chicago, Ill. Goffe, Ruth, 71239. Kingsley. 1533-Si.,
es in the lit departmnent, In the* Deneen, E. A., 522 Monroe. Imslay Gaonz, Winifred, 511 ?Monroe, China.
issue of tomorrow will be pub-* City, Mich. 900-J. Gonnsen, C. 92.., 1020 S. Cniv. Glad-
*lished the names of students *De Tomasi, R., 1005 Lincoln. Detroit, stone, Michs.
*enrolled in embalming and the* Mich. 366. Dracey, C. E., 413 Thompson. Cass
o gainat shol. n he olow De Voe, 1., 215 N. State. Mt. Pleasant, City, Hich.
* .in ilace s the names of engi-.. * Mich. GaaC . 1 .igls asr
*will bo printed. * Dickie, Mary, 119 Park Terrace. Min- Michs.
* s s * ** 5*a,* neapolis. 765-M. Crahsans,SMrs. James, 1336 Geddes.
Dixon, W. E. Denton, Mich. Wyandotte, Mich. 2322-SI.
Literary Departmnent Concluded. DoanS. 1., 712 5. Thayer. Ann Arbor. Graham, Jane, 52ltK. Ann. 497.
Calahan, R. KE, Wyandotte, Mich. 943-H. Gray, Bessie. 414 E. Washington. Vas-
Cameron, J.,.1412 Geddes. Oak Grove, Dondinean, A., 325 E. Jeerson. Hart, sar, :Mich.'
Mich. Hich. Cray, C. F. 720 5. State. Sumner,
Cambel, . B, 2085. ni. Hd-Donelly, J. M., 102 12th. Ann Arbor. -biss.
sonvell, MiA. ,12093.Uiv Doran, Mary, 721 5. Ingalls. Detroit, Greenman, A. T., 51.15E. Jeff. Doyner
Mich.le,1i4h.-L93.City, M~ich.
Carlo, K. 9., 1320 Washtenaw. Van Mih14-L
Brittler, Elsa, 900 Oakland. Hancock, Gregory, Gretchens, 1119 5.Ingalls. 849-
Wert, Ohio. Mich. 269-J. J
Carver, H. C., 1221 Geddes. Water- Duff, Mary, 802 5. Cniv. Oak Harbor, Grits, L. WV., 523 Packard. St. Clair,
bury, Coon. 2322. Ohio. 746-J. Mich. 5253.
Cassidy, F. H., 311 Thompson. Hichi- Dunbar, R. H.,,214 5. Thayer. Hoinroe, Grierson, A. R., 1000 E2. Aisn. Sagin-
gao City, Ind. 1198-J. Mich. 1138-L. aiw. 344.
Caswell, W. 5., 903 Packard. Hirm- Dunbar, R2. H., 214 5. Thayer. Moo- Griffin, S. W., 621 Forest. Jackson.
ingham, Mich. 1671-3. roe, Mich. 1138-H. 1216-M.
Champlin, Hazel, 1224 Washtenaw. Dunlap, Elizabeth, 810 E. Huron. Elba, Grimm, F. '0., 1311 Forest. Chicago.
Little Valley, N. Y. 2119-H. N. Y. 1217-J.
Chang, T. L., 713. China. Durst, Myrtle, 724 5, Ingalls. Con- Grosse, kI. D., 413 IV. 5ih.
Chan, W. 5., 114 N. Thayer. Nung nellsville, Pa. Groves, W. T., 907 E. Huron. 85s4-J.
Ning, China. 1710-H. Edwards, Maude, 710 5. 12th. Calu--IHaag, H. 1)., 102 12th, Wanseon, 0.
Charel, A. L., 1034 E. Huron. Azeuen- met. 931,
aga, Argentina. Egan, 92. H., 224 S. Thayer. Betroit. t-ta' en, Jsnestle , 11 .elsc .
Chase, V. H., 417 5. Division. Hun- 463J. Moorhead, Minn. :1585-J.
tague, Hich. Ellis, G. H., 510 E. Jefferson. 2276-H. Hall, P. D., 541 S. Division. 1009-H.
Chistensen, H. 9., 430 Packard. Ann Ellis, M. H. Front Creek, Mich. Hali, W. C., 141 S. Division. Bad Axe,
Arbor. 1547-H. Ellis W. A., 210 5. Thayer. Detroit. Miti. 1069-H.
Clark, A. H., 538 W. Hamn. Chicago, Elms, E. A.,119 Park Terrace. Vulcan, Hansill, B. M1., 609 Thayer. Pigeoni,
Ill. "Mich. 765. Mici.
Clark, A. ., 321 S. Division. New Emings, Edna, 1212 E, Univ. Evart, H~amilton, Ada, 714 Lawrence. 139-M.,
Haltimore, Hich. Hich. H-anmmond, Evelyis, 014 Uiiiv. Traverse
Clark, H. L., 512 E. Jefferson. Ann Epstean, C,, 721 Monroe. New York City. 368.
Arbor. 1755-J. City.,Ilanastalt, Ella, 443 S. IDivision. Galva,
Clifford, R. K., 901 E. Washingtosn. Estill, Alice, 527, Thonson. Clyde, Ill.
Kokoimo, Ind. 494-H. Ohio. 1-arma, P. Ca., 621 S. State. Iowva City.
Cohn, H., 636 Thayer. Spokane, Wash. Evans, Lora, 202 5. Thayer. Eau low..
682. Claire, Hich. 988-H. tHarbisons. C. C., 727 Packard.
Cole, S. A., 206 5. Thayer. Hillsdale, Ewing, Sara, 5211 E. Ann. Freeport, liarnist, M.I. CII, 332 9E. Jefferson. Ed-
Mich. Ill. 497. wardsville, 111. 136:3-2.
Conklin, T. H., 1003 E. Huron. Kings- Fairchild, R. W. 228 5. Thsayer. Hlarris, L. F., 1443 IWashtenase, Boyne
toii, N. Y. Stevens Point, Wis. 463-H. City. Mich. 1166.
Cookc, C. H., 202 5. Thayer. Land Farrar, Zella, 316 92. State. Fostoria, Harris, lMabel, 130 Thompson. 016-94.
Lake, Hich. 988-H. Hich. 1134-H. Darrisois, Violet. 9117 Mtonroe.
Coon, H. A., 1335 S. Stats. Indiana, Fee, Amy, 1224 Wasbtenaw. Cass City, Hlarrison, Bllanchse, 5279E. tUniv. West-
Pa. 1328. Mich. hield, N. Y. 96-H.
I i
HolmansoE.CB.,17 Mtary. Redridge,T
HaoklsT. ELill1. Ans. olesille,T
t, 1022-J.
DolspseSarah 14 92.,Cii. 368. 1
Itine It C,'210N. State. lHosvell
!]ows, Doohea, 611 Forest. 1810-.
Haws, AV.'2E92611 Forest. 1810-. T
HIk ossse7s8 hussrch. Celina, .
I-oytI11.C,t527 lsassopsoi, School-T
crsft, Mich
Ilishs Cssng, 127 N. Sate. Kiris,T
1lssasg, H.I.P.,17 N. State. Kis-1
DsnC 1,1116 Wsshtenaws. China.1
Hulu R.92RIt408 Wasltenasw.Me-I
nominesio ch.lels420.
HssffssanIirs Edns, 311 Thompson.
Dasvson Mich.1
14fmn Rstmss . B 311 Tomsosn. Davi-
son Mistls
HughesNttie. 114 N. Igalls. Defi-
asisc,0 146-.l
HustKEla, 517 9. Wash. Bay City.1
loiss E.8S119 Catherise. iDetroit.1
Jackmsaso C14. 603 9. An. Ann Ar-
hors 1402-MH
JackssanstMay, 01 Ai. Anis Arbor,
Jackson, eotgsa, 1101 . Uni. 300-.
Jaqusss, Dela. 50 Liberty. Saginaw.1
Jacksel, C. N. Dteroit.
Jenksiss, Mae, 6149. Jefferson. 49-.1
Jeorich, P. B., 10029. Iuron. 909.
Johissoi, Alice. 102 Oakland. 1790. l
Johsnson, ElrIma, 407 N. Univ. Detroit.1
24 6-.
Johnsston,. Mae. 1120 Thompson. Mich-
igass City, Iid. 856-M.1
Johsistos, Mary. 114 Packard. e-
troit. 1951-S.l
Jones C. A, 62 Ciurch. Coldwater,
Jons, J. it,27 Willian. Scrastosn,
Judd lFiora 7195S. Thayer, Lenon,
Jungnisc'sh Mata, 1021 . iHuron. 0-
seo, ih600-J.
n ceding,'E. W.V 410 Observatory. e-1
Kalinger1L.2I1100 E. Washigon.
Kastl Virgnisa122 1-astciasvlar-
rsbshsrg, Pa. 00-S.
Kears sss's is.604 . lMadison. Chica-
go I1l
Kiens Sarahs 209t S. Ingalls. SMt. leas-
Keiser IT.a556S. Sate. 1.
Kelly91.6C'slits S. Thayer. Enosurg
Ksell'sSMargaret 104 IHuross. Pitt-
busgi Ia.s106-J.
Kelsey Charlotte. Ansm Aror. 114-.
KempFlora Chelsea, Sich.
Kedrick C.L.,717 E. uros. 81-J.
Kepple Carolyn, 109 College St.
Kssdd C.I,73 . Thayer. 1547-J.
Ksng,9.2S.5IF.Lansing, Mich.
King FC, 1007 9. Huron. Detroit.
Kneland HT, 727 9. Univ. 67.
Knmse19 hEthl Barterton, 0.
Knepp, Amas 311 9. Huron. Pits-
bsrg, P. 1040-5M.
Knioepp, Enmma, 11 E. uros. Pis-
breg, Ps. 1040-S.
Kolbe, Anna, 16 Ceever Ct. Cleve
land. 398.
Krat, J. L., 804 H-uronm. Treton,
Kaken, Lens, 72 Csurh. Syracuse,
N. Y. 157-1.
Krause, Mary, 700 Oxford Rd. 1674.
Laharec, IMaud, 108 'Willard. Lafay-
stte, Ind. 1211-111.
Lambert, R. A., 4111 Observatoy. New
York City.
Lane, Blanchse, 10211 . Univ. Detroi.
tan g, C. ., 14119 Washtenaw. Eri,
Pa. 343.
LaRue, Carl ., 214 S. Ingalls. Forest
Lasko, L., 1111 5. Ingalls. Nan' York
City. 1722-SI.
Lasece, L,, 916 Mlonoe. 1034-SI.
Laycock, W. E., 101 S. Thayer. E.
Laning, Mich.
Layton, C. 9., 500 Packard. Wester-
'ill, 0. 776-.
Layton, Elsie, 500 Packard, Wester-
ville, . 776-.
LeFurge, C. ., 417 W. Cogress. Yp-
silanti. . Lansing, Mich.
Lenaner, Ruth, 15 Pk. Terrace. De-
troit. 765-.
Leo, S. T., 408 Church. China. 993-.
Lew, G. 406 . Liberty. China,
Leain-steis, S. H., 810 . Univ. Mid-
land, Mich. 470-.
Leawis, . IW., 418 Thompson, Waynes-
ville, Ho.
Lewis, Evangelinse, 634 . 12th. De-
troit. 1235-J.
Lewis, Mary, 634 . 12th. 125 .
Lewis, W. ., 131 Hill. Greenevlle,.
Sich. 3.
Liang, F T, 1010 Monroe. Canton,
Liu, F. Y., 118 N. Thayer. Cnton,
Lindstrom, Emilia, 210 N. Thayer
Lo, T. ., 1208 S. Univ. Canton, China.
Logan, G. W., Dexter, ich.
Lung, . ., 04 Jefferson. Kimber-
lio Heights, Tenn. 348-.
Lords, Floyd, 815 Arch. Montgomry,
Lures, Mrs. Bells Norris. 11331Wi-
moot. 2318-.
Luzunaris, ., 611 Church, San Juan,
Sorto Rico. 1703.
Lynch, Alice, 210 N. State. uff~lo.
Lyttle, Stephen, 11 S. Thayer. Shel-
by, Mich. 1398-J.
Hack, Christian, 730 . 12th.
MatKenzie, ., 543 . Division. Bat-
te Creek.'
Mackey, Grace, 8 Kingsley, Newber-
ry, Mich.
MlacLachan, . C., American otel.
Milan, Mich 123.
MacLachan, H. H., 1331 Hill, Flint. 33:
Grand Rapids. 197-.
MacPherson, G. 721 More. 849-.
Mladdock, Sarah, 1105 . State, Wyan-
dotte, Mich.
Mah, W.1., 602 Monroe. San Fran-
Major, Cordelia, 106 S. 12th. Muske-
Major, Marie, 106 S. 12th. Muskegon.
Martin, . L., 523 ack Rd. Cass City,
Mast, W. H., 815 Arbor. Sebewaing,
Matheson, K. W., Detroit.
Matran, Verna, 1222 Washtenaw. Wat-
stylist, Mich 885-.
MBain, . F., 313 Cross, Ypsilanti.
MlcCarthy, Kathleen. Detroi.
McClure, 1).5., 604 E. adison. Ft.
Wayne, Ind.
HtCooaglsa, Mrs. Mary, 522 Packard..
eaver Falls, Pa.
McConnell, W. C., 1331 Hill. Canton,
0. 509.
McCune, Eleanor, 223 S. Ingalls Gal-
lipolis, . 69-.
McDonald, A., 220 . Ingalls. River
Rouge, Mich.
McDowell, L. ., 233 Ingalls, Ka.
City, Mo.
Mctinnis, F. K., 1122 Washen aw. Dal-
las, Tex.
McGeumess, . P., 412 N. Division.
Ionia. 152-.
McHugh, Anne, 814 S. 0U1'. Saginaw.
HcKinn, Ora, 735 Packard. Cas City,
Mich. 560-.
-MKinley, Mlary, 814 S. niv. Butler,
Pa. 368,
HcKittcrick, Miss B., 912 Forest, Bur-
lington, Iowa. 920-.
MlcLaiughlin, Emery. 810 E. Washing-
ton. Saginaw'. 1317-.
MlcLead, W. C., 321 . Division, Wood-
McNair, S. H., 510 E Cath., Brookhav-
en, Hiss.
Head, Mrs. . P., 1221 Willard, Car-
derras, Cuba.
Mecier, Joy, 814 5. Univs. Crystall
Falls, Mich. 368,
(Continued on page 2)
Corn, L. G., 810 E. Washington., Iron- IFcige, Laura, 524 Forest. 2473-H.
ton, Ohio. 1317-J.
Corwin, 11. B., 1228 Prospect. Grand
Rapids, 9Mith, 1825-H.
Costehloe, XW. ., 306 E. Madison.
Courmyer, . A., 503 E. William. Fer-'
rysburg, Mich.
Crandall, A. L., 519 Linden. Ann Ar-
hot. 3328-H.
Crandell, I.., 331 Thompson. Ithaca,
Cranme, Edith, 432 5. Divisionm. Fenton,
Crawford, IW. C., 429 5. Division, South
Fork, Pa. 1813-3.
Creighton, N., 718 5. hIgalls. Frank-
liii, Pa, 1915.
Crittenden, A.- C., 216 N. State. Mt.
Pleasant, Mich.
Cromwell, SMrs, W., 708 S. Univs. Frank-
fort, Kentucky.
Cross, A. C., 412 N. Bivision. Dowa-
giae, Michs. 1323-3.
Cross, A. E., 643 5. Ingalls. St. Ig-
nate, Mich.
Culp, 0. 9E.. 209 5. Ingalls. Constan-
tine, Hich.
Culp, V., 618 Church. Oshtenmo, Hich.
Cunliffe, 9., 215 N. Division. Detroit,
Michm. 653-J.-
Fellows, Bert, 1328-H. Lansing, Ta.
Felton, 9. L., 1443 Washtemnaw. Val-
paraiso, Ind. 1166.
Feistermoaker, 337 E. William. Ber-
wick, Pa. 1220-3.
Fenwvick, Florence, 405 K. Univ.
Fischer, Lois, 338 5. 4th Ave. 1189-SI.
Fitzgerald, Ella, 1004 Oakland. De-
Flagg, Lillian, 115 Pk. Terrace. Lou-
isiana, Mo. 765-3.-
Fleck, E. H. 238 5. Thayer. Detroit.
Fletcher, F. F., Ypsilanti.
Flynn, Florence, 507 E. Liherty. Wesst
Branch, Hich.
-Pot, A. Jr., 5243 Washtensaw, Porto
Foran, Cacse, 836 Tappan Rd. Joliet,
Ill. 398.
Foran, Mary, 836 Tappan Rd. Joliet,
Ill. 398.
Freeman, 3. K., 1135 Michigan. 1716-3.
Frostic, F. W., 210 S. Thayer. St.
Charles, Sich.
Fuerstenaw, Carrie, 437 S. Fourth.
Fuller, Ola, 902 Packard. Emporia.
Kas. 1671-3.
Fuller, IV. H., 902 Packard, Enaporia.
Ran. 1671-3.
Basley, C. K., 200 N. Isngalls. Moiroe,
HaBstreoter, F. S., 911 Olivia.
Hathaway, B. CatlpInnmi. Newport.
It. I.
Hesatheote, 0. 3., 543 S. Divisiom. Fer-
ryahurg, Hicha. 119-91.
Heider, E. H. 11095 Cornswall Place.
Buffalo, N. V. 1720.
Heinonsen, Junetta. 28 Church. Ne-
gaumoe, Mich.
Helnmsdorfer, Loretta, 412 Chusrh, Ne-
gaimmee, Mith. 490-3.
Helnsel, Kllsadie. Anns Arhor. 1011.
Hielss, B., 426 N. Isgalls. SMeoomimnee.
SMith. 16.
Hildehrandt, P. A., 513 Elm. Bell-
wood, Ill. 807-M1.
Dill, 1h, .5..912 SMonroe. Daviso,
Dillon, S. C., Cor. Wtashtawa and
Hill. Freemossl, Michi. 189.
Hdine, Mariomi, 718 Chsurch. Gramnd
Grand Rapido, 51icm. 1467-M1.
Ho, C. T.26 5. Thayer. Conton, Chi-
na, 15238-3.
Boerner, 3. 0. 9129P.I Washs. Lewis-
burg, 0. 69-M1.
Boheb, A. 5., 5-22 Monroe. Samturce,
Porto Rito. 990-2.