Two Open Dates and Depleted Squad
Injure Earlier Gridiron
Indiana's revised football schedule
was given out last Saturday by head
coach Ewald 0. Stiehm just before
he left Bloomington, Ind., for Wiscon-
sin to spend his vacation.
The following games will be played:
Sept. 29-Franklin at Bloomington.
Oct. 6-Wabash at Bloomington.
Oct. 13-St. Louis at Bloomington.
Oct. 20-Minnesota at Minneapolis.
Oct. 27-Open date.
Nov. 3-Ohio State at Indianapolis.
Nov. 10-Open date.
Nov. 17-De Paqw at Bloomington.
Nov. 247Purdue at Bloomington.
Stiehm reports that the outlook for
Women's League Gives Elaborate Din-
ner to Dr. Elsie Seelye
A dinner of beautiful appointments
was given last evening at Newberry
residence in honor of Dr. Elsie Seelye
Pratt who leaves soon for Denver
where she will resume her private
The dining hall was decorated in
yellow, masses of yellow flowers and
yellow candles giving the note of
color. Those seated at the center
table were, Dr. Pratt, Miss Wells,
President and Mrs. Harry B. Hutch-
ins, Miss Crocker, Dr. Boland, Miss
Florence Potter, Miss Louise Potter,
Miss Joe Pockman Miss Anne Miller,
Miss Hortense Wind, Miss Esther
Layton, Miss Gertrude Miller, Miss
Mary Porter and Miss Dorothy Roehm
A corsage bouquet of cloth of gold
(In One Scene .with Music)
"Hello, Guy."
'Hello Jane."
"Where you going?"
"To lunch at the Cafeteria."
"How do you happen to be eating
"They have a victrola so you can
eat your soup without being embaras-
sed. Come on over."
"Well, I don't care if I do."
"What'll you have?"
"Oh, a small sirloin steak with
mushrooms, some-"
"Say, you're not down at Joe's. Pork
or beans?"
"I didn't know I was in Bohston,
"Come now, don't spring that east-
"No, Cantaloupe."
"Giving me the lemon?"
"Aid you later, but not now."
"Honest? When will you?"
"See me next fall."
"I'd fall for you right now."
"All right. But don't knock the
table over."
"You've got me clear off my feet
right now I tell you."
"Just plant 'em back on the floor,
for it's time to go."
"You're heartless."
"I thought I had yours."
"Aw, quit your kidding."
"Well, good-bye, Guy. You're a nice
boy, but you haven't as much sense as
I thought you had."
"I can see that. Ninety-three cents
less. Will you be home at eight?"
"Well-I enjoyed what I ate-Don't
be too late. Good-bye. Guy."
"So long, Jane."
Directory of all the Summer School
Students now on sale at the State
Street Bookstores.
The 1917 Summer Student Directory
on sale at all the bookstores, 25c.
Coming Events
(Summer Session Lectures)
Open to all students. Lectures take
place in Auditorium of Natural Science
building unless otherwise stated.
Tuesday, Aug. 14, 5 o'clock-Stars and
Telescopes (Illustrated). Professor
W. J. Hussey.
Wednesday, Aug. 15, 5 o'clock -The
High Cost of Living. Professor G.
W. Dowrie.
8 o'clock-Concert, Faculty of the
University School of Music. (Hill
Thursday, Aug. 16, 5 o'clock-The
Present Status of Poor Relief in
America. Mr. A. E. Wood.
7 o'clock-Educational Motion Pic-
8 o'clock- Miscellaneous Readings,
the Class in Interpretative Reading.
(University Hall.)
Friday, Aug. 17, 5 o'clock-Russia and
America (Illustrated). Professor C.
L. Meader.
a successful gridiron season is not as "' """'"'
rsswas presented to Dr. Pratt by
rosy as it was at the end of the school rMss ars Prted president
teem last spring. The war has drawn Miss Mary Porter, president of the,
heavily on the Indiana team, and the Wonen's league, and in it was hidden
football squad probably suffers the a gift of five ten dollar gold pieces, a
greatest of all. Among the men lost remembrance from her friends and the
by enlistment, graduation and con- members of the league.
scription are Bushmann, Conkle, Gray, At the close of dinner, toasts were
Hiatt, McIntosh, Mullett, Pope. Stutes- given by Miss Wells and Miss Porter
man, Wieland, McCoy and Wylie. and a copy of the resolutions of regret
Seven Stars Still in List at Dr. Pratt's departure read by Miss
To form the nuscleus of the new Roehm. Dr. Pratt responded and in
team Stiehm has but seven of last a few words spoke of her regard for
year's letter men. These are Captain Michigan and her hopes for it in the
Hathaway, Beck, Bowser, A.ress, future.
Julius and Keever. Of these, three are
linemen and four are used in the DRSELIARS WRITES BOOK
backfield, although Hathaway may be .RU
switched to the line, as he has had -
experience in that position. Is Development of First of His Text
There will be but a few of last year's Books; Includes Subject of
freshmen to fill up the gaps left in Metaphysics
the ranks of the varsity. Among those
to return are Cravens, Minton, Ewert, Students of philosophy will be inter-
Pierce, Howard, Risley, Sherwood and ested to learn that Dr. Roy Wood Sel-
Faust. Three of these mei may be lars has recently written a new book
used to fill the line, while the re called "Essentials of Philosophy"
mainder are backfield material. Those which is to be put on the market this
lost from this team are Adams, Batch, month by the MacMillan Press.
McNeill, Springer, Hammonds, Manny As will be remembered, Dr. Sellars
and Dalrymple. Evans, the new coach, published another book about a year
who comes from Beloit at the open ago which he entitled "Critical Real-
ing of the fall term, will have charge ism." The later book is a develop-
of cross-country work and swimming. ment of the first and a simplification
of it for text-book purposes. While
Former Publication Man in City the first limited itself largely to the
Ernest R. Burton, a graduate from theory of knowledge this is carried
Michigan in 1913, visited Ann Arbor over to metaphysics, bringing it into
for a few hours yesterday. Mr. Bur- touch with the results of special sci-
ton was a member of both The Daily ence. It holds that knowledge con-
and The Wolverine staffs when in sists of tested propositions which are
college. Since his graduation he has referred to an acknowledged realm
been working toward a dotor's degree outside the knower's consciousness as
in sociology and economics. He is a genuine knowledge about it. It is
now associated with the Independent an attempt to get a critical view of
Bureau in Philadelphia. our knowledge of the physical world.
Another point is the presentation of a,
solution of the mind-body problem
TYPEWRITERS which holds that consciousness is act-
ulFOR RENT OR SALE nally in the brain as a part of its
HaMilton Business College nature and that mental capacities can
Phone 342-R STATE and WILLIAM also be regarded as capacities of the
.ern accent. We don't use anything
eastern here except the time."
"Why do you diseriminate in its
"It's faster than western."
"You don't need to go by it then."
"Go buy what? I'll buy anything
you want. Aren't you getting enough
to eat? Hey, there, look out or you'll
tip that milk over. This is like the
Hotel Statler, you know, you're not
allowed to tip here."
"Oh, Guy, the last time I was there
I saw Joe and Helen and she said they
were goingto the races at Windsor"
"I hope he wins her. She's a peach."
"Isn't she though."
"She's got some complexion."
"Yes, she promised to tell me where
she got it."
"Got it? Do you mean to tell me-"
"Sure. Why lots of them do it.
Those girls on Ingalls that you think
are so wonderful-"
"Forget it. Stop right there. I
won't never believe you again if you
destroy my faith in them."
"Use a little charity the next time
you are up close to them, or you'll
loss It."
"Oh, I hope not. Where were you
"Good time?"
"Sure. We rode out to Belle Isle in
George's car and went in swimming."
"How was the water?"
"It's the pure truth. Oh, and
"George the Fourth?"
"Why do you call him that?"
"I wish you'd declare your inde-
pendence from him."
"Don't be peeved now. He simply
made up a little poem about going in
"Sounds very, very exciting. An-
other dry joke, I suppose?"
"Say, I don't know wetter to go on
or go out."
"Aw, go on."
"le made up some words to that
sweet little song about 'I've been
"You mean 'Cheer,-cheer?'"
"No, it's a lovely little thing about
roaming where the grass is wet with
"Oh, do go on!
"One time after he had dived off he
climbed back up on the raft and sang,
'I've been diving, I've been diving,
I've been diving, where the water's
cool and clear, and I'm coming, yes,
I'm coming, with a gallon in each ear."
Wasn't that clever?"
"I've always thought he had water
on the brain."
"Don't be jealous. You know I don't
ike black hair."3
"Ye, but you can't watch a dark
horse too close."
"You needn't worry about him. He'll
never get-"
"See that he doesn't. I hate to muss
Lp Doc May's new boxing gloves with
is gore."
"Oh, you wouldn't fight him?"
"Be gorry, I would that. The idea
it him taking you out riding Sunday
when he knew I wanted to. Say, I'll
pepper him-"
"Don't get too fresh, Guy. Pass the
salt for my melon."
'Aw, say, Jane, come on, let's take
he little walk around the corner."
Supplies of All Ksind.
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Refreshment when you're thirsty-A
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Exactly what you're looking for any
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nicknames encourage substitution
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Dine Pleasantly in the
Cool Quiet Tea Room
Summer Service and Cooking Unexcelled
Special Noon Luncheon
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For the remainder of the summer
be t rllo ve nlne
Official Summer School Paper