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August 17, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-08-17

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0Lehman gKd4 k .tsman rhls.=
Lnear ements from your Nel, dsaS Ilty
I have le'w ile of irs olowed i4 ie t jjjg 0 v
,atrg: 6W e esi leding. Ws.ua s :1e ars
O'ILo chare:. 1W g PVyu 'Peuce Time Reulis" as we have
a, leiVOfI ,1 o ( hci en 1 ~sell a --,o o. pe--l. ad
we vtnure t ay 1oheulir ifj'i r I foe t hi
t If yuwn hebs eutsyu'M1b r1n 'oY-1 m§ e
l' C l 0 IM1- Y-ttii'0 l 1 A'1 Lit t
Ia61lj14Trrlln wi le nhr wns F~ w1F
1tile Idians Abandon Football as ton an(VMichigan and Syracuse will
Varsity Sport--CalIfo eui V ther. The seasI will come
to H t Tt:m. clsax on Noven 25, when
de,#we 1' lrgely ded games

,,.oe-., .___.,. ____ .. ...

? i 5

i ace of
nuer of>
:easing el
rache _

yed within
e Harvard
a and the
%ketIn the

re polaI Y.1E pp c4' ;ky li W bam- k;l rIga s.'I4 a nisalreey"co leg f nv athlet
Co ntp aks;.,Rai l Ci . t Ae lrl LJ; tr. pr[ ~estigetaking =l* -e i
r I j'1r k ~ a thiss ancd loe 00ry
i-, - +:cc A' 0'I I nmbero tlle e sto eplas
4 -- , s I . four1W IIS lt un e sA , e sa s s
eyed n °ie 1 -11-n sitSquads to Fill. and W a t vt i i riy. Ot iif
Diamondl 'Eflit.,' ' As"ii bl I' E Vaenussles. . pertarf it ' eGo .! ote # .
- IV T l ' ree tnesa ciie ngles" 4r ibose o e 1 l~e.tteiY e
ViIl ( l e-i- ' l'~f E J y~l ~ 1Trginal, a'm siand 0 tlCar
er-n ' thlit lio ' td *th l g Ies' iF --- li a linlad 09t-Iai
*v 1 Ghtd z"e0 m hi " sYilri; te1 i toui a &It ah W 1 hen "Hlurry Up"' host,""Brute4 ftN.rsaI 5
d Igfg l P't t Pt en fnished and oihytree games res Panir"''" zil R us Hld;, t l aeaid Goge~g V -
iissiv0sion the. All iiiatoe e et a sigese pivpol t1 1 401n lytri~ed taf 0mW ; t' S evoraleb gngsa-6' t be lAQ
is a p week's ltsfot the . ,n,00 esc me gridiron teachers greet: their te asdules for th'' y'ar. One
i t re asfollowrsat tn e the psi l f an se -nc qpi
r of the;11d' oaiiecktGgrs6-4em h ars igo, Frb the cards of h
s10heel The U ' gT±gI t o aifo.
proud title of "Chenm- lyen? r w b ml e,, nq will beCaptain hi Y ' Va 1- adColumhianverity wll mai'p
ebor" a ognoena athe douhlestournamient mist pp l sc e 5011 'o1'e Dnerprn ted by EI ens'aften sever;
stwo years by the th eltgn7 shave been played only the i" -all c ensn Pitz' e5s era 6f pig skin-4 """""e
Th-aewl e rIrle eogetrl o ltd Dis a The first big college_"team to gs
105 q a- 7 1fcseio"0ws X il}nt wobaks; woende, 3take nt acioti all t1 etp,
I d nKalt;i I d El F re sothr wo linq oitio spl-itsafirstgb Iat B eley, Sel
G-0, -9, ll eissan abunan .of 5sitrs ia, c r 16. A week laten artmoatl
s-up will probably be Geff Sherrard -Cl - Po well for- 1 1 tdipgBeld Hop oh ad plrabn,
'd'on 5hnwh iit'v~ 15 1 eeil t40 'rvs, adDun ndNahof
- Pscam~ ' 1 -tk 1T-reshsquad. toy Johson,
roe is iate tron manis alsocx ' wi upyn nth
studies.- However,N Stoddard R; Meyer d. Atlas ' Geld- 'i4tcd to make geed on the fo'rward i r op~~. i ee
n5oe o l. ei' iliv6 1 eyce rapj'agan, linemsan o ytnas. ts e
I- c al k& Fitzpat- t ~; 91tam mayreturn to school i EXCELLE,,
the Wo yes and will rick .6-1, 6-2. Iii ptli Io e h oes.
a 1 hrewill'i lai''s iaiplcntytfo' IP
pinla betsc's teis ' ', Pen "h'e-
es th , 'eems ltnnea'd 13POPULAR
I iehn P idls1 dh Aetrial will convince yot


n ieavor to do by offering:
uof ;jruth of this statement


our men wi01b5 ii'theI-e c ile Hl E FOUNr
.al-screcher's 'oh left vacant by
eamy' Reo -% T I f c idates
Zieger, Sp 1TtY, oa , d Cal-
Sparks, captain of the yearlings,
like" ic'es' I}pospect s3 -11 _____
ie, bif a tId &job I "be 'flleId
tsht a ter in hi the
14 1 11'ii 4n Stit l
'terew 'o iestdedeathlhlb
'Otr'ar i' t3 tre- eroc ,ter of Ar. and Mrs. Homer Heat
1ili Arbon, wa.c div0 WeB - I - Morning noon; or
r r1r on bii 1~iri' dlis ~i I just for adeliciousI
51tlt nitiert~v i' th te'' , anew pleasure in e
e? 5laig' thmI ctin 'with
tires wis tse ' ' atkn

State d iberty
healil _ e-youwill find
every refreshing glass.
Ailgnls. Ga.



I II losil

1( Id t es a"ts. J 'Z te ( I Jek i -
r1109c- oftll'i til lS -be tt
best point winies afor t'e 155.l
and 'Blue, is in townion a few days.

Demand thegenuoinebyfuloBLn

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