The official student newspaper for
the University, of Michigan summer
session. Published by the students on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af-
ternoons. Twenty-five issues.
Advertising rates-Furnished:upon ap-
plication to the business manager.
Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar-
ry's and University Avenue Phar-
Office Hours: Managingseditor, 2:00
to 3:00 daily; business manager,
1:00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or
Address, The Wolverine, Press Build-
ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
Verne E. Burnett-Managing Editor
Phone--2414 or 1283-M
C. Verne Sellers-Business Manager
Phone-960 or 1460
Tom C. Reid-Associate Editor
H. C. Garrison-Sports Editor
Magian Wilson-Women's Editor
Walter Atlas-News Editor
Bruce Swaney-News Editor
M. H. Cooley R. T. Mann
George W. Corwin Frank Martin
M. N. Elsenau Phil Pack
R. F. Fitzpatrick Ward Peterson
H. H. Gellert Grace Rose
Mary Gratiot Carl Rash
H. H. Haag Jerome Zeigler
Business Staff
Wm. H. Hogan Robert M. Schiller
Richard Goldsmith Allan Livingston
i ,
Smoking permitted
Sat., -Frank Daniels in "Artie, the
Millionaire Kid."-
Sun. t3-"The.LawDecides," the biggest
emotional drama of the year.. Note
playingat sc a seat inNew York and
Chicago. No change In prices. ro.
Mon., a4 -FSrak Daniels and Edna
Mayin "The Misleading Lady."'
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson.
Cars run on Eastern time, one hour faster
hanslosal time.
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:o a.
rand bosrly to 7:0 p. n., s:o -p.a.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars- 848 a. m. and
tery two hours to 6:48 p. m.; to Lansing,
Local Cars, Eastbond-s:45 a. m.,Soo a. m.,
';t5 a. i., and every wo hours tos 7.so5P. in.,
05 p. m., 95i p. m., ton5s p. m. To Ypsi-
nti only, 8:48 a. M. (daily ecept Sunday),
:2oam.,'-.op[ m.6:5sip. 0., ti:4.P.
. 0 at m, 0 0 . M
Lscal Cae, Wshond-6:ol a. i., 7:50
and eery two hours to 7:5'.pn.,0.'1020
i., rzz tales a.
University School .of ,MUSIC
"A Gathering Plas for Advanced Students"
Anual Sumer Session
Rleglar Fal Tirm begins 0st., itt 2,1916
For Catalogue and Information address
Ann Arbor, Mich.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Seourity - Service -- Location
Capital.......................$ 300,000.00
Surplus and Profit........$ 175,000.00
Main Office, N. W. Corner Main
and Huron Sts.
Branch Office, 707. North Univ-.
ersity Avenue.
ecture-School Credit for Out of
School Work, Prof. C. 0. Davis.
Auditorium, Natural Science Build-
ing, 5 p. m.
ecture-Culture and Efficiencey, by
Prof. D. Friday. Auditorium, Natur-
a Science Building, 6 p. m.
ecture-The American Revolution
(Ilustrated). Assistant Prof. W. W.
IF lorer. Auditorium, Natural Science
Building, 8 p. m'.
No, disagreeable reader, a subscrip-
ion to The Wolverine newspaper
oesn't get you any special rates on
he Wolverine flier of the Michigan
:entral Railway.
T. B. C. day on the campus may
sean to take Treatments By CUs-
Supplement Editor-Myrtle Elsenau,
Michigan summer students who are
school teachers during the regular
term of the University, will soon go
home ,and assume the guidance of
many thousands of children. These
teacher-students have the opportunity
of winning a great battle.
For the University is the field over
which 'two armies of phantom ideas
thunder. One is the army of those who
believe in some form of an honor sys-
tem for students in the literary col-
lege. The other army either believes
an honor system is unworkable, or is
made up of individuals who base on
their own dishonor the morals of all
others. The local crusaders have risen
almost triumphant at times during the
past year when student societies co-
operated with faculty men in an en-
deavor to lay the foundations here for
a great code of honor.
But the battle is by no means a local
one entirely.
The teachers, who, as much as any
other force, determine the attitude of
students toward cheating in exams,
may send young men and women to
the University, who are so firm in their
habits and beliefs of honor, that the
Herculean labors of the pioneers of
honor may be made more attainable of
If the teachers who are now attend-
ing the summer session go back, and
teach students the glory and meaning
of a system of honor, if the teachers
instill the feeling for honor into the
very souls of the pupils, they will
begin to learn that to cheat is a crime
against society and religion, and that
to have a live moral fiber would assure
the greatest boost imaginable both for
Michigan and the world.
Mich. Booms in Pages of "Who's Who"
. Michigan has a large number of rep-
resentatives in "Who's Who in Amern-
ca," 79 names of local men, appearing
in the last issue of America's book of
fame. The literary college led with
49 names. The research work of find-
ing this long list resulted on the part
of students, after an account was
printed in The Daily Missourian, re-
cently, boasting of the fact that Mis-
souri had 49 names in the book.
Straw and Felt
Hlats 1-2 Price
158 E. Huron NearAllenel Hotel
Unitarian Church
State and Huron Streets
Sunday, at 10:30
Nietzsche, the Superman,
and Christianity
Violin Solo by Miss Marion Struble
By- Paul.
History may be likened to shellac.
It is a compound of various ingredi-
ents designed to make the thing it
covers, time, appear more prepossess-
ing and at the same time protect the
sub-stratum it shields from the eyes
of the world.
But history is different from shellac
in that the thing it protects is so
much more valuable. In this respect,
history may more appropriately be
likened to the jeweler's safe, hiding
with its massive steel doors, untold
wealth and sparkling, marvelous, radi-
ant beauty.
The casual decorator, or the ama-
teur safeblower will only chip at the
surface of this covering, or damage
the lock, but the artist and the expert
cracksman will penetrate into the ut-
most recesses, and extract all that is
beautifuldand fine with out harming
the outside.
One day such a cracksman burrow-
ed deep into the vault of history, and
drew forth a jewel of such marvelous
brilliancy and remarkable potency as
he had never before beheld. It was
not big and powerful, as might be ex-
pected, but small and delicate, yet
giving off a fire and brilliancy sur-
passed not even by the most famous
of gems. Its name was "Water."
When the penetrator held the jewel
up to the light he was startled by a
series of changing pictures in the in-
terior of the stone.
Men were working in the grape
arbors of the fields of Palestine. Far
across the valley could be seen a line
of handmaidens bearing great earth-
en jugs, filled with delicious cold
water. He saw the pyramids piled
high above the Nile, thousands of men,
swarming like bees, lifting stupendous
masses of rock, and everywhere boys
going about with water-filled recept-
acles. He saw the beautiful stadia of
Greece, the spectators cheering on the
victorious athletes, and everywhere
fountains of pure, cold water. He saw
the aqueducts of Rome, built at a
prohibitive cost. He saw cities, towns,
villages, factories, buildings, stores,
making their employees and patrons
happy with sparkling water.
But suddenly he stopped. There
before him was a lovely little town
washed by a beautiful river. His eye
travelled through the scene until it
was arrested by the sight of many
magnificent buildings grouped in close
proximity. Everywhere shade-lined
walks stretched forth their long white
arms. And then he caught sight of
something for which he had long been
searching, water. It was a little four-
gushet fountain at the intersection of
four of these walks. Thousands, strid-
ing past, looked up malevolently at
the glaring sun overhead, and then
bent over for a hurried sip of the
clear, cold liquid.
Ht looked everywhere about him,
but no more such oases could be dis-
cerned. He saw another intersection
of walks near a building called Tap-
pan Hall, were hundreds of hot and
weary young people trod. He saw the
beginning of the diagonal walk, and
tht Engineering Arch, but no place
where the thirsty might find relief.
Then he looked further, and beheld
Canoe Fountain
Lunches Lunches
for and
Two Ice Cream
New and Second-Hand
Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books
Student Supplies in General
Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry
Leather, Gold and'Silver
Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry
young boys in dark, cool rooms drink-
ing amber, foam-topped liquid from
tall, thin glasses. He saw young,
healthful girls, sitting at tables, sip-
ping vari-colored mixtures while busy,
white-coated figures flitter about like
He came to a list called "Regents
Budget" but no reference to "Water"
could be found. And the last picture
of all was the books of the treasurer
of the class of 1911, and there was a
single entry: Campus Fountain,
Sadly shaking his head, the cracks-
man replaced the priceless jewel in its
Isaac Walton Exposed
I found a spot in paradise,
Beside a babbling brook,
Aha! said I exultingly,
Methinks I'll bait my hook,
And sit me down, and light my pipe,
And angle in the shade,
Enjoy me then in right good will,
The beauties nature's made.
And drink in breezes of sweet ozone,
And smell the scents of flowers,
And watch the blazing sun in heaven,
And mark the passing hours.
I leaned me back against a tree,
Square on a full wasp nest,
I heard a4 angry call to arms,
Their stingers did the rest.
Recalled to life I cleared the brook,
With but a single leap,
And fell in sticky maris-mud,
A full ten inches deep. i
Entangled there they caught me thick,
And feasted on my neck,
On arms and legs and shoulders, too,
-My flesh was all a wreck.
Next time that I commune with nature,
Down pavements I will go,
And view the sights of Timbuctoo,
At a moving-picture show.
Another headline in The Wolverine:-
-Bon Voyage, Mr. Kelsey!
Although Napoleon was a fine swim-
mer, he went down to Weinberg's and
met his Water Lou.
"1811 pass", said the student.
-No, he wasn't talking about his
studies; he was just playing penny-
"What is the reason for the Y. M.
C. A.?"
Do your Christmas shopping early.
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