Mrs. Thomas D)eclares That Society
Has Just Begun to Realize
Its Responsibility
"Modern society has just begun to
realize its responsibility to the child
and to act in connection with this re-
sponsibility," stated Mrs. W. I. Thomas
in a lecture on "The Child and the
Community," Wednesday afternoon in
the Natural Science building.
"The child labor bill forbids the
labor of children under 14 years of
age in manufacturing and mines,, and
it regulates the number of hours chil-
dren between 14 and 16 can work to
eight, and they cannot work nights,"
said the speaker. "The state is begin-
ning to be recognized as a great, nu-
turing parent. The springs of conduct
really lie in the subconscious region,
and the whole outside world can be
brought to the child through its envir-
"The only difference between the
jungle child and the child of a cul-
tured environment is the way the out-
side world is made to appear to the
child. The community has a respon-
sibility in furnishing a proper physical
environment, such as good housing,
laws of sanitation, and pure food, milk
and water supply.
"We have in all our public schools
now some kind of medical inspection-
results are shown in the furnishing the
child with eyeglasses. The state now
insists that the health of children be
safeguarded. The earliest symptoms
of disease are detected by the school
nurse or doctor. All this has been
(Continued on page four)
Last Pinute News
New York, Aug. 12.-Representatives
of both sides in the railroad contro-
versy predicted last night that an order
calling for a nation-wide railroad
strike would be issued within 48 hours.
There was little hope that the medi-
ation conferences would continue much
longer, or that they would produce
any tangible results.
Athens, Aug. 12.-The Greek steamer
Eletheria, bound from Saloniki to
Volos with a cargo-of oil' owned by an
American company, and 1,200 passeng-
ers, principally' disbanded troops,
caught fire yesterday off the island of
Skiatho. Forty persons were killed and
many were injured. The captain of'
the Eletheria succeeded finally in
beaching his vessel.1
London, Aug. 12.-The Antarctic re-t
lief ship Discovery, which has beenI
placed at the disposal of the Britisht
admiralty for use in the effort to
rescue the marooned men of Sir Ernest
Shackleton's expedition on Elephant
Island, sailed from Plymouth Sound
last night for Port Stanley, Falkland}
Islands. Sir Ernest will embark on1
the Discovery at that port in another1
effort to reach Elephant Island. 1
London, Aug. 12.-Stanislau, the
strong Austro-Hungarian base in Gal-
icia, 65 miles south of Lemberg, has
been captured by the Russians. The
main defenses of the city had been
under heavy bombardment by the Rus-
sians and despite stubborn Teutonic
resistance, the army of the czar swept
onward and took the town.
Stanislau is of great strategic value
owing to the fact that it is an import-
ant railway center, five roads radiating
from it.
F airRSisterhood fflNINGOFi fl OM[ l R obberDrawsLow
Pledges Ice-MIan M ~~-.-ark on Bluebook
It washt very, hot day, and business POIELYI I'IDFNI What would you have said if, risk
inlg your liberty and pursuit of hap.
for the ice-man, while prosperous, waspig ,youhadbtea trsuingfbag
Neither Nero Nor Christians Were Re- piness, you had stolen a travelling a
hardly pleasan A thrill, he thought, lfr Rome's from an automobile and, opening ii
of almost any kind would be welcome. Dpowsi fall in some secluded spot, had drawn
And he must have been an enchanted forth the grades of 55 law students in
ice-man, for even as he pondered on NIGHT TOO BRIGHT FOR CHIME equity? Well that is probably just
t t , kdwhat the person said who took Prof
the sonotony of life, be looked down H. S. Richards, bag from a machine
and beheld something sparkling on the "The burning of Rome, like the
burning of Chiaginear the dock at Mackinac Island
grass. Now if he had been as highly dental," said Prof. Francis W. Kelsey where lie went from Ann Arbor. Pro-
educated as any ice-man living in the last night in the course of his lecture fessor Richards has sent for the blue-
atmosphere that pervades Ann Arbor on "Peter and Paul in Rome." "The books of his class in equity so that he
should be, he would have known that question has never been debated so may make out new standings.
the shining gold was a sorority pin, much as during the last 20 years. The
and that Michigan sororities are loud- discovery that there was a full moon.
voiced in their disapproval of permit- the night of July 18, '64, probably ICICANea i nAOa oIE
ting men to wear thteir pins. Perhaps affoids a solution to the question.
the ice-man didn't know this, or per- Obsessed as Nero was with the idea of
haps be thought that ice-men were en- rebuildtsig and beautifying Rome, he DEAHM N OIE
titled to certaini rights and privileges was not so imprudent as to order CGraduates Here Are Allowed Much
not given to ordinary men; at any rate, Rome burned on a night when the Liberty in Choice of
he carefully pinned the pearl-crusted source of the act might be so easily Courses
pin high on the right side of his shirt, traced." For the same reason Profes--_
which, serving as a contrasting back- sor Kelsey contended that the Chris- Loyalty is expected from under-
ground, set the pin off to great ad- tians could not have committed the act, graduates and to find it in no small
vantage. however anxious they might have been measure among the post graduates
But,bas you havetprobably conjec- to hasten the coming of Christ by so( speaks well for Michigan. Upon be-
tured by this time, there must be an- doing. ing questioned about the University
otter side to the story; someone must Professor Relsey traced the tradi- of Michigan, Miss Ada Snell, associate
have lost that pin. And you are right, tions relating to the residence of Peter professor of english at Mount Holyoke
for not far from the spot where the ice- and Paul in Rome in their martyrdom College, said enthusiasticaly, "It is a
man picked up the pin, a girl was care- following the burning of Rome. Be- great ad grauatecwoy, I in-
fuly searching in those nooksand cause of Paul'srcitizenship, his martyr- vestigated Columbia, Harvtrd and Yale
crannies where girls are so likely to dom differed from that of his fellow beforee Cosing Michigan," co ntinule
put their sorority pins. And it wasn't (Continued on page four) before choosing Michigan," continued
there, and it wasn't any place else, as Miss Snell. "I found at Harvard that
far as she could determine. And every the courses I wished to take were
day she looked and looked, but the pin SOCIAL PROBLEMS AFTER WAR closed to women. That this is true
was far, far away. can readily be seen by comparing the
Three weeks passed. Now this ice- Mrs. Thomas Predicts Large Field of catalogues of Harvard and Radcliffe.
mai was not like some men, who wear Investigation Every course at Michigan is open to
their pins on the left side, and half women which should certainly recom-
v ay around the back. No, he was very Europe after the war will be a rut- te t o ma a
proud of his pin, and he wore it so f uroeatrtewrwl eafut graduate schol. At, Columbia and
that all the worldmight see. So it ful field for sociological investiga- Yale, I found a preconceived idea
thatallthe orl sght ee.So tutins, according to Mrs. W. I. Thomas
happened that a certain woman was iago, wo has b . ivering awaiting me as to just what a grad-
astonished one day to behold a pearl- of Chicago, who has been delivering uate student working for a degree
set emblem on the shirt of her ice-man, a series of lectures hege this week. should do. Post graduates, to my
There will be chances for special in- mind, should be capable of mapping
Furthermore, being a worldly woman,
;ie recognized the pin, and, without vestigations such as those which are out their own work. I like, the com-
saying anything to the wearer, she tel- concerned with the condition of wo- plete independence given the graduate
eplioned the despondent owner. And men and children, and the new part students at Michigan and for this rea-
so it happened that one day the ice- that women have been playing in na- son I chose it in preference to either
man had a caller, who questioned him tional affairs. The process of read- Columbia or Yale."
about his pin. There ensued a tearful justment after the war will be a par- "Although there is an attitude at
scene, at the end of which the pin and ticularly interesting one because of Michigan of 'Let them alone' toward
the ice-man's shirt parted company, the profound psychological effect the the graduate students," added Miss
greatly to the grief of the fond finder. war has had upon the average citizen Snell, "I find everyone interested, even
Although not quite itself yet, the pin and peasant. people who are not connected with the
is rapidly improving under careful Madeline Doty, whose work has ap- .work. It makes a pleasant atmos-
treatment. peared in the Survty and the New Whe n 1
All-Star Baseball Squad to Play City
Leaguers in Third Game
of Season
The rejuvenated All-Campus base-
ball team will partake of its third
tussle of the season this afternoon
when it stacks up against the strong
Third ward team of the city league on
the West Park diamond at 2:45 o'clock.
The Third warders are under the man
agement of "Chuck" Webber, former
Varsity catcher, and have gathered
unto themselves an enviable reputation
at the diamond pastime. They have
held the championship of the city for
two consecutive years and have gone
undefeated so far this season.
Manager "Wallie" Niemann, of the
Campus aggregation, has strengthened
his team since the last Ypsi embroglio
by the addition to the roster of "Cec"
Brown and Max Cutting, outfielder and
shortstop respectively. These men will
form valuable additions to the Wol-
verine attack, both coming touted as
fence busters. "Turk" Turner, All-
Fresh star, will assume the. hurling
burden, with "Art" Weadock, the Sag-
inaw High School phenom, behind the
bat. For the city leaguers, "Eddie"
Lau, former Ann Arbor High School
twirler, will pitch, with Webber re-
The line-ups follow:
Third Ward-Phelps, cf; Mary, rf;
Wadhams, lf; Royce, 1b; Crocker, 2b;
M. Royce, ss; Fields, 3b; Webber, c;
Lau, p.
All-Campus-C. Brown, If; Bril-
iuyer or Curtis, rf; Niemann, cf; Gard
ier, ib; Brown, 2b; Cutting, ss; Bra-
zell, 3b; Weadock, c; Turner, p.
Mrs. Thomas Speaks on Industrial
Conditions Affecting Women in
Big Cities
"The only work that is forbidden to
women in the United States is tending
bar; all other work that does not re-
quire too much physical strength they
are permitted to enter," said Mrs. W.
I. Thomas, of Chicago, in her lecture
this afternoon at the Natural Science
auditorium, on "Society and Women in
One of the greatest industries that
women have shown their unsurpassed
ability, self control, and fitness in, is
telephone work. In the United States
alone there are something like 70,638
telephone girls, and the maximum
number of calls is 225 in seven hours,
but very often they average up to 341.
Some of the more recent trades and,
occupations that women have entered
is railroad transportation, domestic
science, agriculture, professional ser-
vice and mechanical trades. °
Mrs. Thomas further went on to
show how the college and the woman
of social position was helping the
working girl; she then went on to
speak of the Eleanor Clubs in Chicago,
and outlined the many ways in which
they were aiding hundreds of girls who
come to the city in search of work and
without friends or money. The down-
fall of so many girls is due to the fact
that they are not provided with suit-
able parlors in which to entertain their
company and therefore are driven to
the streets.
Another thing that the new woman
should interest herself with is the leg-
islature; she should know about poli-
tics, so that she can vote intelligently
and do her duty in national affairs
Republic and other current magazines, There are many post graduate stu-
LANSING MAN BITTEN BY DOG is at present abroad makig investi- dents from other colleges registered
TAKING PASTEU TREAT ENT gations of the conditions of women at Michigan, and their enthusiasm
AN PASTEUR TREATMENT suc children in France and Belgium. leads one to suppose that Michigan
Mrs. Thomas herself is contemplating might easily win first prize in a pop-
Mr. H. Craig, who is a secretary in doing some such work in Europe aft- ularity contest.
the Lansing Y. M. C. A., is in the city er the war, in connection with the
taking the Pasteur treatmont. He investigations which Mr. Thomas, who FEVERED BRAIN IS CAUSE FOR
was in Missouri three weeks ago and is professor of sociology in the Uni- LOSS OF "DOPE" OF MEDICS
was bitten by a dog. He returned versity of Chicago, is going. to make ___._
home thinking nothing of the incident, among the peasants of the various Not even the sacred precinct of the
until he received a letter informing European countries. medical building are immune from the
him that an examination of the dog's hands of larceny. Not cven the hoc-
head had shown a bad case of rabies. Milan Woman Escapes Serious Injury rible example of the festive stiff in-
ir. Craig was rushed to Ann Arbor to Mrs. J. Marin Schanz, of Milan, and stils a sense of fear into the fevered
take the treatment and, the doctors her five-year-old son, George, were brain of the thief longing for his fav-
said that he was just in time, a little thrown from their buggy Thursday af- orite brand of hop. It all began with
longer and he would have been in a ternoon. The horse became frightened the simple disappearance of instru-
condition where the Pasteur treatment by a Packard street car, and, turning ments but soon the supply of drugs
would have done no good. down State street, careened into a tele- began to dwindle and immediately the
Mrs. Craig who is a secretary in the phone post, the horse being thrown to dope fiend theory was developed. To
Lansing Y. W. C. A., is in town with the ground, and the buggy turned over all intents and purposes the culprit
her husband, they are staying at 443 on the lawn extension. Mrs. Schanz has disappeared for good, but the Ann
E. University. and son were badly shaken. Arbor police are hot on his trail.
Mr. Douglas will preach last sermon of
the series on "The Secrets of Success"
tomorrow at Ten-thirty. Congregational