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August 01, 1916 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1916-08-01

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Explains Government's Attitude T Thump, pink, rattle! Such were the AIVE FOOD DAYS
sounds which issued from the wall in
ward Military Training in FakRgruUaddb asr-
Universities the basement of the Press building re- Frank logndus Unaided by asses-
cently, while several summer school by,s s Unable to Keep Vermin
From iteseuring Him
Prof. William H. Hobbs made a spe- reporters sat in the reporters' room r
cial trip to Washington a week or so preparing copy for the next issue of TSSUES STEEPEI) IN iALCOHOL
ago for the purpose of ascertaining the summer paper. All sorts of ideast-n
University could co-operate with the were suggested as to the nature of the Two Greek workmen were stumbling
government in installing the depart- thumping. Some thought it was the along in the dark Saturday night on
the Michigan Central tracks, when
ment of military science. On his agent of some rival paper trying to they were attracted by a peculiar
return to Ann Arbor he com- break into the sanctum of The Wolver- smell. Looking over the embankment,
piled an article on the results ine to get some scoops. Some thought Chris called back to his partner,
of his findings and upon the relation that it was a prisoner digging his way "There's a man over here, and he's
of the new government measures to out of prison. Then the head of a dead." "No, I'm not," came the se-
military training in universities. This workman stuck through the hole which pulchra voice from the apparently
article was written for publication in was finally effected, and informed the dead man, who was partly decomipseed
an eastern magazine and will appear student reporters that he was merely and covered with vermin from head to
in the near future. The substance of obeying orders of the board in control foot. The terrified Greeks ran for
the article reads in part, as follows: and was installing a new lighting and assistance and brought back Patrol-
"Experience has shown that in event ventilation system for The Gargoyle, mal Armbruster, who in turn brought
of war men of college education quite Michigan's funny magazine, which is a man with a taxi and another with
generally offer their services to the henceforth to have new editorial a stretcher from the Michigan Central
government and rise rapidly to post- rooms in the basement of the Press depot. After great stimulation, the
tions of commanders, whether they building, and in the place where the dead" man crawled onto the stretch-
have had previous military training or smoking room of The Michigan Daily er, and didn't die until early Sunday
not. Hence the vital necessity of giv- has formerly been located. This in- erraisd didn'tdiengntld arloy a
ing them a suitable military education, formation is the combined result of a to a patrolman in the cell of the
if the frightful incompetence shown grill of the workman and Ralph Folz, ptoanth
by officers of our Civil War, during '17, managing editor for The Gargoyle. Autopsy by Dr. A. S. Warti, o
the early years of that struggle, is to the Medical School, showed that
be avoided in war with a nation really Prof. F. M. Taylor Revises Text Book Frank Bogardus, formerly a resident
prepared. Prof. F. M. Taylor, of the economics of Milan, Mich., and for the past year
"As regards to universities and col- department, has practically completed living here at 916 Wall street, was so
leges such as Michigan, Indiana, Kan- the revision of his work on the "Prin- thoroughly steeped in alcohol that
sas, and the privately endowed insti- cipies of Economics." Several chap- it took nearly five days for him to die,
tutions of the eastern seaboard, which ters have been rewritten and an ex- after decomposition had actually set
do not have compulsory military train- tensive article on "Rents" has been in. It is one of the most remarkable
ing, the Defense Act recently passed added. eases in medical history, according
provides voluntarytr inoppgosed ts com Professor Taylor will leave for the to Dr. Warthin, as well as one of the
supported by the federal government White Mountains early next week. He most repulsive.
and with an organization of uniformed'will ship his automobile to Buffalo Bdgardus had crawled onto the
anlitan as nearly as possible and tour from that point. banking of the Michigan Central
miltar unts s eary a posibe _________________________tracks last Wednesdayscprl
like those of the land grant institu-t, sek, partly
tio. in two groups, which groups of studies from the excessive hot weather and
"In these institutions (like Michi- when once entered upon become a re from excessive alcoholism. He had
gan), as well as the othefs, the war quirement for graduation. died then and there, to all intents and
department will provide all necessary "The first group of studies applies purposes,andowas unable tomove, le
military equipment including rifles and to students of the freshman and sopho- even to ward off the swarms of bottle
side-arms, artillery, public animals, more years and is the equivalent of flies and vermin which infested his
with caretakers, mechanisms, black- three hours a week for two years to be wholebbody
smiths, etc., and will provide forage counted toward graduation. The ad- Several people saw Bogardus lying
for public animals and all expenses vanced group of studies may be elect- helpless along the tracks, but thought
for muaintenance of such expensive ed by those who have satisfactorily he was "dead drunk" and so let him lie
equipment as is required for artillery completed the first group, and is the there. He was absolutely unable to
units. The only financial obligations equivalent of five hours weekly defend himself from vermin and did
put upon the universities is the re- throughout the junior and senior years. not succeed in attracting the atten-
quirement that they provide bonds and "Students who elect this advanced tion of the numerous passers-by up
insurance for the safe keeping and re- group of military studies will receive until late Saturday night. Bogardus
turn of the equipment, and suitable from the federal government the equiv- has a family of children living in De-
quarters (armory) for the storage of alent of subsistence or about .$8 per troit, and efforts are being made to
the equipment and for the offices and yer year, and will no doubt have the locate them.
class-rooms of the military depart- advantage of command as cadet offi- In the medical building, vermin was
ment. cers. Another requirement of the war found in back of the ear drums, in the
"In order to secure the detail of department is that there must be at interior cranial cavity, and elsewhere.
United States army officers for mill- lease 100 students in training. A dozen or so very large bottle flies
tary instruction, the authorities of the if the University is to have military were found in the stomach.
institutions must agree to offer for elec- training supported by the government, Excessive alcoholism was given by
tion to their students military courses this is the system that will be adopted. the autopist as the main reason for
the peculiar phenomenon. Every tis-
sue of the victim had been so com-
pletely steeped with alcohol, that even
SH E COAST L N E TO 4after most of the symptoms of death,
chiefly decomposition, had set in, the
was was still able to talk, and to move
DETROIT several rods when greatly stimulated
CLEVELAND BUFFALO, NIAGARA FALLS by the men who found him.
TOLEDO, PT. HURON, ALPENA, ST. IGNACE. All the inmates of the county jail
had to be removed from the part to
A REAL VACATION which the victim was taken, but doe-
The Water Way is the Only Way tors announce that there is no menace
Th eae ies the mCa iasateularnedodyate aelsosesy to public health as a result of the
anadlesurstii sTheD.do The neStemeroodoa al teoQalshe dechedsafty nshemort oo feedm fleeshckiaegco lairfeebig eee reses thShe- rmgd-
- ----ac "-"--m a- ---'- -k it aboar tesflating Dalses tagdy

Billie Takes ath IN BASEBALIL g[[A

Whether lie wanted to display his
manly form to the gallery of admiring
females, or whether he couldn't stand
the heat, doesn't enter into the affair
at all. The main issue was that "Billie"
Brown, '18, floated up to the dock at
the boat house clad in swimming at-
tire, holding his clothes in his arms.
The bugs fluttered around the electric
lights, the player-piano ground out
ragtime for a score of perspiring
dancers, and lemonade glasses tinkled
in the pavilion.
The canoe wasn't exceptionally tipsy
and for that matter, neither was "Bill."
But no canoe will stand being bumped
headlong into a landing without a pro-
test. This one protested vigorously,
with the result that Billie, clothes, and
all. staged a very presentable imita-
tion of the new German submarine
liner. After entangling himself from
the weeds that infested the bottom, he
arose to the surface with much splash-
ing and gnashing of teeth, as a chorus
of feminine laughter greeted his debut.
How "Billie" got home enters not at
all into the story. Next time he goes
canoeing, so he declares, he's going in
a row-boat.
The second semester of the summer
session of the Law School opened yes-
terday with the enrollment of seven
new students. The departure of four
students leaves the total number at
174. Prof. .William H. Page, of Ohio
State University, and Professor Harry
S. Richards of the University of Wis-
consin, are leaving with the close of
this semester. Professor Richards,
vrho conducted the course on equity jur-
isprudence, was presented with a pipe
by the students of his class. One of
the new subjects of the second semes-
ter is the course on trusts, given by
Prof. Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, of
Yale University.
Students Offered Course in Gardening
Students who wish to become pro-
ficient as practical landscape garden-
ers by working around the campus
planting trees, shrubs, and flowers,,
may do so by electing course 7 in the
botany department, under Professor
Gleason. It is not known whether the
course will be continued in the fall.

League Reduced to Three Teams; C
A. Brown, '17L, Was Appointed
At a meeting of the executive board
of the interdepartmental baseball
league last night, it was decided to re-
duce the size of the league to three
teams for the present, and later tc
two, if necessary. The law and sci-
ence teams have been combined and
C. A. Brown, '17L, appointed manager,
This team will be given a week to or-
ganize and if by that time sufficient re-
sults are not shown, it will be dropped
from the schedule. There will be two
games between the engineer and lit
aggregations this week, one Tuesday
and one Thursday.
The manager of the all-campus team
is attempting to schedule a third
game with the Ypsi Normalites for
this week but has received no word
from the Normal management as yet.
The game will be played either Wed-
nesday or Thursday of this week, if
scheduled, probably at Ann Arbor. The
mid-week date is necessitated by the
fact that the Ypsi school closes its ses-
sion Thursday. Negotiations are also
in progress for games with "Chuck"
Webber's Third ward team and with
.the Cleary Business College aggrega-
tion from Ypsilanti
About twelve students of the Li-
brary department left Saturday morn-
ing for Detroit, where they visited
the main library and two of its branch-
es. The trip was made for the pur-
pose of gathering information valu-
able to students in practical work.
Several lectures were given by the
heads of the departments, and a gen-
eral outline of the work was explain-
ed. The party were entertained at
luncheon by the library staff. They
were chaperoned by Prof. Frank Good-
rich, of that department.
wants to buy an excellent rooming
house near the campus? Suitable
for private family or club. Inquire
or write E. B., care Wolverine office,
Maynard Street.

a° LYN D ON'S, 719 N. University Ave.

Eastman Kodaks

Eastman Films

momous staterooms an nexcele cusine ,aeceaor wmuaav %
sureofe !ealymeas.
Duering5Sumr Seeasonahe Twoiis elthe Great Laesie.CiyaloDerot IlIad
Cityal meemandIII, oermate daimy servire beteeaDetrsit ad Bnffalo; dailyseervae
between Detroit and Cieveland, also delightful day trips during July and August. as
wel as two boats out of Detroit and Cleveland every saturday and Sunday nihts
TO MACISNAC ISLAND AND WAYPORTS-Prm June 2bhto Sepiemer 10th,
Daily service between Toledo and Put-in-Bay, June th to september 5th.
On D. & C. Line steamers for traasportation between Detroit and Cleveland, Detroit
aad Bufalo, eiher' drectioa.
Seadiwo cets aamp or illustrated pamphlet and Great Lahes Map. Address
L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich.
PHILIP H. McMILLAN, Pres. A. A. SCHANTZ, Vice-Pres.& OGel. Mgr.
All D. a& C. Steamers arrie and depart Third Avenue Wharf. Central
Standard Time.

Accepts Position in Leland Stanford
Dr. A. W. Hewlett, who recently re-
signed from the Medical School of the
University of Michigan, is touring
through the west in his car. He is
accompanied by Mrs. Hewlett. Dr.
Hewlett resigned to accept a profes-
sorship in the Medical School at Le-
land Stanford University, Palo, Cal.
LOST-A rather inexpensive watch
Monday afternoon. Wanted very
much by owner, a carrier boy for
The Wolverine. Bring to Wolverine
office, business department, for iden-
tification, or call 1283-M.
LOST-On or near campus, rhinestone
set in silver pin, shape of two in-
tertwining hearts. Finder please
call 378.

Guaranteed A mateur Finishing
Enlargements from your Negatibes a Specialty
I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results
or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results," as we have
a plenty of Metul (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and
we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
[Ifyou want the best results you will bring your films here.
Two Doors from L V N N' S719 North
Hill Auditorium University Avenue
You and YourFrinds-and
You tried it because we told
you how good and delicious
it was.
But vour friends began
,s drinking it because ou told them
how good it was. This is the end-
less chain of enthusiasm that has
made Coca-Cola the beverage of
the nation.
- ,
Demand the genuine by full na
a ( ' - -nicknames encourage substitue

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