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July 29, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-07-29

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To Soothe the Hot
SAYS IlCw e [ [INIS Streets filled with seen andwmen,
and countless small boys, and even a
Regent Urges Audience to Seek Origin- few very tiny babies, cars parked for
al Documents; Shows Slides of blocks around, making traveling diffi-
Old Records cult, to say the least, and music, free
to all, from a raised platform. No, dia-
bolic reader, you are not in Central
EXHIBITS TIME-WRN PIMIER Park, nor yet in Grand Circus Park,
nor even on Belle Isle; you are in
Mr. W. C. Clements, of Bay City, re- front of the court house in Ann Arbor,
gent of the University since 1910, in Michigan, listening to Otto's band help
his lecture yesterday afternoon in- to make the heat a secondary discom-
spired his audience with the desire to fort.
go out in the high and byways and
seek "Americana" or original docu- Our Cobbler Poet.
ments which have to do with the de-
velopment of American history. Again onored
Mr. Clements introduced slides
showing the title pages of old docu- -ionors are being heaped daily on
ments relating to the period of dis- the unoffending heads of the city of
covery. There were queer old maps, Ann Arbor. The latest resident to
too, with unfamiliar spelling, with have the laurel crown of fame pressed
continents curiously twisted out of on his alabaster brow is Dr. Tom
place, and the portraits of the mon- Lovell, the Detroit street poet-laure-
archs in whose names the countries ate, who has received a letter from the
were taken, smiling benignly or other- prime minister of Canada, commend-
wise from the corners of the yellowed ing him on a poetic trifle dashed off
paperd by Mr. Lovell and forwarded to the
Toward the close of the lecture, Mr. prime minister. The poem was en-
Clements showed a queer little time- titled "The Glory of Old England."
smudged book, none other than the
New England Primer. Only one or two
copies of this book remain today. BALL LEAGUE MEETING MONDAY
THOS. BURKETT, OF DEXTER DIES Lack of Interest by Lit and Law
Teams Forces Change in
Thomas Burkett, 83, of Dexter, Organization
Mich., president of the Dexter savings
bank, and father-in-law of Judge H. Because of the non-appearance of
W. Newkirk, at 322 S. 5th Ave., of this the science and law teams, it was nec-
city, passed away early this morning- essary to postpone two more games in
Mr. Burkett was born in Cumberland. the inter-departmental league this
England, and came to this vicinity in week. These two teams have failed to
1852, a poor boy, and he had risen to put in an appearance so far this sea-
a place of highest financial prominence sop, and it will probably be necessary
in this vicinity. to drop them from the league. To


Hilitiaman's Wife1
Sees Spirit of '7'6
She was a tired woman, and the out-
look was not bright. Her husband, on
whom she and her growing children
were entirely dependent, was "Sone-
where in Texas." But she was proud
-oh, very proud. She had never ac-
cepted charity, and she didn't want
her children to feel -well, li's charity
children. And most of all she didn't
want her soldier husband to think
that she had to have chari!,y just be-
cause he was down on the border
ready for his country's call. And she
didn't believe in fairies, so the outlook
was far from rosy.
And then one day something hap-
pened. A woman came to see he'r, who
talked to her about her husband, and
FRANK B. LELAND how sad it was that he need feel any
Fnsrunningfoiworry about his family. And she told
Frank B. Leland, who is ui her that she had no one to send to the
governor of Michigan, on the Bepubli- border, and that many other women,
cn ticket, has been a regent of the who loved their country just as much
University since 1907. He graduated as thi poor woman, want d to do
in the law class of 1884. Mr. Leland something, but they had no e to
has been president of the D~etroitsoehnbthyhanoneo
United Bankrsicent190h1.send. And so they thought that maybe
United hlanik since 1901. this poor woman, who was, after all,.
so rich, would perhaps let them have
part of-her wealth of pride and service,
and let them help her and the children,
so that the soldier of theirs might be
happier. The woman listened amazed.'
Could it be that these women, who ap-
parently had everything that money
can buy, could be asking something
Supt. J. A. Docile, of Houghton, _hich.,' from her? "Share your wealth of
Tells Local Educators of Variety pride and service," she had said, "that
we, too, may feel that we are doing
At Otter Lake something." Then could she do less?
So sh gave her acceptance, wonder-
SCHOOL TO IMPROVE FARMING ingly, that there could be a gift which
brought such pleasure to the giver and
To teach 120 Finnish children agri- the receiver. And the other woman


Sewing Kits, Bandages, and Money
Ready for Use in Hoar
of Need
In case of war with Mexico, the
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion stand ready to serve their coun-
try. They are prepared to send money,
supplies, nurses, to assist the families
of the soldiers, and in every way to
do all that can be done to alleviate
the suffering which must necessarily
come with war.
On June 27, Mrs. W. H. Wait, of this
pity, state regent of the D. A. R.,
isued an appeal to the various Mich-
igand chapters, immediately to prepare
themselves to send supplies of all
kinds to the front The responses
were as hearty as they were prompt.
Mrs. Wait received communications
from all parts, saying that the
"Daughters" had already begun to
prepare sewing kits, were making
bandages, and were ready at any time
to do all that might be asked of them.
Within two weeks after the appeal was
issued, Mrs. Wait was able to notify
the National Chairman that "Michigan
stands ready."
During the Spanish-American war,
the D. A. It. was ready from the start
to help in what relief wo'rk could be
done. They sent in money $918, be-,
sides the clothes-2,500 garments-
surgical supplies, and the payments
for 22 nurses. One of the nurses
came from Ann Arbor. Up to October,
1915, the National Society had records
of $16,000 given by them for relief
On.April 9 of this year, the national
organization mothered the Belgian
flag, 'on King Albert's birthday. As a
result of that movement, Michigan was
able to report $1,600 for Belgian relief.

consider the advisability of this move
and to receive suggestions for the fu-
ture administration of the organiza-
tion, a meeting will be held in The
Wol erine office Monday night at 7:00
oclock. League officials, the man-
agers of the teams, the captain of the
all-campus team, and all others inter-
ested are expected to attend.
Boilermakers Lose Out by One Run
Margin in Short Game;
Turner Stars
In a three-inning batfest, featured
-by errors, wild base running and poor
umpiring, the lits nosed out the engi-
neers by a 5 to 4 score Thursday after-
noon on South Ferry field.
At the time the game was set for
there were not enough men for two
teams so the lits added to their con-
tingent a youthful engineer from the,
far east who during the course of the
game proved that the boilermakers
had been wrong in asking for waivers.
Hits, stolen bases and putouts were
products of his agility and his playing
was a big factor in the victory.
Turner hurled a good game for the
engineers, striking out three men in
the first inning, but his support was
poor and the lits turned the circuit for

culture, dairying, manual training,
simple iron welding, domestic science,
and music is only part of the work of
the Otter Lake Agricultural School, as
described by Mr. J. A. Doelle, Super-
intendent of Schools, Houghton, Mich.,
who spoke Thursday afternoon in the
Natural Science building.
The Otter Lake agricultural school
is a consolidated school in the town-
ship of Portage located on a 40-acre
farm, which is run throughout the
"The principal aim of the school is
to educate the people and improve
agricultural methods," said Mr. Doelle.,
"We see a wave of enthusiasm among
the people and although we do not
take all the credit, the school must
have had its effect." To supplement
the old Finnish methods followed by
the parents, the children are taught
scientific agriculture with practical ex-
perience in the laboratory and in the
spring and fall work of the farm. The
parents are directly interested by ex-
hibits and parents' meetings.
four tallies. The second was a poor
inning for the lits and they were only
able to add one more count in the last
but these few were too much for the
boilermakers who had to be satisfied
with one in the second and three in the
"Wallie" Niemann covered the first
sack for the lits and also proved him-
self a slugger. The score by innings
Lits .....................4 0U1-5
Engineers..............0 i 3--4
Batteries-Brilmyer and Weadock;
Turner and Young.

went away, and she, too, was happy,
to think that she had done something,
after all. The American Revolution
might well be proud to claim such wo-
men for their daughters.
Take on Normals in Second Clash of
Season; Nine Leaves
on 1:10 Car
The all-campus team and the Ypsi
Normal aggregation will hook up this
afternoon at 2:30 oclock, in the sec-
ond game of the series, on the Normal
school grounds in Ypsilanti. It will
be the last chance for the Norshalites
to even up the season's score and they
will be out with blood in their eyes.
"Turk" Turner, star all-fresh pitch-
er, will assume the moundsman's
duties for the Wolverine gang, with
Weadock receiving. Amsbough will
probably do the hurling for the Teach-
ers. The Michigan team will leave on
the 1:10 car for the scene of battle.
Following is the line-up:
Brilmyer, rf; Curtis, cf; Brewer, if;
Gardner, lb; Brown, 2b; Brazell, ss;
Niemann, 3b; Weadock, c; Turner, p.
White Lecture Postponed
The lecture, "The Story of the Mak.
ing of Steel," which was to have been
given by Prof. A. E. White last even-
ing, has been postponed until next

Local and Ypsl Bands Head March to
Hill Auditorium, Where Giant
Emblem is Dedicated
Beginning wtih the inspiring music
of the bands of Ann Arbor and Ypsi-
lanti which marched up the street to
the doors of Hill auditorium at 8:00
o'clock, a varied and highly interesting
program was given last night in which
a large American flag was presented
to Company I, of the Thirty-first regi-
ment, on the platform of the audi-
torium. Perfect in detail, the program,
successfully compiled and executed by
the chairman of the committee, Charles
Oldrin, held the attention of a large
and patriotic Ann Arbor audience
from the "assembly" bugle call blown
by the grey headed veteran, W. A.
Jackson, to the singing of "America"
by the entire audience.
Then came the most inspiring event
of the evening in which little Miss
Marion Wurster, during the singing of
"The Star Spangled Banner" by Miss
Frances Caspari and the audience,
pulled a rope which released the im-
mense folds of the flag attached to the
ceiling, swinging its majestic stripes
out over the very heads of the audi-
ence in a blaze of magnificent color.
Its breadth almost obscured the end
of the hall and the great organ.
This was followed by the "Pledge of
Allegiance" by the audience. Then
followed a reading by Prof. T. C. True-
Blood, "The American Flag." During
the singing of "The Red, White and
Blue," an effective tableaux was shown
of the "Spirit of '76," while the "God-
dess of Liberty" distributed flowers to
the G. A. R. veterans. The tribute to
the flag was given by the Hon. George
R. Lusk in an effective manner. The
presentation and acceptance of the
flag were effected by ex-Capt Sid Mil-
lard and"Mayor Wurster. Then fol-
lowed a story of the Civil war, "De-
fending the Flag," by Robert Campbell.
After the singing of "America," the
G. A. R. representatives carried the
flag to its future place on Main street,
during a torchlight procession.
The Knuth family autoed out into
the country to get some butter and
eggs yesterday afternoon.
The entire family of six was crushed
to death under the wheels of the Ann
Arbor Express on the interurban line
late yesterday afternoon, when Mr.
and Mrs. Fred W. Knuth, of Detroit,
and their daughter Christina, 10 years
old, their son August Knuth, 23, and
his wife, 23. The sixth victim was
an unidentified chauffeur. The east
bound car caught them squarely as
they backed out from a driveway of
the farmyard.
According to a man in the Ann Ar-
bor garage who arrived on the scene
of the tragedy ten minutes after the
tragedy, there was not a piece of the
automobile left that was a foot long,
because the machine was rolled un-
der the car for 200 yards. The people
were completely pulverized, and the
wreck is acclaimed as the most ghast-
ly. The auto was a Hupmobile

Another chapter was added to the
tangled affairs of the Michigan Port-
land Cement company of Four Mile
lake when a bill of complaint was
filed this morning by Homer C. and
his wife May Millen asking for a de-
cree for $282,300 for what they allege
is the unpaid value of the company's
stock which N. S. Potter, of Jackson,
is alleged to have subscribed for and
never paid.

Seven Secrets of Success
Congregational Church
Lloyd C. Douglas, Minister
July 9-Loyalty August 6-
July 16-Courage August 13-
July 23-Cheerfulness August 20-
July 30-

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