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July 25, 1916 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-07-25

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Will Mold Presentation Ceremony at
Hill auditorium on Friday
Ann Arbor will see one of the largest
patriotic celebrations that has takeq
place in the city for -some time when
a lage flag will be presented with
fitting ceremonies in Hill auditorium
Friday night to Company I boys Of
the 31st regiment. Quite an elaborate
program has been announced by Mr.
ldring, chairman of the committee.
Mr. George L. Ruk, Deputy Secretary
of State, and Mr. George Malcolm, an
old U. of M. grad, who is now presi-
dent of a university in the Philippine
Islands, will take part.
Commencing at seven o'clock a
parade, accompanied by the Ypsilanti
band and a band from the Perry
sebool, will start from down town.
Arriving at Hill auditorium a concert
which will last till eight o'clock, will
be given by the combined bands. Pic-
tures of the boys at the front will then
be thrown on a screen. Miss Frances
Caspari will sing "The Star Spangled
Banner," accompanied by Mr. Earl V.
Moore on the organ. A male quartette,
composed of Kenneth Westerman, S
Patton, Scott Westerman and G. Can-
trick, will sing also. Sometime dur-
ing the program the oath of allegiancee
will be given by a group of school
No admission will be charged at the
door. It is especially wished by th
committee in charge that all local
patriotic societies will appear and help
make the program a more decided
success. The flag to be presented is
of large proportions measuring 30
by 50 feet, and will fly over State
street till "Johnnie comes marching
home," reminding patriotic citizens
of their brave representatives who are
in the heat of the Mexican front.
600 Physicians to be Selected in
State for Medical
The Michigan committee on med-
ical preparedness met yesterday af-
ternoon to discuss the names of Mich-
igan doctors to be submitted to Presi-
dent Wilson. There were 200 doctors
selected from each million inhabitants
making 600 doctors selected.
These men are to be placed on the
reserve list and in case of war the
President will call upon them for ac-
tive service in the medical corps. Be-
sides preparing for war, these doctors
will make a study of medical condi-
tions throughout the country, looking
for hospitals that would make good
base hospitals, making a survey of al
medical supplies in the state, and pre
paring doctors for work on the field
The Michigan committee is as fol
lows: Dr. Reuben Peterson,_medica
director of the University hospital
chairman Dr. de Nancrede, of th(
Medical School; Dean Victo
C, Vaughan, dean of the medica
school; Dr. R. R. Smith, of Grant
Rapids; Dr. Max Bamin, of Detroit
Dr. Walter R. Parker, of Detroit; Dr

Case, pf Battle Creek; Dr. Manwaring
of Flint; Dr. Hornbogen, of Mar
cuette; and Dr. Warnslsuis,'of Grant
Most of the doctors selected fron
the state of Michigan are graduate
of the University of Michigan Medica

Philosophy Head Throws Interesting
Light Upon llographer's
"James Boswell was no silly fool.
He was a man of prominence, edu-
cation, and authority in his own time."
Thus did Professor R. M. Wenley ex-
plain his fellow countryman before
a large audience in the natural sci-
ence building yesterday when he lec-
tured upon the subject of "Boswell."
By giving a short biography of
the life of Boswell, Professor Wenley
showed how the famous biographer
possessed the faculty of making him-
self liked by all classes of people and
especially by the geniuses of the
time. From the time that Boswell
entered upon his career as a student
of law at Edinburg University, he
possessed that wonderful faculty of
making himself persona gratia to the
scholars of the time. By the time he
was 23 years of age he knew many of
the bigger 'literary lights of the Brit-
ish world.
On the 16th of May in 1763, Boswell
met with the greatest event of his life.
He was introduced to Dr. Samel
Johnston. A short time after this
momentuous meeting, he left for
travel on the continent and wandered
from court to court until at last he
came to the island of Corsica. Here he
wrote a book on his adventures on this
island whicl is considered by authori-
ties today as one of the most interest-
ing of its kind. He was liked by all
the great personages with whom he
came in contact.
On his return to Scotland Boswell
began the practice of law but, on ac-
count of his associations with many
actors in Edinburg, he gained the dis-
pleasure of his associates at the bar.
A short tine after that Boswell was
made a member of the Literary Soci-
ety, a membership which was com-
posed of such men as Johnston, Gold-
smith, Richardson, Garrick, and Gib-
bon. In this society Boswell was es
teemed as one of the most liked of
its members, being liked for his jolly
frankness and 'cheerfulness.
In conclusion Prof. Wenley showed
that Boswell produced books which
are well worth reading: the Corsican
adventures, and then of course, the im-
mortal life of Johnston. Then he was
1 esteemed by the society in which he
- lived a gentleman and a scholar, and
. this distinction was a tribute to the
- man for the society of the period was
1 most birlliant.
r New York, July 25.-Chairman Wil-
1 liam R. Willeox, of the Republican na-
d tional campaign committee, on his re-
turn from Bridgehaenpton today, said
. that the itinerary of Mr. Hughes' ap-
proaching western trip has virtually
- been determined, but the announce-
d ment would be delayed until it could
be so arranged that in going to the
n Rocky Mountains for a week's recrea-
s tion the candidate would not be com-
l pelled to deviate to any extent from
his speaking route,.

Coach Lundgsen and Captain Labadie
Responsible for Success of
1916 Baseball Team
A green team, a weak box staff, the
most disastrous southern trip in the
history of Michigan baseball, a slow
rounding to form, and a final rush that
carried Pennsylvania, M. A. C. and
Notre Dame powerless before it, such
is the story of Michigan's 1916 base-
ball season, a season that would go
down as the worst a Maize and Dine
diamond squad had ever undergone
were it not for that glorious finish.
As it stands, it speaks wonders for
Coach Lundgren as a developer of
green material.
The coach began the season with
but three veterans, Captain Labadie,
Elmer Brandell, and "Bill" Niemann.
These men all began operations in the
outfield, thus giving the team an ab-
solutely green inner defense and bat-
tery staff. Constant experimenting
and changing was necessary and it
was not until the fag end of the
season that the lineup was finally
decided upon. Of the four men who
started at the infield positions against
Georgia, not one occupied the same
place during the final series against
Notre Dame. The outfield was in a
constant state of upheaval and the en-
tire hurling burden was carried for
the greater part of the season by two
men, "Joe" Robbins and "Shortie"
Miller. At the backstop position,
"Duke" Are'ntz looked to have his job
nailed down at the beginning of the
season, but was soon forced to re-
linquish the title of first-string catcher
to "Morrie" Dunne, who thereupon
proceeded to develop into one of the
most efficient handlers of the big mitt
that a Wolverine team has boasted i
many a moon.
The team got away badly, being
forced to start on the southern trip
with but two days of outdoor practice.
This lack of practice was easily ap-
parent throughout the entire trip, the
infield being absolutely lost on bunts
and fly balls. Six defeats and one
draw was the final toll of the Dixie-
land jaunt, winding up with a 14 to f
rout at the hands of Notre Dame. The
team, on its return to Ann Arbor, pro-
ceeded to entrench itself against the
big games of the season by raising the
scalps of such aggregations as Olivet,
Kalamazoo, Case, and Ypsi Normal.
However, both Syracuse and Cornell
cored shut outs at Ann Arbor and
the Wolverines were forced to go 14
innings to a 1 to 1 tie with the Kazoo
Normal. Then came the eastern trip.
marking the beginning of the final
drive. Two games had been lost to
the Orangemen and one to Cornell
when the nine seemed to suddenly
come together, and the Ithacans were
set down 4 to 2. The next day there
was a temporary reverse before the
game Garnet crowd from Swarthmore
and then the final string of four vie-
(Continued on Page Four)
Baltimore, Md., July 25,-A com-
munion service was held last night
aboard the interned North German
Lloyd steamer Neckar, lying along-
side the submarine Deutschland, for

the captain and crew of the sub-
The Rev. Otto Apitz, German immi-
grant missionary, conducted the serv-
ice. In his prayer he asked that the
vessel and its crew may have a safe
voyage hons.
The service was followed by a ban-
quet. The Neckar was brilliantly

Lits and Laws to Play Off Game
Postponed Because of Rain
Last Thursday
This afternoon on South Ferry Field
the scientists and the engineers lock
horns in their first meet of the sum-
mer league. The engineers ought to
be able to handle their opponents very
easily as they have been showing good
form so far, and their team will be
strengthened by the return of "Turk"
Turner, who has been out of town for
some time.
The scientists and the laws have
been unable to make much of a show-
ing up to date as they have been han-
dicapped by the fact that scant in-
terest has been shown in turning out
for the teams. This is an extraordin-
ary occurrence for the laws, as here-
tofore they have always had the big-
gest turnout of any department.
On Wednesday afternoon the lits
and laws will play off the game that
was called last Thursday, on account
of rain. Robins will probably mount
the mound for the lits.
President Hutchins to Attend leeting
of Advisory Board
President Harry B. Hutchins, of the
University of Michigan, leaves soon to
attend a meeting of the advisory com-
nittee on students' camps held at
Plattsburg, New York, August 4 and 5.
The advisory board consists of eight
presidents, representing some of the
best universities asid colleges of the
These military training camps, about
four in number, were organized in
1912 with the idea of giving disciplin-
ary training to high school students
and college men in good standing. The
camp -lasts five weeks during the
months of July and August.
Washington, 0. C., July 25.-A sting-
ing defeat was administered to Presi-
dent Wilson by the voters of Texas
on Saturday.
Such is the verdict of official Wash-
ington, now that the returns from the
Lone Star state, practicaly all in, in-
dicate a straight out victory for the
anti-Wilson men.
Wilson, Wilson's Mexican policy,
and Wilson's foreign policy were the
thee chief issues in the campaign. The
supporters of Wilson and his policies
were beaten wherever there was op-
position to them, according to the re-
Former Gov. Colquitt, basing his
campaign entirely on opposition to
Wilson and .Wilson's Mexican policy,
is far in the lead for the senatorial
Dr. Ward In Blue Grass State
Dr. M. L. Ward, new dean of the
Dental College, is attending a meet-
ing of the National Dental Association
at Louisville, Kentucky.

Yps Normal No Match for Brand of
Ball Which (le(ampus Stars,
Band Them
Outclassing their opponents in
every department of the game, the all-
campus baseball team Saturday after-
noon took the Ypsi Normal crew into
camp by a ocore of 9 to 4. "Wallie"
Niemann, pitching in superb form for
the Wolverines, held the Teachers to
four scattered hits and whiffed 11 per-
spiring Normalite batsmen. After the
first half of the first inning, the down-
river boys never had a look-in at the
final laurel leaves. The Michiganders
slammed out ten hits, Brown and Cut-
ting donating doubles and "Dick"
Gardner poling out a four-cushion
wallop. "Toad" Brown and "Lefty"
Brilmeyer were the hitting stars of
the day, each garnering two blows.
The Wolverine bombardment began
in the first frame. Brown, first man
up, walked. Brewer singled and
Brown pulled up at the third corner.
Brilmeyer drew a free pass and the
sacks were loaded. Gardner then
dropped a long fly in the center-field
well and Brown scored on the throw-
in, the other two men moving up dur-
ing the excitement. Gracey popped
out to the pitcher but Hole, the Nor-
mal hot-corner guardian, bobbled Nie-
mann's roller and Brewer galloped
over the pan. Cutting flied out to
The Michiganders staged another
big jubilee in the fifth round, when
they put over three counters before
the smoke cleared away. Gardner
landed on first through an error by
the Normal second-sacker. Gracey
hari-karied, Gardner advancing. Nie-
mann fanned but Cutting doubled,
scoring Gardner, and rang the bell
himself a few seconds later when
Curtis' hopper was booted by the Ypsi
second-baseman. . Curtis stole second
and scored on Brazell's single. Brown
skied out to the middle pasture.
Score by innings: R.H.
Ypsilanti ...0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 1-4 4 6
Michigan ..2 0 1 1 3 2 0 0 x-9 10 7
Batteries-Amsbough and Oliver;
Niemann and Gardner.
Uncertain Weather Does Not Frighten
Away Friends of Shakespeare
From Last Performances
Threatening weather could not dis-
courage lovers of-the stage from at-
tending the third and fourth perform-
ances by the Ben Greet Players on
last Saturday, and the acting was in-
deed worthy of the large audience
which was there.
"As You Like It," which is especial-
ly adapted to outdoor presentation,
was played in the afternoon, and Miss
Kearns carried the role of Rosalind
or Ganymede, perfectly, concealing a
very womanly heart under her man's
In the evening the company gave

"Romeo and Juliet," with Mr. Somnes
and Miss Kearns in the title roles. The
whole presentation showed the marks
of hard training, and the balcony
scene and the scene at the tomb of
Juliet were especially realistic. Mr.
Somnes shows great ability in inter-
preting tragic roles, and played the
part of the love-crazed Romeo with
much feeling.

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