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July 15, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-07-15

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Shows at 3:00, 6:30. 8:oo, 9:30
Sat. 15-0thl Claton nId House Peters
in "h G-eat1)Divide' "Trip Around
'ic Wold" and t'"otoeet. Childen',
*toro, 430 "AldiotsWodrful
Looop"ooad 'Wo-Idw borioKidlsd"
MSo. ,-,Aita t-o'ot in 'OhSuboo
'to-. t8Vola yooo i ."'llInnocencef
of Ruth" and Mutt and Jeff Cartoon.C
Orpheum Theatre
lb Ho useof Fans tMays by Famous
sat. :5--t . Warner in "The Beggarof
Caspore." Triangle Comedy, "His
Hitter Pill." Evening,150.
Sbo.-Moo. t-oy-Hozel o jDawnn "The
ieud rl." Burton Holmes Travels
Tues.- oug-asDo Faiboankoisn
[:cott a'-Moo." Tigleo Cooedy,
"tetr Mtarble Hioarl,"' htiening 1
etoeen D:-troit, Ann Arbor and Jackson.
C 1rs 1Eastern tie, one hour faster
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-8:o a.
and hourly to-7:10p.sm., 9:10 p. ..
Kalamazoo Limited Cars- 8:48 o. si.and
-sty too hoots to 643 P. in.; to Losig,
48 1 . -.
Local Cars, Eastbound-s:35a. M., 6:40 0m.,
to5 a, o dnt evey IOours 1to7:05p. 01.,
ob p. ni.,:os1 p. m., 10o50P. m. To Ypsi-
Iti Ony,1 8:48 a. i. (daily except Sunday),
"I a. m., 1053P. :,6:osp.om., 11:45p.
Looal Cro, Wstbond 6:os a. ., 7:50 a.
, and eery two hours to 7:50 p. so., 10:0
m., 12:20 a. 03
University School of Music
A Gathering Place forAdvanced Students"
Annual Summer Session
Regular Fall Term begins Mon., Oct.2,1916
F- Catalogue and Information address
CHARLES. A. SINK, Secretary
Ann Arbor, Mich.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Security- Service - Location
C apital............1........... $ 300,000.00 I
Surplusand Profit...........$ 175,000.00
Main Office, N. W. Corner ]lin
and Huron Sts.
Branch Office, 707 North Univ-
ersity Avenne.
Campus in Brief
The engagement of hiss Ethel Gense
arshall, Ox. '17, to Frank E. Shaw,
IL, has ben announced. Miss Mar-
all, while in college, was a member
Gamma Phi Beta sorority. Mr.
taw was a member of the Michigan
)ily staff.
Karl L. Weneyer, '1', a former
orker with the Michigan Daily and
olverine is 0oW a member of the
.itorial staff of the Illinois State
Albert A. Stanley, director of the
niversity School of Music, is spend-
g the summer at Mount Desert
land, on the oast of Maine.
harold Csmiinls,1 '16, former assist-
it in botany and zoology, has accept-
I a position as instructor in human
atomy and histology at Vanderbilt
Prof. William H. Hobbs, of the
ology Department, is spending a
w days in Washington, D. C., in the
terests of the National Security

The Whittier fellowship in botany
r the years 1916-1917 has been
carded to Miss Frieda Cobb, of
ashington, D. C., a former student in
tany at the University of Illinois.
Hamilton Business College
State and William

The official student newspaper for
the University of Michigan summer
session. Published by the students on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday af-
ternoons. Twenty-five issues.
Subscription rates -By carrier, sev-
enty-five cents for the smmter;
mailed to any address for one dollar.
Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap-
plication to the business manager.
Subscriptions and ads taken al Quar-
ry's and University Avenue Phar-
Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00
to i:00 daily; business manager,
1:00 to 2:00 daily. P0on0 960 or
Address, The Wolverine. Press Build-
ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor.
terow E. Bus'ett---Managing Editor
Phone---2414 or 1283.11
C Verne Ss'lers--BsinesShuansger
Phone-960 or 1460
Tom C. Reid-Associate Editor
1. C. Garrison-Sports Editor
Marian Wilson-Women's Editor
Walter Atlas-News Editor
Bruce Swaney-News Editor
M. H. Cooley R. T. Mann
George Corwin Frank Martin
M. N. Esenau Phil Pack
I. F. Fitzpatrick Ward Peterson
B. 1. Gellert Grace Rose
1. B. Haag Jerome Zeigler
Business Staff
Wm. H. Hogan Robert M. Schiller
Richard Goldsmith Allan Livingston
Issue Editor-I. C. Garrisons
The summer session is enlivened by
one of the best of special lecture cour-
ses, yet some of the best of the meni
on the. rostrum are greeted by an
auditorium only one-fifth filled, or are
bothered by seeing a stream of people
coming needlessly late and by others
leaving needlessly early.
Two students were heard to remark
in audible whispers, the other day,
"Let's go out and swallow a soda be-
fore supper." So they walked
half of the distance across the audi-
torium, just ten minutes before the
lecturer concluded. The two who wento
out were only one page in a chapter
filled with similar histories during the
same lecture. And tfe chapter of tha
day was only one in a whole book
which looms out of the whole series
of summer lectures.
It is pleasant to glory over the free-
dom which American students may
,have. But that freedom is supposed
to mean that which they think they
ought to do; it is not what they hap-
pen to want to do. The "ought" im-
plies courtesy. The "happen-to-want-
to" attitude implies a form of crude-
ness, which fortunately is not typical
of the majority of the University.
An optimistic well-wisher says that
this sort of crudeness is on the decline
on the campus. And the alma mater
undoubtedly smiles on the optimist
and hopes that the evolution of one
more summer may prove that le is

Unitarian Church
State and Huron Streets
Sunday, at 10:30
Jesus Within Evolution?
Violin Solo by Miss Marion Sruble
Soprano Solo with Violin Obligato by
Miss Stevens
A blending of those two kinds of ex-
pression, he was trying to perfect.
Some gypsies came along one night
and sat in the. trees playing violins
and guitars while the peasants withl
their grotesque velvets and ribbons
danced on the sward beneath the har-
vest moon. The little boy had strayed
down from the conservatory on the
hill, and the gypsies rode off with hm,
when he fell asleep io the doorway of
one of their canvass hooded wagons.
Many years later the son won the
love of the gypsies so much that he
became a sort of king over them. Fie
also won the affection and admiration
of a famous musical leader, and the
devotion of crowds of people who
swarmed in every night that he sang
Then late at night he would ride back
to the camp of his adopted folk, out-
side the city walls.
One night, after singing, a white-
haired man laid his hand on the sing-
er's wrist as he walked through the
door. "Take me to your camp," saidi
the shabby old man, "they tell me you
rule all the roving folk in the land."
At first the tired singer was moved
to be contemptuous and unkind, but
something silvery in the old man's
tone wakened a strange warmth in his
own heart and bade him to consent.
"I have toiled as a missionary for
many years," the aged man went on,
"among gypsy bands, because I wish-
ed to find my son who was stolen."
Then the singer answered dreamily,
"And I have sung all my life, the 'way
I was told to by my father whom I
"You have the Voice, I have yearned
for, so long," cried the father embrac-
ing his son. "But you have the freat
Voice, the one you thought you never
could find," said the singer.
Thus long ago two men found their
ideal through the fire of years of sacri-
fice, patience, and toil. Many people
there are still in the world who in a
less romantic way are on the high
trails to the attainment of the Voice,
of perfect Expression, and perfect
Curio Collector-I have found a rare
old relic on your farm.
Mr. Average Farmer-Bumph! Must
be the mortgage.
You may think this stuff is rotten
Of humor not a hint.
But one glimpse you should have got-
Of the junk that we don't print.

New and Second-Hand
Drawing Instruments, Loose-Leaf 1 ote Books
Student Supplies in Genteral
Canoe Fountain
Lunches Lunches
for nd
Two -00 Ice Cream
Repetti's Johnsons' Thorpe's
Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry
Leather, Gold and Silver
Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and Jewelry

They Ain't No Such Animul
Wateron--It takes a good man to be
as good as Lincon was.
Thebrain-Butit ftakes a better man
to be as good aosloisoife's father was.
3* 0 *5
Stumped, B'Goshl!
Pahson Smokymap-Bruddah John-
sing, eberyting on dis yeah Ea'th has
some use.
Bruddah Johnsing-Dat may be, but
Ahd lak t' know ob what use am de
Lettah "P" in front ob "Pneumonia."
Summer Boarder-Is your son study-
ing Political Economy at college?
Farmer-Political Economy! They
ain't no such thing. Last time I run
for supervisor it cost me nigh on to
$7.40 in spite of all I could do.
Not Even a Cork
Father-My son, John D. Rockefel-
ler never touched whiskey in his life.
Son-Good thing he didn't or there
wouldn't be any left for the rest of
Village Cut-up - Say, Constable,
what good does that pistol do you
hra tantazn ~ ~i

Get Umbrellas; Here's a Reg'lar
Weather Ilan
"There is going to be a shower on
Katherine Moore and Don Johnson
Tuesday night."-Wright's Corner Re-
Do you think this guff is a cinch to
No! It keeps me thrashing the keys all
Alone there rows . This other guy
In my swell clothes . Has stolen- my
On the river, my pal . Pretty summeo
All because I shoot this awful bull.
Of it the Editor's waste-basket's al-
ready full.
TheyCco eost
Dining Place
in Town is the
Cea lnoom
-easily reached by north or
south elevators; open from
eight in the morning till five
in the afternoon.
The service i high grade,
and all menus are prepared
by a chef who was for a
number of years employed by
one of the leading New York
Noon Luncheon, 50c
Regular Service
a la carte

S Sgoar BowiUben' lies w en it ain t even oaded?
Village Constable-Well lad, accord-
Preketes & - Fam'ly, wins in Benefit in' to the newspapers it's the guns
Wrassle. that ain't loaded that always does the
most damage.
When the world is so full of sun-
shine, it's a good plan to put some of Supt. Marks' miners aid sappers
if awvay for a rainy day. have thrown up a second line of re-

* * *doubts on the campus, which will soon
SYMPHONY OF SAiIATH EVEg Now that canoeing is in full swing, be safe from attack from the north.
Beatrice Fairfax, they say, is getting
(it1asul)a dozen letters every day from Ann
Arbor. Who'd a thunk it? An inspiration-
A gypsy with a red cloth wound "At the fountain of Youth."
over his greasy black locks once sat But he finds he's broke-.
with a student beside a lapping river t'e "Drink to me only with thine eyes."
and told him this story. Editor--Cub, you slipped up on that
A music master, long ago, lived ice company story. Prenuptial Nonsense
with his son in the rear of a conserve- Cublet-Sire, what would you ex-
tory. The master told the child how pect? Mrs. Galt-"Goodness, my little
he was trying vainly to train s s niece has a terrible stomach ache!"
a voice which would snake the throng Wolf! Wolf! Woodrow-Curses! I'll send for
in theater or cathedral tremble with If some one should really yell for the secretary of the interior."
responsive emotion, but he was also "Help" when the practisers at the * *
trying to do something nobler,-to school of music are going full blast, 'Ihe Local Attendance Did It?
teach some pupil to speak in his home no one would think of going in to help "The ball game at Hope, between
life and in his business relations with them. They'd think it was ordinary Hope and Rhodes was well attended.
a beautiful voice, which would be both routine, and have been fooled too Score 6 to 9, favor of Hope."-Midland
delightful and wise, tolerant and kind.I much already. Republican.

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