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July 13, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1916-07-13

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Shoart at3:00, 630. :00, 9:3
hr, 3-raiX , Rlm an ad
errly Bat anhe Wall etec"
Re.) ad 1, eaady. -
1i 4-5Ota.-Pt,n'a ia the "tenal
<iIee Lot suaadrecrCtoedy 5C
at. i-thel Caytac aell IoaePeter
I. 'Thee~at Divid,' "Trip lAreand-
I 4, wod" ad Cosetely. Childee's
caier, 43;"ledict Woderful
l~atap" aael "Wand WaWr ia Kidlnd"
)rpheum Theatre
'leHseao aasP1 ayt amou
Cay es
ha: ar~i i3 -Se m aaykawaJap
a-eeAt,ita .Ale Sels,' ary
,at. a-H. a. Waeeeina"The leggaof
Cawayce." Tiagle Ceedy, "ils
Biller lill." hveirlg, 15.
a.-Lia. c-7-laedl tianit"The
Feuad il." BuartanHltaes 'raela.
t-c D tol, Acn Ahoc adJaksto,
a on asteri imae lhour fat
lcal tilse.
trit Limited td Epress Car-8:ro a.
Idhoaly to 710 P. I., cte P. to.
lacaoc Limited Gar-8:48 a. m. ad
t wa heura to 648 gp. m.; to Laig
P. .
aiCars,Eatoatnd-5;.35 a i., 6:4oa.an.,
a. in.,,nl deery twoahorsto 705 o. .,
., 5105 p.. ., 10130 p em. To Ypi-
odi, b818 a. at.,l(daily ecept Snday),
a.- 01.,125 p. in..:5 1).i., 1145 P.
alCae, wetond-:0a, 7:p50 a.
adt ceec twoours1ccto 7:51 P. ,.,102
Inivrsity School at Music
1A Wateig P1ace for Advanced Stdents"
unual Summer Session
Reglar Fal Term begins Mn., Oct. 2, 116
,it Catalge ace Inforcmotio addcss
CHARLES A. SINK. Secretary
Ann Arbor, Mich.
'h Ann Arbor Savings Bank
iecuriey- Service -- Locaion
apitaf........,....$ 300,00.0
rpds and Profit...r. $ 175,00.88
ain Offie, N. WR. Coner Main
and Huron Ste.
iranela Office, 707 Nertia Univ.
eriy Avenue.
Motor Bus
Monday to Friday
0-)AM . 9: 5A.
00 . ll. 2:85 .P. .1.
00 " :00
efrom E]Wsills Drug Stoe, 208So.
fin Street Ann Aror.
e fromc Lake Hou0se Wiitmore

Vihe official tudent newspaper for
the Univerity of Michigan ummer
session. Published by the studentonO~
Tuesday, Thursday sd Saturday a-
ternoolns. Twenty-five isue.
Subscription rates-By carrier, sev-
enty-five cents for the summer;
mailed to any addreso for one dollar.
Advertising rate-Furniohed 01101 ap-
plicaticn to the busineso manager.
Subcriptions atd ads taken at Quar-
ry'o and Unierity Avenue Phar-
Office Hfous: Managing editor, 2:00
to 3:00 daiy; buiness manager,
1 :00 to 2:00 daily. Phone 960 or
Address, ViheXWoverine, Pres Build-
ing. Mayard St,,-Ann Arbor.
Vere Ei. Baineatts )Iiaeagieg Editor
Phone-2414e or 1283-MH
G. Verne Selers--Business iiManger
P'hone-960 or 1460
Tom C,Ieid -Associatc Editor
H. C. Garrisot-Sporto Editor
Marian Wilso-Womuen's Editor
Walter Atlas-Newo Editor
Bruce Swaney-News Editor
M. . Cooley . '. Mann
George Corwill Fransk Martill
M. N Elsense 5Phil Pack
R. F. Ftzpatrick Ward Petersois
1H. H-. Gellert Grce Rtose
. ii Haiag etone Zeigcr
Buesineess Stff
Wi. 13. Mogan Robert M. Sciller
iciiard Goldsmiths Allan Livingston
TH-URtSDAY, JUL.Y 53, 1910
Isyce Etltorc'_iBruce A. Swney
Three yaro ago a student paidled
up tile river anid nailed beneath the
bridige a sign telling wiaere to go for
help ill rase of aciident. Several ac-
cidents had just reulted in deaths of
a nuber of tudens wo hail been
drowned 'throughs ignorance and care-
lesones. Tie canmpaign, begun by the
tudent who actually did something
along with his talking, has resulted,
during the past spring, in the plaster
ing of so.I many life-svere alosg the
Boron river banks, aoso make it per-
haps the safest streans in the world,-
as far as mehanical ideviceo go.
But only for mlehania improve-
mlents cats the Boot club workers pat
themseves mentally on the back; for
they haye: dolne nthting to educate peo-
plc out of gross areleosneoos.'
Safety precautions could to good
advantage e pasted on the inner side
of eacle canoe. Perhaps the Uiversity
some day wiii require each candidate
for a degree to prove his ability tl
swine a fe'w rods, as is done in certain
eastern univerities Along with
theories of high brsow courses, stu-
dents might wsel perpetuate into their
labits the mastery over tat primeval
stupidity of rocking an Old Town
canoe, or of changing seat over the
treacheroust'chlanels among the ruin
of an old dam.

Weecgre with Sherman about War,
and also work adi weaher lbhe
w10cm weeks.
fPut winer is oly ice lots away,
a11d itos only 2,0011 miles to te sea.
N'ettir "Up" nor "onwe" after lDeiat
And once uon a time there was
anothec chop sucy sign on State street
which read CHOP SUEY, 25 CENTS
AND 5.P1. No ote died from eating it
When you want to borrow four bits,
dont strike the guy who rolls his own.
Thiat 'trphaimm ner Effect
HlicciMay I have this dance? I can
trill thle'lightl fantastic like eveything.
He-Thaniks. I dot care to take
lie chance.
At 3I5BhigoieleanISili
Thle football eleven drilled on the
Tile Varsity teanms played Ann Ar-
bor high school.
Browne~'s drcug store old bicycles.
'Scohiege Evlaihe
(Hieard at a sumsmer hotl)
"Flow's chances 11011in' down a
bhll 'a chicken-feed ligin' hash? "
"Excellent. Wi' are always welcome
young' gentlemsen swithl a colleeced-
"Either it doett rain and the crops
ace ruined or it rains ad the grase
grows a foot, and there follows a day
bhiind flhe lawn mowoe."
The Bess Greet Shakepeaean plays
ace in litie for cosiderable publicity
which1 won't be "Much Ado Abot
Nothinig," Ihowever.
In answer to a questint on etiquette,
Beetrice Fairfax said, "Bii te yong
ma111 a brief good-by, cull only wait by
tile door for a scond.'
Butt we thinik tat if she will wait'
lot a second, it woodt heeIard to in-
du~el'hler to swait for a tird.
Tisfois tee Ol Oteoe 1c;
eiexiesee Brder Steeff
Drill Sergeant-Rtigbt face!
Rtookie-This is my right face!
S far thils sumemoer, no freshnian-to-
be has tred is buy a fresh ap.
Ifetard at the Raj lit 190
Itosesenae red,
Violets ae blue,
I can rowy a boat,
Cattoe, canoe!
hraw Vourin'usC(onclusitons4
Special-I or 2 acres of fluie Sweet
fl11011 with echiken acopnimentt."
-..-Deeret Eenhig News.

New nd Second-Hand
Drawing Inistruments, Loose-Leaf Note Books
Student Supplies in General
Canoe Fountain
Lunches Launches
Two y c ra
Repetti's Johusons' Thorpe's
Michigan and Fraternity Jewelry
Leather, Gold and Silver
Extra Fine Repairs of Watches and- Jewelry

Soe not Shot; frot m Oeewilo) Swelt.
ers at a Vity fob
(Bay George C.' Carott)
WAartti hanlds signify a ecold heart,-
so runo tile old adag.e. Not necessarily
whlenl one is pouri over the old book
ii summuer'school.
The stranlge fares in, the favorite
sorority house most aeem cot of place
to the regular winter "door-tendier,"
whto blows aroun~d once in awhile tnow.
it Lieu of "Sushine & thac Rose, Etc.
Altering a popular waltz tulle name
-The Wedding of thae Moontshinle and.
the Nose?
Our idea of nothing for "Big Buesi-
ness" to worry about--the news; boys'
strike its Detroit.
hlow Aboct If Ole ellow?
Can you forget thlose hezel rye
Vile loved inl autusmn day'?
'fhat goldell bait', thlose t~xes'e' f'air

Notices and announcements for ivo-
ven sheoulhdhbe telephoened to Htlarian
The enrollment in the gytrs claeses
this soromner is unusually om ali on
account of the hot weather. Classes
beginl at ten ominutes past the hour
and Miss Maley, wishes greater
promptness in attendance.
The second party of the Womenos
L~eague will be given in Barbour Gym
on' Friday from 4:00 to 61:00 o'clock.
This is to be a combined dance and
card party., In order to make it a
501ccess, it is urged that as 'many be
presenlt as possible.
M~rs. Erie L. Gates, .acting dean of
womIlenl, and the womoten of Newberry
lies.illce, are at home to all Univer-
versity wottten, Thursdays, from 3:00
to 5:00 oclocke, at Newberry Residence.
* Sunmuer school students de- *
* siring practical experience in*
newspsper wo -rk, either buoiness*
o or editorial, should call at the*
offiecs of The Wolverine, in the*
I'ress building on Maynard*
street. Tryouts will be held for*
*thte first several issues, Eand then*
a staff appointmeants will be made.,
By special arrangement, stu-*
dents with at least six semes-*
oters, of credit can get credit in
Osumnter school, by conferring
o' witht the journalism faculty,

tatU 11 focelt ioe11Ibast eLs in?
WhaIt 15a5 thalt soile abeut likinge Voucrtnifty hune of "salve?"
mullsic withs ysur emeals? '.hen1 why not Cati yout forget?
111011$ witha your music'? Wliinow Iweall bet
0 0 A thoutsand shells you ihave?
Pufrehly cc.ersaNolves*a*
." VWII" Johis ewotking the Dodge-s'fill sailors ott the Germlan sub-
for a tnumober of 5s1e1ls a m~onsthIfor a mat illOwhichls s;s jest crossed flhe
liig. iae leartned lhow to10"work c1 0-1 icallie c,1lm-pgls , iil'till'fee
dodges" whlile in seitool to 'pecfece- psedoehed ., utaese_ t
teenat,- Alt, hereda another voittet.
Step eighlt up my tman-!
in fine Gftod (141 Stnneeotfce
let Summier Stutde-See that- girl "Wanted Gitl for gener al hosuse-
over thtere? She just sesileed at me. work; small fanmily."
2ndihvictitm-Zat so. Cotuldn't blame -Chicago 'Tribune.
if shee laugheed out loud. Yces girls,' for Fheaven's sake don't
Thuos begato the battle. bring all your grandcbhidrent!

'are - a- - M - 50o0 1Y. i'iS. :AIXL C'AST' iATROI
peoial Round Trip, 75o -
___________________________ 'eoc Tone, July 13.--Steps were tak-
) L M l 1 l','TS IAL B 0L51 hete toeday to establish a tompllete
ILURIhA WNTS hLE BLL unit of thor aerial coast patrol, slsggest-
New York, July 1.-Colombia Uni-- ed by Rfear Admiral htobert E. Peary
!rity wanto at least half of the base- an~d others as otie of thse most essenltil
il, which wvas used in the annual unldertakings. in perfectitng a systeml
mne with Pentnsylvatnia one Franklitt of natiotoal ilefl'llse. 1 ', T. Davisoto,
ald this year. solo of B. Pc Daviso, a nmembler of the
firm of P.h. Morganl & Co.;Noisedt
hortha d Typewriting Losvett, sstt of Itohert N. Lovett, rail-
roeid finanlcier, and sexveral other.,', sll
o okkeping Penmanship Vale soiversity mett, haive reported, i{-
was an~noun~ced to the Riodmuanl Weta-
Hamilton BUSInESS College tnaker schlsol of aviatiotn at Port
State and William Washington, L. I.-

together with perfect service and delicious summer cooking, make it a place of
unequalled excellence for the enjoyment of luncheons and dinners.
(Sectnd Floor-either elevator).

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