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August 07, 1915 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1915-08-07

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We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodnks, Films and FinishingPR N S O
nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at PR N S O
oping roll films if JJJD NS '70NrubUiest VELOX
you can find a LVND4NS 1 ot nvriyAvenue (tebsparmd)
Single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium thI es aprmae
Established 1905, and growitng biger every day
JaniorsSwee ing L .Al1lNW SlTltl'UIIE WILL BENEFIT
Fall Woolens ErtIlnfi 1 ws Before Thema, Beat Wolves ltilndn ill(o soTw Stories
-oa (il ottaini Cae and
JutArvdBy "Doge" (o Kane third inning, when, with he score a BabeaSo
Come In and look them over Lloyd L. Hughes, who attended the( Wolves lost their first hiome game ! tie and the Wolverines heavy hitters
______Untiversity from (909 to 19(2, and yesterday when he Campus Janitors, up, the Janitor's catcher hit upon tie Ann Arbor will have several new
Marion M. Luddington, '09, were united sweepinsg all before tem tumled the ruse of throwing a dustpan of ((rte facors in stdent, as well as citizen,
J. K. M~lalcolmI t inomarriage in Detroit, June 19. The nen of Marsh y a score of 18 to 7. into te eyes of tle Wolf batters just accommnodation, in (1se bilding being
yosng couple wilt matte their honme 'Ie efeatwa cleans cut, tie Janitors as (1st ball was throw. Pinch Hitter erected by N. E,. Koold, 11lL, at the
604 E. Liberty Streot it ilat city. Whtens in college tse utterly detoraliig tie Wolverine it- Vic Saer, itpored for (iis gate, corer of Packard and State strees,
groomtosui part its two Uniots operas hield by a buttatiotn gamse. Their trusty kicked hitmnself out of the ganme on 'tnmmediatly ith(It rear of thtIDelta.
attd served ott several contuitiees. lrtons were almsost sure to itrept te play, wiichs broke uap ue rally of 'Tere is to be ta aft' ithit bas-
IT T~T 1Nj / "Mrs. Hughes is a member of (Chi Omega the sharpest curve, dain its sped,'itse Scribestwent of t' sructure whiis will seat
H JBROS. sorority and durinsg her jutior year and srop it a short distotte its frt The Wolves often fell on te pahs, 15 peros All servie in tiis din-
The Fiunt Bullard Boom in the state assistedi in writintgtse class play. of the plate, wier it was well iight seiich (ad been waxed by the Janitorsitgrowllba ictsatspil
CIGARS and CANDY I ---- imspssibe. to field it. efor teatmt started. Tes Janitors tttdday diners will be arrangtd.Vie
"W r oTet o ~h"iEarl C. Peabody, '5D, atnd Lillians Manager Masit nade vigorous pi- i usedsmny piteiers, warmng up aTyt ra YuRgt kitchen will also be in the basmetut
_____________________________M. Abbott, a special student in ts tests to te utmpirs, claiminttg tat ts ew one ott their radiators between the ad xiii confornm to all the latest ideas
Ti1C ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK' literary departtsent, were married itt Janitors were playing dirty ball; ut ittnings. of efficiency ansi sanitation.
Capil.3oat Ixto Detroit, June 26. After a short trip tss arbiters were fims in rfss(e)-iAug Score:Ostsefrtlorfthbudig
titrptas as d risi:iea w'rt . .5o,o.ss to tse nortitern part of the stat, they to sustain tse kitI. Itnings- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H-H with State street etratces, tiers will
Resarest..........$3,'-000,0000 ihave settled dowin in the nmetroplis, The Janitor's hurler trewismaiy Jatitors. 2 13100 4 125-18 25 beaoie lo as abrso.
Transcts Uearnl saherenoi Drs Peabody is engaged in tiss waste bals ito tits catcher's basket, Wolvs.... 0 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 7 11 4
;Pe Cntiinrstpaidisii sainsi.5.tslssits hr D.IIn te rear of these shops ansi on the
YursBuiness, stiited. practice of dentistry. ibut depits iis carlessttess, thits Batteries -Charlie, Gus, Frank, sit lo hr ilb iiadiai
Chas. 8. tissssk, rs., Mihal J. tirite. Cahre___ Wolves couldn't use tieir speeit n Htnry, Joitisand George; Church,lar-wissenitettaeonPcar
W. D Harritiait, ver i n., car . run, st. tepahbcusAhsatr et itundMasi, Kedrik. tUmpire-,wshtreetproidentvinhesightPtables
Hobrt '. urts, 12-54L ispra'-the corters effectivly clutterstd. ISmtock. Attndatncs(3 in grandstand
tiain waw wniSginaw.Ca itas ginedi(,,3t ophes. Tim'-ltwltsnthe scond floor rc to be two
I tiinglawin Sgisaw.He as gittd Tss aist wa rellydecided in ine 2sxroisasrtsess5t citiii
DE R IIUIE LN Scossiderable reputatiost recently by ri2,475athers.sTretelSlow.sixkitchenpdtmetsing-roons, iigm
DETROIT UNITED LINE~~shis able defense of a negro ott trial for akthn iigrolvn om
ANN ARBOR TIMIE TABLE nmurder. Mark . Davis is Circuit on tse Detroit Free Press. In his pres- MR.E . J. 31cNAMAEA ITO SONG two bed-rooms ad a bath.
(tots Standard Tite Court constissioner for iaf of Sag- essi position le has charge ofissintg WITIE. S('IUMOANNINIi The buildingsillxvi be a two story
-isaw cousty. the oficial house organ of tie Bur- - - structure of brick and steel construe-
Limsited ad Express Cans rstsit---7:____ roughs plant. tHossick was a mnt- Mr. Edward J. MNanara, the tioted tot. It will be equiped with an up-
as a s, i 6 sb-..ar sti .(osck iowsenoldhrof Vie Michigats Daily stalf for baritose io'tkn okisteto-date ventilating sysesbainnethroughout,
Loa adevrs whoe eeus ss .,:5' ss..intwohyearsvandibylotigmd1u11Sigma1Deltasciool oftmssic, will leave sooss to Inlaid brick asd crystal glass will
is' , 8:05 P. .. 1 sL , 91 t . 1104. . ,ii(t iest rn 91Is71,ShiItseihoorary jourtalistic rater- (tsMn.SiumtnHik hyformsttheprtialdortvsnth
T, Yinti .,,. 0n1 .t, e sse."I and tiorace Ohinacier, 'lit are st-jonMe cua-Feik Thyrnipldoatvsnte
-0 s.,1505 . I, -. s;:.I., o, , i:r,1 ployed in publicity work for the Bur- pity.vwl give a joist concert a Wiota State aniPtckard street facades,.
a. . 2:05.in. :o ,rnm rosighs Adding Macbiss company. Af- L iake, Indatna, on Aug. 4. Mr. M- -_______
Lismited Cars tor Jacksn748 a. m,.,sandtier leaving college, Hossick was n- Pter . Fagan, who setered ts Namara sill continue his work here Pleasing ad artistic portraits made
Loaa Cars tor Jasost-5:rst.m., 6:s a. i., gaged by the Louts C. Pratt Adverbs- Usiversity in 1908, is a star repoter dringth(le comisnsg year and wiil sc- at Hoppe's Studio asytine. 619 East
evessry' two.hours 6:50 p. m. asoitsgs conspassy, asid later was a reporter ott 'I lie Bostoss Herald. Hes was rsi- casiosally iecsrrs ~ ist.(
dest of Aielph Socity its 1913 andU
Calkins' Pharmacy COUSINS & HALL participatedin t severasl oratorical cn-('suit- erlefla899lfgn fanR ' J T [,E ,S
324 S. Slate 5. . ess LVNC I
DRGIKD J "fort t. --Liberty and. Main Sts. LUNCHl smmrO
Candy ad Sada Water I 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Edward G Kemp, '12-'14L, is located A Most Convenient Place for Your [LUNCHIES and SODAS
CALIrN3 t3 tM C Bh Phnst 115 As Abo,,Rich, at Lansinsg as assistant to Judge Kuhn. 38S TT T
eHe was president of the Michigan ! Banking 33I.STT T
Uniosn for the year 1912-13.
James Devlin, '13, is on ts repe-
«T he toial forte of The Detroit News. He
next trunk I buy was a member of Vie Michigass lDailyT h N e Ca lo u
will be an Indestructo" staff.TheNewCataogu
REV. A. 1. IRls'lTlINISHIES tTich ga
CINDESTRSOF1UCTO) E TMORO This is lbs opinions of During the suussner, this Rev.,ILeon- "1n 1versity of lliehigall
DA06AGE ~~peope everywhere who acd A. Barrett has been delivering in I O ED
______________________ kuowtbehaudsome appear- this Presbyteriass church a series of I O E D
ance and durability of In- lectures on the, "Religious Spirit its
- ~ desructo ruik, or who Literature," which have attatetd Complete information concerning the eight Colleges
... havse( il how woudeifully 'much attentioss among the sunmse and Schools:
consvenient( they are for a students of the university. The sub-
tr weoling acid vaation Isrip, jecs so far givesi have beets onth(ess LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS,
WXe have a sew lite of themes: "Vie Wokisgs of (onscience, ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR-
Isdesructo trunks a d as Illustrated in Victor ug's '(ais;'" MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY,
eat her goods. Come itsasnd "A sudy in Character Buidintgat GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION
se0e(liensbefore vounQen iShown in John uskin's Seve Lamsps

west this Sumer. of Architectue';" "The Peril ofSpcaCore inFrhy NwsprWrk
Idesructo trusiks ate GeSusas" te i Bosisg Landscape Design, Hibr Commercial Education,
absoluiely guaranteed for Vie last of tses series of ietures incuding Railway Administration and Insurance,
five years, no natier hoea will e given tomorrow moning at Architecture, Conservation Engncering, Education
hard tbe twear 30u give 10:00 o'clock, wiest Mr. Barrett will affiliatd wih Attn Abor Schos for Observation
a t(lien, speak ot, "Vie Final Victory, as Ilus- Study), and a courecfor those preparing for the
Iteted inT ennysos's, 'Its Memooriam.'" scientific administration of departments of santation
I _________- -and public health.
Summer Furnishings M. Arthur Lindqiist, ats of this For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
for Men school of music, is now under the mas- Idvda ' ieait drs
Iagemnit of this Wolfsons Musical D-
reau, o New ork city. During this the Dean of the School or College in which Interested, or
Inetyahewltortecuty' j 7 IuAl ,C n i & Fi g l giving concerts. His fins tenor otes SHIRLEY .S ~IT H
has already secured imu wide reso,-
I CORe, MAIN WSINGTN it ban e ias mtade arangments Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich
to givse 10scocers its tonnse'ctonswith
he Mnnapois symphony rchestra.

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