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July 29, 1915 - Image 3

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-29

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[ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRN S O
Inothing for devel- in Anl Arbor is at PRN S O
oping roll films if I T f U T4 TIID~i~ VELOX
I you can find a jL j I 9l c, 719 iNothiU iver it uvenue I(the best paper made)
I single defect (IT'wo doors from Hill AuditoriumI
I~ Established 1905, and growing bigger every day.j
I .N I EJ?1 1iN 1E 1TNT M i st 6, in the high school hall. It will
s I f I lNIl FO 1011 3 lltL'IttETbe kbossn s te AmsAbr entertain-
Mode to yor toeasitre ment ail will feature tats concern-
il 010e to secre inis fr the ist the foninig and samig of the
Pl B ah There ill ea ifral at i rcAn ban rswas firstluced.an0ont"Indian Mounds of Michigan,"an
' ie Summesr Comfot ICloth Barhour Gmsiu hstfeno t. eteitainmnto, tnder Itle itm esof there till b hown a seris oflnt-
, lii avaeyo s haestui ofrom 4:0 t :1111 c It) U fr al mei-1 he i ite tt (hait-ti 1 t i . .It., en sid s of Anmn Arbor hy G. W.
lot'sof1the W ar eau n hi ill hi ive hi ursdataicv ats' n g- Stools.
J. K.Malcolm frces -
604 E. Liberty Strof itast ' a l ltpeluy iia' fltistietiisimi3Zli tl
ao a soilservitce'swoirkiw tit tcwomet foriethtlt ti'ouidy itt iiit'Of the Sans-
students in h nlivlersity th avudrmitettrtcihootcl,"asoin the laboratoryP h t g as
,U j N 1 taken dun~~tri i te list year, i;tial ttf fityu Bacteriologist 1. .IRicer, j R S ecigtecide fgaiarysedymrig
The Finest Billiard Room in the Slate as4.iottt ageo iitaretaitnates.c'ntpa -At here is lite atiy il liie'fieit
_ CIGARS and CANDY betitihle Ulilversity liospr llan'ltunyof emitltoyment the "" eiiiloiyiiii'it Portraiur
'i.theiich iildren arc orueti to c- burieau sill notl le opeiiuniliSepteiiiIJ l
"We Try to Treat You Right" iii( (icittilo nnet btiutfe lir lstehiu uecle
treatnient duiriiig thehire wheiithey -Panin i hs lieen aifor soreai s-
THlE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK shouldl e in schiolt. Realiziuig that taiice along the State street frot of. Group
capitl..... ..3o.«,atlii's ' isey err physially ltniithle iamipts, ly the conrators of the Vr ups
Saurusand 'ttUdiidtue ri't...tisaois
Rg sacs w Gen .al BaningiBuinesscappeid, their miitnlatdeelopi'ei'iiscniewcAcadutiildimi. 'hiy sill atr' Each person posed artistically in relation to every
Tranasa enrlnnngOlns safering, a Ohlt i frticing these on le platformi te trra cittastrt other
sri(tam ttirr'i tutu a) 0rita liruoti. 'titires iti srgasiri iiswhithe so hstii'l tlte used in the facade tf?
YourSoHticiSott iut
f.aisZ. S.c ockt, kirei, tc et Ji t . tte at'r tercIi 1Oiiiiofthe ast ' ~einii clurfe. R-eg- the haldinig.1 0
o eW. 0. itrrtmaa,Vt ci l .Cart ii.Btitami, so.'ar hours ii' 'teatciig tteeliiltreii 55 tl llRjn assig lio the nl)'Ltin I11 Port d1it
Catr,ttii. tVtti, 4sit. utc ast tO t tiepi. twere assigntoiu tialltoe whit volun- roniihofi Iar's teat sture in Sta'i'j In the familiar "home atmosphere''
teereth fitrtii'witc. slsrasreyetrus fectonfnr
DETROIT UNiTEYD LINES nearly tvery chitlotis given Irnst"'i u- laniletoitiumittile caught the swire hold- __________
_____ -tionfomaui ltetst silt'hmourceery tay ig up the a' light in the center tf
AN RO IETOE duiimg the coeg year. This swi- the street, suit tore it loose. the ight} At Christmas time you will want your photograph.
(Easiern Stasndard Time)
tuner, althoimgh there art' muttregua crasheitoti the enter of State street Why not have it taken now when we can devote
Limiied ad xiprssma(acs orIanDrmili 7 nassuguned or sony plasm fr ist ruictini ts'oiteyduuiiiet. hc much more time to laeyou ?
ii.auul ot 15i' 5usu'~et. 'st 0 prucuhulauy couuam tutet cbi i Iautonobile tasunijued.
Losol Cars fr Dert-linopa. ti, i:05.a., limteresedl inithis srt of switch will liii-Prif. .11(. Atus has eft for -San
auud evry twuo lutuitt ' . tt. m, 7 i05 up.ueu'comned'uaso a visitoic ins the chilns hcstFramcisco, frun whuich port he will
pilOan ti . ut., O't ii.,attt 1ot~t55 . scuRANDI ALLE & PACK
To tpsi losi aly: eu. ut8 a..v.8 u, r r. 'sail for C'hinausduly 3tst. Wile ims SamsIn1.RlJL1I. ~ A
1iso t3a. i., 5:05 11 it, u p.t tm., rt., ---tFrancisco, lie twill comfecswitsPrui.}
Limited - i t.ut .tt t.at Musical hstrunemts, Strings, and Iavyiu Friday who is mats i CaliformiaPHT RAH S
rusry tao oluuts ittao .18 . all Musical Supplies a reasonable apprising the franchlise of a Soth-, 121 E. 'Washington St. Phone 598
Losal Cars for Jacsmo p-u5: i.t., it ri . . jprriuca Scheele & Son, AMusic ermsCalifurnia railrutaud.
an mvett, ou s t o 65o. . iiaso(-H u , 110 S, Main St. tt ..Friiay Ilorninigtie class i i iraii'
g:15p.____11:O EIN G '1 y

Calkins' Pharmacy
324$S. Stale SI.
0 Caa'yannlSoda Water I

Both Phoaei ItI5 Ass ArborMtitt.

Put-in-Bay-Cedar Point y
Clevel and -Sandusky
Every Day Excursions to Put-ln-Bay 0~
Roundl Trip Fart Round Trip \
'Samte Day ott J IC Sundays orj
Week Dayt - Holidays-75
Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip
On Sutnday, Monday, We~dnesday and Fiumday
Cleveland One Way Fare --Every Day --$1.50
Big Steal Steamer imPut-In-BSay" liervs Detroit evecy slay at
IO00a, mm, Centiril Standard Tmeu
Steal Sida 'W'hsal Steaimer IFrankt E. Kimby" traves Detmait weak
days at :UU pusin Central Tsme.
FREE DANCING--Finzel a Orchestra on Sir. Put-In-Bay
Whole afteruosa at Put-In-Bay Write for Folders --
Three aind one half hmurms at Cidar " Ashley & Dsi
Point. Visit Perry_ Sh,g01111 "'0
Memorial. Thus Core, Casinu an Pmar-i Steamer Line
ritauus, rug Htels.m itingus teacst Aqsuatc
Sisard u Walksi Midwmy, Laoais Detroit, Michigan
Firsti r---- '
Stet K '-- . tt; r ':°

meuithdswill bhut atestoti etroit tou
dii somse imnvestigatinthIere. 'h libray5las IS
will yisit thse Detroit publi.uca- LUNCH ROOM
asnd may possibly spenmdilpaint at thue ad ai Ss N CoilRs O Orr
Libertyan ManSsOpnalume
timue in the offices of the Free Press A Most Convenient Place for Your LUiNCHES and SODAS
or thse Detroit News. 338 S. STATE Sir.
ii irml i addaitionail stiients eIi- Bnkn
rolledit ahue Lwhats rtmeidussntat ttsi'
lutlutim g oithliie5'is itondseuui'slu'r tins
ie h eortut iutuadtptedt by thie
Boaurd of IRegetslathyinr, timey'were
recuisine I (tptaylust (6O pe-r ce'ut o h e a ao u
't feeirs tmte mntire' summrses-n' T e N w Caao u
sionu. Several studuents reanedisotvem'r of the
I nutis thseflint half toruimmpete Ithse
-I.n i elmd n .L:~ws~ileide'ntt'cereuirmieents. liv r f m c a
amts mm thse Eu'nimsdehpartmnt. Mc. ~o ~ i h g l
Lowsb-urvy will ru rnsuu to mAn hurbor[IS NOW\'REAi~D"Y
the first itt Aagusti to late mip his sew ______
pousition). Comiplete information concerning the eight Colleges
-Willisim Welsh, 113, seretry of thej and Schools'"
Ann Achboc Civic Associaioms last year,I
hsas been'm chuosemsbythue Nationsal C'ity LITERATURE, SCIENCE AND THE ARTS,
ak at Ne~w Yact, as omne of thse ENGINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHAR-
10 nuemn fan service imsSoiuth Americas. MACY, HOMEOPATHY, DEN TI ST RY,
wAedltshilt bt'ims Newc Yoac city fun'l GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION
six mnttls wo'rkimng in the banklandmith
w ill thenciliate far Soiuth Amerit'a.
-'Earnti Altiuicoiinger, of thiis city,' Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
atnd gurd ou thule toll Vasity toot-- Liandscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
bath tieant, is imsfhse city, where he will ticluding Railway Administration and Insurance,
remaiin otnstccounmt itt the sictmness of Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
hiis maoter. Since his grauaution, (affiliate.d with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
"Aqtua" hs beets doimng torestry our- Study), and a course for those preparing for the
vtyimngstart imn thur tlact Dulls, tr.c, scientific administration of departments of sanitation
Ahhmsundiusgec wilt tate graduate trc and public health.
ints uanisersity mm the tall.
- For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcenment, or
N. F. ALIiN'S 11111 1AG CLOTHIING I Individual Information, address
Noss ott-ttllClth~inigt greatly re- the Dean of the School or Ccliege in which interested, or
hic ndpitces. N. F. ALLEN CO. AtSM H
Iu ° n Y v l c t o , 2 l S . l a l t fS IY W 1o p p e d c i l s i lha s a it lo c h i-n ro ll , I S e c r e t a r y U n iv e r s ity A n n A r b o r , M ic h .
tantd gfiveus ati0tutu' s t i ck t fme sumitim
euuim $3.00 u rchutuiase. I-Tl

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