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July 29, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-29

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Vol. VI.


Normal Crew Whill'Try (in Ferry Field j the New Testament as Found in tse
'Jo Avvenge Deifeatof Lasti Manuscripts and Early Tlransla-
Week tions," (illustrated), Prof. H. A.
- Sanders, West lecture roonm, Plsvsi-
EX7PE("rI'llldWl) '1'O)BEgPRESE~l'NTr cal lahoratory.

Beaton Le~aves Organized 1 3jj Cfll T
Ball For Women's League, O[P u M 19

* '~hMch'1trill Ibrie"hi' Ysi
lanti Noriitol c resw to Ferry tield Fri-
day afterncon at 4:55 o'iclc, deter-
c~intd to a.'cngccte deteat which the
Miclican All-Stars hansded the Teach-I
ers at the Normal city last week, Thej
localeswont the game 14 to 12 last;
stock, nmaking their runs on hard hit-
tlog, hot kicking away a ten run lead
in the last two rounds hy crratic sup-
port, swhich made the game close.
Oliver, whsecofferings scere so
de'lectable to the Varsity msen last
week, is due to hurl for the visitors;

4:135 o'clock-flail gante, lFerry Field;
Ypsilanti Nornials vs. Michigan All-
5:00I o'clock-"The Morgan Manu-
scripts o1 the Apocalypse," titus-
tratedi, Br. E. S. Buchanan, West
lecture rtom, Physical laboratory.
8:00 o'clock--"Two Plans o'f High-
School Development,'"Mr, . S.(.
Htartwell, superintendent of schotols,
Kalanmazoo, Michigan. West lecture
room, Physical lahoratory.
Sat m-day

V.11 tains 11n., July 29.- (Special.} isorning to have juimped thse Vocation
-"Jaark'ienton, the littler uholis league, and allieti hinmself withs the
e ret-rd soliaise jlase tro~ la hi Womns's league. Just how tse Hoosier
V cat'iIs lo theWmnaeals League, isf Hurricanse can expect to play Os tise
110t a' ll hinsher'en.ilia;:saenls Womsen's league is not known isere,
1:1st' i1t in'e.*.":l rota l 1x1a ns'.tiia''aiiipaslise couldintble fotuad to (ottitrmt
tlii nasiir'nt-rdo tinlin iv i ihere ths' rumttoi.
lie is. Stecretary Mtarsht, of te Vtacatiott
- - lcea'ue, wts inttenisely stiered at thte
By '"Dope" C'ot'eKanea report, and states that Beittons will
Blrooklyni, N. Y., July fit.-Presitlent tnot only he prevented froass playintg its
I'llp" hurc, o theVactionleaaethe Women's league, hot svill he black-
atlaup ('lirrh o th Vaaten eagelisted by organized hall.
loidaty declaired that orgainized hall "Our attorneys have already peti-
nialil figlit the Bienton raise to tthe hoined the courts for injunctions re-
limit.a"lentotd is aibsolutely bountd to! straining Benton from playing In the
thie [tag1;ieers by an Iron-laid toitraitl, outlow circuit, and Judge Carpenter
withoutnhie three weeks' clause," saidt is expected to granst themoiioin this
C'hurcha. "Nocoreti in thie country will !afteritoon," sail Marsh this mnorising.
rileaisothimtfroin his contraictuall tl- 1 Miss Jeantette Armtstrong, treasurer
gaioins to laay wit the Boilermaikers:'" of the Wonten's league, aid the only
"--' n apayn-sisgro official itf that organizatioat it Ann

wnie several Vacation league hBoners ocic Jauriocko'a-it-th nn,pwasinrepogrte i
will divide the serving duties for the Bay, Lake Erie, under te directionith Enierws eptdtis o
locals. PBrilmyea, Baribeau, Bohinson f o Prof. I. 0. Scott.
andtlNiena'.nn are all likely to take 201'lc'Etusosit tIil l Ili. TO V(hJll''1 ON 1)1't1
their turn ois th= hill. dairy tarot. Autos will lessee tue 4. uiiLOilCS X(''lS10iN 'I')) lil
'The locals will take the field withI high school.
practically thtesanmc lineup as that of 2:00 o'clock-Ballgae Vatii UrtII'Sttoilcclgyi-
lat cet.Hctc, ieisnn Rbii league: Mtediics "vs. Las. isiconest, scili rondusct sintexctirsint
sonz,Mellitless and BHusiahas are the 3:1:5 o'cltick--Bali game, V'acaliotr to 'tit-its-itoy Satuirday, thc larty leav-
cutfielders. McFarland at first, Bari- e league: Medics vs. Lits. isi; e i c lionPsia saista
beau at' seconsd, Rice at short, and , ______7:07 octlcct, tand arriving~ at Detroit Il
Robertson, Brockmnan or, Eaton at nm i mn ~ r i ii., to fatslst'e's:t00 o'clock boat
third, swill noake up the itifieid. Arenstz 111I L fIU iRI o.gfteisland.
will catch, witho Bentons also on hand.'II 1lil1Wh[L iJL tilie the trip sill be itt especits i ii-ms cg P E
eon the Varsity diamond, as a crowrd nli )1C iers disiring so take it sill be wcel
is expected to be on haiid to see the comIaie. At the island, Dr. Scot sill
batte tewcei th to teas. I LI~ U d emonstrate to the excutrsionists,th
Mitchell, tie Normsal coach, is a ''esitn ttesoeln ywv
formoer Wolverine captain, who has M~r. 310Naimarat, Miss Strubte and AMr.delomnoftesr-iebywv
jscttae ctuoin pstin:tMo- iore GiveBs Au ubr n action, tract' the various glacial per
l~stati."Bnes"tuAiingsitioatchps- Sumr rgaiatdsity' lt'eglacial striatioss, anid give
w~rt Armtron~ wh cath-cte geologirctistory oftthue caves. Tue ,
cs for the visitcrs, is a fornmer Varsitytr,. rilttist xectt ig
tracg mn. I'I~gN(g 1Ei'AN O EN'tllESsecem;;g pporitittrities, asithetstfact that "
While no admission will be charged, - Dr.fSccttillItectutriiutointhse tolun-
a voluntary collectioii will he taken Expeccatioiis were niore than real- usc strutcture's fornied by stalactite
to care for the expeinses of transporta- ized last evenintg whent the fifth ton- said slala otites, aidtthir relation toY
tion and halls, L. 0. Cushing will t--rnt ftecvsol ed
probably unmpire the game. The hat- er lii cfl'e:'stttti:y ciotubly valsisble.
ti~g order will probably ho as follows hy Mr. Earl VinicenitSMoore atid Mis

Arbor at present, refused to 'oimmeiit
)n cte mtatter.
dedirs Seen Pronising ('aintdiates
Fori 'lop Berthi in Vaication
Leag'ie Pastime

Pnif. I'd. Witikler Fxpls ins I.7nisci .sl
lliiliiiitanii''of1Salaillir's Plea%
Fiir'Social Frteedlomi
''"Scitiller's iimessge to tiht siorldl
sewas that iindividual anit sos'tai freedotii
is the gotal of all human eiideavor and
it ia the miissioin of art, by harmoniz-
hog, blending and uniting tita material
and spiritual sides of hunman nature,
'to educate man Is that goal," Tis
was the essence of Prof. M. Winkler's
lecture on "Schller's Message totthie
World," wchichi he forcefully and iii-
spiringly reasd Tuesday afternosonin i
thie Weot physics lecture coons.
"Schiller stands otut in literature as
_a pre-ensinently great tctaracter. Be
hecanse the expoanenit of idealism nia
isis counitry. He early contquered his
wvill tushhecaite the absolute aiaster
of himiself. It was Isis itiexhaustible
cheerfulnsess which led imi past his
any sisfortunes.
"He is generally regarded as the
poet of freedons by his people, Dur-
ing isis life a political mneaaning was
givean to Schiller's expression, but later
study of Isis works developesd its
broader chsaracfer.
"After years of study atsd thought
Schtiller cane to the conclusioti thiat
cthe great obstacle to the hsappintess of
chc human race is the conflict betweent
freedom ansdl aecessity, the esthetic
antI the niaterial, spirit atid instinct,
Man is cte slave of Isis passions antI
necessities; Schiller pointed the way
that huananity could gradually become
free. Freedom is to be attained by a
harmonized development of our whole
personality, and devotion to true art
is the way to gradually become edu-
cated go true iaser feeliang.
"Schiller believed it to be the funtc-

W1 L T
Mledics ......,.. 3 0 1
Las's .... 1 3 0
Eniginseers ..... 1 4 0


Saturdaiy's Gatmes
Law-Medic, at 2:00 o'clock. .
iug.-Medit', at 3:15 otclock.

to start:
Mich. All-Stars Ytish Normns
Rice, s Fraser',im
Arcattz, c Armstrong, c
Blaribeasu, 2 ttr js Dump,s
Nic".s'nn, Iif tutari, if
Mc'artanid, 1, Psyit', t
tleaitat, im McClear, r
Robissas, r Sptencer, 2
ltobcentsoai or Eaton, 3 Itynearoon, lb
t~rilrsyor. p or Brocknsan, 2 Oliver, p

Secotnd round--
McMartin vs. Offut; Mack vs.
Nance; C'lark vs. Randall.
Third: round-
Drury vs. wiaser of Mack-
Nance match; Wilhelnii vs.
winner' of Clark-Randall match;
Vedder vs. winner of Wideman-
Baker match.
Alextander-Macomber vs. Ber-
ry-Vetdder; Meyer-Stoddard vs.
Skiles-Randall; Baker-Clark vs.
VWebmeyer-t'huwes; Batler-Wal-
ker vs. McMartin-Offut; Wil-
hithmi-Drury vs. Hulbert-Bal-
linger; Reeves-Fields vs. Mont-



MainSrheo h colo is 'i n'e s e iexpense isil er to isthea sa so tion on art to harmonize the two forces,
Mario Strule ofthe 'hoistf mus isc il r f three' or foutr dollars, material and spiritual. Art mediates
faclty an Mr EdardJ. c~aara ! lthughtheactal ar-arowil be Saturday's ganses in the Vacation between the two. Hiarmionazation of
guest soloist. It proved to be without Ut it.0.It wiit not be n'ce'ssary to league wiul practically decide the pen- the totality of our being heads to inner
a doubt the big event of the sunmner ess Its cr servatiotns, bitt siniply to aieet natit winner. If the Medics win both freedous. Art is the only way of edu-
entertaiataseast prograns, and te auth-I the tarty at thc station,,and buy it their ganies, they will have comspleted cating man to idividual freedoam and
eance of 3,500 musiolivers brtoke all is ei-sust ticket to Ditroit. tershdl ihu eet hl this otice attaiated oct11 he the obtjet
"ecorl.t f,.- ai 'eniiaast' at ;.cii con- - - l h te em aebe ube of life.
carts. F lltie tiertem2hvebeattubld 'rue art has for her oibject ist
MnFerLt apesdisIi said V [I~f A ~ AP I st least onto. If the Medit's drop hut trasioent pleasure hut tends ltotmaks'
ands striinia n iterpretationisitt Guil- ruon~i'IiI i tae of their gamses to the Laws or us intriassically and absolutely free.
tit's, "iaatis. tatis , Op. 45,1i a fflfll l ngineers, they are practically stare Our education tii an appreciation oi
inader's, "ittMol~tight," a--ad Poell-1Pn C .~ HI.[S SII of stayinigsat top, despite the fact that true art is a duty which we owe nt
nir',"''oaa. iGcc scro UIV LJ UIU I the hits scill have miore games to play. otnly to ourselves hut to thse world,
executed with rare harmiony, aid has Oagt lersueirpt'ig and ultiately leads to true freedom."
skl a wl esitsrte (yhsGillft f$10,060 Swells 'lotal to $24,69t0, the Doctors are not likely to hose both- -- --
artistit':liandlinsg of thse various at- I tss n ihro h w o
iocbvt os of the groat Frieze organi, I lanitce Seemis Assui'eid lestre c'=ecaadetero hCtolw(HE('K lOttGERS S1tILL , KI I
patclrytecie.Allttled 'liTieExpiares teasillt do well to heat themt. The IN'TER-NED IN LOCAL IIASI'ILE
;tartiularl the isisscs. Idouble header Saturday will chose the ___
As is alvays the case, Miss Struble ses sfrthsedcasnxtwe
anrd ser stout proved to be Mdel'ghtful IItfi NENI' IEN (IN ('O'd'dt'ITEE seinfr tfinal cs 'snethweksix Chure IH. Burge, '17, and Edwvard
performers. "Ave Maria," by Schu- wceek summer ferns ow hing cllee oggin, '17, are still confined in the
bert-NWilbeliti, ansd "Adagio, Uep. 24,")l'amspaignsing for funs for tetiew' county jail on the charge ot passing
by tC..I-Res, woeeiendered v,,i a mias- y.Si. f'. A. builduing, the cotmnittee wenea' aio bten teoorthless checks, and will probably
terful stroukeanth precisioti.'Tremolos as fttnshv asd$560t asadEsier a andsf be both brought to trial the last part
anid sweet, plaintivenstes astwieretuoei utllatraykAg of the week. Both are confidetit that
date an,,lisosw need just $14,400 to 17. This seth force Benton's men to.
ghosts sifts usucli grace. they hywoill be allowed to go free on'
Mr. M~amar agats h''uspied ntsure a consditiotsal gift of $60,000. play a thoubie header that day, as rfiig theaiostitths sac o
With Isis full, rich voice, aid his dig The total of $85,000 practically insures have a regular contest carded with
theLis! whicit the chsecks scene cashed.
stIfled Scaring lito reminded one strong- thse success of the canmpaign, anidth is_ -
ly of his fatmous co0.1.1ynsssss, John mieatus that Michigats will have ado- The schedule for the balance of the ~ ~ ''- __
Mctcer''rc'-.K1,2 pleased the audience dilte housing for the student "Y." season follows: NEW 11I'llOVELl' S USED OIN
best with his forceful renditittns of 'Te largest gift osutside of te $0- Study ul 1LwMedic n.- SIEC _UIDN__ IHN
o'ni',"t3"o possetite (Faust)," 000, is $10,000, whitch is an anonsymous edta. Ag LwLl iig htebsnen htens
Haynes's, "Atuld Plaid Shaw~l," atid subscription, the giver beiig unovill ensaAg -a-i. Wiigoih aeeto h e
Damrosch's, "Danasy Deever" Wit ing ho allow hits nanse to be used. Saturday, Aug. 7-Eng.-lit, Ltaw-. Science building will be comnplett'd
lsot nsght'.;p rtorniance as a criterion, Lewis Reiniann, '17L, presidenst of the Eng. this wteek, atid the first hfour will be
it vwculd seen' tist nothinig but a bril- "1'," has been recently added to the; started the -frst of nsext wveek. Sever-
lc,'it succexo to in shght for Mote.j staff of field workers, andoct11 cover IIEItN .t'GIaNRTUIIRNS SOON ah new marhitnes are hieing used. in
S^human-He~iis' protege. !the eastern part of lie Upper Penin- FROMAAI XTENIDEI) WESTERN TRIP1 the construrtion of the buiding, one'
All of the artists were forced to sula.- of wshich is a machine driven, by a
givre encores by the appreciative au- The camspaign is'umeeting woith tie Dean V. C. Vaughan, of the Medical gasoline engine that supplies eleccric-
dietnce. SMr. Mhoore delightfully' reti- hearty approval of the campus andth School, who will return Monday from its' and conopressed air to the wot'ke'rs
deretd Dvttrak's, "Humsoresueo" while several professors are represeasted on' an extensive tour of the west, has in the building. Thte other is a newi
Miss Struible and Mr. McNansara case cue building coitmnittee wehich is rout- given during isis trip several lectures polishing moachine drives by eli'strio-
mtore recettseecions. Miss Frances posed of :Prof. V. H. Lane, rhairnas; before various medical societies of{ ity, that, with the aid of a few buckets
Louise Hantilton again played the dif- Mr. W. H. 'Tinker, secretary of thteI the west, tie principal one of which1 of miarble, cleans the debries left by
fcult acronmpanoimtents with a ielight- "y;" Prof. A. Pt. Allesi, Mr. 0. F. All- was an address before the Amnericant the masctssand polisihes the taets
Pui grace atid skill. (Continiued on Page 4i) SMedical Society at San Francisco. surfaces of the halways.


Leonard D. Ward, who was a sopho-
more tiers last year in the literary
department, died last Friday morninhg
at his home i4 Detroit. Ward had
been ill for over a msonth with a com-
plicatious of typhoid fever anid heart
trouble. He was buried Wednesday
morning at 1:00 o'clock. Ward was
21 years of age.

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