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July 24, 1915 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-24

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YPIAGRGZI-,,W LVES' G ME AT NE T he Farmers & Mechanics Bank1 The Exqisie Corset Shop
G l(C~ontinued from Page 1) ORLEAINSSPIIN'IeLErOFFC s sI- S Nekwear, Hosiery, Underwear and Waists
OR E N P IK E F Forvact atio fods, our Travlrs, PHONE 162

beau rontributed a slip, aod Eaton _ 0 -
made two wild throws, a total of eight By "Dope" toe Kane once, instead of raioing false hopeo
root* s rinoootiog before the damage wsaj New Orleans, La., Joly 22-The first by letting him otay on willh the Wolves.
do. lrlyer retiredi in favor ofj exhibition game of the Wolverines waeslHe wao invited to accompaoy the Ann
Phlelps in this round, hot the later rained off htere today, at it oprinkled Arbor party as a guleot, hot left to-
lacked sontrol, and Nieman pitched fretfully for ten nminoteo just after ight for isis old home in Georgia.
the fiat roumd. Ibreakfast. The only other incident of ramp life
Michigan failed to count in the first As the raionosade it impossible to oot of the ordinary was the afrrival ol
01 the n inthl, and took the fieltd with play a regular game, Marsh seot his "Don" Stark, Frank McHale, andl
a sssargiss of fosir runs. Niessans hit mnt through long practice sessions. "Morry" Morrisoss, three well knowis
silissos to start it, bsst struck oct sine Thse day was featured by the appear- Wolf rooters from Anns Arbsor, who
of tse tilirers. Assothser Oliver walk- snre of "Ty" Cobb, a famsous old vet- drove thsrosughint their 1925 Walk-over,
edi, anid a battery said fieldinig error Brass of thse Aisericans League, an or- to watch the boys winthieir first gamse.
let intswto suits, but Niemans whiffed gansizatiosswhsichs held the spotlighst They left this afternsoons for Tamspa,
flutati for thse thsird ot, assdlthse gasme with tise Nationial organsizatiuonsits the Fla., ts see tuomsorrow's ganse.
wsa safe. days betweens the Peloponsesiansansd Thse Wolves will spend thseiight
Ypsilatiswill play a retusrn game Federal leagues. hsere, nmakinsg the julep to Tasmpa in
ott Perry field stoat Friday afte'rnoont. Cobb attenmpted to stage a comseback, thse msornsing. Churchs has tsot yet re-
toas Mtelell 01Ols Noisslsisanasd while his effort Isad Itse friendly ported, followinig his disappearassce its
forsser Michigast baseball captain, ansd msoral suspport of the entire party of a Mexicats airship at Galvestots Wed-
Armistrontg, hs' Norisal catilser, is the Wolves, the exhibitiotn of the old star Iseosday, asidte nianager is becomntg
"hones" who rantsh0e'hsurdlets for the was pitiful, and Manager Marsh broke' slightly worried, but expects tto vet-
Varsity Iso years ago. the nsews to him tonight, feeling that erats to be sitshand for tto Tampa
Sctore':_-". it would he helter to let hits go at battle.

Chocks can't be boot. Payable
aoywhoro. Ask us.30 S. Main Street

llicligt nAIIl-Strs
All It 1-1 0 A
Rices.......4 2 20 3
Aretntz, c'...4 2 2 6 2
McMullens, If... 1 0t 0 0 0
Btaribeasi, 2 ...4 1v 1 5 4
Niemns, it, pIt ... 2 2 1 0
McFarlandi, lb .. 4 2 2 10) 0
Robinisois, r ...4 1 2 0t 0
Sthutz , it .... 21 () 01 11
Betnton, It', c . 2 2 2 32I0
Ealtn, 3.... 1 1 2 1 01
Blrilmiyer, p ...4 2121I0 1
Plpt's, p .......1 0 0 0 0
Totals .....40 14 10 27 11
Ypsilantti Nocmals
Fraser, ns.....4 12 1 1)0
Atrmsstr'ong, c... 4 0 1 5 2
C. (liheir, c .. 1 0 I0 t0
Luisip,s ..........35 2 1 3 4
l-.itan, If .... 52 0 1 0)
Dloyle, 32.....5 1 1 0 0
McCar, r. p... 5 1 1 511
ilpeicet, 2... 1 1 1)0 3 3
Wiilsoni, 2..... 0 t1 001)
ftytsarstsn, lb .... 3 0 7 0
I. Oliver, lts...2 1 1 0 0
WV. fliver, p, r.. 5 2 0 1 0


'Brute" Poistius, faissous Michligans
tackle anti baseball captain, who
msade C'amsp's All-Amsericats its 1914,
iis last year, assnounced yesterdlay
that lie had acceptesdats offer to again
coach the Unsiversity; of Tenniessee
'osts psipil tOssedtout tto test
feast Tlenniesste ever sadi hisiisfirst
attemspt at coachisng. last fall. Hlis
teanm woss every gausesitd the south-
ecii title, fo'rtto first tus its history.
Potitius' mntdsefeated Vandlerbilt the
first tint'meisennessee ever iturtned the
tick, whippetd Sewantee for the first
time sister 19014, atnd defeatedl Alabamaos
for the first tinse ssie 1902.
F~amnotusiBaritonte, XWith 'Hiss Stibi
and Mr. Ills oore, 15to Furnishs
M~r. Edwardi J. McNanara, swho
totiredthelst country with Misse. Schut-

Totals......34 12 60272014
Innings ...123456789-Rt
Ypsilanti ..000 10t0 1802-12
Hoimse rists-Benton. Three base
hits-McFarlanid, tice. Two base hits
-Frazr,'Guip. Stolens bases-Rice,

Niessass,Robisson, ~Arisooug, Ituta iismann-Heink the early part of thse past
IBits off Birilmsyer, 0 its 7 1-3 inings seaston, andi who has beein taking
off Phetlps, 0 its 2-3 insisnsss; off Nie work its the school of miusic for thtt
nian, 0 its intiing; tiff tliver, 11 in past hew msoths, will be the leadimig
ininmms; off McCear 51in 2 innuings. artist ott the programt of thse comapli-
Struck otOby Brilmsye,5; by Phelps, neitary conitert to he givemsutider tto
2;by Niemiani 2; by Olliver, 8. First auspices of the schsool of muusic in Hill
base ott halls-off Brilmsyer, 4; off auditorismtext Wednesday isighit. Mr.
Niemnm, 2; off Oliver 2. Passed balls Earle Mttore, head of the orgast depart-
-Bentons 7, Arestz t, Arnmstrong 1.sment smith Miss Mactots Struble, forts-
First base ott errors-Ypsilanti 7, erly head of tto violin departmsent of
Michsigant . heft on bases-Ypsilanti the Hillsdale conservatory of omusic,
7, Michsigaun 2. Umpire-Belt. wilt also take part its the program.,
'Those in charge of the cosscerts promo-
REG ENT'S 'TRIANSAC"T ise that next week's entertainmoent will
VARIOI'S Bt'SINESS tie te siost interestintg amid ussusual
of any that sate beets given so far this
(tontinused front Page 1) summner.
-- Mr. McNansara was discovered its
the varioms colleges are as follow's:PaesnN.Jsammbrote
Literary college, 27; graduate schooltaessN . samsie fOt
police departmsemnt, by Mnme. Schusmsann-
15; lawe schiool, 3. Librarians Theo- Heink several years ago, asid it was
dore Kochs was givems eave of absence lagytirtsth imfuseofle
or ttoseaetticyea of190-190.fatmous soprasno thsat tie canto to Ants
The regeists also authorized that time
in mbamin, wichhasbee 'Arhbor to com-plete his musical educa-
conused iten esmmewhisesnbetsLion. He is saitd to poosess ass excep-
sisttinited fur tte next five years. tiossalty heautiful baritone voice, of
____ _______ velvety, siellow quality, wvhichs ieI
PROFSSO ADAS WLL LAE htandles withs good taste.
SHORTLY FOR WORIK-IN (HUNA M.Mo rced-sreetl io
oe-with te title of "usiversity or-
ganist" by the hoard of regensis will
Prof. I-. C. Adanms, hio head of the render several organ selectiomis. Miss
ecoomnics departmsent, with oath for Struble hsas a ppearedl at former suit-
China July 29 to complete thse butldinsg 'titer concerts, amid hiss met with sit
of a railroad of whtichs tohe iss hadI appreciative receptionmisui every ores-
charge for tto pasO year. 1Stout. Siteuill constribute a mumber
Prof. Adants, before litoeaves for I~crlsls
Chinia, oct11miakte a trip to L~os Asigeles,!
Californita, where lie will cossfer w.:
Prof. Davtd Friday, also of tto N. F. ALLtEN'S RfED l) 5 L ',~ItNt
ecomnomics department, regardimig the Slits~
appraisal of a franchise coticernintg Noseot--t-All Cliothting at greatly re-
000 of hio Southerni Californsia rail- disced prices. N. F. At,Lh'2N CtO. As
roads. rstir stew lcationt, 210 So. Mtains S0. 01

Ymie aid )tietsig-saOly Universities
Offering (Corses iThItis
Professor 0. L. Meader, of the Ltist
decpartmenti, whit is givimg otto of the
two courses offered ini phoseis in
Amitricant universities, is writing a
hoo tntphoneics.
Accordinig toiMartistFeiistein, in-
structor ini rhetoric, who is doiig re-
searchs sork its phionetics, the study of
this stibject is not as widely kioswn as
it should be amng te stdseslssi
lansguages. "Phonsetics," said Mr.
Feitstei yeserdasy "is a studyosithio
sounsa ndt si syllables of speech aid
readily enables the sudent of a for-
eignslanugage ts pick up the pr-
sussciatioss of that lamgage properly
''his shosld le sdoieefore te gramt-
muse si the lagage is studied suit
the stusent who tries this method is
assuredofsOa perfect stccent."
Archie Hah, firmser Micigais tracko
star who hld hio local sprimntimg
usarks untsil hiocays of tRalpt Craig,
swill esoachs the Brouwnunuiverstytrack
teamn ext year.
Hahimsgoes tottoetrovidemnse insti-
tutiomn from Whitmnscolluege, its Wash-
iingtonu, where lie hiss toot cochimg
stce leavimng Michigami, His place at
Whitnan wilt be takess by Vinseems
Borleskee, one of hus pupils, amd a
brother of Stamnley Boreske, Michigani
football player who conpeted his
gridiroms career in 910.
Hhsm's sprimntingmstarks stood n heOi
Westerns comferessce unttl last year.
Nosyout-Alt Clothing at greaty ci'
dusted prices. N. F. ALEN 00). At
ousr ew los-satos, 211 So. Mai St. f
--Open dnnimgsloppig iotrs
-Sorticesa Is carte
-Special Noonday Lucheoni
-remnchiIce Crams tpre)
--Icecreams amd Ices deliver-
ed- packed.
-Music ott Saturdays
-Special dinners anti bat-
cloets by appoinmnt
-Seconid Floor Anntex



for your profit-drank
Efverysparlihng glassof ithbriful of vigor.,
enjotymnt and downcight goodnes
Delmcous -Refreshinli r'
Thistm-Quenching A ___
Whenr ccAtlanti,0.
y00 see 5a
Arrow tink,,
of Coca--Cola 5-0

a "
Hove a real vacation on the Great Lakes, the most enjoyable and
economicat outing in America. The coot lake breezes, the ever-chau.s -
tog scenes along the shore and the luxurious steamers eoperated by thie
Company are positive guarantees that you will enjoy every minute of
the trip, and return home refreshed and glad you went.
Daily service betwemnDetroitasd Cevelandad DtrotsdBuffao. From Jose 14th
to September 14th Steamers Cityof Detoittllland Cityf Cleveland IIIthe Twro Gits'
of the Great Lobes, serate datly srvietn the Buffats Division; you cos't afford to
miss the pleasore of aside on these floatingsmalaces. FOUR TRIPS WEEKLY fran
Toledo asd Detroit to MackinaoxIslad asd Way Ports. Mackinac Islssd, the Historic
Soumer Resort of the North Coutry,ishecomisn ore popular everyoseaons with the
Tourists seehisgquietnems sod repose. Escellent Hotersand Boarding Hooseaccom-
modatiosot remasohabe rins. TWO TRIPS WEEKLY BY SPECIAL STEAMER.
Cleveldtod Macia sloasdsostopos routrmcerttDtroitmd Alpen. DELIGHT-
FUL DAY TRIPS hetmeres Detroitosnd Cleveland, during July sod August Pour trips
wreekly. DAILY SERVICE Juse 14th to SseeeriOthhbetweensToledoasd Pt-in-By.
StemershetoeensDetroitosnd Buffalo orDetmoit and Cleveland riffler direction.
Seto cnsoitampfor illustrated pamphlet and Gret Loke Map.Addess L. G. ,Lews,
G. P. ,4., Deriti,Micb. Set ofpstertampstmailed for five cents.
Philip H. McMilan, Pres. A, A, Scaosrie.'u Pres. & Gen]. Mge.
Allseamsets arrivead depart, ThirstAvenue Whorf. Detroit.


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This is the opinion of
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We have a stoe line of
Tmdshnscto trunktts a n d
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see thsems befosre you go
west tlhis summtaer.'
Imidesthusmelo truniks are
abusoltely gsmarammh ed far
five years, no matier hose

Summer Furnishinj
for Men
Ruele, Conlin & Fiegel



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