Vol. VI.
ANN AlTIlOi, lll('I1iGAN, 'IlLODAY, JULY 20, 1015
No. 1 2
MEDICS WIN 1WO "Women of New Orleans' 400 IIID I~NT
al tIItItEnthused Over Lady Boxers! UUIIIUEINEUERLI
0' T E'rRLE D Stniuio, adgntee:te rn elt tie pie rig. TheSMarqui DIES LAST NIGCOT
- -4:00 0 toro-k ''lionMay a (onmo 0010 i] 111 o h eelg oi]t 0 ----1oyroe 'r'('d,1
I I it ~~~~~~ ~~~~li ht10111f1'4( rounds1(or more h-:ntoe rounds '001 w1i0h11o ((e111 in' tree' ~ 'ki ie'iis 41SI(C
Doctors' JDefeat of Engineers ad asMeo lsien, Wrtmtiebiinfter- ~ PIIO~ih
<o hn n'i ~'Wiel ir ('1, 1ind1 'Mrs. Emma (lodman, o, miss Otetoootdfoght (a rushng, ~ o
city (101 f Schoo.l((1t" ofil Mu01stlic.101 '10(1 1110{. 0(11 1111 1(151(1 (ls
* League Standing
W L "T P'(t0
o Mbedics ..... 2 (0 1 1..00110
* Lits....... 2 0) '1 1.000)1
* Engineers ...1 2 0 .333t~
*Laws ...... 0 3 0 .000 0
o 'Wednesday's '(ame
* Law-Eoig. at 4:15.
By~ Hap 'hureb-c
W(inning both ends1 of a doub(lel 1(111
froot tile Lawo a1(1 Enogineers, tile
Medics wenlt intol a tie for firot place
witil tile Lits in the Vacation league
Saturday. Thle tDoctors stage(d 0 iheavy
ihittinlg (orgy againlst tile leade(rless Eln-
ginleers in tile opeoer, slaulgtering
tile blridge builders bly a scolre of 17
to 1, the game finially being 'alledi with
bat 0010 11101 out 10 till first hllf of
the fiftih rouand~, to al1low the taginlg
of ihe se'condl conlte'st, whicih tile Laws
dropped by a 3 to 0 ocore ill tile best
fought game of the se0000.
Athoagh the Laws an~d En~ginleers
elashl Wednesday, wihatever the resolt,
the relative stan~ding (It the teom will
(lot be chian~ged. On Saturday, however,
whenI the Lits ((lot file 01e(111 and(
' Enginleers in a1 dole~~ bill, thes will
((or (If the Medic-lit contest wilt 1(11
disputedly bold thle top rang.
The Medics showed no mlercy ill-
wards Eaton, whlo pitcbhed for thle En-
gineers Saturday, toucehin~g hill op
for four runs5 tn tile first thlree inn~ingsO.
Phlps pitched tile forrth c'hapiteor, a1(1d
aithloagh he fanned thtree' (1111, 0 sin-
gle, wild pitchl, walk 0(1( error bly
Blaker gave tile Doctors two1 moreI
Phelps injuredI his leg, an~d 1E01111
11a1 to agatini take' upI thll hur~lling burl-
den ill tile fifth. Ilie was onlly able to1
vers, wiho lammedl~ it t0 till subu~rb~s
flor e n h0I' its 0111 eleveo ('(n11, 'fill
eross c'ountr'y wo~rk( Iligh~t 1(1(v1 'o(1-
agr('leeet vwhieh (((0(1 it neclessary to
call thle gamel and allow 11(e laws to1
lry and( tbreak illo till will clumn~l((.
Dar'ibleau pitc'hed~ great; 1(011 against
four single's and1 1(1(1 runl, w11ic1 (11111
as th' (551111. of twIo wallis followed b(y
Ga~ry's dlglI', lat till start (If an in-
ning11. Score:
(lectre'room, Phy0sics tlbtl1orIy.
8:0-11ocloc ''"1(1(1' Sociatl111111Al0-
Ilodc Aspe('('s(If tDiseases. of 1411
Nervous Systems,"'P rof.('. 1. C'anip1,I
'1\'(sI lecturel' r(oo11, 'hysic's lasbora-
5:010 'elock ''topper 01111in0irhl-
igall," (illustrated wIithl 1wotion11pi11-
10(o(1, llysics laholatory.
7:311 o'clock--Visitors' 1(ig111at1the
Observatory. Allmissio(n 11yticket
wo111d,1Wpinist.,andst'al'edr t Illt(Il-
oitl, bar(tolle. IiH 1. iorilatto'
\VIsP1:lectu"01roomP hialhlabora-
s11 ilnltr(1(le ai' -ift seems, i il llt (If till'sulpe'rior' tllxin~g 11(d1foolt wor1k (If
l 0. h I'll 0 from NewOrl llros .ilss 'Dile dturin~g thll'((ost ofthe(1
lane ' '((1" (0110'for tile cI'iillonlsdiI tDonald'so defenoe, 01111(a snap1py10right
ofI til'ee1(o1(1. (0 till 5,15 brow-hit scre'(amls(Iflie-
hiss .Ad111I line,01flRosoier Parish,1 ill 1(110e00s110y'from till'pctaitors.
I., IlutloinltedIIMils'(Mary liri~onld file sta11f ofBabou011'gymnasium1111
oIf 10011 (211'' (1 couty. Miss., i h oi ve''l ,01ly1r'('fu(sell 111disculss tile1(10t
5111 l llivI'('if, ald >soci(ty(((Sm'S ill -,Vs orls 1hicaol, ((1(1 Detroit papersl'
(ill'00 11111101111IIIf heotil'0111'111rn1110(1- ''onc('alig 1110 fighlt. Juinltg from
ttlIl. (1(the ffttide 1of t'eOlirhigan author-
114t)1II I' ilahn '.1OI1W 041A11)nI'
ee . A'r'.'101 o rnlinlll'l61O4i, hodwat
beeI'llsulfferinlg for 11 ve'ry'sholrt timel
it (Illia osa11((1' (15111 r1111tolAnn Arbor
whlere till'0111ul e'iv'e helter treat-
menltt. il'becamoe raplily sorse, 1111(
11 ilegramllsemt to is 1 parenlts in
HeI'1(a1s1aI member'l'of Sigma Alphla
E<psilon fraternity thloughl nIIotifiliatedI
years (If ilfI' (ld 1(1(11atten~ded 1111
Thal(t he1'111(0ilil01111 in1Aim Arb~or
110y 11 surgeon(i fotlrmledl Earl Stootz,
'1(11, of 11 case (If pneu'mlonia ill tse
hosp51i11tal at weold ill of inlterest. It
10110upoln Staatz' visit (11(1t(1hiillss
10110 iril' ilgenerally' known'l. is death
(c(111(1s a1(0.surrise'a1((1shoc1k t is1
'1( IIN lFll ()IVES IN'I'ES'1'IN(A'
MIichiiians Still'Track ('optim
Second in the 220t
(penling matcl h1IIllg'lllic('3 IPe-
feated Macombe'r After 'Ihree
C'losely (ontest~ed Sets
BYlilp (hurch
ll' "Smithi, (captain (If th'Varsity
('('11110~rac team,11 re, 11111 111'111111'o(1(0J'1(1
(('1111Rev,1loyd1( tlloug 11111111fttll'
tilgli-ioil ii church,11111'd11 tlls II ('III
0111(n'(1g. 1 sigis 'tlll l'aistle toe
~(((( tings b1111flat til
last inle' nt 1111id11Mr.11oulas( irec
ir ultlwor tel o net1 erenie
sai Mr'. Douglas1.1 "PointlessI leflt,
idps ons.gothoug te10'iesa
I'l st '(Ic i 111 (11 (1 1 0 5(1 1n 111is a(11
vontllipe~i i (1:1i0is m1o' -,(1('1115
we1 ntl n u iil(.sol
I ! lno 01lo o '1 '1111($ Ii l'-:l (i 1(0S
Alt1th'e1'C'ntrlliA. A. 1'. Ichampionl-
feated SlmithiinIlltille(ce nry' ldisnc',
1111 fulrlonlg. Saturdayo Smith 1wa(s out
for blood, 1(111 &4(fI11011LoomI~is at tile
(If till'(lay'. '('ie'eff'ct s ofthe til'sruggle
aishowedlithem'seilves 11 inte 220.,1in which1
('0111t,0Loomis, failed es'eii to plaie,-
1111' 1 '11li i l i s ll 1 l('l 11(011 t' lrs
((eeltlng, 5whe'n i(Loom5 isdd11 4-5, and~
Snliih steppedl'i (le furlong ill 225flat.
s0 a1rI-suit (If his shoing~le, Smithl
wsill, oft course0l, 111e0a1(memb ter litthe
ait tih' 8011 FranclliscoIIfair. tHe will
presentillich01 ill' 1111eamlltoco'mIlltei
1111o will represen'tlithe1'L,110Angeles
A. A. 8111ih ccarrie's till' C. A. A.
Next to till'spinltin~g bailtles, the
weigtteIventis were' lie hardestfioghit
contest's1. Mocks. till' Wisc~losigiantl1
51111h1111110tle Western I 'llferenl(e
recrd~ls,Owas ldefettedl illthe shtbiy
''albot; of 11 anilsas ('ity. 'Talbot lt so10(
won11 (le hommer throw, but Morks
e0011 fallidl to1place in tis eve'nt.
Nohler, :formler' iMichigan (captain, 1t0ok
secondt~, 1(1(1 Benson1 thirdi. Mocks 1w(11
tile disras ithrow, with Bachmlan, of
Notre Damne, sec-ondl, aiioloftlhirdl.'
P'relimnarolies in theitie IIlils ilorlia- I '1 l ONE "IiShRIlt' ION DON"
wienti started Satorday when J. t'. otgreydfaeC.EMaobrII t' tiIemnsfOl(iyad
iti 0 hardl-foulghtilmitchi, ithree sets ill- Discusses Natural IBeauty
if lleressalry foll' (le decision.llo01(1(11of 'Thames
gomeryl'took(t(It itone1(11etsily by a ---
6- 2 tally, 1111but(laid lownlinllthe econdb Prli'lofesorl 'EdwavrdIt . Tfurner,(It tile
set, lIoilg iby a 4-6 sco~re. Bolthl men(1English hlist~loyIldepartmen('lt, gave is
(11(e11 1u11 ai7-5vlitory'. till'(We st '11ysicsled(Ire ('001(.
Oue or Iwo oilier scorshave been .'(sisted by beautislf ide11115fl[j10(-
untilthe lpllayers roncrerned have 'spaid1 111' part tht.ias 10n(ow beryl(outgrown
Iheir enitrancert fee. P'laye'rs will save bhetil'greclt'ity btit slililllillO itill'h
will pa thisse0>b(111' playling their ''WMille \Vestmhius'erAbbey is 10-
gltisI' withithir((Ite (lephionel'lnumbers'l'. 101old that iew myself, still it is easily
1Ea1il eIllratsold tiliget:Iin touch with liii'grandeslt 11(11d11(01tlill'l' it ofthe
his o~pplloent 1(1111arcill.g'for till'ipre- 111ldilehu'rches0of 1Ellgillld, being built
'I'. 13. Mcrltartini, 18, vs. '. Walker, tirlls its slid grandeul'lr 011(1impre'sses
:143; C. '(, tOfut,12, es.1'. 01. iteeves,e('n0111 otillb101 as~e tourist Iitolre-
:01 : L. isAlexander, 120, vs. It. Butller, eetionl(on(iithii s toric' day0s.''
343; K. 1. Oielmeyer, 1101, vs. r,.1G. SWhilelld'scribinlg S.lilail's ca1th~ed-
Hlbert, 1151 1;0W. 1'. Blaliiiger, 1228, ral 'P'of. '('ruer calilid attention to
vs. 1'. Drury, 121; 1'. Mark, 1196, vs. (he rI'OellillrcI'ofIthti behautiful
A1. J. Stoddard,15:-2; W. it. Mende, pi'eiofleniuslo Ithe1(old(si (lrlll'iI'5of
:33, vs. E. L,. Meyerl1. 80(-Si; A. it. Stiles, i3ot~oul n1((11othrli el'1rnl ('11e1 of ouir
188, vs. I. I3. tlark, 1449-01; A. 1Ran1- own co-Iluntry.
All. it. If.
Ibarillelti p5...
- T. RobeltoI . 1
B~rockman " .... 1 0
Scholtz, c .... 3 3 2
C'rosby, ii .... . 3 1 1
S. Rlobtio , '1 . '12 2
Laight, 2 ..... 3 2 1
Camllpbels ....i 1,
01 2 10
o1 0 1)
00 11 0
110 I
40 1
0 01 0
1t 0
(1011, :188, vs. 1'. 'ieldso, 371; tL. tO.
c'lowves, 1198-J,vso. 1). 2. Wilbelmi,
1144-J;. E. Stebinds, 144, vs. J . J
Po~wells, 1145-J; L. Berry, 9011 vs. F'
Wvidemlanl, 35;01. K. 2J1(1d, 10122, vs.
N. it. tBaker, 13228.
A placard withi the tournament
srchedlie in bothiinlges aidod llobles
will bh oplsted soon11th11Fercy Field,
wvhere all gamues are tto it playedi.
Soores 0(11(0110 telephonledito (lie Wol-
oeriiie ((thce earci eveninig at 7:10
* 1lanager's 'Notice
0 Au asssentllolhIf $3.00 a team
ahas 1(1e1n10(1viedly thI>maalge'
o 111001ol th111'VacationIleaoguel. It
* is payablie at lieunext game10of
eearam(0(. It is to cover (lie
e Ixpenslesofs tball boys, 0(10
t hree' balls fo~r each 100(1.
''otls. . 27 17 11 12
$: ; :k
I('ontiuedonl111page 4) i''e'''' '' w.
Friday afternoon: Annual Summer School Engagement of
"Taming of the Shrew" Seat Sale at Wahr's
State St. Store, opens
Friday evening:ModyJuy1,a4
"Masks and Faces"ModyJuy1,a4
Saturday afternoon: G R E TsS P.M ReervedSeats
'She Stoops to Conquer' 75cts. ANRducedTrat
Saturday evening.: Woodland Players of $2.50 for the Four
"A Midsummer Night's CMU HAR JULY 23, 24 Performances.
Dream" CMU HAR