PRICE 50c T I~ 1 TI T 2 U 1 1 THE ONLY OFFICIAL OF THE SMMINER SUMMER NEWSPAPER Vol. VI. ANN AlTIlOi, lll('I1iGAN, 'IlLODAY, JULY 20, 1015 No. 1 2 MEDICS WIN 1WO "Women of New Orleans' 400 IIID I~NT al tIItItEnthused Over Lady Boxers! UUIIIUEINEUERLI 0' T E'rRLE D Stniuio, adgntee:te rn elt tie pie rig. TheSMarqui DIES LAST NIGCOT - -4:00 0 toro-k ''lionMay a (onmo 0010 i] 111 o h eelg oi]t 0 ----1oyroe 'r'('d,1 I I it ~~~~~~ ~~~~li ht10111f1'4( rounds1(or more h-:ntoe rounds '001 w1i0h11o ((e111 in' tree' ~ 'ki ie'iis 41SI(C Doctors' JDefeat of Engineers ad asMeo lsien, Wrtmtiebiinfter- ~ PIIO~ih soci(ty(((Sm'S ill -,Vs orls 1hicaol, ((1(1 Detroit papersl' (ill'00 11111101111IIIf heotil'0111'111rn1110(1- ''onc('alig 1110 fighlt. Juinltg from ttlIl. (1(the ffttide 1of t'eOlirhigan author- 114t)1II I' ilahn '.1OI1W 041A11)nI' ee . A'r'.'101 o rnlinlll'l61O4i, hodwat beeI'llsulfferinlg for 11 ve'ry'sholrt timel it (Illia osa11((1' (15111 r1111tolAnn Arbor whlere till'0111ul e'iv'e helter treat- menltt. il'becamoe raplily sorse, 1111( 11 ilegramllsemt to is 1 parenlts in HeI'1(a1s1aI member'l'of Sigma Alphla Eb(111' playling their ''WMille \Vestmhius'erAbbey is 10- gltisI' withithir((Ite (lephionel'lnumbers'l'. 101old that iew myself, still it is easily 1Ea1il eIllratsold tiliget:Iin touch with liii'grandeslt 11(11d11(01tlill'l' it ofthe his o~pplloent 1(1111arcill.g'for till'ipre- 111ldilehu'rches0of 1Ellgillld, being built 'I'. 13. Mcrltartini, 18, vs. '. Walker, tirlls its slid grandeul'lr 011(1impre'sses :143; C. '(, tOfut,12, es.1'. 01. iteeves,e('n0111 otillb101 as~e tourist Iitolre- :01 : L. isAlexander, 120, vs. It. Butller, eetionl(on(iithii s toric' day0s.'' 343; K. 1. Oielmeyer, 1101, vs. r,.1G. SWhilelld'scribinlg S.lilail's ca1th~ed- Hlbert, 1151 1;0W. 1'. Blaliiiger, 1228, ral 'P'of. '('ruer calilid attention to vs. 1'. Drury, 121; 1'. Mark, 1196, vs. (he rI'OellillrcI'ofIthti behautiful A1. J. Stoddard,15:-2; W. it. Mende, pi'eiofleniuslo Ithe1(old(si (lrlll'iI'5of :33, vs. E. L,. Meyerl1. 80(-Si; A. it. Stiles, i3ot~oul n1((11othrli el'1rnl ('11e1 of ouir 188, vs. I. I3. tlark, 1449-01; A. 1Ran1- own co-Iluntry. All. it. If. Ibarillelti p5... - T. RobeltoI . 1 B~rockman " .... 1 0 Scholtz, c .... 3 3 2 C'rosby, ii .... . 3 1 1 S. Rlobtio , '1 . '12 2 Laight, 2 ..... 3 2 1 Camllpbels ....i 1, 01 2 10 o1 0 1) 00 11 0 z21 110 I 40 1 0 01 0 1t 0 020 (1011, :188, vs. 1'. 'ieldso, 371; tL. tO. c'lowves, 1198-J,vso. 1). 2. Wilbelmi, 1144-J;. E. Stebinds, 144, vs. J . J Po~wells, 1145-J; L. Berry, 9011 vs. F' Wvidemlanl, 35;01. K. 2J1(1d, 10122, vs. N. it. tBaker, 13228. A placard withi the tournament srchedlie in bothiinlges aidod llobles will bh oplsted soon11th11Fercy Field, wvhere all gamues are tto it playedi. Soores 0(11(0110 telephonledito (lie Wol- oeriiie ((thce earci eveninig at 7:10 ocloril, * 1lanager's 'Notice 0 Au asssentllolhIf $3.00 a team ahas 1(1e1n10(1viedly thI>maalge' o 111001ol th111'VacationIleaoguel. It * is payablie at lieunext game10of eearam(0(. It is to cover (lie e Ixpenslesofs tball boys, 0(10 t hree' balls fo~r each 100(1. : . : : ''otls. . 27 17 11 12 $: ; :k I('ontiuedonl111page 4) i''e'''' '' w. Friday afternoon: Annual Summer School Engagement of "Taming of the Shrew" Seat Sale at Wahr's State St. Store, opens Friday evening:ModyJuy1,a4 "Masks and Faces"ModyJuy1,a4 Saturday afternoon: G R E TsS P.M ReervedSeats 'She Stoops to Conquer' 75cts. ANRducedTrat Saturday evening.: Woodland Players of $2.50 for the Four "A Midsummer Night's CMU HAR JULY 23, 24 Performances. Dream" CMU HAR