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August 05, 1913 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-05

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T Ft E W 0 L V E R I N E

XWE 7 2;3& Y HAN 11 TO - "lEF _N F ItY FIEL
C. I.1(11I1D --I
Phone 15301 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. 9E~lll- ! 1)ll. 1111,llr-'
tDRY AND STEAM CLEANING t5tIl-~oslteV l 'sa rto
Iaar orinoesill 4('dsow's
THIS WAYH yo-~ Sumamoer Students-Come around for a LUNCH thag.(tacos'.
that is a LUNCH
NC9'T ' Corner ot Monroe W ith a deet at the itatds of th(
Cand Thayer Sts. , \psilat Nortalttiam(a iiatrday to a-
A ful lne o ttge, the alt crst teanm picked
Tobacco andt. V -,e tes. 11igh Grade Confections and Fruit.frmtecpulagwillyth
Norttalies agains totttrrow. 'rhe use
of tlb Vasiitt iamtotd o Ferry field
SPECIAL SALE ON LETTER PAPER AND TABLETS ites been tgrantett by ttte Athttice at-1
We carry All Sizos Loose Leaf Paper sociationtstt at oowers of bothitleas
3ff . SATE T. RVIN F.SCEIEED itedictoat intetrestittgcetttest.
340S.STAE T. ~dfNGF.SC~ EDE No admlissioit wiltlitte chargett bat ttte
' m~nti t t ex tpects to tdefray ex-
less by ttte sate, for the oceasions,
A ENU PH RMA Y of lutridiy ecoloredl, "hsyott Ypsi" tags.
UNI ERSTY VEN E P ARM CY tlarge delegatiotn of Ypsilatiwme
GOUL DING & WiifIKEL is expected, mutchitoerest havisg beets
at~~ disptlayed by tile normtatlsechool fatns
Drgs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationery. Agency Manti's (on-Leakable Pin intshe othser gattte. The summter terse
of tierYpiliati intstitutiott closes
Thutrsday andtiis ll iibe the hast
DETR ITTOLElOopportattity oathcisclocal aggregaition
PORT HURON. to retrieve thtetdefetichalkoed against
BU FFATOea , ERICH 11 f l ~nn.tem il sVset

FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor
Open Every ayEcp Sunday
9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. H.
For Ladies and Gentlemen
Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only
The Pool is Fed With Cool
Spring Water'

I NIAGA A . eAL _N----
.Spndyorvacation o lbe Grsat Lakea, the moot eeonomical and enjoyable sating is
Where You Can Go ti ttter to wat point yos mast to go, uto.o C
Where ou an Lin Steamers opera istoall ipratprs
Catty svcebeweenDeCoit and Bueflo, May lot to Novembelst. Cite of
Deitrit IacdCity ofCleveland 1litwoleasthbelaget tsidomwheel teamtrssinthe wosld,
o this divisiotaco 10th to Sptembor latb. DColyric te betmoen Detroit sod
Cleveland April 15th to Deeber tost. Caring JulyandAugastmtw boatosalsi
Detroit and Ceveland eeySaturdarasd Sunday night.
Foss trips weebly btetsenToledo, Cetroit, Mackbacoss laod aod may ports. Teo
Dar Stopoveoratiswed at Alpena ether drectionon sorist tickets oithout additiosal
cst. Caity stevie betweTolsida, Clevan asd Psti-o-ay.
Special Steamer Cleeland to Minacbt eItsad, two tripsmwekly, June 10th to
September lath soppigronasi at Detrsoit eery trip sn oderichl,Ot., every Moday
up-bouadaturtday don-bound.
Special Day Tris tween sDeoiad Ceveand, During Julyand August
Tusday, Wednesday, Thursday sod Saturday oat oflDCrsoit; Mtonday, Wednesday,
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAtLAOLttt-Tickets reading via any rail
line bewenser rtansd Buffalo and 5Detroi and Cleveland will be honored
etroit & Cleveland .
-Navgation Company

era n< isore amlts bit totunts the Ypsi- 1 725 SuhFfhAeu hn 9- ig
lottit sine ailtioa the strontt of 1its I Sut, Aeu
tpon~ents. IF. Sto. tsessthal, iot.ttger
of leehelmu et am ai to aiy, ''We
hope that the i i-ec t epl sill be Fuller & OCottnor Tailors. 610 it. Call IS for baggage checkred iroms
displayed ini toatorrowt's gtam~e andtetlseWilliatmsSt.tft. houtsetodetntittonl. tft.
ire si ipetttitsg enirelty ontihlsttag
lilais tefr~y te ex-etis r. tirst class shoe repiairtig. Sodert. For piomtui aad 1most satistactory
Th ct tontest cwittll eii 'it"ti3:15 I Shoe ttepatr Sisop. 611 E. WtillmSi. nor-k briig yorfilmts to H~oppe, phos-
oock It:.'Sieh eteu ofthe tstat has t f tseritpitrr, 610 E. Liberty St. tft
lot t u yet tttlannounced. Seteral poet- --
tiotti.'etsittt tioeus auntchelit'dpt-l EibrSi ifodalsye,~ Rtubter Sale, Oxfords, ott stylss, a
,t ithi0:a t tt ilibatdtr y-ouits at. ubrSl Ofrs l tls t a
-, t a ls'- ii daitrttya'sotest Camtpus Bootery. 208 5. State St. ti. Catus Pot oatery. 208 5. State St. tf.
thee lotaltieam, wastop0 iirit niutftte -____
sevit s tt' tt-tic wi n r' liy Any subhcriber; wishing hick copier
ervesof heineicswh wee bsyof ThesWovrinhe to comtptlete therir
iutiit~ttt tn Ouiutor Ouie files can tutai the same by calling at r
I te.'el its-il tt'it tie gttte o-the Press building durisig office boors., ut i6o 8 l usd
-- - _____- rooms in the Malcolm Block,
Suits cleaned anid pressed, 7Sf. Fat- many people say they are the
as~toi'c a iFtOi('AI. ChtLit(' ' Conr 61N ilimSt bf esin the city
iIst S& le'Conn"orNS619C 1.1William___St._______Especially filled for Doctors
________ or Dentists.
Chtarcoal (Grilled. Poi tsrhouse Steaks
ietl l ,Coy I 3",3MSBesie'Grl.13WEfonS, K rlhs givetnte chair of lasitan't.upstairs. Opp. Stterurban Station. tf.' J.K rlM alcolnm
ptrofessor oh bactetritology antdithysio- - - .. 604 E. LIBERTY
egita itchemtitrty its the Dletroit Cot- Call 15 for toxi. tf. $

- .: , _ -°- v

- Rubber Soled Foot
\_. i. wear for Men and
C ~t fs Women--
that i5 SATISFACTORYanod
-" RICHT IN PRICE will be found at
I have been headquarters for the past seven years for
this classoatfto twear.
(Iliqiahei7AS N/ epttt k ytp sjctitlit

gated for ((ore thantwta- years ccith
Prof. F. C. Nosy is inistrutttor in pihy-
siologialtchemtistiry and asasistant in
bate triolotgy istring tse oesumer see-
sion atnd assistant itthoths during she
iThe iDetrotit College of M\edicinte has
recetlsytebieen reorgattizedxtiftthto ltrge
enowmtttenct aninttsewcboartd of di-
retorrs. Proitessors hose beets en-
ged frome manty of the pritncittal
snicversities of the coutriy and thse
cworkt ofthle schlsillbecrotnduted
sittilarly so tse medicatl departsent
hsere. Prof. holy cciii begins cork is
Detroilthot thlt first ceekin Oe cto-

Victory C1
- 5 . o 4
ole -- tS y I
f'yih fipt1CuRtos t % (tI5
if 5',..a

"ForRit.-lFinet'large o'sorse tnear the
RaE ~ cas su itable ferectub, sororityl
TINKE & CO IIT E UIUI nv or fratrty. Whitn~ey Reality Co..
FURNISHERS an HATTERS to University Men Lunches and Sodas 21il tSt R honsse 1134J.
342 S. State St. 338 South State Street
HtalkcThse Wolvecriss adsvertisinsg
_____________________ _____________________columttns yor buinaess guide. Every
FOR5 advertiser apepainig thsera to deserv-
Uiversal Dry and Steanm Clean- Groceries and Meats itn, of your patroitage and cats bere
ing Works --_ Artistic Cleaners!CultV407. AiTRtI-oLs. n ra. tii ~n
T. E. WAHL, Mqr. LESLirops& nPrs,195c.,illamts 4. Fle
phone 877 1119 Packard St.A. L I~.,St., Prp. n30Forest Avsnse SutPrseIcansScFlr
phone 877 1119 Packard 8t. , Ann Arbor, Mich. &OCno,69E ila t f

v:u: :: w m
_ --

Starts Ser ches qe - 'g er ist

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