and feel the same nill be yonr
veecdictwhletn you Iry on a pair of
our new model shoes. Tisey' iave
\~ 3se all the style, all ihe modishness
that fashin d ~emas and lall lte
1cotufoetof old shoes as well. Weacr
t ii like icon, too, and retain theic j
\L c P shapeliness to the last. Take a
look at thoem.
Headquarters for
119 South Mfin Street
41 For a Delightful All Day Otutittg on th~e leautiful St. Clair Riverc
t' 2 ake the 'stame "'Tasl,,,s'asy mosnienge8:45, Sotnlays y',,s. lace
s eek-days, 75c Sndays; tor ToledolandIretur, steamer "ucwana'
leaeset otaily- 8:aoa.. ,rcturs,,so iDetrioit 7:15 P. tm.; face
--Sund~ays see; wneck ,daysi.$z.
?For oat Afternoon, Ride tostit. Clair Flats, 'Taehtnar'ak oselect
tttteas say pools take the "C~itysofTledo" ,at 2:3oc. tes
141 14 PROVE INI NG 1. 441" 4WLI\.A"('IIOSEN , NAM' h C9;f
Ppil itlls e ntrhiate' Wotrlh Aeth C21ee 01' 'kun''at i)Oii.l, iLace . lee
no ll
Itt l''t9 'ft'tft'tllTea tn-Wonrt ini
\ Ihontli defieated by Thai, 1-4, fbi'
cii l eami frotmthi sittinet school
fugue' w aid iiieer sy cediitable shout-
utmosiei,tiuathe fatitethai it ws
thlirstkee t111e1 the tmienihail 'lay ed
'lb foiiur t iiigiiatiefatal toorclan
summ1111et schioil(teali, totr'psi fidled
111 aittaof iisix 111110dulling that se'-
'cull, withhe('sitoireid iinierr'tis, as
otily 2. lutsiiii'r t iaetill'Artioldtinil
liii'4 innittgsthat.iihipfichedl. 'I louciy''
ing 3 of oiir 4tu-, '?tatng 3hiftsouoa
it flie illmes to biiii-id 4felnli'tl basis.
! .abadii " and l ils dcliitas a twirlem.
Iil, ft; a l Ii s ci tiluiig iswill, mcidlie
tfannedul2iofi 'the 1,men tatfacedlhimitinl
the' last;fising.
Thlu eIteatmi' iill miii u's ita stothie
blili' IWediniisiday iiattiooti, tii be
-played on'e arsty'difmttondi.
The I'siore
iscembilleid aboutat troaritgi"amii i r leI1iff,
last Wedcnecsduy night 'itiudeidsedl it- P. 1 ,,
ot a. a mne foer clie offi le s t , iiii liI i
laittchi. ".titlul '' " w s c seni bya t ,i aoiyo w oeso latrm c ii f >>c- I -li
heate'd discutssioti w( tebo'tasiocl"ln lil1, f; iII
tests aniiI aologiuts. 'eatchisii el i" , d- 1.1' ';7l,:
di i4> 41 IN MA NIL.
ha cut is-
oo dg;'ursi-
tIf I it'Ous ltand
k i ll y iii i l b s.t
Is : ,u tll I ' iniinil in
'ill Ye1aI, atnd wa's
ofi , fli i t'e Lass
Make training linac a pleasure by drinking c~
id yoiul lIcc °all ofthiewcT r ie tc boas.i Notiniilg to ciiii lit fatrcreal
cfeliitet ftii ai le sl etiitcessatidctianIliglit halais iseasmhmc
Delicious -Refreshing
Thirst,-Qu enchiang
Demandi the Gctine -
5-i se an ATLANTA, GA.
Arrci think
iii Coa-Coa. c
Fin Wtch Repairing
Eye Classes and Jewelry Repaired
Alarm- Clocks Conklin Fountain Pens
Telephone 534 308 South State Street
II e"SjY D rst ichgall
Complete Information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy,
Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-
ment and the Summer Session.
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper
Work, Lansdscape Design, Higher Commercial
Education, including Railway Administration
and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation
Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann
Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a
course for those preparing for the scientitic
administration of departments of sanitation
andi public health.
IFor C._ py of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or
Individual Information, address
Secretary University A NN A R B 0 R
If it Ca filll1
'sl 's tI t 1'110 4 1
klcsi' If . . .4 0 1 1 50 i0 I
faig ct fi '... . 0 9 1 1 0if 2
I'ubt dIe, i )..i4 70 I2 a :'
Smithlt .. ... 4 0i 2 7 if0 if I
Mcii liic... 4 0 i0i6 0 0 i0
!ae} zc,0 1 1 41 i0 i
Nayliti, trf .. 2 10a0 i ft 0 i00
1 ,l1ict ,if°, ', ic ... f 0 i0 S0 I i0 I
rnld, 1I, r.t . . . .3I 0ii 1 0 2 0 2
Nihol, it ...... 1 0 0ii 0f b if 0
,l1 4 8 24 ') 4110
Iititer ieiithat itcs btaiit-itritt slut
sholdcihi'reprsncteici intheft'satme.
ilatis ice beingpmadiieiforthei'clisft-
'ningiCereoi nly whiich tiil tike 'ltce
'Taelauttchisaicnitunttscially ltig
andilweltu built o001' titil its pur
chatsed to creplatce the ''Aexatndir
F.ores" which wasattoo small fo toe i
icreasingi' 1equtiretmetnts o01tliiamp
lii JUDSO 4N 4' IN(l .ANI
itt. Juscots C. i'intg andtti tifCtora
E-. 'Wfolff wecr'eitartiedi Saurtday nigt.
sentior intheiuc hotmeopa~thic' dep actment.,i
still leavei'oLostndtotton fetmb eriI.
wih s. itKiitgs.wheretg e still remti in
aftefen, i ie lspind ai clike per-
iodttftudy lli 'Btrliiit. uo. lt
icr.l and lii.m'ilai,I ilist ildiff 01
Atfrittctiiiheei'e, tillteitie lit tt-a
lii ilt tti serie iilltt he Coal o , Dis rii.
M 1411144 kN ci'O)Ih:ECO' CE 4IN'I'IR.
miateriaulizas in ttall Iprobability ty
itill, T'e .'ocmmopliianStdteni'st, lte
oficial organlt of te Corda-Fratusi i
ieciaiim o1 t'isooitanm clitbs,
wiill las"broutmgiof10ll1icisiginms etax
yer i A. 1 litter wss'ttc'eiveid rcetly
fromtt oids I'. Lolumec, tilt'maniagfing
sditoritf tueeptblicatin, bitrs gittit
seicftary tWilititiWtWltckh01fct
fiscal chapiteril, it wichethlie forer
signtifiedisfintntmitonmoh tranmserraieg;
te isbbiftion to tuftsiplacc trot ii-
ike Alihimgammiltapter sihtws 5ettoaghi'
clihiussm to gimatmuiciits futurei
A1 tuttbiecrof thueutmttbecs of fuii
C'ostmopholitan climb mace already manu-!
tfcstedcihcirin mtentioti of tryig.oumt
tot the' buisitness antitiforial stafis
if fh lit' anttge is tmaade.
t lilt BEA11101"F4'CAMP NEWIiS.
'1.IE. All.fWhteat, '14El, accisced ininnAtmu
tcrbor, Sundhay'mninmg ftr0m Paitip
Botgarutes, msumfecinmg fcotia asevere' a
tithe of tialacita. He htad ibecen ill,
foc shotsetidtaysutnd fidimng it itt-
possilei to itsprov e itt this humnidh at-
imosphee'ot time cam asit f otei'I ts
Jus, I-sitJloyo
i iu us .Ii . ltt
ms31 si l'
13. l k,''{tltu NAI
ti ttihitaccIa hutx-
hhfitfts' musoul. He-
'if r lit eclight-
'. ct.C. steamers~c
ihtslleuarhy evecy
taf ifIusiitottearhy
17ulIticets imonor-
stul ttu cenit stuamp
amd tiolde. Ad-
17sf cot, ilicit.
Iii hh,5!' .
also I sib
Call 75 foe b,c :sie cheked frottm
hsoseatto tiesdushlfon. tf.
hils1,11Xl 7htillE WAY.
Monnllgmi 44mmImI:e i-,lat Gloriouts
(tudi t-f, ?bf
Bautotll, s-s ...
I'ttxcciti, 1his .
ac is '511 y1, lf
Alt:I1IIi11t)A SB l
5 1 0 1 I 17 1 0
1 0 , 1 I3 1 Ii
,.. 3 2 1 7 0 -
-.-4 1 1 3 0I 0 0
2. . 1 i 0 I ft0 0
.4 11 75 if 1. 0
, . 4 1 ft 0 I 1 t 0
4 1i1 771if 1
4 04 f 0 0 3 If 7
34 9y 4 27 8 5ii 6
Gans by fssmtfmes
1 2 2 4 7i 7 b8i
Ill t'thiilcus .... 1 f 0i0if 2sf)0 1 4
Npi .. is.. Is00 0 0 i 1 2 0() --9
,eft out fuases, .4\11hi hattts8, Thisi 5;
fist5base onicm-'ims, tillh'smpus 2,
Yp si 7;scit'f Its's-its, Kic, it. 055ween-ey",
Ritat ; Ictwoi ', lll, Juffermsont; hiti
silt .Arnlct, 2 ini 4 finifnts, ott thutistif,
in iti ,i ssgo;itucoustby' .Arnold
t, by' 21,oecull 1, by habstsifi'2,hbyiethm
' bsioftballtsottArnmoldi 1, off 21ec-
talt 1, o55 . ifet I; pssediball, Sic-
do's f sfiiusl>pa, Lushbadsiets ,4-gs't -.
1VordIms ben rEc iti tut h. J.
'nKaimin, forer thudentl at thme
Cal I5sftilttaxi. tfo,
iT s' Evry stoth , ctsss i-tbeom'e Ao-
:1 E st nstt Iihuh155 rali' of 45
il o IIs f 'i'uif' ofthie btmac
t1iisiticlis silsith -A 5h ohfil ut ss'
No. c AI'sl -Itlssl,-it mm-Ixhsusu,sts'u.
P1010 LAY
Travelogue Motiton Pictures
Acroass Frneomtoajstitc
hu het Ceoptete
Establishmesnt for Book Cases,
iDeslks, Talets and Choirs
112-122 E. Liberty St.
univfersity, hIs sscd ths"Jumm it'cihreturto so AmassArbmorfoc tceattmeunt.
servcs'se Ixatmiiussiion o ri ttuuchdet tmgt- Wheat, isc sporcimng editoc ofthelu14-
sitec iti thu e s'svsltsetcut ti-cr see.4garuitsl~aek Fl~y heimngs .mucus'thaitl
VanKitutift usas eomnly appilitcant thsee is iaiclose rcmemini, for'stechin
fromstIis su.s itue, n-uecsitved omie otfpionsippenanimt, iii thiecamip lea~gue.
the hittio st marks in lii'ecompeictifonlbh enntanmt is to beho diwiisock oh this'
4t usiff1 fe sent to Netc Ltuidons, tomus., obligimnt lady-buigs of time biogical'
w1151 cc-hs Itaittitug sthool mc locedsh tation.
stitc at tIelic pialctionm oh cfx moomthsuc -
prtical worhkt aboarti chits usill ce- Cali 15 hoc baggage eheked loom
seice ifsishomissions. houms to destinatmon. tf.
Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supplies
iZ mmake a specialty of Developinag, Printiitg and Elaginhg ft-c Att'ttc- by nodes mm
int~hiods. Timis huss boon umy business foo nine years slnd it has increased ox-coy cyinly eisuotsh
wxiil do tihis and so whenever you want amnything phaotogoaphiic lock foe tihe sight of tite l ttle-
timat's wihete tinmtgsmove.
719 North University
Kodaks for Rent, 1 c per day