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August 02, 1913 - Image 4

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The Wolverine, 1913-08-02

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T H E W 0 L V E R I N ft!

VT B Y 11 AN' tI"S E .101)FITO C(OS ilIVE
C. 1. KIDD N It I'l tI5tUCtEE
Phone 1530.5 1112 S. Univ. Ave.

THIS WAY yeeu 55m nner Students-Comte around for a LUNCH
that is a LUNCH
CRO ) Corner of Monroe
= and Thayer Sts.
A Lull flone of
Tobacco. SdCi!n~ties. fit gh Grade Confectfons and Fruit.


We corry All Sizes Loose Leat Paper

' To otaintoin fertilityof tesoil it
is tot tssot'tto 5bee p uteseuptple ot
lot. J. B. Pollock itn a lecttrt ot "Thte
Cottservaotitot Sfoil Fertility"' in thte
tteelt physics lecttre roost yesterday
oftterttoott. ty statistics theo speoher
-sowttd tttefod ofects of olternotittg
coptis tnd toot ilztioiott by ttttstre ottd
mtitterol fertilizer.
"Ttto 1United t tts trodtucos butt
oi bottut oethtlf' os tmutoiwheat pet soreh
as titt boost omtrios of Europo," saitd
{Ptrof. Polloc k. Htopointetd ottht
wtitis a ttorld oputtlatiott sf sboutotn15
ttandoneotohtll billittttnditthettottumtber
t otltisotolls titcreasiotg, fertilizatiotsj
ntdhintetntsivoeottltivttiott ore tecessary
fortttstaittettare o1fteroce.


Drugs, Cigars, Candy, and Stationety. Agenty Moates aNan-Leakable Pet


9:0 A.M.is900P.M
Spig Water
F[iRED t WLC. WINBERG, opritorn ts oloato
ForLadi roth rtent tltoen~to ps
Th~ltgll(i ie i Oeoiso Sedti th 1.Ciioo't.
Iltubber Sole Oxfordo, all styles, at
Just ltimain youtrseliftabotarda lu x- CatptsBootery. 208 S. Stats St. Of.
tilou at. & C. Line steasmer on Latkt



FALLS ~- ~ ~
Spend your encation on the Gret tLaks, h o,11st ec0 otnolad enIoable oling in~
WeeYup a i Nomattso wht ponttyohan to gn, use .&C
Diysersioebetwne troit and Buftalo, MayoI otso Novetmberis.City of
D etittIad CitoyoClvelohdItt, 0tofthe tossestside whee1steaenotwohrsld,
sotisdivisiS on 11e50th.toSetemhe OtIS Doily o 0sor btwenDetot nsd
Cleelnd April1thtsofteembs erI sot.uigdotlyandAugoust twoboasts5 Io
Four tristweekyhbtweenToledn,Detot, Mackinatoteslaad waypors.enT
Dot Stopoeralowed at Alp ea it her direction5ontoritstiketo without additional
st. Diysertcebten TsledsCletteladadPot--in-By.
Speia SStOsaerClevelandolo t oMa nIltndto triswekoly, June 10th to

(Cosntitnuettfrosspatge 1)
tit'ttttttt gr'05tota~ torbt toheo ott-
jot aSt il wIS'itht t<tt1 andittttOOstl-
ciatlly otetwtoocaSnSlook ot:temittthe
face and, detiliver tithtatissa~ge. ' Toe
a foes gramilttttitcat erort', frt'tthIicht
to t'otfinet' titttse't to ihis typttewritte't
p5aetwtile itis hearers 5Ytatwn05conspi-
turer'isn paSid$211bySthtet'uSilte'sity it
atdditiotttttthis tta'eiing expensesO5-
sitlat 155a5getttttto Itt'sure', hbut stfi-
tcttetntto t.akSt'esoitntb550ettrequit'
#S('11t11ht twith thi itet,' Sa'Ss55'thpresett
t tttettm5witout. theo aitd oSfStamanutscrtipt.
Lit0it' ttrtt ' the eSS1toten t 11 iurtto

I-rit rightt in litte toill thte tSoot. Ie-
li ttIolto thinit abouat; itnore tdelightt-
fttl to reatly etnjoy. D. & C. steamertos
leatve Detroit antd5 -Buffalo early' every
eveS n 0555 n td arrivtO Stdltstinastito'ttarly
lhe next ot rnOintg. Hail titteotshonoro-

Deries Art Store

Opbotes tUSt O sptooy stOoedsoyoishttoeoDssoItoaoo tud.i tt tsbif oo GrttOLtil-,s Mp ad Folder. Ad
Special DayToipsobtw'eenftetroit andGeveand, Dring Julyand Agust Ftatl stare-ditto.'mtttsctttt isI5drossR AL
Tuosday, Wedgynodno Tt urndan'd Sa~tudaoust ostoeit; Monseay, Wdesy, oto o tr' a o oito .NAs5A5O MliLR
RAILROAD TICKETS AVAILAILE-Tieketo reain via ay ril ttstlio n . Tlts, is 100rSt speakeritOo- 'DiriOrt
linecete'en Dfetroitosd Btffanloand Deroilood Cleveand silt be honored Dtot ih
fos r tottonOD& C Line Stemerso in either dietion.viotsly to tatl 'Movr teadosof 1hiis MUSIC
Adds s: L. CG Lwis, G. P. A., Deroit Mich udttttos" its 1sot stist stshuld ot-
AAShotsAesniGotgrbolotte ttrliohiitois-CLASSI FED ADVERTISINGt PIANOS
*. P Dtroit & Cleveland prioft'siOrt. it wotststo sar o1 0- 11)5 51'1515 COLUMIN US~T IL RETh1
Naiaio-opay isolsantd of tintt sohdirctly tch PAI FOSS N DANCE. Utle3V Mui
NaviatiooComanylife. Thle professorsold not th inksibh11:3 e
f _ i t is Iis dulo o pr ssupos IttOtsbhoo- Fo lint_-Cottgefor 0rett, "Wideto A c r o s s F ron M a1jetilc
cis lhstfst tat lis'is lasrned'5by us- tmat~in Grove,"Lasst Sido, AWItiltoro _______________________
Iigi50 v 0oabutlary' esliis demnsas o Lkslte totte 212-J, 312 S. Dir. St
Rubber Soled Foot- hsototstasmoebresttl o iedt s C. Abr chce T.iIPoeH,.RC
niwer r tMen an'd pii of sueechitis a tich gretetslot hose to destinatios, t, I Two Goodded s
toneeboitshaevr s isy'oe 48 1i N. orhAe
Women---hitte 0 topy htoeritbe oi500,,tOe Foler 5OCotnor Tailors 6t9 - _________E._____
eexna01S aot pittpilosopiyith eorthl of lttl 'iWilliamSit 5,tf.
- ~ that is SATISFACTORY and dsettnds largely uplotn Iis siity to o-_________
RtCIIT IN PRICE wilt be found at tries it itmply antd directly. For Rent
MY NEW LOCATION-119 E. LIBERTY STREET The extetnsions sool shsousld be asist cla si sherpaiin.Moer5
ftaecust n lt y sozot as isltshsos S o epitho.61 .WlliamStt :. Suite of 6 or 8 all outside
tie t rooms in the Malcolm Block
ptopie tolsoattethoo ie ltres. They- many people say they are the
seed is ios order to get osloe tooohs eith best in the ciy
he ewold ostie, thichosoo -sapeals Call 10 for baggage cheoked5 froos Especialy fitted for Doctors
sotea sloss ostte ~ie e~ housesnto detination. tf.f or Deniss.
pot slohecolegiate retltm .The J Karl acl
have been headquarers for iho pasi seven years for beht' tt oteetnivesityediretly and Rbber Sole Oxfords, altynluse, at X16 alcolm
this class o footwear Itdirecty is gointonsdeend01010nte Cmpstootery 28 S. Sate St 60tEfLBET
( High fin t t r al t t ii t ,ei u t0hI oiiettes of tto ~ese nt ou5 1t tonts- 0 E I E T
tlshe i tsap ilit-of lprentiti a reaol I Atny sscriers owihing bc or i otes -
to}Iesge ots a forcefultay, 0u000 teir of The Wlerine to comoplet their
~fj~ ~ & ~ 1 ITTLELUNCH ROOIYabolit to tmee hndsmittgle twit the fistcots obtain the samoe by calisg at M AJES TI C
o'N~f O.pople otsde tePressbuligdrnofcehrs
FURNISHERS and HATTERS t Unvesty Me Lunches and Sodas Th lst. areansoxioiss 00 sOe the! - ---_____
34 .SaeS.338 South SMaten street extosoonoork sucrceedtos the oti- Sis cleaned and pressed, 75c. Fl-' TONIGHT
342 5.Stale St. tetsifyse hef1 widr srice o tte state leo15OConnor, 619 E. Wiliami St. f. KIIE A..COIJOII
__________________________ which___ sutpbots s it. is it asksisngtooFIMD'R
pp ryndSam lan F ORa much 5tat lt'elfaculty mentlseetesd Charcoal Grilled oterhose Steaso HT LY
Universal Dry and Steamn lean- Groceries and MeatsJ for tis or OSieeIthtt cotditiots Ieoitern Gril. 11 XV.Hron St HOOPLY
whioch actolly exist asd go ott to upsairs. Opp. tterrbauSt Saio.ti. TrelueHioiPcrs
ing Wrs Artistic Cleaners; Call 407. Evrtyhin Firo-Ctas andthfreo.h
GIV U A flALt eet those condittiots oqtirey its or-
T. E. WAHIL, Mgr. 01 15TtLdorthtat tteouniiesipysay benfito Call 10 for baggage cecket frotm AL L S EATS5 10 C ENT S
A. LE MBLE, Sr., Posy, 530 Forest Aenuestie titt tltsrst th refos, htotodsi tinI.
phone 877 1 119 Packard S. , AnAbr ih ahrttisfe rmterefrs os odsiain f
Ae Arbr,,hsh
Starts Serviing Lunches Se t ber ist

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