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August 22, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-22

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At Your Door Three T Fifteen Hndred Sum-
Evenngs Wee, 75 I~I~ ULmer Session Stdet

VOL. 111.


igiti Sialist Vote Accocuted for
by Iatin ef Sciety iu
Comparison of the results of The
Wolverine's recent presidential straw
vote with the reult of the vote taken
by The Mchigan DiylIst February,
inditates whatappears to be a decided
chance of sentinment raisig Wilon
stock in preference to Roosevelt. Wil-
so's following in the earlier ballot
was only 14 1-2 pr cent greater than
the former president's, while in the
ballot just taken hi. tally is 1.27 per
cent in excess of the colonel's.
That this is wholly to be accounted
for by the fact that a large portion
o1 the students attending the summer
session are from southern states that
sre normally democratic, as has been
suggested by some of the Roosevelt
and Taft admirers, cannot be mani-
taned; for, omitting the vote from
southern students, Wilson still has
87 per cent more votes than Rooseel .
Nor is it to be explained by assuming
that the entire democratic constituency
cf last winter has reverted to the sup-
port of the New Jersey governor' for
the entire. vote for democratic cndi-
dates last February was onyIf3ee
cant greater than that for 'Rtoseect
The, comparatively small socialist
vote this summer may be accouted
for by the fact tat the Michigan
section of the Intercollegiate Socialist
society, which waged a strenuous cam-
paign In February, is inactive during
the summer months.
It is worthy of note that only 30
per cent of the students enrolled in
the summer session manifested suffi-
cient interest to cast thir ballots.
Final Sumuary:
8 o o o'
aa . s, 0
State MW M WM M W MW.
Ala. 1 1
Ar. 1 1
Ark.: 8 1 9
Cal. 3 1 4
Col. 2 1 3
D. C. 1 1
Conn. 1 1
Ga. 3 3
tda. 1 1
Ill. 10 6 2 2 2 22
Ind. 7 3 1 3 14
Iowa 2 1 2 1 6
Kas. 1 1 1 3
Ky. 5 1 1 3 10
La. 3 2 5
Md. 1 2 3
Mass. 1 1 2
Mich. 96 8 39 7 13 1 1 4 1 1701
Miss. 5 2 1 8
Mo. 3 2 3 8
Mon. 1 1
Neb. 2 1 3I
Nev. 1 1.
N. ,I. 1 1
N. Y. 61 7 21 1 18
Ohio 14 1 6 2 7 1 31
Oka. 2 1 3
Ore. 1 1 2
Pa. 17 1 3 5 3 2 1 30
S. Dak. 3 3
Tex. 2 2
Va. 3 1 4
Wash. 1 1
Wis. 2 1 2 5
For. 1 1 2
Mis. 7 7 3 1 18
Total 21118 87 14 5610 2 6 1 399

Ano Appreeiation byt
At last the time hi
B. 11. must shboliec
stalf know now heyc
thereomst be enomt
our ends; e, dicie
at last rcenoved thatt
has usurpxed this sa
ours and torn don hc lasunre
religiously adhered1
We had sxupposed
creation ('xisted but
excuse for existence,
berwak; but howr tr
never grow loo01(d
1B. M.crawled troce
whxere the cub, a lat
had kicked Icims, aud
woabbling steipe grast
eredt sob of a lous
1fromn the danxk and
someness that heover,
at 2:00 a. m.
And IHer WthT'he 1)
and the 01.i41
With Ints(
Help! Help! IHelp!
out on the still air.I
in an apxologetic volc
and Ann Arbor's ox
camxe up on a ruin, si
in a frenzy of joy.I
ness makse a quxcklf<1
dark and forbiddin)
Alphsa Kappa IPlihli
ao if by magic 1aj
with tousled hair spr
dec beds and kindred
Goodness gracious!'
it not the jay hop--a'
has tried to burglari
brave lade at the b
their muight and sl

Lx:lxxapxx)fet; l'ilxe 53 fesa!,I;(Id
thce- NomaxulI 1.IL N, C iritO.Aixixti
xxs coxe cvhexxhe t clxx'L )( j Frxxxxseii
elf axxd we of xbx'e weeksit f It: ' oLSf4 910i'
,ox all xcxxil thaxt - M1. n cow
oxce xwhuobxapspc he'e xc.aixs'epI'art'xext of11ce froxmcwhitcl
xower which hxxs xuxiverity bes reenxxly expxexcded beraxtixxt;Si'
thixxg fcum us who tihirty-five lthou. sxcd dollars, thxat xxxcxxe xxxd
erred sanxctux of0 itl'x xxx x'sxsxetoxlrof all tlbsia
'all txe precedexnts thxosxe powt
tofore hayt been Ail orelr hxas xeexx plced for txwo whxat is xxot.
to. 2O0 horse lpowx'r lceso txrbo four- thxax before,
1thxat nothixxg xn staxge cxexxrifxxgal puxxxps, c oxxneied 10 We all c,
that it haxd soxme Faxrbaxxks clectrix'xooxrs. A further s000,ltcoxxg
10-it v theJabh protctiveeascxxxrx' is thxe systexm of little cuxb (1e
rue it is that we 12-xxxchc 1ip1claid etcroughoxx th11cxaxe- xxs exc )
to learxx As lice pxs so thaet at cll ixoints tthere will tixat,lhowxexv
xcxder Ithe table be aflciexci wctexc iressure to throw xdenxy it, ccxxx
lbs txxx'nxg csoxm-ac 'slx'emxoeree building. x hax's ril=h
Ithxe soxco i xs 'lhe ixpuxmps will be usaxixs boosters wxe letxxx
4vxcaixc x smoth-b fr'o thcscite ,xcixns, xnd will also be to gtlbss
icouxlxdbxeiheaxdconctaxe oth e mxammnothnavax xl n lbsthe xwxxthx
1 darksoxe loxne- whxeb lees aca cpacity large enough to x'als "Cacti
,s scar the IHuron axlxlxOx ightd one axnxl oxe-xeightxlb
trirexxnxs ftoe'xhonr,exnoxxglhto -'j'wggFLF 8
_______- flood xxny bxildinxg" oxnthxe xxxmpus. I32;1110
I1V1E KNoOp 0"Thie coxnsultxxng xngixneer, -lMe. Ffinchl-
xcxxxax, of DIetroit, cilitakechaxxrge of Iota IliAel1
oue xxtsidxe cork- hcbile l'rof. 5. ..ein.
Detirino 'renteuts, Zowski hxas eberge of the interior de-
tn'is Par'sot si-c. 'The pumxposccill bx' placeed lxx
eu nnaia, thxe Ihydraulic laboratory in thxe Engi- Tercd
ccxrixxg bxildix'g, 'where thcey will be
!Three crix's rxxcg xxx "x'Nxble torexevxrixmental cxork. For lc
sotch service thce pumpescwiii be in
Helpx. cxaxe sxgaixx s'lce'xthac
ce. tChxg! Ilonlal serxes givixxg a total pressure of 210 sxex1''- lxx
slyiivcgtaxecx poxunds at the deiivery end, dica rg- iei l
ding ~ ~ ~ ~ at il xn atxc this rate220 gallonso ofcwater did ,-" lx cc
1'e'o bulls in hxar- a minuote. o
eie-,,way into ltce - - -- - ix ,oxse'.
p Iortals of thxe eAes
ruse. Everywhxere S O D R ~ a h r
jama-clad figurxs .STODDARD RNDSi
rinxg ou1 from n uscs wr
1lhavens ofirefte. BOL I NGET C P StSa resal
onxe bold baxdtmacc Losers inl First-'iyTo Sol o ('sie SBack 'lie Ixuel
leze. And did thcs Stromg in Three Final axxx, Vie'a, -
louse rise up in lxttle's. x:'cxtk c. IL
Ay' the intruderlh lx axcysca

'tio buiihe cNtiominal M. oGOV.OSBIORN 10O'lAKE OPENING
ig husrryinxg, scrryinge ADDR)ESS TO NtMEOtS
ini nxxdgexi perdition the DELEGAT0ES.
retires into the oblivion
Ie ceptt when lice rever- PROMINENT MEN ATTEND
lences of a sgie Fourth ___
callex imcoto bhe Ibe goatEteiv Prurten i'rgrt
eaesiejeatic pocwers ocx earth-EtniePpatosfrPogm
es that say cx'hat is and toluInclde Literary Ctnests anud
-Bxut, thoughx mouie docile ifentItues
hxe still canx butt.
cxon learn our simple ls- Anx address of celcome by over-
;h,-yes, even tha peaky nor Osborn, Thursday evening, Aug-
ur, like tixe potr, he is wtustcc302, ill opxn the Third Annual
ancxxoncxet10 understanxd Coxferece of the Chinese Students'
,r xmuch u-c may cant to Alliance, Middle-West Section, with
st of its believe thatcmigiht oer 200 Chinese student deegatea in
. But be txat as it may, attendanxee. One hundred and fifty
;t tpoundxbthis lacyboard dry Chinamen rom the middle western
lxxeet xxut on timue axnd avert uiversities, Chicago, Illinois, Purdue,
et him'xwhxo so insistently Wisconsin, Ohio State and Iowa, to-
xy !1 gether with the fifty Chinese summer
students at the University of Michi-
I Nth~'I" I~iNIEROI gan, sill meet n Ann Arbor from
SIbid " L RENhDA ECE August 30 to September 7, in their
hE 1 LlltE l IIEN~nannuaixl reunion.
Tihis year's conference is unique
Mcciv ."Slxehal Praise i in that it is the first opportunity given
atiox ofx Chtracter of the delegates to neet as citizens of
Nalvoioet Chung Hlwa, the Chinese Republic.
The Board of Regents of the Univer-
tiocs of "Tw'elfthc Night," by sity hae appropriated $100.0 for the
in Shaespeareanc reading etertainment of the delegates to the
cc'xxv, was even more of a conference, and have given the use
itbeproduc'tionx of Mlae- of the Unversity buldings for such
rinc the sxummxer. So well meetings as may be held, while the
nemcber of th' class per- Athletic Association has granted the
xc hexr part that special use ot Ferry Field for the athletic
00n to exny' individuxal is vents.
Pres. Emeritus Angel Seak,
scceelxx the production
-inkinxg scene between Sir President Emeritus Angll, and
r Toy ad te Fol.ThePresident Hutchins will appear on
tx'ex by T. H. Lee, C. K. the program, while other prominent
id lose'T'xrpin, and there speaers will be E. B. rew, Direc-
t de'al of clever horseplay. or of the Pehyang students; Dr.
betweenc Sir A. Augecheek Ezra B. Crooks, Professor of Phil-
wats also wxortby of special osophy, Northwestern University;
.ais Eich, fie all through Prof. Edward A. Steiner, of Grinnel
s especially so as Mlalvolio, College, Iowa, authr of "The Trail
e i whchhe ind te lt-of the Immigrant;" Hon. Tng Kwa,
,ig to be fromu the Coun- Acting Chinese Minister to the United
States; and Mr. T. T. Wong, Washing-
swel Agel hll asfiledton B.C Director of the Chinese
ity, many havinxg to stand Government students in the United
performnxce the sexmbers With the excepion of the business
s, Mr. and Mr. Holiser, meetings the Conference will be open
anxd a fewx friends of the to the public. A daily program wilt
etired to the Phi eltx be published.
e, cwere a splendid spread Nvet rgrane Arranged,
xai. The evening was con- In order to stimulate interest and
'music, dancing. speeches promote friendly competition in the
ies. varioxs activiies, prizes wilt be
- awarded. A bazaar will be held, and
)fE-1OEIIS FORtSAKE ac prize given to the delegate exhibit-
ARtB101 FORl FAR ItNDtS ing the best and highest valued article,
--- and also to the owner of the best co-
t Hutcinlxs is nose spend- lection of curios, All kinds of curios,
ation lxxnassachuseetts, bu rare odds and ends, old relics, des-
:ccv Hanmpshire thce first of sea, caps, gowns and bric-a-brac wilt
to visit in the Whbite Noun- be on exhibition at the bazaar while
ring to Annx Arbor about a shipment of.Oriental goods, includ-
fSeptember. I ing umany high grade embroideries and
r . C. Boddard, secretaryx fancy wares, and souvenirs of the re-
; delpartcent, is spending cent Chinese revolution may be pur-
a at Les Cieneaux Islands. chased.
eturn about the tenthx of A literary program will be given,
consisting of orations and debates d-
rKarl E. Guthe, recently livered in the Chinese language. There
so of the Graduate depart- will be vocal and instrumentat music,
lanning a trip to the east both classical and popular, Chinese
crab of thce large unversi- and American. Practically every
tee sithb officials of Gradu- known Chinese musical instrument
sregarding his stork next wiii be used in the program,
A varied athletic program wilt be
is, secretary Inolte presi- given, consisting of a track meet with
rsoon toe her vacation on the usual events, a tug-of-war be-
Island. Miss Esther Smith, tween the various clubs, a baseball
'guer of the general library, gacme between the delegates and a
ember first for Jamestowen, team picked from the local city league
'end ther vacation, players, target shooting, a cross
country run, and an association foot-
of Oriental color ciii be all game betvween the Northerners
he conxvention by the pres- and Southerners. Silver and bronze

elve or xuore Chinese suf- cups and medals wilt be awarded the


No. 25.

Florabel! you're kidding!I No, txey did
What they did do wxas to barricade
their doors and shxut this crud one in
the open hail. Thenx one yoxxth took
a flying brxodie cxith all the grace of
Annette Kellermncx out of a windowx
into the trees nearby, and bravely did
a Paul Revere skit to tbe nearby
home of compees, wee'staxyed alone
and unguarded a txlephonxe.
In the meantime a grey befiannexled
individuasl strolled nonchalaxntly dboxcn
stage out on the porch. lit a cigacrette,
and -dissoleed inxto the gloomo of the up
left night. Soon afteer txo memubers,
clad ncostly ixncxnmentionables-hceav-
ens, Florabel!I hos thIey msust 'a' sot-
fered!-and arnced to ltce teeth cwitb
a baseball bat, a hiri brush, and a
bottle ot yes, 'tio evcen so toilet cxater,
appearx'dsvith grim ancd determined
featureo, after a terrific ansd nerve
racking encocunter cwith the clothes
basket in the ball.
The police, greatly chagrinxed at their
failure to caixture lice crimincal, dis-
appear down right. Large gobs of
silence. Curtain.
'The schcedsule toe examcinations icc
the lawx departmentl, as recently an-
nolunced, is as follows:
Thursday, August 29-Elemcentary Lacx
and Protxerty, 1-7 p. nm.
Fridasy, Aucgust 30-Commonc Lace
Pleading, 2 lx. m.
triminal Lou' and Procedure, 2
p. nc.
Convcyacsstint, 7 tp. cc.
Saturday, August 21-Contracts, 7
Quasi-Contracts, 7 a. um.
Domestic Relations, 10 a. us,

Grandx playincg in lice lcxst thcecests
of the doxubles final rounxd in lbs tenncis
touruamxexnt ot J'hxe 'xolvetricne ecititled
Stodd'xrd ancd Bolins to thce ailsver lov-
lug cucps offered as prices. Two sets
were plaxyed Wlednesdaxy, ansd the run-
ners up, Rlaukin axnd Edwards, swoa.
bothx withc a score of 6-1. Thsis nmorns-
lull's lay comspletely revesed the sit-
scatione, Stoddard and Blolins taking lice
thcrees"ets to thex'tone of 6-4, 7-5, 6-4.
Ranckinx cxxind dwtards bad a bard
timae icex semci-fina'.ls plasyedtly'ster-
lox'. Fe'ibleman xxandI Grimxxxxx exelix

xc' 'Iece s'5
tee i v sex
SarC itax
to its capax
ltce entire afe h
of the clase
lMes. Lee,
sstdenst, s-
Theta hsoes(

." ""'. "C'"'' I~l IL Xi1111 .JU~lll resident
thexcoilx an ecetllently played mcatchx. inxghiss vac,
'The scores w'ere 7-5 aced 6-4. cxill go to
'fhe swinncers lasse been pxrcsx'ntexd5'Seemer1
Nvtc h usofrdb h Wl anrt erince, cx Iieb careofsilicer, five incehes Ithe 20th 01
hsighe, and whlic bear thse inscriptions Professcr
"Wolverines 'Tenncis Tourenament." ofthlbaw
Ehlers, winccer of lice singles, hcas also is vacaxtion
recceived his cup. I-Iecxiil rx
________ - - ,eltecober.
t?'1)tl;S''; H T E ('LOSEx.CIALLI. elected Dec3
L1" 1, lx.. TVi'i' PTHS' OFJIllHO'.cect, is pl
to visit secr
Dlick Hamicltone,'12, with another tics to cons
toeste, fromo Minnuesota, wcere lost axe sclhools
toe tess dayslxx 11cc wilxds of ltce toe- year.
ests and xmountacinc fostuac a etofIdahco. IMiss Dav
Ihe ltwo are cworkcing insthe \ en-~ern- dcc, leave
jumest reserves ibis summcner and wbdl-'-egakina-Iv
out ons one of their trips lost their hsead caali
hearings. Searxchixxg parties scent out leaves Sepi
cave theam up as lost, hot thcs boys, NiY., to sp
cacsce cxaliing int canmp ten days --
aftier. They hacd managed to keep tA dash
alive on gaxne and seild berries, and added to t1
are evidently sone thce cworse for their ence oftwIs
experience. feagists.

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