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August 22, 1912 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1912-08-22

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THlE WOLVERINE tomorrow when wve "put his rye out"
___ _on that final exam!
The official newspaper of the sum-j Those who have attended the uni-
mner serosion of the University of{ versity's previous summer ternms can
Mtichigan, published 'luesday, Thurs- teatify to the tact that the 1912 sea-
day, and Saturrlay afternoons. sion has been one of far greater aocial
activity than any that has preceded.
Addres-The WVolverine, Press Bldg., There have been more lectures than
Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, M~ich. heretotore. The Michigan Union baa
Office 1fours-2:tO to 4:10 p. in., daily, come more vitally in tosirh withs the
Phones, 960. " summer students than in previous
years. Unpre(cedented interest hsas
Subscription Rates-Local, seventy- been manifested in athletics, in the
five cents for the summer; mailed to; series of baseball games and in the
any address for one dollar, tennis tournament. And of no little
Advertising Rates-Furnished upon significanee has beeni the participation
application to the Business Manager. in the presidential straw vote.
Without undue cosnceit The Wol-
bleat H. Payne, Business Mlanager. verne believes it ia in some measure
9Phone 762-L. responsible for these changed condi-
Malcolm llcCornik-Asst. Migr. tions. Handicapped it has been trace
Phone 317. the start by the two weeks' illness aced
____________________________death of its msanaging editor, Robert
Editoial Saff. M. Gillett. Plans and policies that
Editria Stff. he had formulated were held uip while
Ernest It. Burton-...Acting Editor the unorganized staff awaited acnxiouis-
Hacrold P. Scott......News Editor ly hsis recovery. And w-hen the word
F. -i. Chuerch .....Athletic Editor atofIis death came, o'ershiadow-ing all
issue Editors, with that reverenetial grief we all cmust

by all vithi vtoms le ccame in coca--
tact. Frone Acnc Arbor, lie goes to
the Newr Englsiadstastes aced Nev
York; late-rlie wsill tpractice law cicc
San Fracicisco.
Captaini Sealby is, thi-eagle a life at
the most tryini; exaieriecnces, and the
wideu edueations years at travcl ecitail,
a man of liar best juidgmecit. His
comsig here to study was a greset
tribuste to the university, acid the sin-
rere icnterest hc lis takens in caismpas
activities is a deep tribute to the eta-
dent body.
llis machve hais be-s-c a seast die-
intereted onr in swhlatever lee hess usn-
dertaken. CaptainSealsiby is cnot a
younig cicac, ad tIthIossor in election
to the Stuidecit Couiscil which is so
real to those atfice half as old ais le
can be of little vectur to hue, save in-
sofar as it shows lhear pprciiatiosn of
the stadesnthasty for lhis work. The
opportuisity a-as offered to him to
carry ass isore thorosiglly his ideas,
acid he accepted it wsithi that thoaught.
Bhetter than all, lielies beensour
friend. Mast of iceshave attended dims-

Marticn's Cis ii P -cesluse
wlitticEls CcoE n sl'lecu"17g
Beale's Ca ee ii, Ceinsici I La.v
Coouley 'saI. t c
Gray's C-,,,sc-s II
Brevw (s c5c C<s -5 tl i
Wutdclt f-. I.ys-s -i Re-
Woodruff's C.: s rQua:-i c i

116 S. Main Bell Phone 166
Shoes Repaired
In a way that makes
yeur feet happy --
613 E. Williams St.
Csos i st e tile0,000.00 Sirpls "-)0'0tfX0
Unsdsiidedsit' isd, $1:ees00s00
Safs' OestiisseiaCout si sarstmisec tfus
Gusis sns-ss i-ssinr ahwoarsda
3 per cecl iterest in cur csainsidepartment
Do ycc wedt a position ? DD ycc west a letter position -


J. P. Thomas Earl Crossman
Maude Edwsards C. S. Pryor
F. A. McCarthy C. S. Fliedner
K. C. Haven R. T. Cook
Roscoe Spencer C. E. Shaffner
Leonard L. Cline.
Ediltor' 'loelcey--leonoere L . C(line.
Avis! os

We may hate jset the piece youesrclockngtr. Let TIHIURSDA.Y, AUGUST 22, 1912.
uc tnes your wantc; Ties let cc hate ycur eppilcaics. ________________________
The Gibb Teachers' Agenecy, S 'at'e s is.
1 75 Westminster Ave,
Detroit, MICH. IFlardly will the inak upon this paper
be dry whelsn the cartels at the ucii-
DAV IS & ierealty will have beens closest and the
ONLNGE Dei eieS nineteenth ssmmec sessionwiltl tiae
parsed into the realmi of history, the
Mad ft ssbject for the reviewer and the
~A~ei statistician. tBut betore -se hand it
ilil~ti ovr- to tthese analytic disectors for
its poet mortem, let us pause to view
Promispvd its achievementasad to ealogize it
while it yet tives.
i For same atfice it has served as a
i 1 09 u pleasant recreation, a weteome vaca-
B t, E Washington tion from the arduous routisce at buss-
PRI1NTI N G Blet 432 - J ciess acid professiocnat life. For some
of ice it has been another link in the
___________________________chain at education we have been foeg-
log in the pursuit of academic de-
grees. For socue it has been a period
II ros. of sassi.e, pesacefiui rear; fosrattirs it
The Finest Billiard Rloom in the Stae has beess a t-erm of active, strenuous,
Clgars and Candtes
" citaslty sappsing, and -sell as viality
"We ry t tret yo rigd." giving, labior, whicti will culminate

feel -sith the psassinig at a noble, self-
sacrificing soil, direisnorganized staff
became well nigh disorganized. The
new- editorial ssssssssgessest aassued its
duties with a view In carrying out its
predecessor's plaiss. But tar ciany it
a-as already too late to develop tthenm
to their logical cesiclssions, asid we
had to he satisfiesdwithi what -sas
maeant for a fair exposition of the
campus news, so preasisted that scirI
readers msight draw their own spin-
I- relinquishingosur sasnctumc to those
who will occupy it next sucumer, we
can offer cia betts'r suggestion thass
that they strive to do set-at w-e ha-se
left undosse, asid, by gaining a solid
foothold at the ositset, to heroine a
potrent force for the betterment of the
suniverrsity sod its stucdencts.
Caiptaitn Sectlby I
Asiths thec end oathIe-present sass-
user sessions termsiness ice tlse strict--
eat sense tih e ionn-ction swith the
univuersity, of Inmsiane Sesstsy, '12 L.
For three yeairs C'aphtain S esiby has
bees. amongue s-s, a leading afigure us
campuss asctivitiresat the broasder sort,
a frienad eqtuaslly of ms-sbers at the
faculty sasdrtoatstudensts, ansd admiired

Sealby ba d]onr so nmuchs, and can
neer forget the short, informals talks 11
given by bun in hits caspascity ot toast-
osaster-talks equsally niemorable far Univereit 1-see sete
the aood hsumor and tales of interest, c~-m-ru oeses9
and for their great food ese-se. And
in a meore personal mainer, ace was
a friend of the capatains franc the first -'
han-shke.Universal Dry & tiam
Now we hias-e thee chuacnce to than-#
Captaicn Sealby for what he has dane Cleaninig NY (rks
far as, amid to so-s some little apre-
ciatiocs of whast ha' has beens to as.
Mhay lie heave thee best of sccess and In a new Fire Proef Bldg-. and
heappiness whereve'r he goes. We may wilts the latestldodeco MVachie
be surce that le will always be in a cry.
broader sense oner of s at Meichigan. We use in at positison ho do all
_____ _________all kinds oh cleaning: As ladles
For lett Fsserattagr. fr rnt, fancy dresses, suits, shirt waists,
ForRen rlin cotags.forren, eliupers, gloves, etc. Alsoget-
gnl-Wheitmcore Laehr Veistecacnrarve. men-s lothming ohfetll kimids. All
Address 312 S. Div., Phone 1076--J. work guaraeeder. We call for
______- ansi deliver.
ILost-A Peerless bicycle taken franc E ah 1!r
the front of Vans Doren's Pharmacy., .E aillnr
fleurnto ibon,102 fatresu - Belt Phone 877 a a as Packard St.

A CMeeplete linse of college songs- Co sins & Hall
smofwihaeYelwadBuVarsity, Victors, College flays, ala-aye FLORISTS
to be found at thee University Music
House', PresfBuilding, Mayneard St., Corner of So. University rind Tweltth
across from "Majestic," t Both Phones It15

FULLER & O'C NNOR, Steam and French
r 610 E. William St. Suits' Pressed 25c Trousers 10c

This Way, You Summer Students---
ISP E C IA r O RComemaoundlfr a LUNCH that is a LUNCH
Corner ofMonroe and
toThayer Streets
A Full Line o Tobacco and Cigarettes High Grade Confections and Fruit
With every pair of LOW CUT S1101S (pumps or oxfords) purchased
this day==either Men's or Ladie's=--we will give away FREE-=
This is an opportunity to get this most useful article==~needed byT
ing the fact t hat you saw this advertisement). EN"
Remember=-= SATURDAY ON(,-Y.
PrograicnsImviaiccs, Callin g Cards, etc., en-
graved fr ou qickly scd corrcily. We have
a . MILDT CO . UIu lhe leading brands of social Staiocery and will
SU ALSPR VII ~.I1NK~S sae youm momy on pound lots or aoe el
10 .MAIN STREET 31SSTATE STREET ENGRAjERRS gladly send yen samples of paper and tyke faces.
II ~ ~ . 11i ,',,Q.~~~Jf___ Write-on stop iccacd see us when in Detrci. oneramysae esm.-iiesrye

BestiIce Cream
Swe etest Candy
Prompt -Ser vice
Phone 967

Be~ore leavir'g Summcr SchoomeBO
call end see the hatest in wioleno
All week maein t hiscity. .a 'WORK
VVNMilusTriod Order Printers- Stationers-ffice Outfitters-Engravers---

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