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August 10, 1912 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1912-08-10

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At Your Door Three U Fifteen Hundred Sum-
Eveogo a Week, l mer Session Student;



No. 20.

i! '

"Whatl" is Easy, "Howl" Not Hard;
But"Whyl"IMust Have Stumped
"There are in the alphabet six let-
ters," said Professor R. M. Wenley in
his lecture "Why?", last night, "which
may be combined so as to make three
fundamental questions, 'What?' 'How?'
and 'Why?' These questions nave
been asked from time immemorial,
and they will 'be asked to the end of
the chapter. The 'What?' question is
an easy one to frame; it is possible
to ask 'What?' about anything. 'How?',
too, may be asked of anything. The
'Why?' question is more difficult. The
reason is that every 'Why?' turns out
in the end to be a 'What?'or a 'How?' "
Professor Wenley stated that these
questions all spring from a common
root. The distinetions which we make
are between what seems to be and
what is; between appearance and re-
ality. In science the distinction be-
tween appearance and reality is
made to satisfy intellectual needs. In
science we think of the intellectual
satisfaction of getting at the essence
of what we call reality. 'What?' and
'HOW?' are asked in science. 'Why?'
belongs to metaphysics. All our lab-
oratory machinery helps to determine
the 'What?'"
Casuality is the one great question
common to ail science, and it is essen-
tially a metaphysical question, accord-
ing to Professor Wenley. The theoret'
ieal distinction which men make be-
tween the two grat groups of facts is
that the one, more stable and larger
of the two, is physical, and the other
consists of the conscious facts.
"There are five investigations, all
of which we must settle with, if we
are to get even a hypothetical solu-
tion " said Professor Wenley. "We
must investigate first the real nature
of what we call material existence.
What is it? Is there any distinction
between this existence and the phys-
ical? Again, we must investigate the
distinction between the mechanical
and the teleological processes. We
must ask, just what is the justification
fbt the conception that the physical
order is rigidly conformable to a uni-
form law. We must also inquire into
the constant framework under which
the whole universe appears, namely
space and time. What is the bearing
of these upon the reality of the order
which moves within them. The fourth
question is; what are the factors it
the conception of development? What
do we mean by evolution? Finally,
we must inquire into the part which
descriptive science is to play in our
Governor Woodrow Wilson, demo-
cratic nominee for president, again
demonstrated his strength among the
he received a plurality of 18 votes ov-
ef Roosevelt, and a majority of 12
votes over the Held, in a straw vote
of Mr. W. H. Hamilton's clases in
economics 1. The ballot resulted as
follows: Wilson, 26; Roosevelt, 8;
Debs, 2; Chafin, 2; and Taft, 2. This
is even a stronger showing than the
governor made Thursday.
Work on Tunnel is in Progress.
Vcrk on the power house tunnel
lelding to the Hill Memorial Audjyo-

riusI has progressed rapidly up to the
present, thirty yards having already
been completed. The tunnel, with
piping, tiling, and wiring, will be
ready to connect with the lines from
the auditorium in three or four weeks.
tis of reinforced concrete construc-
tion and its dimensions are 6 x 6 by
5 x 6.

The Detroit Board of Commerce will
hold a citizen's reception this after-
noon at the Hotel Pontchartrain to
welcome Ralph Craig home from the
Olympiad. As soon as lie arrives he
will be taken to the Pontchartrain,
where such men as "Ty" Cobb, and
Jake Stahl of the Boston Red Sox,
an old time college athlete, together
with representatives from the Univer-
sity of Michigan Athletic Association,
the Detroit Y. M. C. A., Detroit Ath-
letic Club, Detroit Boat Club, and
Beard of Commerce, will be in the re-
ceiving line, in the parlors on the sec-
ond floor.
The Council Committee, on behalf of
the city, will prseent Craig with a
diamond ring bearing the seal of De-
troit engraved on one side and the
figure of a sprinter on the other side
of the diamond.
A number of Craig's old time friends
from the University will attend the
reception, while the Detroit Universi-
ty of Michigan Club will attend in a

WELL RECEIVED Latest of the books written by mern- TO WARM CAMPUS
bers of the faculty, is a modernized
versitn of Chaucer's poems, by Prof.
Success of Lects'es 'Throughout the J. P. S. Tatlock, of the English de- Stadent Opnion on Presidential Elee.
State Warrants Renewal of partment, in collaboration with Percy ion Will llc Tested in
Appropriation. Mackaye, the poet and dramatist. The Straw Vote,
volume will probably appear later in
PLANS MADE FOR NEXT YEAR. this month. It is to be published by F IVE1 lPAiTIES REPRESENTED.
the McMillan Company.

Cons.'quent to, the success of last
year's extension work of the Univer-
sity, the Board of Regents, at a recent
meeting, have again appropriated the
sum of ten thousand dollars to carry
on the work in the coming year. Also,
to meet the matter more adequately
and to place it on a permanent basis,
the new office of Director of University
Extension Work was created, and
Prof. W. D. Henderson of the physics
department was chosen its first in-
Last year, the Board of Regents
made the first appropriation of ten
thousand dollars for the work, to con-
sist of three hundred lectures. The
past year has amply demonstrated
the wisdom of the movement and the
advantage to the community thus serv-

Samoan wiloW& sus on w &Aftu MWOMpowsim MA-k I

INTLRFEROMETER IS edThe president has received several

Prof. N. M. Randall Tells How it Aids
Scientists to Work With
Light-Wm ves,
"Of the many instruments which
mark the modern scientist, and the
perfection of equipment of a labora-
tory, the interferometer holds the most
conspicuous place," said Professor H.
Mt. Randall in the course of his lec-
ture on "The Interference of Lieht
Waves and Some of the Related Phe-
nomena," yesterday afternoon.
"Our eye will not only detect dis-
turbances of the great speed of light
but it will detect differences in the
speed giving impressions of different
colors," he continued. The analogy
between the omission of light and the
increasing wave-rings from the dis-
turbance caused by dropping apeb-
ble in water was very clearly brought
The theory of light and dark bands,
of which light is composed by project-
ing it on a film of varying thickness,
was explained. After making draw-
ings of the paths of light and showing
the effect of passing it through me-
diums of varying density, the speaker
thowed by the aid of a 'soap film the
reason of the various colors in light
due to the differences in wave length
and speed. For a given color we al-
ways ha'e a definite thickness of film,
and where the film is thinnest, light
enters and returins in the opposite
phase and results in darkness," said
he: .
These various principles developed
and proven led to a discussion of that
wonderful invention of Michelson, the
Interferometer. "This device," said
the speaker, "is nothing more than a
series of mirrors and glasses so placed
as to intensify the light from a source;
and by passing a beam through these
glasses to two reflecting surfaces and
back again, the fringes of light, as
was shown, are effected by the densi-
ties of the various media through
which they pass. "For instance," the
speaker explained "the heating of the
air through which one part of the
beam passes, causes a deflection of
the fringes in a degree varying with
the density of the air, changed by the
heat. The moving of one of the re-
flecting surfaces causes a deflection
of the fringes. The introduction of a
film into the path of the beam has the
same effect; of deflecting the fringes
an amount depending on the thickness
of the medium. It was this fact that
made it possible to measure the wave
(Continued on page 4.)

letters expressing the warm appre-
ciation of not only the individual
speakers but, the commendable plan
of thus cementing the bond between
the people and the university," said
Prof. Henderson. "This is gratifying
in view of the fact. that this was the
fundamental idea of the work."
Last year the work was forwarded
threough the Library Extension Bu-
reau operating from the president's
office, and was experimental in nature.
"The purpose, as now planned," said
the director, "is not the organization
of classes nor the conducting of ex-
aminations, but to advance the cause
of education and culture and to ren-
der assistance along such lines as
the community selects. The local
work will be done through several
teachers' associations, granges, wom-
en's clubs, and any other organiza-
tions touching in any vital way the
life of the community."
The new 1912-1913 bulletin of the
bureau will be ready for distribution
about the first of October, and offers
some hundred lecturers. The number
of lectures given in any one locality
will of necessity be limited, as the
demand exceeded the number provid-
ed for the last year, and it is desired'
to distribute the lectures as equitably
as possible. Each lecturer is paid a
definite fee and hotel and travelling
expenses by the university, making it
possible for the lectures to be free to
all. Te local committee must furnish
the hall and lights, and such adver-
tising as they choose beyond that fur-
nished by the university in the form
of uniform advertising matter sent to
each community receiving this service
for distribution.
Redecorate Secretary's Office,
The office of Secretary S. S. Smith
is at present enveloped in a shroud,
while painters are redecorating and
repainting. The color scheme is the
same as that now used in the purchas-
ing agent's office. The work will
probably be finished next week.
* All students who desire credit
* for work done in the summer
* graduate school, or the lit-
erary department should call
* at the office of the sum-
mer session and fill out a *
* blank. At the same time they
* should leave a stamped ad-
* dressed envelope for the return
* of credits after the close of the
* session. It is imperative that
* this be given immediate atten-
* -ion. *

To Hold oat Rases at Camp
The students at Camp Bogardus are
arranging a series of boat races for
next Saturday. Betting is high on the
favorites, and there is considerable ex-
citement at camp. The race will ex-
tend over a quarter mile course.
Surprising Statistics Mentioned by
ProtParker in Lecture on
"There are over eight million tele-
phones in use in the world," said'
Professor R. 1). Parker in his lecture,
"Some Recent Developments in Tel-
ephony," Thursday afternoon. "Some-
thing over eighteen million miles of
wire are needed. Over a billion dol-
lars is invested in the business which.
requires about 225,000 employees in
the United States alone. Probably
the telephones in this country are
used a hundred million times a day at
a cost of approximately a million dal-
"The great problem in telephony is
the problem of transmission. For a
number of years after the invention
of the telephone, experimentors did
not understand what they were deal-
ing with, It was not until 1892 that
Oliver Heaviside, after a considerable
amount of research and experimenta-
tion, published a paper in which he
upset the current ideas. Practical
experiment, however, seemed to refute
his claims, and it remained for Pro-
fessor Pupin of Columbia University
to carry the woric of the Britisher to
a successful conclusion.
"Before Professor Pupin's invention
was adopted by tlhe
was adopted by American telephone
compnies, t was possible to talk
from Chicago to New York only under
very favorable conditions; but at oth-
er times no amount of shouting made
it possible for conversation to be un-
derstood. Now it is easy to talk tbreb
times that far, and submarine com-
munication, before impossible, is now
established between England and the
Professor Parker mentioned as oth-
er recent developments in telephony
the so-called phantom circuit which
makes it possible for six people to
carry three different conversations ov-
er four wires without interference;
duplex telephony; and wireless tele-
Professor Parker illustrated his lec-
ture with a series of slides made up
from oscillograph records taken
throughaniordinary telephone trans-
mitter, of the vowel sounds, of "hello,"
and of "the University of Michigan."
Sociological Lecture Monday
Prof. F. R. Clow will deliver two
lectures Monday on sociological
themes. The afternoon lecture is on the
"Relation of Sociology to Religion,"and
the evening upon "The Study of the
Individual." Both will be delivered
in the west lecture room of the phys-
ical laboratory.
Prof. Clow is teaching the courses
given here this summer in the socio-
logical department, the principles of
sociology and sociology and education.
He holds the chair of sociology in the
Wisconsin State Normal School at

01(FICL 0.aALLOT.*
( ) Taft & Sherman
( ) Wilson & Marshall
( ) Debs & Seidel
* ( ) Chafin & Watkins *
* ( ) Roosevelt & Johnson
*Number of treasurer's receipt
Note-No ballots will be acceptea
swithout the number of the treasurer's
Votes! Votes! Votes! Come one,
come all! Equal franchise-women,
smen, children-only that ye be of the
faculty or student body-cast now
.your vote for president. Only one vote
will be allowed a person, and it must
be recorded upon the regulation hal
lot, as herein printed, and as will be
printed in each of ths*next three is-
sues of The Wolverine-and further-
more must bear the signature of the
voter. Cast your vote early,, and re-
member to sign it.
The polls will open with this issue,
and will close Monday, August 19, at
noon. Results will be given daily, and
the total will be published in the is-
sue of Tuesday, August 20. Ballots
may be depositied in the boxes in
University Hall, and in the Law, En-
gineering and Economics buildings.
This straw vote has been suggested
to The Wolverine by various members
of the faculty and of the student body,
and if all cast their votes early the
contest promises to be interesting,
What is the consensus of student
opinion on this subject?
The series of five dances given by
the Michigan Union for students of
the sumer session came to an end
last night. The dances held in the
large new hall, with the novel lawn
decorations, have proved a pleasant
feature of the present summer ses-
sion, and were well attended through-
out, though financially not a great
success for the Union. Sixty-three
couples attended last night's affair.
The total profit amounted to about
fifteen dollars.
Next fall dances will be held in the
new hall of the club house every Sat-
urday night; these will be for mem-
bers only. The hall may also be rent-
ed throughout the year for private
Human Chamelion at Last Rewarded,
Major Cody, one time wanderer on
the face of the earth, Hope of the
Wolverine feature scribes, and source
of much copy, has at last been recog-
nized by a long inconsiderate public.
It is said that even now he is enjoying
his well-earned rest on the plantation
at Eloise. Major Cody P'"'s in the
memory of local students ana others
for his earnest efforts in behalf of the
resurveying of Wayne County; also
for his expert inspection of the hos-
pitals here. Several of the faculty
will recollect the blithe incidents of
his stay in Ann Arbor when the
monthly billet-doux comes in from the
grocer and his colleagues.

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