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August 04, 1910 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-04

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T H E W OLVERINE ULFIGHJS GRE3AT SPORT i arie %'itlitlheaye ' 1 lswor,
$25.00ull it leht wa that tts itt "For a delightful luncheon
Tri-weekly publication of the students Prof. Wagner Lectures on Spanish esct rtes the anuioi l's tus or excellent repast"
Catig of the University of Michigan Summer Substitute for Base Bal Pitures oftf amonstsbutll figttrs, stais
Session "The oost grfeusiasithrsiillings of wxhitiPtof. PF,\Wagne r haIt anditt i
spectacle of tsr timsie.'as he chosse tosicitersed 1ith wilt.1tteaw "ttii i 1Kd kMngn dirLi HT. cl t a h ujc fpo, Psre n n i e: < ~M c '
K d keditorinChief-DANA E_ JONES Wagner's etre of thei."SpamsiBall tem5.
(Shopworn) LtoSFight" givenitTuesday aftrnooithe -ii l
News Editor. .....Dion S Birney e isatlls0hite ssiitt r T RIl8() P ' IC'
Price reduced 50c each day ettauirencso ayo5te. ~n r-
beginning Aug. th a foago patii eii eatssis.i t' s tietlitstie atigt ire, s-, tPapgitR oo mr
1 900 E. R. Burtoni Edward H. Ruble pert, Proif. Wager paint edl ins wortlesatiiaingt the plingte.
tI. G. McGee Burleigh Jacobs wh-tat the asistinig stereoplticonoldt no5t TIs ounintruictr ositheli rt prt
Erwin F. Koch H. M. Caltinss reveal abutthe Saishts sslstte for ititissis sPsfiremtietilsusit its the Te pope place to take your
--tbsebtall. seclusiono is1f asboth~l, suititappea rest onulyj'frend
S' ti~or IitueBUINESS PiA~r. tlil tfighting, wh ich Itis tse t Imn tescei osrfitaitin.
Advertising Manager,. Richard Sinmmoiss reossisi i h rt lt i1as itSstseti i iiI i
--O. . Carpenter JotiiiBinila cegagedt i tditt r t rofesonasel.f 5 t h si, treptaredstolivlse.A\firii
Wdl. G. Beasley whtotase esntrainI frlomsy tth fisthaldtist laidl at tlltohil.sie soulder. Service a La Carle
E. E. CLINS, ruggist dra:T\o~ut siPesBd. 'tchltbusiess endoful Ilush llttiisx nit itim interrpton
iMayiard Street, An iArbor, Michigaonest ottnn )1'5atrust its altexpe tosltsaut 5Pmstirr, lustte eait haee -ou ap 8A .t .MStrast
32 .SaeS. Offfce Hous:a 1 :30 to 2:30 p. us. daily. a ol rStei l rportion of Aeica. pcsrinslpble frsitsr etle it talsit9PM
Ema Bt hns 6.Spaisthoists iswili-c'1Ies-is m ts sit s Tesinistuctors-icas a ha~sty tglance at
Both phoixes, 960. of sills, whichlu aresirs isd i t siltr 1 Iis sillts;wonderedthotitus' adli e Iat tr ______________________________
Subscription Rates: Loca, fifty ceiti at'tis'Fer'eltijasitndiths~e tthi Bttu tssevdthat litwit-i'. it trslad ilsutit iiB oard $ 3.0
Get your MICHIGAN ' for the sumimer;omailed to aiy as- arc trainedIfor the rutg s full s isreiithiletd is tiotstilbarrsseto tdio tther ht' l
dress for twenty-five cents additionialii'i t~it t setl itit'hlth an tsstams r usiii ntlst ti-ThitistAll
Pins, Fobs and Spoons Advertisiing rates: Furnished upoin ap- etssiaisistjtehrs-s s \tsa slit se--iiy, xwel-Iis is alt Corn. qllato
plication______________to___ pictontothMMaigiag Eitr. sagiet tEdiitor.iihitlt ctthatettitt1 t lstere03 Eat"ilia i
part f tsIhe adidut lnew5 sp is "itt "W e S, srathei-than its tiiyoutuppatlr
sva tce stres onissin h st ies. f eue usnsucht a sit Itlaniioutiosse f
HALLER'S ilsi' thebuts t he fougt.t sss
Shlut I he daxofthetigIshtt hepu a ce he 11u'instuctr wai- s stirech ss uhihe
COPEETH-URSDAY, A.UGUST 4 i9i. ee-ciiinu si 'aut ah aiarid, su -'Sitiissu'seIytfollowed thigr nd 'ushaitera
cus Sarouseitmuchi s'are 't'''listryitafu tll paediust. nghdee iuyuand ucisiu- 0D
Editor Today-E. R. BURTON. eof the sallhAmeic iausttwsnttuotithe a ugily' fiteiittisttbeicititicuthatsred u cit
( } y ~of a circus Siis sittei unp~uhlttrein, wheli5stindtaablutis'ba~tig shihthisg psi -Dp. hihinMardrea.uaco* s ila elMogthr
I'PROF. WENILEY WtLL SPEAK ON price areasrdiii s thin iuei te slash'
DALTON AND ATOMIC THEORY. or its the sun WOT N5~f'S tl \( luSIPSI h.9
'Pheperformiance l iusthu the psets LETIhl ft'ItN TOtMORROWl'I.
Friday eveninitg at eight ocock Pro- crssionxsfu1at11tushtste s oit tifirnt ....-
'ne Watch and Jeweery leparita fessor WIenley wilt deiver a lecture out ranslianidsthesirsassstansit'. frt dils us- er iyc!)Aginitu' Wom'us Leutu age
"Datoit and the Cetntentnial of theanyutofttceshusfaIusfor I ncxtras .1aientts taieSaysaftennsossf this O .'a
Atomic Theory." The lecture wilt be ganst inerysuitseins inteSirest itsthis suee ftit 4 iito Sihirute pu tutu tsiats
given ini the lecture room of the Physicx proiceding. xwil he th'euseef "reatt hiarit'tuf"o'r
MAILEIR'S J[W[EL[RY STOR[ builditig. tlheatllfiht pi upeututons.itt fthree memrutin sof the womens i's oraniztion lilt
Professor Wenley is a tmatiwhioacts:I thai tuc esmsuted tt i ttrs. tat lustSthusifinss' SAIG*)1G
2t6 Soasth Malra t with a weathbof facts to bear out his of the bhuiusufcssaudthetinthirst xxhur tsi ling t tus o shuusstsu, retitedt "Tin6DS
__________________________________lecture. He was educated in Scotluain, the ighestirauthofufigutesris attemt ~t salladtof (Maru hinsJ sitsll hetlu fr"fs JOIJAiNAL DTR ITIO
_________________________________where he was a lecturer in Logic andh kill thec buts withui ssiwo t llss tt thin hrram 'iTt' exciting..DTRI
Phiosophy for sotne tinme in Queen uiutthurflst ac t,unsteunsight fortunesand'. sui tt'Pt tues uf a grlutitt
Margaret Colege, Gascow. tLater thees, dscendu tits -iuthsrt oSunt ir- lse cutssttute hunexu'sers trthin pliy.
BRESS becaume a lecturer ini Metaphysics at dent kihts set o iigraate thulustit tu'e wiotill an isithpeIuraffain GREY B
TH" - ANN - R~lBOR P- thur same place. stlls. Thuecutecutanieusrunitwith hutsainssstounttuSits'.aIpretliiigoexulcus.fUflL
Sitnce I1896 Professor WIeley has beets speitrs andtutesueoi)cut I S , tat tshud Siuesu folt-ldiby ereshmssests,
I'ciuuhcu'o h 'ttu deut at this university. Itn 189 andhagaint the fall, thueyscann t risc xxwihosut s sswill hi ivoigeittti t 6. ,Ailarige
.Bduuy itt [9ot he gave courses of letures ii sistanic. Lthitianutadh orsithu e e its (tutnutthis hIped for. Afist
the Hartford Theological Seminary. te nuager of sengtitersd.
___________is a Fellow of the Royal Society of T'her secondtulet, s that itt this luutttct u i iNSns sit usits eo usN'ue .
Edinutrgh, sad of thur Royal Society of ils. This is a sturt wonus ear ith n Pittl tsltpsof'08 susastrutn amuit and
Literature. Besides this he i a mxenbenaoutirosshart, isihntusest inltsitngtthlest ttuneIFusettCo(ut i i Pn -
Pt'es.ot:-Thin hwolverie, The of several philosophical and psychologi- Theifgte, umouurtdr'h tiie s s it dslit suits v s as tnouuis'ns its
Aihiigau Duity. The Aumusn, Thie cat societies.-fdg ti inesletnthe uhu,andilauittsSit Agustsborit s a memberi nof thin ello Dry cl aners
LawuRevewns,'rthe targoyle. The ii- He has published unumerous tmaga- xii that thin sull chargnes pat:ieitu sthe apais l)ISpsitfraerslitlsy. Afte a-
'hu te huc, xugh Sutsstooi uega, zine articles, std several books ott phio- o tine.ightsoanlf, uhentithe is't(,Iitungit't.ir sit i st huedund trtas' 1112 S. UnverityAve.
AmseicntTyunr-Kieystonee Ys's sophical std religious subjects. Recent- trustststhi bndeoturnilhlaist t ut ttttutu nc ndBedfra 11.artiorsmorte tushthenuspssedh and
i ot si tbsstali, uhiihetn ly he gave a special series of lectures dFlanks oithSuranuimal. llite be aminationsittsslbrnugadmittecd911 N. Vine Ave.
densiets'-suuy. Nws-iLetter'i'. 5. 0. A, out religious subects. Hr is also a meni- Thin utostudangspatntof the xx hohle tsss simer nIlSis susiw locatdin it
ii. PoksorosisHok.Uithniersity her of AitntArbor School of Religiou, ieformancu ex'fStllowthis li.ssen titiutpt tUitow, t h cut y ~sttoh GREY BROTHERS
T'esi-Bhtusiniffthterent languages. of which he his bett presidentt to eunag the hruenuturte. 'h'iritiFay htiett Count.G EYs
Press Building, Maynard St E s r ia i K d a cQ - 11o o S u i sANDSHUntigNBSREna erT pi
E s m n K da kP h t S u p i s Cptl$000 SrlsadPoisAnn Arbor, Michigan ou tt~e and Savins Deposts. Safely pad-
it KN'Fsure. r. 1..1's ETAN, VceePres
.J__________________Hadquarters for AinntAebor is at H. A. WILLIAMS, casier F. . SOWE. Ast
LYN D oN'IS, 719 N. University Tie Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Al oversCapitatoRnek000 ur s29,
sitSoud sda waters find We do more amateur finishiiig than all other's put together, and we do it 'eter, A General Banking Business Tranacted
isaite ast uiversty PlausiTaok method glees Sbest results r~rRR:Chas E Bsok Pres.u W D.
inaty s'u ie l a' e Sueor a hHt arriman, Vice Pres:u M J Fri, Cashier
tut'it'tit'i'. ty Mu ic House, Press Bxaiuiding MSAVnard BAN
-it suit"htrst'husestcae" houtor eold U iest u ic Cr. hi. a ad S. STATE S VN SB N
CarneWa cJicestoctf I JEs. . Sea:

" ~ inscIWe. Anld Dr, V C Vahan
Fast University Pbarmacy Cla~4 ssic ft tva Popular M KSCasH. Wade EF. Milts
isiiuttPteisiy KAaud solicits a ptr-onageof s"-aeeneunatsudets Prof ti S. Carhart Heny W. Dougas
Chistae Martini Dan P. Zimmermuan
University School o Music G Cma merolnavsnil~
Summer Session, July 5-Aug. 26 S jp r in 15gL V Sanng
Cov. Mein ~ad Lbente Stret.
ttt'uttr xsch year betins Otber 3 Hats, Suits, Overcoats, and Men's Furnishings. Drop in and see them
Al itelihni s'vets tuu _______FIRST NATIONAL BANK
30 Artixit'nutrturs. nal. oe seed tr OF ANNw AeeoaTH Macu.N
ilustrtei'l enduiat. FOF WANN ARBORE MLICH. A~j
%F* ~ ~ ~ .. LA ~~'E. . KtNNE, HARRISON SOLE
C'HAttRI: A. SiNK, Sretary 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET Pes. Vhe-Pesy
Maynrd t. nn rbo, Mch.S. W. CLARKON, Cashier,
Cpta. $10,000. Sruestund Profis, 1000

121 Wasbingte® E.

RNDALL, & PA CK, Photographers

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