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August 04, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-04

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Martha Washington THREATENS IN CITY
Gilbert's Chocolates City Physicians Say There is
AT no Danger if Water
Tice's Drug Store is Boiled
117 S. Main Both Phones
___________________ONLY TWO CASES ARE REPORTED

Under)thins catn]'short1111' sories Ier-
ltiniiisj lo the caIs wfillCii be published.
o11lsnthsss of lica1 interest -ill be cons-
ides'ed. 1dineesosnelwhosees sonietlis
Iisnsnrs abou/'it tine camsns sis at1liserlY
/ns/nic i 5upandsubimitl i store to )tihe
5 555555e5 n naw sili be sinnied 1ii
ibha ion il Ienamsse f /the nesiter'
Should asosnsn/'snthe sioe'..iNothi ng!
hxl e publlished Ihat eonines to the off ioe
,zilsss /ni a ssi iisn'el.

6 12 E.lberty


Sonme misaipprehension seems istorae Ti fns morning, before rail' teirds
)eeo occasiossed over tse eondsitionof wsere sout of 1bed, one ofi thssofhfiis of


Only one block from
the Campus
Three good square
meals per day
Single Meals 25c
$3,50 per Week
Sunday Dinners 35c
rAnother Chance
For Those Who Want
Verified by University Records, end the
books of the Telephone Companies
To Get It
You Must Subscribe for
Wolveri no
of isses containing Directory
except to sutbsiest.
35 Cts.
Phono 960


typhoid fever of late, tisere is very lit-
tie at preseint, ains itis tlser eis is not
traced to tine water hers er lseisot
likely to be any yph'loidl ftesenif catie
is tokens by lboilinsg tihe wvatr Suschis s
tine opisnioo of several phsla55 ns shs
were interviewed yesterday.
Dr. Yutzy said: Tinesre sansbeenssns
typhnoid fever lately to sty knsoswlee
There is nontensowssn tse ncty sofa
as I knsow. Thnere i isnot tieiryisto b
any under preseint csondritionss if care is
takento Isboil tine water. This is als asd-
visable thing to do. Tineneter shosuldi
he hoiled hy all oneans."s
Dr. Breakey, healthn officer of thcintym
of Asnn Arhor said:
"There is absolutely mo fever inn Ine
city except two eases, soth of whichti
were hrousgintinn Iert ftrsinsttsiethtns
city. Thnere has hees no piouoss ty-
phoid fever in tine city, evens costs whitch
msight have beets brouttli nt frosmnnout-
side, for nearly a yeart Tinesretissot
likely to be any if case in tahken ins boi-
ing the water. Tineesneedl1be n c
cation for alarmn over a fever episdesic,
hot care oughnt to be eksecsestt
Dr. Belser ksnew of otnecasse of ty-
phsoid fever ins tine ciy He too, sai
there was iittle danger 5 f typinid fever
front the ciity water if core was taken
to boil it before ussing.
Dr. Wartin said in regard In tinesuib-
"As long as waler is taksens frost the
river tine cosnditionts wiltlsbe dangerosus.
If the water isiboilesd tinelassger ailt
be averted."
Thnose fraterstity smens whts were lain-
eta ill proved to have only a slighat sumnn-
mer illness anad have practically recov-

Ih ns t sisossswsh o sa she et es tssriss0
iss summers, departon ft orAtlatic sitCity.
Untecsisarmsnifte carnetsa nseaftly xvrap~-
Tiss o the sother osite sfthestontns
Insatcosolcornesrs nfsonecssf \tlssntic
rfoss theo west. sn eleic s fnIsi s sistedt
lagadse reststsof tteri chessk.ist
ipeisn o sss ofs nssic enerfuseds fttitssery,
ssssa la'snssi oflmnd. ienvop
ssadsdtressesd ntoftessntsy Unitonsoffii,
sack nt'intsnnArbor
"IamSss ttf11gsson55tine bsatch writinsg
tss sanke my hsppstsssomplsteitsou
sndsa boxsf cnd,5 e ctrasdfhii
Tlisttter resacsted sssmtArbostasot
sit gsosss etesn, assdl Ithe ssfficisas, te
per-sss'ng o er inssssmmerst ltt os, htas
happy viion"s,anss coalsnsg thosusgts.
L "htttts, 44sf'
tic Cit1y~
"I\cfrnt 55 oer tte \\aish, ots f
Dectroit 'lhusdaosi.s
i Whs the ptint
Ois n'i t sris otetaios tisos ae asuit
ft ssteOse t l'ne itith isab1rsassers fo
nwaga d ss ssssomeflans;sisloscto fte
isrer s andc5 sssnes tonsscossfectsner's for
1 Tuisn ntsppnt1tisot 5inesd Unsios
osficstital hasfionetoSn eel: olsace ann'
coret (?5) iiintegr eat cost resort.
Thsere isinthitss csslege towi, a yong
ssstruictosr sooisodeisotis scek sibuoy-
tnts of spitrit anssslosir of stinfyiso sinus
erso ssse trins indstwiiing exctt-
siosnis ntislst gishtosHutsron.

Two and a Half-Million Amer-
icans Suffering From
Destructive Disease
"Terosaisind isisalfnmillionnAmnnericanns
see: efierte ish tine tssssbsrriiuseause'
intlae scsi . A.n S. ' 'atfin ' as-
ian n'nn'nirnf'ins hi is ec't n lthe I k-ttn
ssssr iseaocses mni it fnosne of the
reast eco 5nom555ticlos sstfniir coupn-
is\ ftdav.
Isn the'suthecin sitic- therscist saf
,Mas of eopl kiiwn nervaos
names 5 asothei i t( i so' noise ()o
uhtsfsthe iso tsr' ifoustdIFloridan ertek'-
o swicthistissihinof theseis t "ti.()-]os
Saxon5 stiock,'hsoin isetns marksedt b
a shiftlssnes, 0 lfthinhs n cesupsednnt
tos beinhemttretnt. Bsttscisncfistdsis-
tinteresd isaitthis itoktonf amsonlnn tss
sinutryotysr att easotipart nsfit, is sdue
ts a tptrasitce tatlinvesii inohessodies nf
Sthseoplen otit tnds is theirIlosod.lT
imprtsfitissdisouvercc is sog'et nthint
fnr Cti anieto hans funishedonnnsf tln
sortint stuyadraiainoth
1 'cu eserftsrono il sstine ncreein,
shoings'tins'mtiaiited nd a'nmiuicn-
distionnsf a typst ica Trounsf pssoo titles.
IThins, uitstbliedi stusnt'dn thsc's showsotd
ni/ontso nf tine r'vnns,'ithfie lshoowrmsi
group onft a Suinday schoolsoftot cntoni
fmilttoserts istss, ri six snf ty otncnt
mhnidthko rm.nn sIff nn facitshffanemic0

is worth considerable morn to
you than the cost of
Take ns a snce b dinkcrn-
ing ordina'ry watier at tisotinsge
of thseote'aribut let uso supply
you5 withs Rest-free
wich insu reaty~ott withsan
abnsolutsely pure and wshole-
somse drinsk.
Per Gallon - 15c
5 Gallons - 50C
Containers returnable at price
j charged. Delivery free to
any city address


I le is neither peculianrfor ''saysitthat
Tine second engneertig party moiin' r tr"nrfr"tik htac an
held Saturday eveningignmBa1bourns ym - no tinat sohlit hatntptns to tis tle pro-
nsasiumts. Danscing will tbegin athlnt 0sontdsn is nt isme accredintet i/nff i mm.
past eight. A four-pieceorchetsrumatse1Rathoermint mcl icaehwte bent
sae anne that was engag'ed for tine/istof inn is Intfl brtime wa'yssie,'5io0r ie-
party, will fournish time ntsmc. tis /filt 1imednocoinsvtentiosn,
Thisis ishesfest uiteeline eingineers Tiyins nn strutorhasa btinig
aye insdtlged inn summerdaclisinn, Tin s't mm tinmuins appearettdnoithsoumt disgrace
success of itseir fhrst party'as enicoir tiselatsotononinn tint iresente ot lati/es.
aed them, owith time result mthat the sec- Ton islittin tuits unostusomsewhiau t ee-
ond party foliosso soon.5mm Athounghtollete m sftronindinao, bmii Insta'nithlat,
fin party in cosnduced my tine engineer- a mnoest stint andniinset's. It nshould at-
i studeisis, Iit isopems 10 studetonts ftron n o incemmentoneodithatitime sliims inof
all departmnentus, nwliite nsttin tus misof darko maeriali.
About sixty enouples attendoedl tfi tTissunmiinnhs ralbetitnamm ourmmce nf
patity. As mny soreartntxc\tedmenextsomeiiftstile prsmoe uposno tine paruoiftine
guturday, tine wvhoe of tine "ymnivim innistctor
o iii probably be sused.N tell.nothimtnnstruormless giveni
ton g snsse'srchorafin ci pros o rised
Tickets smay be securned at tine doorn n usiptsomanpopularitinetngplasice.Tine
or fromsatine commssitee wli ose nannes aseinvmissatinn sacet ledlandoltlie Iso
ansnousnced tinstine posters. Priceto
tickets is fifty cents. (Continuedt on Page2.

mut5555 ivs, thtni, /nn-ore h iso ERBACH 8c SO I
er ottime hookossnrmn, it wno gven tI
name, "cottonm mmil anitemia. IThPdi1', COMPANY
-eeis ntcnie otesorcass ev-er, an'sinsnfar ieont nrcmo
es-ems asstng-time studnsts of ____Tulane_________________
Phmtotongraph-nsofi fatal cases stintwtnt5 'i ; PFT RNODN ICCTCIE, //N
great tbloantingof tine lambis as swell a5 "REINFORCED 04 'MASON RY.
tint fate. Tinedunease is insliee o Io___
einer onlt/hroumghntime sin,nd hintl itc Tinesafternmuonsleteill s ei/ivio 'fens in
is comnnmosn sils tine childrene of the Irfessor 'l'ildenmtftite ennnt' eitssdi-
tosser classes stintsgin barefotag'ea5proomesn'st. Tim etesrewilbatie
dieal. Gronunditchoi, ani nfn/i n b-ocokaundnilntibeoin tine phins '.o st
usenetstinetines nt/tesspreeeslan' at-nture'-nons FmoftsnornsT'lden nillt/iles
tact of timeisnh'o-tsor isasiome.Tine tine subj eotof "ensintsrce 'tinsosnus
ti/sense /stlf metinlot tclys delctop-I liiihistak
unut. andttch inlrte nto ainsi st eigt P ostorTutsid nns c/sirg'e of1 te
or tens are oftnfimsitentnd i eghteen. cmouses sn 0xpeismentaitworkntl hatiitns
Dine boyti w uenty'-onne years oitttlooteddoneo soitisceument inntin ens'sniueegifote-
and wann s eeoped nabosutlke aby a rtm~0 nstment.nf Spteinciacurss on ned ns islm
thnirteens. inuntine regularseasein hsunwtonnknmb Cm.,
'lie ihookwo'renm diseaise ushknown i nents ore tesietd wiuchn-se engusunent
othneharts nsf tlimorlnodcthaour iowOini onruwih Invusc entseinstl usnide
ssouthenstasntes. Finmd has dtin it coinstnrunctuous Tess uscunson stiffen-
stunt frnomnthinesi.ofi Cnernwal ;m erhentanslo Sinruttturaitsteel ndlitf5ret
imany 'has suearlyconuredtit inn ter aiston tot conncree nbiusiinus isnstin-
mnses andobliitckyasects sut in sn/ll is/sideree.
prevet ins IntsinSAfricatne Pi/ip-_
i/sesJanand ii Southn Amser/ca. It i oo smneennTo1RnP n vo-'''srS
estimiuated thaot sitspee cenut of time ISatinrstinteo1enui fiteStiudtnt'sVYet
Pton Ricauns ste cffooted,- asndlthat - i hnis usillettiinns at Nessbtrry
thitype cet f hei- eahs redu Hll. Ait thonsteiwtoitrc imustein u
tinruthlitte rso istusThenparasiseeslmi ionsare tinvitedi tonome, soane nit
Stee/uinn'bytine sli nndiuw oing inuitswy rothers.'limofirst ritspon bytin's i nt
Ins timesmallnitnntstinet,/fastessitsel/fstonnee i-ottltssietrnu-sms
the intiestiuno asanodt suckos te lnotnodiandolowas nowoll atended, abouitiffInt beIn
n f itn vlurnntarvehmasnnhnsst. Ins mhisnprtesent. RefInnslumentsis lb evd
tContinued te Page 3.) Mok o r xccmssarec cornng.



35c---Balance of the Summer---35c Together with Directory Numbers
Phone or Mail your Order Today Press Bldg-Both Phones

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