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August 02, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-08-02

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612 E. Liberty
Only one block from
the Campus
Three good square
meals per day
Single Meals 25c
min r week,-I


Condition of Ann At
Is Unchanged an
Germs Are Nun

'ACING s~I htghlv it-sated BAC>
PIDE1YIICPolan kll(1101 vilpwllso R
fitstu( t romthts- susocsanid pitfaills of;A
1 h eroois to the bolsom of out-
family.-ftilogical flItlin.
rbor Water - - Many
d Colon Profi-ssorlDrake of thelta w di piSr VMa
seo $ c t ill 1o51to Chicato ( itel at -ttt
neou ies 1Burin; ithe seond qurtlrsiofte

yBacteria Destroy Organic
atter and Thus Maintain
Fertility of Soil

N o.t.


Sunday Dinners 35c
p 0
6 .5
ti F


Another Chance'
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To Get It
You Must Subscribe tor
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Colon germs, oriwaiverai thi y fles --cI Theicommaon idea5 thatiiall lusteiaarie
if doenooliattcr. Soitethinini isthe priten s es sxploded byillii Assistant
lHuroii River, sfter si sugishttillhill (ifri Iets ilslpinshortii stiotriiesfcr lProfessor J.IP.1Pollocsk1,l 11111 Ii fter-
frip, got as far as ftsediifn11g tiable of1 f ississitolithec i ls2ill Ibe fpIbishedi oo llh stirsesill"Soil l It siin
the S/igina Chti's andttheSrtsui ilt isthlt it ii illisoo aof lo il itlestlwil!libecoil ts eaio oSiFIstitlity.
sevetn of itetten tt sthftithtouts reiii s 5sf ,oe'wo es omtin Soil bios lyis related to sisil fer-
hovering ontthe ragged sidge if tli sill illcms I lissith /e 1-51 fpts iis(it lilet ies sad so te isldif crosils insesr-
fever. 'o ,sitc it lip sii sib ts hs t' t h rl a s" sill tes peake1 r. 'hts
fDr. Tttzywho has liee t-tenoding thilIr / rra.N' cr sI liie i sd 'isiti te a ita !O tI pil Iflorat,
ailinig fraternty menuris, warne15d11 themi 01 ,lblsi t/illoiii!uI/hei osii5oif Itei s I' cr tatisi aseil 1ahssciionopat
againstf partaking farther iof Ills sits fist/if U so fpcil h toe. V'tligwiline 1in sitandswichic/isit inili
wvater, is/ering no 51ssu11illsesofitseilt i?1/be/ii- is ihi1 I/sit eloies /toI/he osi s-pialtof listsiaiithe- simpilist lints we-
titless lhcy forsweairi. il/sol i i 11 iisisio~atr.xi ,adin prtlfifliugiof a ige
In spitfe itfflie t iitttti 1111in te liio s-aiti i t han bacslt eria
swater that ecoimes thiriughith li ii iNt l -allwcitte tie a ;(tlofteetake i lissarv haris ill
frequetwsarni/lgs if 111111 havIsis eis l11 ligre-ss on th/e sisistis snsiofiitle thesiside lstcionlsit organic matitir, is-
issued hy publsissndtisirsityi tll il -tliye-site facuilisty-sund imliosein neils edralis1 theloten i/iwio111 /iii togetfler lto
f/es, many of te bosarsdingrhoumses Coil- )/antilslers-tenl or-spi li. earitha ft complesits<I si- sitfi 'pIsocsssr i
f/ne In serve ttiil/lesl atr is het't i tsrrtsi Ilis itt11 sitc'lSoimih ellf I/shie I to iimIaint i the felility ofi tse soil. Its
patronstss stmidCanille wy i'asa i1ltist liieilcint~ pa ag
A few of theibeser lasssroomiiing loss ha toIii for li ime otis purtt iitistoriingrboe/sn-disuidels ists-th
houses tare e en pri-/iltitililioilid olfial i isii~ey ariusilMiani'andihe iairiiills tI/uslkeepiing il/ithe Suppily- of
waferby coinsiderateI laidlatiis. )1lit iwanted iaisis tpartilar11and1icareful scarbsnillrIsthller cs ofsssi greets i/alts
for the greater 11a11 the sludsh lsill it-Ilstnograher. Sieiiiralttaislitcan tsi f/is, The, provide a suply ofl it tillse-it to
feitsaisee at the fitiversityirat isoil Is i- us issit ilsiwallted, iaidl went1 awayisgriii iscropsil hwas , y o-
at the merc- of thes'c1tizens whoi ase P inthereistileshill lulihlieitmail sltsie iii itrogii0-elin i lt/iserclsby
suppslosedh toiexestoute soil if careincay ltte1CaeillyiWitnitin thiI/e tiling i ll(' oil ou/s i ivingu
the iniferest of their hIt.11111 iii iii liss tv is ha11 apeaei t o11 5il lant111 sisand lb fli- r rat ~ss's if aiittiiiii
leahly tiche isial uyrst lel1: lc 11 1 l I l'~l.A c Sltr iatt~ gl iii tltoon.s S il 111111
sis of the eciys uwfser has isis apeaied ias-i stenograpersiw-t is l ho./toifisoiisishes-siloi 11-1 mayii-duini
these ceumnisit theinostancisofithelsii l/i ii itisa-.i ii wenIo tp issolv ii- in Olsfte ~yinoul
authoritiss. Iuriirflin teiti wsil5withl lislsl i o tIlls-ishonessi fati s comp iost ssuns initheisl.
wvarnlings isfuid,01111pl/s itaiteilsotit a ill ic i-adudiress "igit prsneif funi iiiithis soihl in
sls-ril-/rutg of sininigrwa tser ilil;-aislla r Sme lii Isi tl tthisofi/iai l lislis ef/iss/itribustion1 sif sil los
pareitily to niail. decIlared thi/iat his 11(11 hI llieito sees the Itilts In the iahisencei ofisuff/iientii huts
--"Abhsoltely eriiai,"1is this wayiioneiy/ouigtla' sili liperson hut hi s It(')fiIlls sisoil the aidifrod ucs if sil
proinent physsisiain clhiiis/cieris titus'Comingi-toi h/ihrsitlfor sillsehtimes, hut fund play g11 ive a- aid r- l-et 1is)tothle
sisaigeroneg isi~ligenceluonltheparti o wheathe did. Oh. hat wuitld hes ill soi Ii hswiill liitthi/is-lxtsOf es-
ftie wafter ecompanyiuscityIiiassndi/ it..S/is Couldl iliom ie - avlie wsi l ros iiiatsil1siori iisi- hea-
citizens, itayi ilii iilhis Ofi// .s- WSalk/sri-ht ii, i-Isc I i i i f is/hier soilcari- isists r111-
'It wonnul nut lbe stirittinifi AttI Si) l-slie pleased offiia/l tuhirniedhtohitis is scroslay xrisis ll/he ix-
Arbosrifaceid amore or lessdangiosis l t h iing nota lithle of ft'e tt- Iills whiish ar i ts i i ll to itheliirssiin
siege rif tyfuhoid Isis."t sils' te-sslas-raiheti- li se iwouildlsill-s- owhshitthii lic o tese in
Caooeists bsnug sw-oridof sexirsmll I- ~-- tr lhuh shesnotswrittentethI/i /Igeniera /l olit IIof sui i i Iti- is
--ow ivatetroll this wayN1111 the rlivseriiahd best hletteillfsapplication lhe-/hadils esnin ivets toibhisdeterine d
ftat Ifreqsueinitlysoveedwi t sl imethaitshliiiislls i <t ciawI ina lly, ast1111 1- 5 slsa-s
?g-afhers iiflihIlstalgnation of this waitsr. n his ai l/sohiedtimtsthe xstiiiglails Ikno1n itoibeipsirisitssponiaricltural
;iDownt by theisltanditishteisise shisci/li ariiedi.1 h Ist u'h/sleti-is oflui i i lrascos, reduintis hsilshei id, l and sic -
nih esiintto th riieisthis streainov- bdly i 5 / - of- asts-ih'ig~lllis-i-foIsll/ sisihisut isoI is-ally sisi ullthis-fir--
-n l wgiothslIzy esdl iie s tiout thse /bridge thi/is -'su I- o esi w re a aiol-t sirt ilits if thi si .
that is hbeingiibuilt. In t t p I laces 5 iiculd y illios, sIt ti/h this-rivu-i-i' oiisgsiehill-i S ------
erolss this-river secteeelsyiselftt tiu tii1stsitgso byd(res, andihen shesissstile to PRis//iIU/ -SSIS t51Rf-huhS
top;l, tI/uoffi/ia i l's do isi I t ii issit"I i Itc. EPifRT-5FO 51R I1IiI CATION.
-Absov ethe iiaiisthe VwaIter15ifsshftorse .C)Il,ill" i he isial Caellsd-il erilsi
ecomiparatively sdeep, vs Ihl ck iof iiraitophilsof his Iihihsssnev-s-i lushill-" 1111. Purifesssr I tssi if thisuivue rsity
hasiproduisi esi adistystagntion1111 iiiSit diwnii iti esonitiiuedIas liii siisi 5iilssiitotuhiihas biii preping11forrpui-
less apareni ott tethaniiblow isthisdhut if sit l i s de er-i iimes-itis licaitioillthisesteprfthe li ehiss-s
I t seessisthat thisrusis ino holls foristopped. "\I'o ilt are this- steno-rapperh,"i sitthi soiety151ofiAmeiricanii it isissies-u
the stutdseit.1 tilisi illsnesltsi l doiany- this il//icial askedhasi/ly siihis adu s iu itrlii usisilt Thetsboot:/iwill
thinig tis rsiisslsconttitills, lieif this nime to iasstille/oli//ts lift lbyi/ishis beimadeIsupsss iils-llv ttur i -s-rrashat
/i, lnt the ease, it i i vs tha1 litt ufiih-lledprig 5silnogrphert he da beli e.sislithhi/e imeitnigs Xviihiss aye l ee his lduiss1uri-
or ithsini 5s-ie iitone. Im prettyuss list now, sigpuisit iii'' hue I-isttIemi-/ys- s- W5hsliesllsoi-
-'M~eanwletthis tuifositunuats suuiusmer- takea -eerlortwoifie lc" isttsIhti wiork siill eiusbra-e-abiosut
gfuest -of thei fnilversits, sit-'iii i/55-s- A padiandi pecils appei/s/u in iithisstsreeiihudsed li-s.s Proifsso~r is-
seti of shaintgsdishs mutigo"oniiof-liiouiig'1 iii S -glovei hi- as i -;rs-i-is--il ipresenti Secristaryisfthets-so-
fectungitis stomaci islias cuilturie groundti i-i-ic. flu-osi/etil lies-u gthe/srsing up csietyis,iiandiiieilsoelof ptetinglurhi/s
ftoi-all mitsinissof sdeilsth elintig bli. uhis upaper s. clitiuisIpart /of hiss du1tieas stuch.
-The (Garioy-i" us the only/- eiat elss S st iii issuon s/l-rishieari C VVW.PCsotwau-is-usitit-is lbecitforeds
msagazinue ill the UniteS ttethtIfive s Thisoffiial iis still looi i for-asit oIleae cfist Sarasinac IDifeN.V Y.is-lure
equsal iattentio to tflueriousiiiinititomssstu i'egrapher, hut h dsth iwrdhis iiill rise t ti siuis Isfor tieresi-
ileent iiii~is apisirthure. iwhits"lto his restuiremesi.llohiss

VtatilleriCuishingi--and his St ii sreett
iobilei Satrif fr am ithu lii
Clinutoni"homeisiBhils.5" Neediles s to si
he "[lonics os"lst te srin
Thei SitAroh r/isisasusi ii i t lo
-a gaute aniuareintt upon111colslctingii
ill sclsosoeoth listhttaIsiin5 i
he sate before the sasonslses.
Thte gamiie sas inilsire-stig lsel
lea u patt.11yi fitth iswav itis fre
whoii were 011out li i l rn s. 's rilihll s ii
madseih-es-sal ssptau lar csatshiss ii deep
hugte sichisereistuu isis1 brn
1pro1fusely- app~latued I" thesfairi Clitni
sties- ettmhispsillsthis fact i thatli
li-l-reifNvasin iexucheentformi alwing
the C'l/itoni Iuncshusut Isis sanned its.
Maser if/ushis- wste'"bii iii iin
thes-ittnli/sisecr ing silhreeliofI the
;even its pundedi oi1 us s-= io s forliii
-hunu rscugh trgm o h
PEILt. telh -PhNI' IN SPIN
ASCOPCIhfi VA IS hbi:i I,
This lctuli thils i/isiernooni wil his
if this Spaishi departmentlii ofsthe u/hi-1
vsrsity. liis subjecii till bl"ii liiiSpan-
ttis tushf iih ii isn iiwlu/se illustratedii hi
sill sia lbsoad s iiheSpaisln-us
guig a5nfdsrfit was ile hereiitil5hIt he
ssotu t u sile pflis-uts- -uuus
hisory goes itSpitniithusre hasialways
buen uight/siing. u The -souri Iohuh is
sio lsss tutulop /ula laninithi s gon-sses
lie As a sporutIhoweversit hai s h
mladesasirofestsinail null ing ihe la st
twosicenturies;sius theusevsiteisnutssen-
Inr sel wsauscout isuirtI indfwasiei--
ggieud i1 uu-"s-ntlem-nuuel us armeis-larus
miounuted.AVthIis stge of Ithis g-tite
therie au's' iio genlll-ils-ieiu--ug--i, iit,
thus-mencutairs poorlIsy iusuuiui'u, as utiu ii
iftte hetteiriarisis.
the larger tois.tsThi spsortIisto Stair/i
wshasithustsiballis to SAmericsa. 'fheri'
sre the favr itle mura ii s wi-hisstrves
sbouot fromuuicitytuoiislcity titke prini
fightssitudlessselikiown igher t
go0 thfis ale p s i erytwn
of tutu sire s Ii isifbstll rinill-andi its
Thfitss lurelpsoiiuses tobintteesting'
for it wa s fprestarsed iniSsaitothuhe iici
t fits tutuviisiy incosnctiuontti tilthfle
tseahing-sofISpaniisht s anillushratitnsit
fluhe Spantitshss custms.Sin11ce ihis trni
Is flitss cunt1ry111rofeistsVtusoWanr hiss
widienuesdfle scoesuesf his is-shils-d
s'onn ets it wills its ttistrilsti ng.111
" Nosw it findssgthe liarelustof fluai
msomientf eurvion shillvs 0 fluumultily this
nunbuu/eu f poundsisyiithisnumbier o sf
fet.-si, yuuihivetiehs hsaesyourtet."s
''VSelifistglasd I (is1Ahaveiss10have
see/sfeet ay1y, rmak i Pof. [ilu
h o lus S. & R.sceasss ssth iii i
ProfessorI iftiusou i sisningliihIis
stimmser at iSesalifsi/usrV staine

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