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July 26, 1910 - Image 2

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The Wolverine, 1910-07-26

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Kodaks and Supplies
Developing and Printing for
E. E. CALKINS, Druggist
324 S. State St.
Pins, Fobs and Spoons
Fine Watch and Jewelery Repairin
216 South Mai"s St.
Prie's to IsteeStudent
Printers of:-The Wolerine, The
Mihigntiaily.'The Alutns, The
Lou Rele o, Tie Gargoyle. The Mich-
'lv eelheic Higit Sehseel otega.
Aweerieat Tyler -Kleystonee, Yste,
t;renttBool. on Football Official Stu-
dets iirettory, News-Letter, S. . A.
Hadoeeeek. 'Soros ooks University
le'el.lleol,-,iee dieerent langtages.
Press Buidng, Maynard St.
Ann Arbrn Michigan
All Lovers
eel Good Sed Waters id
teal. teeast tUniversity FPhar-
testy is an ideal plaeefr a
r,:itts college ice or a tirist
Ti eeuete"Dueetchtocolae." ht oreld
East University Pharmacy

University School of Music
Albert . a 5nley A.15., tDiretor
Summer Sesstan, July 5-Aug. 26
Regetler schle1 year beegitns October 3.
Cuetrses tee tll tbratesetatMustle.
Alliliatred titleUiversity.
10 Artlist -Teaclers. Call, or ceed tar
UIIARI,t15. A. SINK, Secretary
Maeynaord SLe. AtnArbor, Miicht.

Tri-weekly pbication of the stdetts
of the University of MichigatnStmner
Maenaging Editor-LEg, A WHITEL
Edditr-i-Chief-DANA E. Joogts.
News Editor. ....Dion S. Birey
E. R. Burton Edward F. Robie
F. G. McGee Brleigh Jacobs
Erwin F. Koch H. M. Calkiis
Advertising Manager.. Richard Simmonts
0. . Carpentaer JoistsBtnilla
W G. Beasey
Address: THE gWOLVEtNE, Press Bldg.,
Maytard Street, Ante Arior, Micigat.
Office H'ors : _1:30 to 2 :30 ptee daily.
Both phones, 960.
Stubscription Rates: Local, fifty cents
for tie summeeer; mailed to aey ad
dress for twentyive cents additiotal
Advertisineg rates: Furnished upone ap
pication to the Managitg Editor.
TUESDAY, JULY 26, tgo.
Editor Today-EDWsAD H. Route.
Now atd theiiAen Aror heusiess
people wakene to practical expressotn
of sytmpathy with studett itterest. We
heieve tat nost of them appreciate
the patroenage of the studentetbody; sed
we beliee Itat most of theen are radr
ated willitng to work for Ie advancemettel
of ueniversity spirit. Bet still it is otiy
low anten eethat this itterest is msan-
In Ite generous donaetione of te use
of insrumtents atd records for the
eUnion's recent Victrola cocers Mrs.
Root, of the Utiversity Music House,
has taken, the lead in this oosting of
thte things that lend color acd iaeres
to the life at Michigan, acd we siecerel
hope that ler kindly edeaors will eet
wite reciprocat expressooecfrotecMicii-
gat e nt acdMichigane wotmen.
Spokanee, Wash., July ,s.-W. E. Jo-
ife, forcmerty of Detroit, now assisatt
to lte secretary of the fift, dry farm-ec
tang congress, with heaqarters its Spo-i
kane, hasbett appointed official report-i
er of thle district court of Galatin cout-I
ty, Mont., y judge XW. R. C. Stewart
sitting at Bozemn, at a salary of $3,0001
a year, and will assume te office otti
August . His successor here tas ot
yet been appoitted.
After graduatincg fromecthle high school
at Plyneouth, Mich, he worked his way
through the law school of the Utiver
sty of Michigan by doitg sorthandj
aced typewritincg, being a member of thet
firm sf Jliffe atd Zewadski, later Zr-
wadski atd Lane.
Fte catme to Spokane to do coont re-i
portitng Sepeemer , tgto, aed went to
Billings, Mont., as asssati to Johne T.
Burees, secretary of the dry farmnicg I
congress, necSepteceeer 17, reemainineg

ait tat poesilti letdi t e' t: 1it i tee 1lit
1as im)set secere'etr ft he exlit tio
committtttlee of the'lee:,reetol eel
sitione, swhiche silltaelacetits et tees
lion t h iithle' Drye l-ire eg reelngeesi
Spokantec,Octoe tt'o le8.
l dy eof lymoulth II, 'el isl., ,et lie hoi e
of her retl s tee, 8 te'eeeei, afer
whiicht he' aitd liss rie ll nuel e I ttee.
leome at Boe man'teie, l.\itr~
GRAI31j.\''l1, l ICeI'IIIIXN
1c0('11K\11 V OMO 'ttIIcfiIN
NiX that, A. Dnieeety, 'V", engiee''er, ~t(
heas beree actileg tes asst, atl 1ert e
ell foerlice ILaeesiteg Ca stand ettioI
pacty fee t he tes s teica t ts Iteete pro-
mteto Itlitthesttoeo clcite ist
for tic ges sytnticte whtctettnsW
gas eose ere mi t n til r
DuntefsIeadle uattier It.s kilIhet't tt-I
latic' Citt. Ie wllh v il] 1 tel..
of itsalineg tliltpparatus fotiths i ew
labo:ratlories wihaetoh etttd 1(
thsat late.
ceedte shait pi asegier
Meg eceaitaed yI eMihianea
AXssoeciationt, ad ett w eefo n
othee'year'le to d :spieeeet l ttrtel.
lie gsswotrkiskteeaetpectialaoat
is m itan d b the neeisiees'itt. li
sits ofthfeisetetek1,wtteItpttlishttd At
tis cuty n asbrlteeee toad. I speltvsi
teas ee trae o ol ri ai tlsse''
11ions of tlt th e iutry-t.
XIAGAZ INE :1C(801'1 'lWI81
\V-tiRI'IENEN BY IN010eA'IMfI' (0'iiS'
One ofliii stuetels oftellt s
ses tsioi temanseeItne 'spit ofa tt
tls heanicist of tl t It .1lbliett s t hai
donec soesp .ecialttttr sigtiotw
theat teas attted ltle tt ettttt t ofl1tie
eitlors of th Siai . tte \i.dr.
Lell ,Ve.Chalseewtilelaknlet ciniir
sorks teth Poi ssrt ean'' lepro''
sill tie source's w ih la 't h a 11
ontier stsou it foth tt e. tntl nt ha
is lh ice o a ticetoiappei
the' Jelly issuioc heS ineRlic
by Air. Chese.
Nexl tyer, hatingtb.V tieat timCe-
plsiet eths nckesl.vi wr, M.
Chease still tce upl"=ke eoI teiger
degree.13Dlringtti thesast 5etr hehas
boceen teasleinghitoy tth ttus
.Agricurtie 'al tollege', I tetI Kat n-i
sas. Seveal tther it icles hv p
pear'cd ftometelimtte ltIimtein terhtee
meagazinee-s frotte l'pen ttof 11r. ('tase,
but thcis last is hleearegest teerk

.tset it t ti l ~~l lv t ter s IT.~ .1
K It t ,,Vt ' e i t I(, l ii t . le te
.1ete 1 e e eet tll-t etor no , % iit.
hl~ic , et.. tr ran te ii~- ife r
H oeee e l 1teet i '11111)"11\


\N'eteete ieevce I'ro
reel. \We a. 1t r ol
I t tttclu .et l te tee
stcc it tle i n 1tt e' c I f
lIe el Il, t ree11 t ee'n
:1('- n eIn I t tii e Ii cc
\il ctee J t t c crli
Iio 114 Fa e 1 (' ow
ta c si itn11A ; (i cl
it o ee i te ll< e nt li
11,as wh 8i 8.1w
be e t rt , C ees \.. 'ti [..c
Iinn 1'm-I I . tee' I I,

lcistreli ti telf
t ilt is titc
l.1 let cet i
'o I it. 7I
ie e
tt. l )o,
I l ieee 63

We are slhowiteg an exteen-
sive lieee of Steetmer Fabrics.
Teldrassortenet rotmprises
everytieg titat is new aced
netbbeylee desiget, color saed
equtlity. We rate say with-
ot e rosgeral ieeon or stoeck
theis ycer is lice emost eaend-
soeteee evhlave elver sheowen,
andl 11readily appeal +0oIte
icost particular pateron.

W. E. Dieterle

[,tli 'l.1?°Its ., 22) 8It5,ells I 17 E. Liberty St.
117 1
L u ret .R ,, ) 1l I ttset.tttt' J. ____________________________
ilclie 1 :r ti '- 705i it s C . 11
C 1111i1 (111; \.GREY BROTHERS
dIc .rc clt eu ,1 1 ()eeTl a "-N 7J
c re ., ;1 e1 cc
Mork lctrleeeet iee1'. ,,o\oln. TA ILORS
188 1,.i
MCele'' r i "k - 31 ? " I sn

ACCEPTE-D iBY I N leeIM Ni Ii'N i e('tlloteg, ('tresI,., O S. 8 ('e t
sety. Io J.
eAmocng tloeo gradnal c tets Itwh o Mr ln, I lalV 01 .,;2t> . 81 i. o-1o J
lease boeen doting suTtees-Nee wri tt ht etA~estetelete Ages 11IZ . tee (51.1and
aceiersiteeis Al., i, llt whoe ttie
is perincipal tof pN it tI leR' M . cleetee l .1 ci eeeet' 636ltt A 1.200le No
Mr. Oeuiiane em asud fte es ne,
ra en oarely receive1dtbyethe, 0t3t i
prgzi e ee r a l e c r t f o i c ie l d , J n e A - l l a ? e l
Ine en deetrecetly.l Mac tell ,P arW teel, . 1(
Fir. OQuillis a rauae fleet. lla
Wesleyane anediwile at haelteesiainM~oad ~ .,0l, ,Am
formed lie ieaI of t t tee til e s t -182t.
ueate of HF ra rdec roI teet h et inese eet siet yN 11a1,Aae t 26 (wrr)
ice received si m strsIere. Tis ' bl
scar he rreelssi lies elttlettsA deI e \cii AJ .,te I t 't1, it ais15 oJ
fromc this untivrsity.!ll = jdn t. \ahcn l.(-(
A__ __ ____ lc rI tie I A,\V I It ' \ilia s

The oledicetmistry butileinieets leitet 8St 1.
paieted selighet gray tlettes he i e-rc rt
eume building.t

(CNtin ca PaI' e 3'et II1

Dry Cleaners
911 N. Vitae Ave.
tit FAi'ttltttS NAN MtitAhNftBANK
l~t~ at $511000 tarplas and Profits $10,000
lteitl niingliesenes5. 3per cent paid
)n ti eelndSaeeeen tt4eephts.Safety De-
enosetitanlrxs to reece tee$2.00 and upwards
I.ti (tt sec', Pres. H. (1. Rteete eAN Vice-Pres.
It A.WIveIM.eeC 'asheier F. T. STOWS, As-t.
the Ann Arbor Savings Bank
C a pi telttock e0,000 Sarpcas $290,000
Rtesouerces $2,5a0o000
.q tGientalBannking--Busineess Tranacated
l~IEeentCheas. E. tdtseuekFres.; W. t)
Ilserritetan, Vice Pes.:e A1. J. FrileeCshier
V.J Boteothe Jneu. V. Sheetear
t in.Arnolel Dr. V:C.Vaghsn
isli.tWade C.F .Mills
Johnete aaerJnoaKaoce
'eel. Il-UCahatee Henry W.Doag:as
etletstian tertin tlan I+'.Zimneerm ei
Comrr>ercial e. kd
Soe .virs~s
CM.-. Mains send Ltber-tv Streets
l es. Vice-Fret.
S. lW. CeARKSON, Caeshier.
C~apital. 100,000. Sarnas andtProfits, $60,000

210 E~. Hwon
Tom waits yourz

TO M LOV1109 S. VaIveralty
F irst Class Boot arid Shoe ,epahr-ira%

r old high shoes

Best prie gives,

ANN ARBOR STEAM DYE WORKS---French and Steam Cleaning
For Fine Gowns, Waists, Woman's Suits and Mein's Clothing

All Spots Removed.

204 E. Wasshiurigtor

If youi are furnishing~ rooms this fall Ibe suxre and conisult
uss, as it will be to youxr advanstage

Fsargsitsr. Car-pets. anid Dnraperies

112-122 E. Liberty

121 Washington L

121 Wahlqts &. PAC ,oPotor5per

Phole S98

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