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July 19, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-07-19

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VOL,. I.



No. 8


612 E. Liberty
Only; one block tronm
the Canmpus
Three good square
,meal s per day
Single Meals 25c
$3:50 per Week
Sunday Dinners 35c
0 0 * I
A hrFor Those Who Wat

Michigan Central Train Hits
F. L. Moran--D, L. Kinney
Drowned at-Chicago
Twooic~higan 10(11 01one iesliing i11
Chicago and tihe other attendling sune-
tmer Cssionl of tiheunaiversity, ilet w itih
violenit deathls Sulnlay, IoUti te i clim
(If a llorrilble laccidlent upon tile tracis
(If the etichiganiCntiral railroad, andi
tile othler succubinoig to tile treacherous
wcaters (If IaChicagoibating lbeaeii.
White walkinlg11u)011tile hiictiigaii
Central trcks near lie alit slaughter
house, Sunday afterinoon, tranlcis tLyster
Moran bIwasiruich a1111inIstanly killedl
iby the easthoundl4 :50 trainl. It is 1111
'11m10wn whethier Moranl siipploseedthat
the traini was approachinlg oil anlother
track or iiot, hut tie apipeared to iay110
attenitionl to lnmrouls lvarnlinlgivhistles.
tis blody was earnied over i~iyords oil
tile pilol of the enlginle before the train
coiiiuli e stotipeid.
Moron wsnfroiii Detroit and w sas a
iiiehr of til eIirla K10p1a Epsiloin
frate rnity hlere. lie wsI takiiig sumli-
iier schlool work ii1 lie hEnginleerinig lie-
plartmlenit, aiidlwas1 a meimblier ofI the class
of i913.
Chicago, July i7.--Cauightinlla mercci-
less tindlertlow, andil worn~ out ill the
struggle againlst a healvy sea, Donald tL.
innely, formrlyri a studetin l l the Uii
versity of Michiigan, elisIdrownedl cli111c
todlay. One of his three com~lpanlionsl with
whiomille11a111goniC bathiin~g ill Lake
Nilichiganu narrow~ly escapledt drowviilg
ishule ateimptinig to rescue hint. Thc

Varsity Men to Tackle Ypsilanti Nor- DURIG SUMMER1
nils Wednesday.
list ibecanse yon are coming to sum-
15 110 ntedo tergua us in sn reason for your not playifig Scatter Over World, Punching1
111 a real teaim if you are so incliiied. CtlPaigW t
Mainager Cushing is oii the lookout for Kis
aniyoineswho caii throw a hall somne- ad DgigSle
wheure near the piointi at which he aims,
andi oiineviio is also reasontahly sure
of gettig ini the way of .the bail if;.T
sotneuie else thiroiws it. .In short we ALL SEARCHING FOR MAWNAW
hive a summter hail te am wchichi lis al-c
ready defeated the Superiors, the lead-t
ers of the City League, by the- score While a few of Mhichigan's athletes
of 16-2, aiid which ian desigins on sev- are biusy representing tlhe university as
cent attir nearhy teams. Memnhers of the sutnener school biase-
SeverliV\arsity players are iiielnded halt teamn,otiter atlietes are spetuding
ill tileline-np, annong theni heing Liu- their sunnmer in differeiit novlel ways.
tininin, Taft, Snow, aiid Hayes. Be- Wil e saume are workoig to pay thteir
siides these are Munson, VMahauley, Rich- hoard hill, otherscmiore fortunate, are
lisidigaiid Schwartz, the ltler a traveliiig.
Yaeplayer. Pitchers are ini great tie- Captaiii Joe Holrnler attd Ralph Craig
lnanld aiid ally eiitryo Bill Doitovain or hare forgotten that thney onuce wvere
Wialter Joihinson are urged to cait altrieals for tine track captaiincy and oii
Mhainger Ciishning at the drug store oii July 13thn they loath hoarded a cattle-
Slate Street an early as possihle. Prac- sitip for Europe. They nave special
ice in hlcd several timtes a week am the reasons for travelilng bly way of a.cattle-
Fair Crouiids. ship, no they nay, at leant. They will
Tine ganie which wan to lehave heeii visit Geriniy, Fraitce, aiid Eiiglaiiilbe-
pilayced wilntilte Ypsi Norunmi team oit fore retuning to Amnerica.
Saturday seas drowvned out iii the see- Haskinls aiid Raniney of "get-niarteul-
11111 inniing afier the locals hallgumn- quiic-faime" are trying to heat alit the
Bred three ruiis to oiie for the visitors, track- stare on htie samin route.
Anlothler elate seas arrainged. for text Of tile fooihall pla ers, Wiatkiuns is
W'sednlesday afteriiooin, anld a large eiiployedl in roiiidiiig up Detroit juve-
cirowd is expected to he 0111. The gainne hues whlo stray from the straight aiid
is opn to everyone, a coliectioiioiiiy uarrow path. George aind Fred Lawtoii
siifficieiit to pay the traveling expenses ire ini charge of the childreun's play-
of the players bleinlg taken. Games are grouiids in Detroit and hay Cite re-
alreadly scheduled agaitnst Northivitle aiid spectively. Botii say itney like thteir
Cliniton, aind also a returin dale at Ypsi. work. Allerdice is also biisy withn
"Younug Amierica," bieiingudirector of a
large hoysn' suimiier camp ini Maiine.
ARCHITECTURE DEPABTMENT Captaiin Benbhriook of the football teami
SHOWS GREAT ADYANCEMENT is workiiig itn Youngstown, Ohio. Nor-
innH-ill, varsity bnasebnall captain, does
tot believe in rent either, aiid is work-
Aithnotughi the youngest hraiich of the iug ini the Coinaltiiies of Uaiiada.

rofeosor Rankin's Lecture Tickles
Audience Immensely
"There are hut a few great men of
lick and ready mtids who do not
iugh, for that one of the discharges of
iie nerve force whichn Itost often causes
listortion of tinc facial imusles arises
iroun the suddeii oitervance of co-
rast ietweeii apparet promise and
iual perforimance," aid Prof. Rankiu
it is lecture Monday afternoon. The
ectiire, eitited 'Wit and Humbr of the
lder Eiigliih Verse,' was in itself a
oiid samnpe of nmoderii hunor, nit kept
tee auienice coivused
"tIn tie art of literatire wit is what
tnitatione is i other arts, ut huiior
teant imtitatioii, for it consit in tie
resnitatioin of real aspects of forms
if life. Wit impluie econtradiction, and
its content is aways tie maltry, however
amintg, aid intenat freqeuntly coi-
tetptihle. Biut while wi is the cackle
of the towni, hnuor is tie wave that
echoes routd the world, for humor is
te preen~tatione of formso of actual life.
line huiitorist lifts itol our view an
aspect of life which exists, while wit
oily riiigs ant soine coitradictiont or
nhsureiity. Hutmor tever reduces life
to mere nlointg, as wit ofteti does. I
should idifferettiate tet thus; wit is
the cottradiction etweenth la which is
not attd that whichi is; umor atd the
tragic are cotradictioin etweeti real
elemntts ie life. When Litcote lays
hare the vacillations of at shifty political
rival, autnd ays, he is like a mtat out,
-eer-hntitng itt a dene fog, aie who,
seeiteg aut ainia in the distance, started
to fire. iHic(wts uncertaintwhether it
wan a dleer or a cow, o te fired very
cautiousy,-sit 55 to sort of hit it if it
was a deer, atd mos it if it was a cow,
that is real life. If tere is cottradic-
I iont in the soreds, thlere in note in tier
tiotglit. Wuit is a narrowing, sn isolat-
tg process, atni, while humor also in
narrowittg, it exists for the etter coi-
prehetusioti of the whloe.
'Thee appreciatioun of bothn wit and
humtnor, therefore, is primnariy tet an
ennotiotua,bhtttanintetelecteal exper-
etece. The enjoyment of wit sud humor
in tieretnjoymentt of the successful exer-
cise of intelectual power, for wit is
dexterity. And yet, tat one does not
appreciate your joke does not imply tat
tee in ditll.
"Aut examnpe fromun a old English
poet, whichi might apply to Annt Aror,
ivan writteit an a parody out The death
of Johnt Moore.
"Not a soutnad le got-tet a guinea or
Atud he looked cotfoundedy flurried,
An Inc blted away witout paying his
And the landlady after him hurried."
Deanu C. Worcester, formerly assist-
anul professor of zooogy here, narrowly
escaped edeath at the hands of Moro out-
laws in the Philippitues Monday. Prof.
'sorcester in now American Secretary
of Interior for the Philippines. But for
the aertess of his bodyguard wvho shot
and killed three of the outlaws he
would have undoutedy perished.
Pootboall seasont opets at Ann Aror
with Case October 8.


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bolliwsldiiscove redi a hllelk awairiaout Enigineerinig departmnt, tine departtuent
out houirtifter the aiciciet. lot Archuitecteure aute Archtitectumra Enmgin-
eeritug, otuly tun a rs old, tan growut
Kiutiuceneredt collegC ini the fail ofii toa reteatrkabnle degree, owitng to the
1907 11111 was a unmeber ufthueSigmtuatuunuual deututteefor graduates:. It with
Nut fraternity. 'Wh bilt' itt AntArorhren graieualte its inst regtular class next year.
was the "n*sports'"ecorrespondtenit for Clue Prof. Etil Lorch, ini speakitng of tine
Detrtoit Free tPresn, autdt a uteumber eof thuemuains for archtitectural workers, said:
staff of thue MichigantDilil. I'riour to "I ktnw of nuo netter hune of work for
eteritug college- hue had spnitta yeam oeu o h asi a taletnt for drsw~ng atud
ubpotn the edtitoal istaff of thue Adritun designt theanthtie field of architeciure. It
'fimeus. insomtetintgewhichnwith emeploy - more
Near theC clone of iis sotphonunure year anudmtoremenet as the ntaioun grogA*Tine
inniey left thue univ ersityo hiacceplt a Wiesnttud S-Midedle-est is feeliung thee
po~sitiotunxwithu a comiti meiali matgaziine, nueed fom capahlemunu, particularly, at
"Styshte," andth aivnithue eploty of thatt thue preenut timne, stne we could place
pierioedicl un til is tnIragic detilh. sev erali timen the nuembher of mete we
lie wan 22 yearnsabet, the sorti of Mr. graduate. Hue stuudent who did not do
andu Murn. JahntutD. Kinnuey elf Aedrin, estuecially good svomk here antd who took
uicht., tutu a ntephce if Cotugressnunt five years to comuplete his college course
IHenury U. Sumith. tinsnut exceeditegly promsing position in
Batihitin hisuomue e tanthill An1thChicago. The salaries of mete tponu
Arbor innte v was e'eedinugly toular gradetationt vary fromn sixty-five to ote
tandi active. htundred dollars per mnth.
"Next year we are inauguratintg a
tsTiuvTF' T cUNS. '-tew course utn Architectural Etugiuneer-
Somnetiume Slundaelihtbteentelesv-' ing hoe wheiche se aim to fit mete for the
cutan tut wteelse o'clock a robbihery ouccurreden uginteerineg side of tine work to take
at thue State Strict bhardwavlre ntore, the place to n certainu extetnt of the
0wne mciyu D.Se. Killints. 'fie buurgarn civil cuigitueers nosy employed itt struc-
gaintedl entranuce too pryinug opel onle of tural cworke. Hue the other hated, the
thur wvinowsitt thee reair of time ntore. ntraighet architecturecoenuries fit studeunts
'fle store evandepeted ouf its entire mtotre for thee designing of structures.
stack of revolvers, ammounuting itt valut e s a itm to give as hroad an educa-
ho nanout eighty dollars. Mr. Killiins hone an ponsibolestud several art courses
believs it to hoethuenworke of amaetetums. arc givetinit thee literary departmenut."

Late onme afternuoonu, a reporter
seas statnditug one thee Uniont porche.Rsiun
wan siftiung down genttly, stud an if it
iked to.
Out fromnethe jauntdiced meuseume
dashed a ine. Straight thtrouogh the
drops tee rushed toward the Miemtorial
huilditng. Right itt the middle of tine
gravel patch he stopped short. the enut
down, lee straighetened up sued opetned
his nmouth : the patteriteg of the raine
drowuned his words. He swaved his
arms. Thetn fronm sit sides came otheer
nmen, front Tappan heath they came, fromt
the Museum, sued frmom the Memorial
huildineg. Janitors they were, if garh
tells the truth.
Thee reporter looked up at thee sky,
rolled up his trousers snothem notch,
turtned up his colsin, and ntarted for
the scene. By thin timne the mete were
dowun on their knees, heads together atnd
hodies radistiung like a great "hlack-eyed
sussat." Then-they vanished.
When the reporter, wonderiung if te
had heen seeineg thiungs, finally arrived he
found only a hard cimcle pountded me the
gravel. But right me the ceunter,-he
stooped closer to nec hetter, was a tiney
glitteriung poinut of emeerald, a BLADE


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