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July 12, 1910 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1910-07-12

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Vor,. 1.

WiHL Ot'-IGAN, TiIiSDAY. T1 2, 10)10

No. S

612 E. 1111 ITY
Open for Summer
Board single week - $3.50
Four weeks - $13.00
Hours Week Dy's
Breakfast - -(i:5to to8:0
Dinner - 1:00 to 1:00
Luncheon - x):00 to 6:30
Breakfast - 8:00 too9::0
Dinner - - 12:0 to1)3:00
Luncheon - 5:2(0 to :30
]t-iglai'mellacIs2o. Srd q
W. H. BARNES, Prop.'t 3 Medic
4LThe address attdipone
ntuber of every student.
Qr.The daily happeigs ton
the Campus.
no~tices of futrte everts.
QILThe suistantee tf Puttilc
lecturca yttu can't attttt.
QiThe -officiIFactyit totces
These things will appear in
STI)DI(NT1S' T'Io ba
50c-A11 Sumer-50c
AddressPress Bldg.
Phone your order if you're not
approached. Both Phones 960


Ypsilanti Editor Gets Queer No-
tions in His Head About
Campus Organization

l he follo\\-1n ; trticltt311\"('1'Slt\' 1: C13f),;;''(' 1:
PI-CSS of J111\ 2
\"ersit\) Crt )ppcd ()llt
the allilli i nleetilly f
1)cyillnin ()f t11o11wr
l('ct fluids t() conS rllCt
a \\'t' Illldel- taii(i f r()I
the ;It(, f)f the odd .111
\\'hlch we IIIIdk-i-sl alid
IIIC MJCllP Ln j 7 1) Ili )11.
th111k S 171''..;('(1 foil- !111:
cract the (wil i11 i11:11 (lclit: hml\ ()fill(, A1111
\\ as opcil k cwlct (1.'(1
:tss(1nlhlcd ill these sdo
arc -rcatl\' (l ttll<i'ti t'tl
"I lit the diffcrencc
fcstc(1 itself w1wil sc)
seemed to 1111111; it \v"!-'
place what nli:llt he c;
silhStlttltC ft)l" tfle s<
IIlis'C' (,ltIIC±' till the
call thcrct(1 to <Il;
,)os(,5 111)nII tilt c1i17If;
he is o1)I)()scd t) z.
caillpai" it for tit. c t
ckc 1111tH the
is I)ai(1 tor.
"1t -zt c111s t) I)c tl,
nlenlher ()f Olt i-.,cl{lt
clltirc° Stitdcllt h"I
a small fee k"I" Vt rt1
maintenatlcc of tll is L
(1() 11ot S( c hm Ill' i
fended or I( IIlv I'll
1nstltittloll I I k c tIIC
1 \II(1 \\-e -Irc illcli
tit attc111f>t 'elloraf t
tit)llal \stcIll the t
dl-Ilikilig. habit will I
Spread ()pposiiiwn. 1
ntol'e cl)nlmclldahle in
Such and ill it, Erich
! statc to illsi<>t tllrtt 11]
create 1111 e12\"er()11111{ ;1
t)f fllcsc stlldC'Ilts Im (
w c r(-call 11
dr tws its St11d"111s f
L'tlitc(l Statcs ;mtl tha
p''pulatloll of the Um
side in 'dr\' tell-it()r\,
t of this prcipwsiti()il of
ca.it ill view of prt)i;p"
the Uluverslt\".
(51'iticis:11 ;IS to cl
t1(i11s there is \\ 1<lc SI)
eelll t() he Icsscniil"
Ile\-C the creation t)f
di-ni f 1- certain :social
crate other thatl to
that will call Foil- 111')ro,
that the chit) will i-ccl
hilt "hick will gladly
>almms. Thi s ('lilt)
1111HIV "IS a Salot)lI
there oi1"11t no )t t(> 1
need for (Ii" Ill f\ 111;2
bacchanalian ()pp()1-11!'

c inccrtin ll 05lacrse stmpofit DRINK SOUR MILK
(1 :11r v lIl))]vv i c15 ( ,dcr I Is
Ic)c1ad 1 511t1 Ill aio~l l- FOR GODOLDAG
-:1olos'ih lot1hY1is cIs(is GOOD AGE
1~ c t1i;5l hec l Explains-
1rcedc.zi1r~te itoth tlbc lar-Professor Newcombe E pan
1:1_ 1n1_--lr Theories of Metchnikoff
-Hap Ha11stins and ",Cap" Ranney DEADLY GERMS MUST BE FOUGHT
Make F lying Trip Abroad
'Il<Il111 ls 0t(1s1111111fasLI'l lt 1111 1 ills
,li~til ,Pc 111WXS t the C111 1'i111 1Professr 1F. C N (w 1 i llpllilll '15
1:,111eY t1I,1t-ed that tril ove tllrc ()11v theo ,111111r) 1111 pe i n :
;i uc1he nl ht lesa t.ha e ecl arie o tacar1: t 1i
said Hap" 1iasinsj idea of lete1ili<c ffi nd thes 1hav
in 1. - i c o te tr t f te boh'i
".V riglt", ,co "C ps"rcj)in er. -I ol v 1ch the ide is hos d. )c' itl

ttheraci- 1 thr11o(ugh11111 boug
"Thlis aIl uill ilitox11t5Sllli Thbroilh
about by he excetie llg)ow1t101 1f tile
t11111in tle intsi nalractll , il ndr l s p e-(I
prevent lithedpurref ce g3.) o
Students and Public are Invited to
'Tll'follow'ing 1mu1sical progranm will
he illill1y11mem ers Ilf tile faclity of
the 111(1 lsi) i lllschoolof 11usic next
The ecitl isgive lcomlimentllary to
(il 11111 ~ll 1 Olt~
ear me ye0windsind 111s...Hlilber
(fromiopra1"Scii o")il
11111 111111 0...ilt......... Schubert
x11111 H wland
Metiet o apriill o
1 Ailert Lockwoodl
Selei'' 5 ed . .. . .. . . l.. lreg
h Ofl ......i.....Lehm~lann
Ithe dy i o ( ........Iartg
Araeii'slile 1o11Bue I11) l \Voiialtes
t IiStrauss-Schltii Icer
Duetc-'Oil rolse11f ilv......C'owen
irlol "Thie Rosse i a~idell")
Alil-n -Avery iDuley, Accomlpanlist.

hear 1111 . i'l and "Cap'.
:_ c t 1111111 ) i i l I 111 a I'i(Lli
1-cel 1Is 11 se It ilh- Si.M ih-
Oi. ll '.11111111 s1 5 ( i ll 11111 r11
ti,1dro in1at"y 11iteit ead
tali c, nin; al in or ll 1lcl0 -
I h;1c(1 t1te'(l111) I bl .illICt
11 Ie l students ari/ i vi/') d.1

111=1 cells. '('(llenbs 1he 111 isaith eli11 0lii (Nt "I?00\'(0\ P E i)
th- cell soo11n__dies._
th cus o c~iltvi tat<) I Ii:151111 11(1'cld:Sttlt Iv1 afternlloo111 didn't seem
homan1 is12 is r ccrig otoafcitteatitetndane at tile- organ
whom 11 te15 10 it 11.Cellslt-oli "1111cll gv \ib r. RichardiKeys Biggs
1111 i ls,)and 111' r 11--Inarcs- or81bed1ill11 istI'll. The first nuamber
by phag:cyties, ithese ipilgocslc i thiu~s o1n1tile'illogr01111101tile "Borowski So-
11111 Utill 111"tla)Ivil o1 t , lis ndn ,No. ."Tis sona toaboosIrever oers
death11 fnll I '"n ecue h ognsiven inlAnn111Arbior ebefore 0112 was
1III 1p''gocy tes a15- Il)ththe5'tllical c iscolitillstylis 10arteriolly dii-
Ic))-)' utae' i - t e reetlnfeet 11td was 111)0tilresomle as lmanyl
cr hI;cts.Tc eellar111"carrieste audilence withs it. The soft
ozrg r i ht hill ecauseit 5 IsI t ry11thll) t tttte 11f till second mIl~oemlenlt 5was
th1l the bact1111ia o f dises ins our 1111 ies11l5much1in Ileonttrast swtittile first. The
are dillontcl. Ni 0tilalut ttscPhag11111tes, 1 lttsa11toososlo'0sintg exceptiortaiiy
Itihee woldlbe man11111111re deats 0frontI welseder '.Tile third mlovemoent was
ilfcts u s iseae 15ethssitandli111 ftller a11theits~er 'arndiworks up to a
the 'lS) seytes tieet'' s of1distrutionll Ii Sumtett" by15Stebbins is very writ
O diseaseian i M11cillkli 111 111it11s atsitch10tis or"gan, andthtie quric
1111111to:b1 aliwarl'oitlll(tll-lnli ll Os, t to es tttregisiratiortsoere well
ou11 11111 el ad u mutsclells s ecttsl
x111~cc )1v11 Ii Ottibe b r owa ietn with alneu'
" hS ittts v~ctt tatthethinis 11")))t t1id))bell)"gMr'. Biggso wn
to e dsied > 1nt 1he ilin i of te el) irstra11111. Ittdepoerted soiiew-lt
phagocyesl (lbt 1te11Mainltenance11 Ioftill 011111tileorchsitral inlteirpretationl but
y,)-htu io - h'atn'clsi -asplinig51tto tteottdiette and u-eli
rder 111 ttat till lv I la w thlstnth ~ir a t- eevd
talck. 'Ms h~ot od ht h e- Te conceert Ioverttue hi'Faulkes ertd-
satlil)ofIactity11IIcm))till illt 1o111any iclidtithergraml anditi eispiltyedi the eapa-
is no 1111ue) to till eithaustbonof 10tteses i tys ofte Ieganort f eavy l)torte pro
becaultse tilly1h1.111Ill)) till 1naturaIi5course I111ti111.

Oy Ray 1D. Weilch .ned Lymanc Bryson
The h"wrdred dollar prize wilxrvter is m~ow ready. Be swire to secuzre a copy before leaving.

University Music w

Press Building, Maynard St.

_.rr!£,,3T:fT.4n...: t _ ''-: i Ya! fi %!

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