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August 17, 1911 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1911-08-17

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Vol II.



No. 2I.

Housing Problem Is Now on the
Way to a Satisfactory


Describes Experiences as
Canoeist on k Historic


In less than three years the Women's Shooting the dreaded iron gates of the
League has practically provideti for tihe Danube, getting arrested iy Servian po-
sousing ted social welfare of tile wom- lice, andcth11r harrowing experienices arc
en (If the uivtersity. Over $.T5,o0o for sitl on the day's programi when you spendu
a residlental hall 11115been raised, and y'our ihoneymoono in a canole 011 tihe'is-
general living eontditiontsihere h(IslenCC tIori ttEopsean riveCr, according tol Prof.
immllenlsely ]setteredl. C.I..bai T ynie, 01111lectred Tuestday
Thte movement nas set o foot its aftertooo(f tis bridal trill from the
July, 19115, liy Clara As'ery' of Detrsit, Black Forest to tile lack Sca. Not-
who gutvC $500 to the womenC o1111COlidli"51ithistlandongthese 11(1usual features elf I
for womeii. Itn the fall of 'to, tite Wo011- tile11rottblc, says thte piofessorlotro
ca's L~eagute at onice took op the work no1 othtet strim willthtIvragerCl Icct
andti appoIitedIMyrtle Whtite to act as5 wihisctnetry 01oCe l 1 i 1or Ile iii r,
f'ian~cial secretarey wss'tii( tonly succeed- dilse
ed ill gettinig 10111y subscriptionsO, b11111 i ' 1 11(1 I I '1~, i 1 1511
aruilsinlg aIiesviperead intelrestand111(enI- ti 'atUl, l r is clcrs lpassedI
Ite east, Miss Wite atid Mr. Zack Rice ihe II so 1 ~e iii cao'er euai.RtI
ef Detroit, Itrelil(cet for ite 111111, visit-swfmosi .);al1<dGi.a
etd sCevCIIIaldormlitorico at Radcif~ife, HIII history, IMS or ieO r=o, tcei
drawn ul p for four resiential halls iere je kvii s
at :Michiganl1comiinllg tile 'goodt p011110 1;:c l cif 1- i:ri3 t
of all. ill i ? t d 1' 1.1
AliIoutI$i5,6u 1h1111C beeniiIaseid thus 1 1 1 111 k ii
far ii t ircn iliicmp ignlI a~lr iI tl at sl te will)ef Ii 1 c,;;(.,,.I I
+. ii I1I;Is s 1511 Liit
(If Chicago, $500; Cdl.F. J Hfecketrlof I illpptr' 'IC boi 1.1cIimmyll, icture-(ti
Detritl, $i,ooo; F'. It.Willkit if Be- Iliaces mn t r.luv wewi,
traiti, fomo.The 1\ess' orkoil meCIIII, tuii brba i' at° ,hr he
ton g them..lDr.iE.lizaMostucrItie liest c r r O intriet111te iver1(1
w11111n'si dllan, tils agreciltoin 1still a ;1\11-C s pcdire IthIe('eaIl; il~i 0 1111
largeCfireple 'in itie hall.' h Il cI' Ii toll alii I I theri--iiis. 'ress-
Miss bAgnie5 1Parkes, '12, 5succeeds5Mi C W ,acit_*'ni 'Ii.' ' c Irelinl~c 1111 1cc
tiehte asfi' nacial siiecretary'l, andlla11 Iiis iia ri lk (livr aC licularix ii.l
elnthuisiastic caign ~iIfur 1)11[(lid 1912 trsIC I , accord in g 1 'Prof. Vani 'I\Ils,
is plannedC~.l rI it, of tiin lier that ch A ohr Ilas <

Prof. Pollock Explains Chemis try of I U J ) 11u v.j L ~~1I fI
the Kitche t -1 nA N
Yesterday' les hi 11C5 te's tiay on the
sOlOnier school liceire ealittilat sothen EDhjUCATIO AL CE TE
Prof. J. 1B. Polliclk givbaae ol i ldo111
inerstic scenece friolltill'acadlemicp1o1n1
lot mtew. Ants hg oilier things, the splear-
CC t0111 his auien~ceiC that bretadi 11115 llii
article of fo11d1lit the stonele, t 1his the N ational Polish Societies Plan to Send Miany
105y1111111 invene atll 511, ithat a refriger-
atlor fil11](if ice 55'ai 11no1 (IcCessaily toa Of Their Countrymen Herefo
germl listirover, a11i1that ia steadyo diet for
511 benzoateli Illsodianmade a life iser- College Training
ance pollicy ldesirab~le.
Istlu (Ii ma111110 fII iiC5C famoiliar prile
essCs wereC knlowsn11several tosadrer
1110, 1111id Pif. Potllock, thei"e )atli LIKEE DEMOCRATIC A M S H R
thas beecicovi eored qJlitlC reTHEtATMOSPHERE
'rehito ic ne a CorsC, thlecavesdwIllsc
10d ill s imp(1 le i a f bread5 liom
I ,-rishcrussed creais.Fill lit Xmost10
II i .ii Ii I t tOn liSt 'ttICn CIhe 15':. "11 etI s t 1 i a3 1 (bcomei 11th e C r eas coli]e iere 1(1111 credits ofteii snperior to
("1111" (('was till'lil'c (el-y (If('oi'i i t 1 1111lish iilcI 'ity I in'he world ' ithose presented hy high schlool IpIli-
Il rl erI 111 111, Y5 "set is saitd I i h'e T is pla be Crte ic l'caesentedto ecals."
':cili re'ii di n rid 1=i e a % allolee IwitiiiitIeC.CXIe ll l i te 11100100 iif Abmericati Polisor-
I'"1 130Itl. 1 i .1 l li'CIolari ill~~its ol.tbolr is tile M1ost de-
to lapse 1 O e ior ii he (11111 1 111 '1111 ,ad d aayS~lt ld is C '111liit ' Iof (t ec 'Oira lc 1 '('1(11. i llg to thse fact that it
1} c 1i str Iil ',;~d tl. 11 0 ro p()l00nill 11 1151 iser ia. ~isaslice. 1 iii I lcve ientI ilaIeliig distasice
ilic a .to u drsi i'1ii l i idtepocs. T mae te l'ni-(i'e ' 1 o' f Sici ' ll li the i'mo il ilt'trilit centers of Polish
loc. t,,s lo! .il oerm a a sua 1tin dreulls li i -intheC 22 o , oa 01 l0lall1y'Ilolin s Cilliiep-, l 'Lwu c ar
bt iip I Cl r ii th (111e iI ir'r I P ic f; 1i r s: icil 10W S.P u lii i, pis Chculisu t lef anee
me t (set frai(,1"IIpe ilriod t' rfl e-l ie a1C 1 'Ci cI iof (ilt Lufflo.l thr rasoin fot'the
t til I1 at iltcom(ltly111 roze]]si 11111 theC .' 1 ii. ti C iie1a s ares odd ((ilofI XiiAboi s to heC filet th1at
C 1 t~il Ileca i 'dfasi 11111:i t iliic II o 1 ' 1 .e 111 i << c):I 111 lo((lst Pocle s re Catholiscs (alld thir reC-
aI" fo d.ii°lr 111c t 111u 11 I i itioii ltfe can10 e well oCCI Cli Ilythe
Tratl ', o oosby chemics Wasi c. 1 te5a1-eiiiiima ch ichof this city.
15 ttso ti lel1 of1 pesi rai on< ' (''iiIIeT e ats ic la ei it:l 1y- the1 5
3lvflvs' i]) i " liii cocli lel Th tot t r 3 o . -r lil s tc ltii aeflludy woirkei t'l
Deio t fsd oiry ry i aic s't z "sill o IiCn'ili tctI d - tbl1cfth 11.1 cs .1 ' '1 1 o .1 d

consuic ''0smalill juslsilies if itesip 1
Itslocino ifo low th Ite' iug and1
CosWl W 1cdt111 1-1 l 1, 1 . 11.i


t t

Siucc liesp IT 01 II 15 t 'sS'iiijc" ic ' sn hch i pitcab 1 l ie 101
h iell h'9 IiC sp111(11' 1 if tic 11(1st ( 1 1s 1 ar If t e c tile 1or sal I ,t e C o
'J"st lecult tii'St\udiiei 1 illm-elon"s arllsIo
of Mrs. JorCdii,11thlt thIl St r d 'IC I. an T 1 < 'lclueicIc <
hoihl IIa 11((ss meetinig if all lit' in eli ich s -l i
and1 p ropolsei' a n o11 sll i ol d fill' I iiiItily '11dt« II
The I'd 0(111 \i1(O h itfithe'eiact11(1t.11 tie Ira wIs u
openC d the i1('irst( ear i e'. till' 51111111 1, IIilltehn so h lii anot so ocry'
the senifo'r 5. 1iu't1 a151 e legu lll 1 I
each 11e111onsibleC forItilling o oseo1 t su"AA A ACH(IST.
Thi'suclcessofiIIllsse es l ed Iilto itie Ifn'sIC'aking";iofapicture Cof the5 Ser1(111
ela'rgleent of thue proposed lanid a nd10th I aae tBegad.1wih1ar
ill((( e~t h(nd1911 morI'eIllhoss leeladddu thrown511 11111'the s'cnci f.V nT r
ill tie list. 1sadu" l i t~e tis icueI rd
Ill each'uIh iime girls aepoiu d wtt' to e l h eriasi Ioiice I il ii h
p ros or libieli' h'uslf enetining 1( ad1(hon')wit c ihI t s us o 1(111
Eacuuhigrupil1 is organ(Iid wuith an tippeil o No i t-- tiii al c. w sIrrst
class firlto tul d as ''i ln5t ic had," eachi ciiand(l pentain telrstiull day illutic
(Cotiuethon IPage ;') (Lii rilued 11in Page3.

S 1 11 a1 C1
suliellssr iit'uller

,c i l ,1ii d pro
iei. c I I l rere
5, I'
nolt. b'iisoil 110

V1IAL LECTtUIRtl 191 511,tIlii
011111 1 .ctir 5 u " hel~te lia
i~crt of thelFly," lwill he livn M t'e
West 1)1ti ics al)t ,m orcaw eve iug at
7:0 1 -O.C. .l tNeof heb -
log :3, , ini-i~ rt , t larkUn'v1sit.
lie vii1 < tt lvr tlc als~pies ilih
ArtiTii'< -uloss Astx~ttitll 'The
.cttl\ r CCI~ic~lli Ilrbou r viSwl

cm t)A eicaI e' 0ii Rso in Po i cl teu ii isi, neitis alr teaduy lni ice-
w~eete etoi . on fthe is 111111 ti ro1 Zoski1"s I havue Ibee
cl teexeineitilthestiverll's I'C't'lleter' ee" dyfriomuyoung
ide otee hywr 'red1fr1(1t Poles z vrI h 1utr sf us"' for' at-
sco)s i n I I Iihe losieihfor in~tsa l( rs enflitcalc oh iluiga f tu-
b.tn a id hs provis hau'eiusanudi (!(:Its, ti i tcri rc e 'iiolia ((as
(' tp o tl e° (wil ;enuis 11111111111 te s l ),,tiedilr _ y PCiii Zmski. Its
I il<,fo d s siei I ' 11 .I' ia aeo o, s 1. t~d-o h ifis'ry and
I hi lihelc iti t 1.111 tll il II Xii (. 1 1i cr~ ir PInd r f hate it 1(a1
'ii, t hi a Ilft i i il if en e isaiitiCesctoilthec new or llI-
ili()vei;(1?f to r lillm. Li y i l ult
Beat Lits Ott of First Place in Cam= Ml. A. C. Ptresident Approveus Plant of
pus League Jouining U. of M.
111 ci i eetin ot1eu'chl 111ol iii Pu's 1d' iitlouaan uLP. Snrert'of lie
of -theu' 511111 'ii Oil lc hol-n tease- I'u' 51 bchan .bguiciiluusuai C( ihege a.11ain515g
J'al .0h eru , lit lefatiiig Phe ]1111byha'hs ci 1 Ion-s .15"itli an1approale 1of
thIc'r orif i-i..St-ewosrd lNvf111as i-coeror Osborii'. delaion ths at 1St.
tai flio Idin5 hi itl(1101 1 rltconests A5 . C. 'itdh 'ld le sate.Coliege iff1AtinCs
fI) Ithe cii ineIII heonl Srii re sid l l ' aid ill p -u' lle one li-ilertitg
rech,( Ii-t 1ila as,' ti'1 secod alld 1eof bInit to alConci erned1is the O01111
ci ho1l5 ila .,11(11 1 IiRinugt k he 0109 nedCIIatar.
I'll )aile siii r f~(rattfcor n ctisldoio ee:'."ihesail
the nginers(;I C.c wt5tnir eyrceO ii us ibte lil -nA ricishtur-
litti C i 111le e 11th'3 'years of achiievemient
beh Ce5 1 inulul , andatihle Stale Ciollegedof
1 1it:;1.... a'(' --o-026 s3 3Sises, wti' 2years of splen~did ovork
0it 0... 1i--or noo-0oo-0 o 0 i srdit cotuld Ihccoislsetely absoorb-
1at 111(1 ngieesIC-Daid1on011 d(d, hnt11 1'1111hink'th'("ICe is c'iomleue
1Tc'lc~c ;Iits Wigis ad c~le" thyI c ois u'sld lie cloely aifiietd with the
---- -ulver siti andi no01lose Isy i. 'Thuere is
FiAT 0! 'lC'DIEa DI' t'L'l DING 1n0 quesioconcderning tie vsluie of a
1 S 1.3 TO 91: DE3 C IZINCD. Liv esitsof bMtciianudilomta, andi it
______ could n(01fail to "iv e greater prestige to
511101 I' il11110 Cl i iIle osaols of ltetie gradiuateitian adiplhomsa fromsitile
old Iile'duca'libuilings"asisuse0tCnotbiecon srte schus xi
Secie i bSly 11 aiutitie~ls wosimiet out "Th'e greates1thdiityaith the prop-
'uScdli sdlasilo coni dir the prolem. sition'a wouldbietn the "overninghboard.
At all evsi all eyert till Ise enmployed Unlder tile presenlt system the offlee de-
t aseertin the worthl of owhatreemismasuusis oily twoor01three days a month.
a1(1(1whsethsePse owalls still tanidligsee If there weere the three iiistitutions to
svorthbelig utilizedas use futidsametital took after.,tiowever,thue diemuanids tihst
of a inew us ilding. T'heecast sectionl of he touch hleavier. If remunuersati, in
the bsuidinug', whtich sas little injutred hy the way of a salary, is offered, thse stsie
tile dere, ailltFe preserv'ed and used either wilt not he able to secure as efficiet
as a musseutm or a medical library. men"


it " N _ _ __ 7c _ nu

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